Speech therapy presentations. Presentations for speech therapists Interactive presentations for speech therapists

November 18

The presentation can be used for various games (“Come up with a word”, “Determine the place of the sound in the word”, “Right-wrong”, etc.). The presentation allows an adult to evaluate the completed task indirectly: by turning on a red or green traffic light. This way the child's attention is maintained throughout the game. At the end, a musical surprise awaits the baby.

July 29

The archive contains a multimedia presentation for individual speech therapy classes on the topic: “Our city, our street (Vladimir)”, as well as text files with notes and presentation structure. Thanks to this presentation, it is possible to solve a large number of correctional and developmental problems (setting and automating the sounds S, Ш, L, R based on syllables, words, phrases, poems and texts, consolidating lexical and grammatical concepts, developing fine and articulatory motor skills, developing strong air flow, phonemic hearing, attention, memory, thinking). Selecting the appropriate slide is done using the “Menu” button in the lower left corner of the screen.

January 31

The presentation provides step-by-step instructions for creating a questionnaire that can be sent by mail or posted on a website (forum). All results are processed automatically and presented in the form of tables and graphs. This tool can be useful for teachers in working with parents, as well as for the purpose of finding out the opinions of colleagues on an issue of interest.

January 08

The presentation contains game tasks for conducting articulatory gymnastics (“Visiting the crocodile Gena”, “Remember”, “What’s missing?”, “Matryoshka”, “Room”, “Associations”, “Couples”, “Fragments”, “ Butterflies”, “Patterns”, “Beads”, “Clouds”). The proposed articulation exercises are intended for children who cannot pronounce the sound R. The tasks also contribute to the development of perception, memory, attention and thinking.

Who is a speech therapist? Speech therapy session. Speech therapy. Speech therapy lesson on the topic. Speech therapy massage. Speech therapy examination. Consultation with a speech therapist. Individual speech therapy session. Secondary speech therapy group. Recommendations from a speech therapist. Summary of individual speech therapy sessions. My speech therapy album.

Open speech therapy session. Speech therapy project. Speech therapy chants. Speech therapy session in 3rd grade. Speech therapy support. Portfolio of a speech therapist teacher. Work of a speech therapy center. Speech therapy session in a preparatory group. Summary of a speech therapy lesson in a middle group on the topic. Technology of speech therapy examination.

The relationship between the work of a speech therapist and a teacher. Speech therapy workshop. Organization of speech therapy work in preschool educational institutions. Interaction between speech therapist and parents. Preschool speech therapy center. Organization of speech therapy work in preschool educational institutions. Interaction in the work of a speech therapist and educators.

Methodological recommendations for speech therapy diagnostics. Interaction in the work of a speech therapist and a teacher. Work of a speech therapist with children with visual impairments. Speech therapy lesson 3rd grade. Features of speech therapy work with children with mental retardation. Summary of GCD in the preparatory speech therapy group. School of a young speech therapist. Speech therapy massage for the correction of dysarthria in preschool children.

CORRECTIONAL WORK OF A TEACHER IN A Speech Therapy Group (under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard). Ode to a speech therapist. Speech therapy lesson Topic: “Syllables. Lesson of the first stage of speech therapy work. Formation of grammatical structure in speech therapy classes. Organization of speech therapy classes at home.

The goal of the game is to develop children's word formation skills. The game is used when working individually with a child or when working in small groups. Children's age is 5-6 years. The game is aimed at strengthening children's ability to form relative adjectives on various topics, at activating children's vocabulary and at developing coherent speech.

Target audience: for preschoolers

The presentation was created for children with severe speech impairments in order to practice the use of singular nouns in indirect cases (dative/genitive) or practice the use of possessive adjectives. Depending on the goal setting of the lesson, you can change the questions: Who will we give the tail to?/Whose tail is this?/Whose tail?”
Animation when you click the desired picture, changing slides when you click a trigger button.
The last slides are a surprise moment and resources used.

In a playful way, children learn to identify the first sound from the names of pictures and determine its softness. Bunnies help determine whether tasks are completed correctly.
This simulator can be used both in lessons when covering the topic “indicating the softness of consonants by vowels of the second row,” and in speech therapy classes. The resource can be used during frontal work, during classes with a group and individually. This type of work develops phonemic hearing, sound analysis, and if given the task of writing down the names of pictures, it also strengthens the skill of indicating the softness of consonants in writing.

This work can be used in a group lesson or during individual work with students who are experiencing substitutions of paired consonants in writing.
Work on the development of phonemic hearing (distinguishing P-B by ear) is carried out in an entertaining and interesting way for children. Writing exercises are then given to spell these letters correctly in words.
All tasks are given in stages: first, paired consonants are given in words in a strong position, then in a weak position, when you need to use the rule for the correct spelling of consonants in words.
This activity can also be used to work with preschoolers who have phonemic hearing impairment.

Target audience: for speech therapist

This interactive didactic game is intended for both individual and subgroup lessons on the formation and development of phonemic hearing, sound analysis and synthesis skills. Can be used on an interactive whiteboard and computer.

The child identifies the first sound in the name of the object and gives a description of this sound.
The consonant hard sound is indicated in blue by clicking on the corresponding circle.
Consonant soft sound - green by clicking on the corresponding circle.
Vowel sound - in red by clicking on the corresponding circle.
If the answer is correct, a bell sounds, the corresponding circle remains on the screen, the rest disappear.
If the answer is incorrect, the sound of a hammer sounds.
When you click on the picture, a letter appears indicating the first sound in the word.
We form a word from the first sounds of the names of objects.

Target audience: for speech therapist

In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in the number of children with various speech disorders. Writing and reading disorders are especially common. Reading disorders in children have been studied for a long time, but even today it is one of the most pressing problems in speech therapy. Correction of these types of disorders requires targeted and painstaking work by teachers, speech therapists, and parents. To make this process interesting, educational and not boring for students, it is necessary to diversify the work with various games and exercises that would break the stereotypical idea of ​​reading as a boring activity.

Target audience: for speech therapist

Children with phonemic processing disorders may find it very difficult to identify identical sounds in words. This material is intended for the stage when students can not only divide words into syllables, but also find the common syllable in two words. When all the syllables are highlighted, you need to make a sentence out of them, writing it down correctly.

To determine the correct answer, you need to click on the envelope. If a child is experiencing difficulties, you can get help by pressing a button. The “Magic Envelope” technological technique was used to create this simulator.

Target audience: for 1st grade

Presentation on the topic: "Prevention of Dysgraphia."
The problem of written language disorders in schoolchildren is one of the most pressing, since writing and reading become the basis and means of further learning. I.N. Sadovnikova
The development includes exercises aimed at correcting dysgraphia.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Organization of speech therapy work in kindergarten Municipal preschool educational institution of a combined type No. 20 “Katyusha”, Bryansk

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The “CHILDHOOD” program is a program for the enriched development of a preschool child, providing a unified process of socialization - individualization of the individual through the child’s awareness of his needs, capabilities and abilities. The authors of the “Childhood” program focus on introducing children to goodness, beauty, and non-violence, because it is important that preschool age becomes the time when a child awakens a sense of belonging to the world, a desire to do good deeds and deeds, and to participate in environmental protection.

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Program of speech therapy work to overcome phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech Compiled by: T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina Program of speech therapy work to overcome general speech underdevelopment Compiled by: T.B. Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova, G.V. Chirkina

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The main objectives of correctional and developmental education are: development of speech understanding; activation of speech activity and development of lexical and grammatical means of the language; formation of the pronunciation side of speech; development of independent, detailed phrasal speech; preparation for mastering basic writing and reading skills

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A speech therapy examination conducted at MBDOU d/s No. 20 “Katyusha” helps to identify the dynamics and features of the progress in the correctional educational process of each and every one of the children in the group. Children are examined by kindergarten specialists: speech therapists at the beginning of the school year (1st and 2nd week of September) and at the end of the school year (3rd and 4th week of May). The data from the speech therapy examination are recorded in detail in the speech card. During the examination, the speech therapist identifies the scope of the child’s speech skills and compares them with age standards (sound pronunciation, syllabic structure of the word, phonemic analysis and synthesis, vocabulary and grammatical structure of the child’s speech). The speech therapist uses the diagnostic results obtained during the examination for further correctional work with children in the following types of activities: Planning educational and correctional work with children; Selection of program general education and correctional tasks; Using modern methods and technologies of developmental education; Creation of a subject-development environment; Organization of subgroup and individual work with children; Group recruitment; Determination of the temporary load for each child. Speech therapy examination

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Forms and means of organizing educational activities by participants in the educational process in a compensatory group Teacher-speech therapist frontal, subgroup, individual correctional classes Music director - chants, onomatopoeia; - musical and rhythmic games, - finger games; - exercises for the development of auditory perception, motor memory, breathing exercises; - sketches for the development of expressive facial expressions and gestures; dramatization games. Educator - frontal, subgroup ECD for speech development using didactic games and exercises for the development of all components of speech using exercises for the development of articulatory motor skills, fine and gross motor skills; - excursions, observations, experimental activities; - conversations, situational conversations, familiarization with works of fiction. - solving problem situations Child Physical Fitness Instructor - games and exercises for the development of general and fine motor skills; - exercises for the formation of correct physiological breathing and phonation exhalation; - active, sports games with speech accompaniment to consolidate the skills of correct pronunciation of sounds; - games to develop spatial orientation. Swimming instructor - games and exercises on the water to develop general and fine motor skills; - exercises to form correct physiological breathing, inhale and exhale into the water; - outdoor, sports games on the water with speech accompaniment to consolidate the skills of correct pronunciation of sounds; Parents - games and exercises to develop the child’s articulatory motor skills; - monitoring the completion of tasks and the child’s pronunciation; - implementation of the recommendations of the speech therapist.

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Organization of speech therapy work Group and subgroup classes for children in the group with special needs are primarily focused on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language and the development of coherent speech, the formation of sound pronunciation. Speech therapy classes are conducted 5 times a week. In-class training is the main form of correctional and educational work with children. The program provides 2 types of classes: subgroup individual classes. Individual and subgroup classes are aimed at correcting individual speech deficiencies or other deficiencies in the psychophysical development of pupils, which create certain difficulties in mastering the program. Conducted 2-3 times a week with each child. The knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by the child in individual speech therapy sessions are reinforced by educators, specialists and parents.

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Individual lessons Objectives: to teach the child to master the correct articulation of each sound being studied and automate it in different facilitated phonetic conditions, i.e. isolated, in a syllable, in words.

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4 stages of correction work on the formation of correct sound pronunciation Correction of impaired sound pronunciation is carried out in stages.

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1. Preparatory stage Development of articulatory motor skills Formation of a directed air stream

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Articulatory gymnastics Articulatory gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, developing strength, mobility and differentiation of movements of the articulatory organs. The goal of articulatory gymnastics is the formation of full-fledged movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, the ability to combine simple movements into complex ones necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds, their ability to rearrange and work in a coordinated manner.

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Rules for conducting articulation gymnastics 1. Articulation gymnastics is carried out daily 2-3 times a day for 5-7 minutes, sitting in front of a mirror, with the obligatory observance of correct posture. 2. It is necessary to achieve clear, smooth execution of movements. 3. At first, articulation exercises are performed slowly, leisurely, but gradually, as you master them, the pace increases. 4. A complex of articulatory gymnastics is selected depending on the group of disturbed sounds. becomes more complex and expanded through new exercises and series of movements. 5. Each exercise is performed from 5 to 10 times. The number of repetitions increases as articulatory motor skills improve, in parallel with an increase in the tempo of movements. 6. It is possible and desirable to perform articulatory gymnastics with counting and poetic accompaniment.

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Preparatory stage Development of fine motor skills Formation of phonemic processes

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The ability to correctly and clearly pronounce all speech sounds is normally formed in a preschooler by the age of five. But not all children can independently learn to pronounce some particularly difficult sounds of their native language. And parents often do not pay attention to speech defects, thinking that the situation will improve on its own when the child grows up. The most difficult sounds for children to pronounce are “r” and “l”, as well as hissing and whistling sounds.

In the “Speech therapy presentations” section there are interesting presentations with interactive support on the automation of vowel sounds “a” and “s” and the consonant sound “r”. Each presentation includes articulatory gymnastics and game exercises for pronouncing an isolated sound.

Published January 17, 2014 - 20:38 by admin

speech therapy presentation for preschoolers “Automation of the sound “a” Suitable for conducting speech therapy classes in kindergarten or elementary school.

Presentation Objectives

- Automate sound [a] isolated;

Develop phonemic awareness and voice strength;

Activate children's speech vocabulary

The presentation includes the following tasks:

- Articulation gymnastics

Game "Feeding the Chicks"

Exercise “Anya is crying” (pronouncing an isolated sound)

- “Doll and doll” (pronounce the sound in a low and high voice)

"Capriculous doll"

Pronouncing the words shown on the slides with the sound “a”

The sound "a" in poetry

Published January 17, 2014 - 20:10 by admin

This is very interesting and fully interactive. speech therapy presentation for preschoolers “Automation of the sound “r” Suitable for conducting speech therapy classes in kindergarten or school.

The presentation will help the speech therapist conduct a full-fledged lesson on automating the sound “r”, and on each of the 11 slides of the presentation there are various tasks, for example, the following:

1. Around the letter “r”, collect pictures whose names contain the sound [r]. If the name of the picture does not have the sound [r], place it next to the crossed out letter “r”. First we ask the child where he wants to place the picture, and then check (by clicking).

2. Remember the tongue twister.

3. It is necessary to tell a story based on the picture presented, using as many words as possible with the sound [r].

4. What does the letter “r” look like? Read or recite from memory.

And also others.

All tasks provide the child with the opportunity to choose the correct answer and pronounce the required words.