The Internet in my life - essay in English with translation. Essay (topic) on the topic “Internet” in English How the Internet essay helped me

Internet: pros and cons.

The Internet is a huge platform for the opportunity to realize yourself, find something you like and go where you have never been. However, not everyone takes advantage of this opportunity...

So, let's look at the pros and cons of this web. Let's start with the good stuff.

Firstly, there are limitless possibilities for self-realization. There are many courses on the Internet to teach you anything: even how to hack pages. Here you don’t have to go anywhere - sit at home, drink tea and study.

For example, do you want to learn a foreign language? Tutors via Skype, all possible resources will help you. You just need to find something that is closer to your soul, and now you can study at any convenient time (another plus).

Don't need studying? Do you have extensive knowledge of something? Share, teach someone, create a website, attract an audience, benefit someone.

Another opportunity to meet. Finding friends with similar interests and maybe from other countries will not present problems in the 21st century.

And much more…

But besides the pros, there are also cons.

The first disadvantage: not only normal people use the Internet.

Since it is impossible to see the person sitting on the other side of the monitor, to find out what is going on in his head, this poses an immediate danger. If you fall under the influence of such people, you can lose money, or even be killed (there have been such cases).

This is where the hackers come from.

Viruses are the scourge of the 21st century. And what computers don’t store, how many secrets they know. And having acquired such information, you can frame a person, disgrace him and ultimately blackmail him, which is something no normal person would want.

Second minus: Degradation of people.

As stated, not everyone uses the Internet correctly. Falling under the influence of the Internet, people do not realize how much time they are wasting.

Eg. Imagine a bank that gives you $86,000 every day, which you are required to spend, and the bank takes the rest for itself. And so every day.

Of course, you would strive to spend every dollar. So $86,400 is your time. Each new day gives you 86400 seconds, taking away the rest.

Scary numbers. And many people spend most of their time looking at stupid posts on social media. networks, selfies and editing, and then they also shake because of likes...

Third minus: Rudeness.

There is an opinion that no one sees us on the Internet, does not follow us, etc. But in vain. All visits are tracked. Have you noticed that when you go to a site with fashionable dresses, you will then be offered advertisements with offers to buy dresses, etc. Watch. Sometimes it's funny)

It’s very easy to be rude and rude on the Internet, because you don’t see the person, you’re safe. And then it becomes normal, it becomes a habit, and as they say, “Habit is second nature.”

Unfortunately, we do not use all the opportunities that the Internet provides us. After all, for success, for profit from the Internet, you need patience, work, will, but, alas, people don’t like to put in effort. Everyone wants something easy, but in this world nothing comes for free... This is how we live.

Friends, below you will find an essay on the topic “Internet” in English. You can modify it by adding a little of your thoughts and using the useful phrases given at the end. Good luck!

The Internet appeared not so long ago, but now we can’t imagine our life without it. It has entered many spheres of our life and simplified it so much that we will refuse this invention under no circumstances.

We use the internet in many ways: we communicate with people, even with those who live abroad; we share our knowledge, emotions, feelings and experience by means of blogging or microblogging; we find any information in less than a minute; plan our trips, book flight tickets, and hotels; purchase clothes and other items, too.

In other words, we have a wide range of online activities which help us to get in touch with people, learn something new every day and be aware of everything happening in the world. We have got used to this level of information accessibility due to which we feel more confident and free to express our viewpoint.

However, the internet is not always a blessing as we become extremely addicted to it and may lose our communication skills. The fact is that we now tend to get stick to our smartphones and other electronic devices and neglect real communication.

This may lead to loneliness and difficulties building real relationships with people. That’s why we should control the amount of time we spend online and not to forget about our families and friends. We won’t become closer if we keep in touch only virtually.

The internet can be a blessing, but we should use it carefully in order not to turn the blessing into a curse.


The Internet appeared not so long ago, but now we cannot imagine our life without it. It has become a part of many areas of our life and has simplified it so much that we would not give up this invention for any amount of money.

We use the Internet in different ways: we communicate with people, even those who live abroad; we share knowledge, emotions, feelings and experiences through blogs and microblogs; we find any information in less than a minute, plan trips, book plane tickets and hotels, buy clothes and other goods too.

In other words, we have a wide range of online activities that help us connect with people, learn something new every day and keep up with everything happening in the world. We are accustomed to such a level of availability of information, because of which we feel more confident and freer in expressing our point of view.

However, the Internet is not always a good thing as we become very dependent on it and can lose our communication skills. The fact is that we now tend to stick to our smartphones and other electronic devices and neglect face-to-face communication.

This can lead to loneliness and difficulty building relationships with people. Therefore, we should control the amount of time spent online and not forget about family and friends. We will not become closer to each other by maintaining relationships only virtually.

The Internet can be a gift, but we need to use it carefully to avoid turning it into a curse.

Phrases and words

The Internet has burst into human life very tightly. In almost every home, people use the World Wide Web. The Internet has many advantages, but it also has some disadvantages.

Using the Internet, you can read books, watch movies, and search for the necessary information. You don't need to go to the library to read the book you need. You don't have to go to the cinema - after all, all films are available online. If you need to write a report on a complex topic for school, the necessary information can also be found on the Internet. My mom often finds new recipes online and spoils us. And dad likes to watch the news. Thanks to the Internet, you can communicate with friends on social networks, as well as find new interesting interlocutors from other cities.

But there is another side to the coin. Some people become addicted to the Internet and spend days on end on it. They play strange games that have a bad effect on the psyche, skip school, and forget about homework. And some don’t even leave the house at all. This is very bad.

People react differently to the development of the Internet. My grandmother has a negative attitude towards modern technologies and believes that they allow young people to degrade. I completely disagree with her. The Internet is not only scary games, but a lot of useful information, news, books. You can find out the answer to a specific question within 2 minutes, no need to open huge encyclopedias or go to the library. On the Internet you can follow events happening in the world without waiting for news on TV. You can follow the lives of your idols on social networks. Thanks to the Internet, it is possible to develop your potential, make a career or become famous. You can also make money. Some people make money on social networks, others on various other resources.

I believe that the Internet does more good than harm. The main thing is to be able to use it correctly. The Internet is our future.

Option 2

In the modern world, scientists have made many inventions to make human life easier and improve the quality of life. These are all kinds of household appliances, various equipment, computers, the Internet. The Internet can rightfully be called one of the best inventions, since almost every person currently uses it.

Using the Internet can be beneficial if used correctly. For example, there is a lot of information and books there, and therefore you can find and read any book, even one that is not in the library or school. Thus, the Internet is useful for schoolchildren and students.

The Internet can be useful in everyday matters. For example, you can use it to pay utility bills without leaving your home. You can order cinema tickets via the Internet or watch any newly released film online. Music lovers can watch live broadcasts of various concerts that are not always shown on TV. Purchases of necessary goods can be made through online stores and paid for without leaving your apartment using an electronic card, and the goods can be delivered directly to your home if desired.

The Internet can also be useful for those people who are temporarily unable to work, for example, disabled people, women on maternity leave. There are many ways on the Internet for permanent and temporary work. This could be promoting your business on the Internet, selling handmade goods, selling photos on special websites, making money by entering captcha, writing articles for websites, and much more. Every person can earn money via the Internet, regardless of gender and education; for this, the most important thing is to have desire, patience and perseverance.

With the help of the Internet, close people who are separated by a long distance can communicate. For example, relatives living in different countries, or friends who, for one reason or another, moved to another place. To do this, you just need to download a special Skype program, with which you can also visually see the interlocutor.

Despite all the positive aspects, the World Wide Web can cause great harm to humans. Recently, schoolchildren have been spending too much time on the Internet and using it incorrectly. Instead of visiting friends, they communicate through social networks. It is also important to remember that there are scammers and evil people not only in the real world, but also in the virtual one, so it is advisable for parents to control their child and monitor who he communicates with.

The Internet can contribute to the development of addiction, even without the person noticing it. People who spend a lot of time on the computer may develop serious health problems over time due to a sedentary lifestyle. Also, inept use of the Internet can lead to unnecessary waste of money.

Essay 3

The World Wide Web has already enveloped millions of people all over the planet, and they simply cannot imagine their life without the Internet. Now almost every home can afford an Internet service, including me, who is an active user. The Internet contains a lot of different information, so it is important for me as a student to be able to use search correctly and be able to sort information. After all, there are a sufficient number of negative sites where, in addition to viruses, you can find useless or even untrue information.

If we move away from the topic of study, then in addition to science, you can find various entertainments. For example, it has now become possible to watch new films, download them, listen to your favorite music, and play games. All this helps to distract yourself and relax; of course, you shouldn’t get carried away with spending time in front of the computer, because it’s harmful in the first place.

One of the main advantages of the Internet is communication, email, Skype, various social networks, all this helps us find old friends, relatives or just acquaintances. At the moment, even if a person has left for another country, you will always have the opportunity to keep in touch with him. As mentioned earlier, thanks to the fact that you can communicate, it is easy to find like-minded people, for example, I love photography, I post photos on the network and receive positive feedback and opinions from other people. The Internet even allows you to make purchases and pay for them without leaving your home.

Despite the considered advantages of the World Wide Web, there are also a number of disadvantages. Computers have recently increasingly attracted the younger generation, and this threatens to harm their health in the future. Another strong passion for the Internet does not allow a person to live an ordinary life; as we know, time spent at the computer passes very quickly, which means that we have little time left for household chores. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully plan your time for what you want to do.

Another problem is constantly sitting at home in front of a computer or laptop; the virtual world replaces the real one, and this is not good. If it even gets to the point where you don’t have to go out for shopping, then serious consequences follow. A sedentary lifestyle, lack of sociability, and this is only a small part of the problems. But, in essence, the Internet brings a certain relief to our lives; it is much more convenient for us to study, pursue our hobbies, and learn something new. Therefore, the main thing is to use common sense, filter information and be careful.

Essay on the Internet

Today, in the age of technology development, it is difficult to imagine your life without the Internet. After all, everything is there: films, TV series, books, games, regional and world news. This is not the entire list of what can be found online in the public domain.

Of course, structures like Roskomnadzor try to block certain resources with dubious content, but this is often useless. Firstly, there are now ways to bypass blocking, such as VPNs and proxies, which allow you to change the country where a certain resource is allowed and go there. Secondly, one site is blocked, and tomorrow another exactly the same one appears, only with a different address.

To deal with all this, it is necessary to block the Internet completely, which, of course, is impossible. But if adults themselves can filter the information they receive, then children are in no way protected from negative influences.

But Internet access cannot be completely restricted. Parents just have to watch where their child goes and talk. Yes, there is a lot of information on the Internet, both useful and harmful. You need to learn how to filter information yourself, and then teach your children, because technological development does not stand still.

You can’t protect your child from everything, even though you really want to, but now they learn about everything as quickly as possible thanks to the Internet. You can go to YouTube and watch videos on any topic of interest, except pornography, of course. This resource has certain rules that prohibit this video format.

There is no need to prohibit your child from watching certain videos or reading certain news. You just need to sit down next to him and explain why the person behaves this way and not otherwise. Today this is the only correct way to raise your child. Make sure that the child grows up as a human being, with moral principles and values.

Essay The benefits and harms of the Internet. For your essay, take 10 sentences that you like

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The Internet has firmly entered the everyday life of modern people. With its help, you can always find the information you need, make a video call at any time, and pay for various services. Thanks to the Internet, almost limitless opportunities have appeared in all areas of life.

Good or evil?

The Internet plays a serious role in our lives. But it definitely cannot be called good or evil. In this regard, one can metaphorically compare the World Wide Web to a kitchen knife. With its help you can prepare a delicious lunch. Or you can kill a person. And everyone makes their own choice and is responsible for its consequences. The Internet is good or evil depending on the individual. After all, if he chooses addiction or harm to his health, he will have to “pay the bills” on his own in the future. Those who use the Internet for good will see positive aspects in it.

Positive sides

There are many advantages of the Internet that can be listed:


You can also list the weaknesses of the Internet:

Life without the Internet

Once upon a time, computers and the Internet were not as important to people as they are now. Everything gradually began to change with the advent of game consoles. Many people remember the games “Mario”, “Contra”, “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” and “Tanks”. This was the first alarm bell - gradually technology began to break into human life. Children and teenagers would spend hours in front of the TV screen trying to beat the next level of the game, and then they would eagerly share their victories with their classmates. Gradually, the Internet became more and more important in our lives. However, at that time it was very far from widespread mass participation.

Time began to rush at the speed of sound. Yesterday's children grew up, worked at textbooks, preparing for exams all night long. Life did not always bring pleasant surprises. The children changed, and life itself changed. And now the first mobile phones began to appear. The computer has gradually replaced everything - now libraries are empty. You will no longer see children on the streets playing musketeers with wooden sticks. All this has become unfashionable. The Internet in our lives has begun to replace other sources of information and methods of entertainment. And why should children play “mother and daughter” or imagine themselves as musketeers, if with the help of a computer they can become rulers of the universe or have their own virtual home?

Virtual communication has replaced real communication

The final nail in the coffin of live communication between people was social networks. Everything was completely turned upside down. Now we have stopped enjoying real communication - everything happens in the virtual world. A person expresses emotions through round yellow pictures; he posts his innermost thoughts on a blog, closely monitoring the likes and reactions of other Internet users. Of course, people haven't stopped meeting each other. But this communication has become more bland, and is increasingly being replaced by virtual communication. There is practically no time left for the natural satisfaction of psycho-emotional needs.

Of course, we can also say that at all times progress has been blasphemed, yearning for the old days. However, everything must have a reasonable limit, a balance. The Internet in our lives today leads to addiction among people of all ages. Modern society has witnessed that the balance first began to leak slightly, and then slowly began to tip to one side.

The Internet is a global information network that connects tens of thousands of local networks scattered around the world.

Each family approaches the Internet differently. Some people willingly use it, while others refuse it, considering it a useless invention.

In our family, the Internet is used like this: my mother watches films and TV series on various sites, and I sit on some social networks, watch films and TV series, and also look for information for doing homework and other work. But we believe that without the Internet, life would be much easier for humanity. There would be more time for work and leisure, for live communication and walks in the fresh air.

You can find anything you want on the Internet, but various games and social networks simply “tied” people to the computer desk.

Nowadays, teenagers surf the Internet through phones, tablets and computers for a very long time and often. Many students spend a lot of time on this. Therefore, they have no time for reading books or even lessons. I think access to the Internet should be limited. But my mother doesn’t allow me to go to the computer for a long time, and therefore I have more time to relax.

In general, our family has a neutral attitude towards the Internet - neither bad nor good. For us, the bad thing about it is that there is a lot of garbage. The Internet is the world's garbage dump. There is as much truth in it as there is lies. There is a lot of unnecessary stuff and a lot of deception on the Internet. But still, if you use it correctly, you can direct its work in the direction you need.

Updated: 2015-01-19

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