The theme of birds in spring in the middle group. Summary of a lesson on environmental development in the middle group Topic: “Birds in spring

The purpose of the lesson: to enrich the vocabulary on the lexical topic “Spring”.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Consolidate knowledge about the signs of spring; compose a collective story using a mnemonic table; develop the ability to form nouns using diminutive suffixes; expand the vocabulary through nouns - names of young wild animals (bear cubs, fox cubs, hares, squirrel cubs, wolf cubs).
  2. Develop gross and fine motor skills, speech breathing, auditory and visual attention, memory, and thinking.
  3. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Preliminary work:

Conversations, writing stories about spring, observing seasonal changes in nature, reading fiction about spring, looking at illustrations of spring landscapes, listening to the sounds of nature (murmur of a stream, drops, birdsong, sounds of the forest, etc.).

Give children an idea about changes in the life of wild animals in the spring, about migratory birds, using conversations, pictures, various games: “Let’s guess and tell”, “Where are the kids?”, “Let’s recognize mom”, “Moms and children”, “Guess by description”, etc.

Learning outdoor games, purely speaking.

Equipment: Mnemonic table “Spring in the Forest”, a screen on which a spring landscape is depicted, yellow circles according to the number of children and 8 yellow clothespins for each child, a manual for the development of speech breathing “Snowdrops”, snowdrop hats, toys: large and small bears, pictures of wild animals and their cubs, sound recordings of “bird voices”, a sample for laying out a flock of birds from counting sticks, counting sticks, objects for imitating the sounds of the forest, guessing pictures for each child.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Q: Guys, I just saw a sparrow fly up to the window, knock on the window and chirp so joyfully and loudly. I wonder what he wanted to tell us? Oh, look, what's that there?

The children discover the envelope. The teacher reads the letter.

Get ready soon
On an unusual trip.
Forest secrets await you,
The path calls into the distance.

Guys, do you want to go to the forest? Not for mushrooms, not for flowers, but for forest wonders! Do you know how to behave in the forest? Tell me. (In the forest you cannot make noise, pick flowers, break branches, throw garbage.) Then hit the road!

Movement exercise “Go!

2. Main part

Composing the story “Spring in the Forest”

Q: Here we are in the forest! (The mnemonic table “Spring in the Forest” is hung on the easel.)

Hello forest, dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
Who is hiding in your wilderness?
What kind of animal? What bird?
Open everything, don’t hide it,
You see we are ours!

Q: What forest did we come to? (We came to the spring forest, beautiful, fabulous, wonderful, magical.)

Q: What time of year is shown in the pictures? (Spring.) Why did you decide this? In this picture there is snow in the forest. I think it's winter. And here I see flowers. Maybe it's summer?

Children prove that the pictures depict spring, name the signs of spring, and then write a story.

Q: Guys, let’s compose a story based on the pictures “Spring in the Forest” (In spring, the sun shines brightly. Snow melts in the forest, streams run. Thaws appear. Snowdrops bloom. Buds swell on the trees. Birds return from the south. In spring, a bear and a hedgehog wake up. Wild animals molt. Wild animals have babies in the spring.)

Game “Radiant Sun”

Q: What a miracle, I see the smile of spring in all the pictures. And what gives spring a smile? (Sun.) What kind of sun is there in spring? (Bright, warm, affectionate, radiant,) What does the sun do? (It shines, it bakes, it warms.) Let’s add some rays to the sun to warm us even more.

Children add rays - clothespins to the cardboard blank.

Development of speech breathing “Snowdrops”

Q: Now you and I will go out into the sunny meadow. And since it’s sunny, how does the snow melt on it? (Quickly.) And appear...? (Thawed patches.) And on thawed patches...? (Snowdrops) Snowdrops are another miracle of spring. Why are they called that? (Because they are the very first to emerge from under the snow.)

Q: Here is a clearing and thawed patches in it, but where are the snowdrops? They probably hid behind snowballs. Let's blow on the snowballs. (Children blow.)

Q: How many snowdrops appeared in the sunny meadow? (Children count snowdrops.)

Physical exercise “Snowdrops are waking up”

Q: Guys, would you like to become spring flowers - snowdrops.

Q: Then put flower hats on your head. Now a miraculous transformation will take place. Turn left or right and turn into a snowdrop.

Children squat down and close their eyes.

Q: Well done! You were real flowers. Turn left or right and turn into a kid.

Q: Let's continue our walk through the forest, there is a lot more interesting here. (He comes across a snowy mound.) What kind of miracle is this?

Children lift the fabric, look under it and find a toy bear lying on its side.

Q: Spring has come a long time ago! And the bear is still sleeping in the den! Let's wake him up.

Pure saying “Spring has come”

Game “Mom and Cub”

Q: The bear is moving! Yes, this is not a bear, but a mother bear with a bear cub. The bear cub was born in winter. Let's look at a mother bear and her cub.

Q: Where is the mother and where is her baby? How did you understand? (Mom is big, baby is small.) That's right. Now I will name what the bear has, and you will name what the bear cub has.

The she-bear has eyes, and the cub has eyes.
The bear has a nose, and the bear has a nose.
The bear has ears, and the bear cub has ears.
The bear has paws, and the bear cub has paws.
The bear has a tail, and the bear has a tail.
The bear has a back, and the bear has a back.
The bear has a belly, and the bear has a belly.

Game “Who has who”

Q: Guys, not only the mother bear has cubs, but other forest animals also have cubs in the spring. The teacher draws the children's attention to pictures of animals and babies.

Name who got who.

Children name animals and their babies.

(The fox has fox cubs. The hare has hares. The wolf has wolf cubs. The squirrel has squirrel cubs.)

Laying out a picture from counting sticks “Birds are flying”

Q: Do you hear how wonderfully the birds sing in the spring forest? What are these birds called? (Migratory birds.) Why are they called migratory? (Because in the fall they fly away to warmer climes.) We are all very glad that migratory birds are returning to us from the south. This means that spring is coming into its own. The very first flock of birds is flying. These are rooks. They arrive earlier than all migratory birds.

The teacher shows the children a drawing of a flock of birds made from counting sticks.

Q: Now, with the help of counting sticks, we will lay out a whole flock of rooks. How many birds are there in the picture? Let's count them. (Children count birds.) How many sticks are needed to lay out one rook? (Two sticks.)

Children sit at tables and lay out a flock of birds. The teacher conducts individual work with children.

Q: What are you posting? (A flock of birds?) How many birds should I post? (Five.) How many sticks are needed for one bird (Two.) What is the name of the bird you are laying out? (Rook.)

Development of auditory attention “Sounds of the forest”

Q: In spring, everything in the forest comes to life, wakes up and is filled with thousands of different sounds. A quiet voice fell to the ground: “Ay!”

The unknown bitch shuddered: “Ku-ku!”
There was a knock on the trunks: “Knock-knock!”
The forest stands up to meet us: “Who’s there?”

Q: Now close your eyes and listen: what is the forest talking about?

The teacher behind the screen uses objects to make sounds that imitate forest noises (the babbling of a brook - pouring water from glass to glass; drops - dripping water into a bowl of water; knocking on a tree with a hammer - a woodpecker; playing a whistle - birds singing). Children listen carefully, then show the corresponding picture and say what they heard.

Q: Well done! Everyone guessed correctly.

Q: The time has come to say goodbye to the forest and its wonders. We need to go back to kindergarten.

Children say goodbye to the forest, then hold hands and “leave from the forest,” following the teacher like a snake.

3. Summary of the lesson

Q: Where have we been? (In the spring forest.) What miracles were seen in the forest? (Snowdrops bloomed in the forest. The bear woke up. Wild animals had cubs. Birds flew in.) Guys, did you like the wonders of the spring forest? What's your mood? I suggest you choose a sunshine that suits your mood.

Summary of open activities on cognitive development in the middle group “Birds in Spring”

Software tasks:

Summarize and consolidate the characteristic signs of spring, the state of plants, birds, and inanimate nature. Identify and consolidate knowledge about the laws of nature and their seasonality.

To develop in children the ability to see the simplest cause-and-effect relationships and patterns.

Develop children's imagination, thinking, and speech.

Cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards birds.

Cultivate interest in the results of your activities.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading poetry (“Spring Forest” by V. Stepanov; “Admire, spring is coming” by I. Nikitin; “Spring” by E. Karganova).
2. Reading a story about spring (“Spring is red” by I. Sokolov-Mikitov).
3. Examination of illustrations.
4. Conversations about birds.
5. Observation in nature. .


Pictures of birds, ready-made birdhouse forms, soundtracks, multimedia.

Progress of educational activities

Educator: Guys, on the way to the garden this is what I found, look. What could it be? (showing a beautiful box) This is a magic box, now we’ll see what’s inside. There is a mystery here. Let's read

If the snow is melting everywhere,
The day is getting longer
If everything turns green
And a stream rings in the fields,
If the sun shines brighter,
If the birds can't sleep,
If the wind gets warmer,
So... spring has come to us.

Educator: Guys, what is this riddle about? What time of year is it now? What is happening in our nature?

Children: The snow is melting, streams are ringing, the sun is shining brighter, migratory birds are flying in, a warm wind is blowing, thawed patches are appearing, people have exchanged warm winter clothes for light spring clothes.

Didactic game "Fourth wheel"

Children name an extra picture on the screen that does not fit spring.

Educator: Guys, let's go to the spring forest.

A game "We are marching"

We're walking, we're walking,
Raise your legs higher.
Through pebbles and hummocks,
Through holes and stumps.
One two three four,
We are in the forest, not in the kindergarten.

(A slide (forest) appears on the screen, the soundtrack “The Sound of the Forest” plays.)

Educator: Oh guys, look around. Where did we end up?

Children: We found ourselves in a spring forest.

Educator: How did you guess?

Children: Various trees grow here and birds sing.

Educator: Guys, we came to a fairy forest, but how should we behave in the forest?

Children: You can’t make noise because you can scare away forest birds and animals. You cannot break branches of trees and bushes or stir up anthills.

Educator: That's right, guys. What smart and well-mannered children you are, and that’s why the forest allows us to take a walk and breathe some air.

Educator: Look, children, how high, blue, sunny the sky is. The air is warm, light, clean, how easy it is to breathe in the forest in spring! Let's breathe some clean spring air. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders and inhale deeply, deeply through your nose.

Educator : Guys, if you often go to the forest, walk in the forest and breathe fresh air, then what will you be like?

Children: Healthy, beautiful, strong and strong.

Round dance "Vesnyanka"

Educator: In spring, birds return from warmer climes. What are the names of the birds that fly to us from warm regions?

Children: Migratory birds.

Game "Birds of Passage".

Small cards with pictures of different birds are distributed. The number of cards corresponds to the number of children.

- Guys, now we are going to play migratory birds. Each of you will be the bird that is drawn in your picture. And now those who have a swallow in the picture are flying towards me... (rook, stork, cuckoo, starling). The “arriving” children are given parts of pictures depicting wintering birds.

Game "Collect a picture" - children collect pictures of birds from parts (on the carpet)

Educator: And now I invite you to listen to the birds sing. You already know some birds and have heard them sing, and you will get to know some now.Slides of birds appear on the screen - rooks, cranes, nightingales and their singing is heard; at the end there is a picture of a starling,

The phonogram of a starling's voice sounds: “Hello, guys, it’s me, the starling bird. I flew from warm lands. My brothers and sisters, the starlings, will soon return. And there are very few birdhouses in the forest. Where will our friends live? Where will they hatch their chicks? Trouble! Trouble!

Educator: What should we do, guys? How can we help starlings? (We need to make birdhouses for starlings.)

Physical exercise “Birdhouse”. I'll cut the boards with a saw - whack, whack, whack, whack.

(Children imitate the movements of sawing a board). I’ll put them together into a birdhouse -knock, -knock, -knock, -knock.

(Children imitate the movements of hammering nails.) Birds fly to visit us, -to us, -to us, -to us.

(Perform the movements of swinging your arms towards yourself). We will hang birdhouses - here and there, - here and there.

(Tilts with arms outstretched up, to the sides, down).

Starlings do not build nests like other birds. They prefer to settle in tree hollows or in special houses built for them by people. They are called birdhouses.

(Show picture).

On top of the birdhouse there is a roof, a round entrance is called the entrance, it was named so because the birds fly into it. But this perch under the entrance is called a perch. From the word “sit”, because a bird sits on it. Starlings return to their former homes. They drag feathers, dry grass, and leaves into it. And they start singing.

Dynamic pause "Starlings"

Oh, starlings were flying.Wave your arms.

Everyone was flying, singing songs,

They flapped their wings.

They sat down in a flock on the ground,

They ate the worms.

Kluk, kluk, kluk, kluk,Squat down.

Index fingers

How I love worms.knock on the floor.

Let's clean the feathersRub your forearms with your hands,

To be if hugging yourself.

Like this, like this

To be cleaner.

We jump on the branches,

To make the children stronger.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

We jump on the branches.

Now we will make a birdhouse. To make our fingers work well, let's playfinger game “Karga kile...”

Hag kile-kazan asa,

Torna kile-toz sala,

Pesnek kile-peshere,

Chypchyk kile-tikshere,

Malay kile ashap betere.

Educator: Look at the sample. What shape is the birdhouse? –

( Rectangular ).

What shape is the roof? (Triangular roof).

What is the shape of the entrance?(Round.) What is it for?

What shape is the perch? (The perch is rectangular in shape.)

First, we put a roof on the rectangle, then a circle and a strip under it.

This is what a birdhouse turned out to be, like a palace.

Children's work ( calm music sounds)

Educator: Guys, what good deed have we done with you?

Children: We helped the birds and made birdhouses.

Child: We made a birdhouse

And they attached it to a tree.

We are waiting for flying guests

Starlings! Come quickly!

Educator: You and I have worked hard, and the starling thanks us for such beautiful houses. (A starling appears on the screen on a birdhouse, singing and saying “thank you” to the children)

Lesson summary for the middle group on the topic Spring
Ivanchenko Galina Aleksandrovna, teacher of the preschool educational institution, Kindergarten No. 6, Rzhev.
Description of material: This lesson summary is intended for children in the middle group on the topic: “Birds in spring.” The children solve riddles, look at photographs of birds, and memorize sayings and songs about migratory birds.

Activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, perception of fiction.

Planned results: shows emotional responsiveness when reading riddles; looks with interest at pictures of birds; at the request of an adult, talks about the bird; answers the questions asked.

1. Teach children to listen carefully, show interest and empathy for living beings and nature.
2. Continue to develop children’s ability to use dialogic speech, enrich and activate their vocabulary.
3. Cultivate modesty, observation and goodwill towards the answers and stories of other children, cultivate restraint.


Spring comes and migratory birds return to their native lands. It's time to sing beautiful songs, build nests, hatch chicks.
This bird has a long tail
Constantly moving
Loves to twitter songs,
Walk on the ground on foot. (Wagtail)

Wagtails are the earliest to return to their native places. They unerringly find their way home, they arrive at the beginning of the ice drift.

Black, agile,
Shouts "crak"
Worms are the enemy. (Rook)

The snow has not yet melted from the fields, but the rooks have already arrived, they are busily walking along the roads and hills, collecting meager food. And they repair their nests, lay eggs and begin to incubate them. None of the migratory birds breeds offspring before rooks.

Feathers are black and shiny,
Can be quite cocky
That's it - the end of the pests!
The name of that bird is... (Starling)

Following the rooks, starlings and larks fly to us. The first song of the lark announces to us that spring has already arrived irrevocably.
In the spring, as soon as the sun begins to warm up and the days become longer, the birds return to their native places.
From the stories of I.F. Zayanchkovsky

Today you have learned a lot about migratory birds, and if you see them, I think you will know. They answered questions well, worked actively, and solved riddles.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group on the topic "Migratory Birds"

Dudina Nadezhda Alexandrovna

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 242", Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region.

Position: teacher

Summary of GCD on cognitive development (natural world)

Topic: “What do birds sing about in the spring?” (middle group)

Goal: formation and consolidation of knowledge about migratory birds.

Objectives: to clarify and expand children’s ideas about migratory birds, about their life in the spring; develop interest in the life of birds, imagination, thinking, speech of children, enrich their vocabulary; cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards birds.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: How nice it is to wake up and get up,

See the blue sky through the window

And again find out that spring is everywhere,

That the sun and morning are more beautiful than sleep.

Today, guys, I woke up to cheerful singing and the chiming of bird voices outside the window.

The birds sang their songs cheerfully and loudly. There are so many birds outside that were not there in winter.

Where did so many birds come from?

(from warm countries, from the south)

Why did the birds fly to us?

(they returned to their homeland, spring came, the snow melted, it became warm)

That's right, spring has replaced winter. What is spring like?

(warm, bright, joyful, ringing, sunny, green, affectionate)

Guys, it seems to me that miracles happen in nature in spring. Don't you think so? What miracles happen in spring?

(snow melts, turning into water, the first flowers appear, buds burst and small leaves appear, the ground turns green with grass)

But the most important miracle is that it is in the spring that our feathered friends fly to us and bring spring on their wings.

What do they call birds that fly away to warmer regions for the winter and return back in the spring?


2. GAME "Good-bad"

What good is it if birds fly away from us?

(in winter it’s cold in our area, they have nowhere to hide from the wind and snow, but in the south it’s warm; they’re hungry, the birds have nothing to eat, because not all insects are found all year round)

What's wrong with birds flying away from us?

(we do not see birds, we do not hear their singing; many birds, when they fly, die on the way, cannot withstand the long road)

Guys, would you like to see migratory birds? Previously, in Rus', children began to dance in a circle, and everyone called the birds together.

Let us stand with you and invite them too.

They get up in a round dance.

You little birds, little chirps,

Come and visit us.

Spring is clear, the news is red

Bring it to us.

3. Draw the children’s attention to the miracle tree on which migratory birds sit.

What a miracle tree! What beautiful birds flew to us!

What birds did you recognize?

(starling, swallow, rook)

How can you call these birds in one word?


How did you guess that it was a swallow?

(the breast is white, the head is black, the back is small, the beak is small, sharp, and the tail is like two pigtails)

By what signs did you guess that it was a starling?

(beak is sharp, all black, speckled with white)

What beautiful birds, one is not like the other.

Guys, when the birds return to us, their first concern is. Do you know which one? Correct the nests, build new ones. Now that the nests are ready, what is the next concern for migratory birds? (lay eggs, hatch chicks)

Who takes care of the chicks? (mother, father)

4. - Guys, have you already drawn or sculpted birds from natural materials? Now let’s try to lay it out from geometric shapes.

Working at tables.

You can also make birds from your fingers.


The fingers are the head, the wings are the head.

(turn the palms towards you, the thumbs are straightened away from you and intertwined, as if clinging to each other, the thumbs are the head, the remaining closed fingers are the wings)

What wonderful birds did you get?

Birds delight us not only with their appearance, the wonderful color of their plumage, but also with their stumps.

And if birds could sing like people, in words, what would they talk about in spring songs? (about how they love their Motherland, how beautiful and unique our land is, what miracles they saw in distant countries, how long and difficult their path was, how they hurried and rejoiced at meeting us).

(expresses his joy, anxiety, fear)

Guys, let's imagine that we are in a forest clearing.

Sit down (sit on the carpet)

We will hear, as in the heights

The birds sing their songs to us,

They sing about the sun and spring,

And about my native side,

And their songs are not more wonderful.

Guys, listen to the birds singing and guess what their mood is.

Educator: Today you guys all did well, you worked very actively. We repeated with you what we knew about migratory birds, and also learned a lot of new things.

Nadezhda Gorbatykh
Summary of the lesson “Migratory birds in spring” in the middle group

Task: Expand children's knowledge about spring, And migratory birds.

Goals: - Introduce children to the appearance

Give the concept « migratory birds»

Develop interest in life birds.

Cultivate kindness and love for birds.

Material: Flannelgraph with the sun, a picture of a birdhouse, a sound recording with singing birds, pictures with images migratory birds.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Children: Enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

Vosp: Guys, what time of year is it now?

Children: Spring.

Vosp: Right. in spring The sun is shining brightly, the birds are singing. But for some reason our sun is sleeping, maybe that’s why the singing is inaudible birds. Let's wake up the sun with a nursery rhyme. It will hear us and will definitely wake up.

Nursery rhyme: Show the bright sun, (stretch your arms forward)

The sun is bright, dress up

Put on the scarlet dress (girls grab their skirts, and boys put their hands on their belts) Give us a red day (clap hands).

(Turning the sun over)

Vosp: Guys, let's play game:

"Sun in the spring» (Selection of adjectives)

What sunshine? – Yellow, round, affectionate, bright, radiant.

(Children name the word and attach rays.)

Vosp: Well done boys. The sun woke up.

It became warm outside. Spring came(Singing is heard birds) .

Main part:

Vosp: - Guys, what are these sounds, who sings this?

Children: - Birds.

Vosp: - Where did they come from?

Children: - The sun heard our nursery rhyme, woke up and came spring and the birds flew home from the south.

Vosp: - Well done. And now I’ll tell you riddles about birds, and you try to tell me which ones birds spoken in riddles.

“Who flies to us and warmly

Having come a long way

Sculpts a house under the window

From grass and clay"

Children: Martin.

"Everyone migratory birds

Cleans arable land from worms"

Children: Rook.

Vosp: Well done. Another one.

"There is a palace on a tree

A singer lives in the palace,

He doesn't bark, doesn't bite,

Protects the orchard"

Children: Starling.

Vosp: Well done. What are these birds called in one word? Angelina?

Angelina: Migratory.

Vosp: Why do they call them that Ksyusha?

Ksyusha: When it gets cold, birds fly away to warmer climes, and they fly back in the spring.

Vosp: Right. Guys, where do they live? birds? What is the name of the bird house?

Children: Nest.

Vosp: And from what birds build their nests?

Children: From branches, clay, feathers.

Vosp: Well done. Is this house familiar to you? (shows birdhouse)

Children: Yes, this is a birdhouse.

Vosp: Who made it? Who lives in it?

Children: It was made by a man. Not only starlings can live in it, but also any small birds.

Vosp: Why do you think people hang birdhouses in their gardens?

Children: Starlings protect gardens from insects.

Vosp: Well done. Let's play a game "Skvorushki"

P/I: Skvorushki were flying, all the people were watching

(run in a circle, waving their arms)

Skvorushki sat down, all the people marveled

(sit down, fold your hands behind your back)

They sat down, sat, took off, flew (they run in a circle, waving their arms)

Vosp: Well done. We rested. Now tell me what birds lay in their nests?

Children: Eggs.

Vosp: And then what will happen to the eggs?

Children: Chicks hatch from them.

Vosp: Right. All summer birds-parents take care of their chicks, feed them, teach them to fly, and in the fall, when the cold sets in, the whole family flies to warm lands, where there is no winter and there is plenty of food for birds. What do they feed on? birds?

Children: Insects (midges, bugs, worms)

Vosp: Right. Well done.

Bottom line: Guys, today we talked about migratory birds. Why are they called that? About which birds we talked today (starling rook, swallow). What is a bird's house called? What did you like today?

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