Event marketing and brands. Elina Nikolaevna BerdnikovaIntracorporate PR and event marketing

To reach potential consumers and attract their attention, marketers are forced to develop new advertising strategies. One of them is event marketing.

The essence of this direction is to conduct events for the target audience in order to form a positive attitude towards a brand or product. Event-based is always aimed at improving company recognition or increasing consumer loyalty.

Events, as an advertising campaign tool, help create the effect of involvement of each of those present and force the buyer to associate their product with positive emotions.
Thanks to personal experience of participating in a particular event related to the brand, a person quickly remembers the brand and experiences a certain feeling of gratitude and friendliness towards the manufacturers who gave him emotions. In addition, advertising within the framework of a well-planned event does not look intrusive, and therefore does not cause hostility among the target audience.

This method of promotion appeared in our country recently: people first started talking about it at the beginning of the 21st century. But in the USA and Europe, such advertising is one of the most common. Giant companies allocate more than 50% of their annual advertising budget to event marketing.

The largest events are famous for the companies Coca-Cola, McDonalds, and Redbull. According to marketers, event advertising can greatly increase brand loyalty.

The meaning of event marketing can be expressed in the slogan: “Feel it!” All advertising events are designed for maximum involvement.

Examples of successful event marketing campaigns

Almost all major brands can boast of successful examples of event marketing.

Thus, the Coca-Cola company launched advertising in the nineties with New Year's trucks delivering the drink throughout the cities. The slogan of the video is “The holiday is coming to us!” has become an integral part of the New Year for residents of many countries. And in 2016, for the first time, caravans of branded trucks decorated with bright light bulbs actually drove through Russian cities.

Thousands of people came to see the symbol of the holiday. This event introduced potential buyers to the fabulous atmosphere of the advertising video and made them associate the New Year with the company’s products even more.

Red Bull Flugtag is considered one of the largest event marketing events held annually in Russia. The Red Bull company is a manufacturer of a non-alcoholic energy drink, so its target audience is young people seeking freedom, new experiences and emotions. This is exactly what participants and spectators of the championship receive.

The essence of the event is a competition of homemade aircraft. The entertainment value of the show is ensured by the fact that each team of participants tries to create the most unusual, funny and grotesque device possible. In 2016, such a festival in Krylatskoye brought together 39 participants and several thousand spectators who received positive emotions and experiences. Thus, the brand increases customer loyalty and makes them associate their product with laughter, lightness and the energy of freedom.

A striking example of the successful use of event marketing can be considered an incredibly beautiful campaign from Sony as part of an advertisement for a new camera that conveys all the nuances of color.

Sony, together with residents of a small town in Costa Rica, collected more than 3.5 tons of flower petals of various shades and poured them onto the city. The spectacle was announced and attracted tourists, and photographs of the event, taken with the advertised camera, spread throughout the world.

Thus, Sony introduced a new product in its line and made consumers associate its camera with a real explosion of color. After this advertising campaign, the demand for Sony cameras among travelers increased significantly.

How events are carried out as part of event marketing

The effectiveness of event marketing as a way to promote a product or service depends on how accurately the purpose of the event is defined and how carefully it is prepared.

In addition, the selected event must correspond to the characteristics of the company, highlighting its strengths and uniqueness. Events to promote expensive cars, watches or luxury goods are usually designed to draw attention to the elitism, selectivity, and status of the target audience.

On the other hand, brands that position themselves as democratic try to hold as open and public events as possible.

For example, the women's magazine Cosmopolitan annually holds a heel race for everyone. The competition is designed to give positive emotions and emphasize that the publication is produced for feminine, but strong and successful girls. When buying a magazine in the future, spectators or participants of the race feel like such.

After the company has decided on the target audience, the format of the event and its features, they begin to write a script and select a location for the event.

At this stage, it is important to remember two important nuances:

  • The richer the event program, the more involved the potential buyer is in it, the greater the chances of increasing his loyalty to the brand.
  • Product name, company logo, samples, testers - all this should be present in abundance at the event. Don't limit yourself to just visual advertising. A participant can feel real attention to his person if during the event there will be specialists who are ready to advise, tell, and give a try.
    Personal attention greatly enhances the experience of an event. Several years ago, MTS placed electronic libraries on the streets of large cities. They were tubes distributing wi-fi, made in the shape of bookshelves. Anyone could download the selected book for free using the QR code placed on it. For convenience and efficiency, promoters in MTS uniforms worked next to the tubes to help understand how to use the library.

In what cases should you resort to event marketing?

Experts recommend including events carried out as part of an advertising campaign in any marketing plan. They will help maintain, increase or create consumer loyalty to the brand. Only the event marketing tools will differ, depending on what effect should be achieved with the help of a particular event.

1. For those who want to introduce customers to their company or new product, an event in the format openings or presentations. Such promotions are held quite often and do not differ much from each other.

Most often, the opening includes a small concert, a drawing of gifts and prizes among the first customers, and a story about a new store or brand.

Presentations are also carried out according to a fixed script. Typically, most of the time a company specialist talks about the benefits of a new product, trying to interest and amaze the audience. The most famous presentations today are held by the Apple brand in connection with the release of new devices.

A specific presentation format may include: Exhibitions.They are usually held for company representatives in order to familiarize themselves with new products and attract new clients. Such an event can bring together products from several brands at once.

2.Holidays are considered the largest event within the framework of event campaigns. They are usually conducted for a wide target audience. Mass holidays with the involvement of media persons and entertainment for the public can create an emotional connection between the consumer and the company.

Such events create an effect of involvement, which greatly increases brand loyalty. Among the large-scale holidays in Russia, one can highlight the VKontakte festival and picnics of the Afisha publication.

A separate type of holidays - sporting events. They are chosen by companies whose target audience is active young people seeking new experiences. At such events, the public is invited to participate in competitions or cheer for their favorite athletes.

This event marketing tool was successfully used by the Mars company, which held special street sports competitions in Russia for several years in a row - “Snickers Urbania”.


Event marketing in Russia is just beginning to gain popularity; such events do not yet seem like intrusive advertising to consumers. Event marketing, judging by the trends of the last decade, promises to become one of the main ways to promote companies and products on the market. In addition, it is the emotional component of such advertising that can ensure increased customer loyalty for many years.

event marketing event promotion

"Event marketing as a way to promote a service"


Every day, a modern person is bombarded with an information avalanche of all kinds of announcements, offers, advertising messages and the like. It is not difficult to guess that an individual is able to perceive and digest only a tiny part of all information. In these conditions, it is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to capture consumer attention.

Direct advertising is a tool that has proven its effectiveness, but today the traditional method of communication is no longer enough to attract the attention of consumers. Therefore, a variety of variations and tricks appear to support and enhance the effect of classic advertising.

One of the tools designed to solve precisely this problem is event marketing (from the English "event" - event). This is a method of promotion that is aimed at building and strengthening the brand image by organizing non-standard promotions, or, as they are also called, special events.

The scope of event marketing is extremely wide. This is the formation of a news occasion for a PR campaign, and a way of relationship with target groups (investors, clients, partners). Holidays, parties, and various special events are powerful tools for deep emotional impact on the consumer.

There are several reasons that explain the significant impact of this communication on consumer relationships. Firstly, people remember better what they have experienced on a sensory level. Secondly, they tend to “animate” the brand and feel gratitude and friendliness for the experience provided. Thirdly, the target group is better able to perceive what the manufacturer offers unobtrusively, since people attend special event marketing events voluntarily and they retain a sense of their own choice.

Relevance of this work. Event marketing has been on the rise in recent years. Through special event events, companies try to take an active part in the social life of their target audience. According to experts, the event marketing market will grow significantly in the coming years.

The purpose of this course work is to: consider event marketing in the context of integrated marketing communications and its tools; and studying the role of event marketing in creating and promoting a brand (service).

.Study of the features and capabilities of event marketing

.Studying event marketing activities, their essence and types

.Consider the practical use of event marketing opportunities in the implementation of PR projects

.Analysis of special events to identify main advantages and errors

1. Event marketing and its development

.1 The concept of event marketing and its characteristics

Event marketing is a marketing tool, a set of special events and promotions conducted with the aim of manipulating the behavior and opinion of an audience specially invited to the event.

The purpose of event marketing is to promote the interests of the company, manipulate the behavior and opinions of the target audience.

The task of event marketing is to form in a person a positive personal attitude towards a brand, company, arouse interest, provide him with the opportunity to feel the benefit, and gain real experience of communicating with a product (service), brand.

Event marketing uses an occasion - an event: real or fictitious, planned or specially organized, widely known or created specifically for a specific audience. Event marketing is used by companies not so much as a tool for reminding about themselves, but when a new offer of a product or service appears. When playing out a planned event, it is necessary to take into account the fact that interest in something new evokes a greater response. By correctly operating all the advertising means of event marketing together, it is possible to provide benefits both for those who organize the event and for those who participate in the event.

A properly organized event is:

the target audience corresponding to the event has been selected;

the event involves the participation of guests and action;

the event offers the benefit of connecting the audience with the product (service) brand.

Event marketing is a set of activities aimed at promoting brands through bright and memorable events. This is one of the most effective tools for creating and maintaining the image of a company or its products.

One of the main principles of modern event marketing is to involve the target audience in the event. The main tool for event marketing is special events. In other words, we can say that event marketing is a set of special promotional events, one or more special events being the culmination of the event. The main goal of event marketing is to reveal the character of a brand through demonstrating a certain lifestyle. For this purpose, major events can be developed and implemented, within the framework of which it is important to identify, identify, invite people who are actual and potential consumers of a particular product, good or service. It is important to involve such people in the event as early as possible; it is better that this happens at the stage of the event’s advertising campaign and ends with the purchase of the customer company’s products. It is important that potential consumers begin to share the brand’s values, identify themselves with the product (self-identification), so that it becomes part of their usual lifestyle (projective techniques). Conceptual event events can also be used as tools to attract investors, help raise the necessary amount to finance a new direction, find investors to continue the project, rent out “stagnant” space, or become one of the projects as part of the company’s corporate social responsibility program.

Event marketing uses various advertising and PR tools, but its implementation often requires knowledge and skills from related fields: art, science, social activities. An example of this is the so-called cross-promotional projects (a technology for promoting two or more brands or products in which cross-independent promotion occurs). Such promotion is possible both with commercial companies and with public ones. In the first case, there may be savings on costs and obtaining an additional target audience of the partner company; in the second, increasing the loyalty of potential consumers by joining the ideas and values ​​of a public organization and also increasing the target audience due to its supporters.

Depending on the format and content of the event, this or that brand positioning occurs. But in order for event marketing to bring serious returns, it is necessary to competently and consistently build the entire process.

Types of event marketing::

Promotional events.

The goal is to promote a product, brand, brand.

The target audience is end consumers.

Format: promotions, presentations and opening ceremonies, parties, entertainment events in open areas, concerts, exhibitions, festivals, in support of a specific brand.

The goal is to increase the loyalty of partners and other significant groups, informing them about the activities of the organization.

The target audience is the organization's partners.

Format: presentations, conferences, seminars, press conferences, exhibitions.

Corporate events.

The goal is to strengthen the corporate culture within the organization.

The target audience is employees of the organization.

Format: calendar holidays, corporate holidays, parties, company anniversary, sporting events, extreme recreation, professional holidays.

Social activities.

Entertainment and educational events for specific groups of people whom the company helps as part of the concept of social responsibility of business.

Examples: children's parties, sporting events, cultural and art events, city holidays and others.

Advantages of event marketing:

· Event marketing is a kind of mix of ATL, BTL and PR, due to which it has an impact through several communication channels at once.

· A promoted event itself becomes a brand, which allows it to be widely used when building the company’s future strategy.

· An event marketing event can have a “long-lasting” effect, since it can be started long before the event (in announcements, posters, press conferences) and will continue in subsequent media reports.

· Event participants can be considered a large focus group in which the company tests its proposals.

· The event is an opportunity to establish the necessary contact with journalists and better shapes their interest and disposition than under normal conditions. This contact cannot be underestimated, since not only the coverage of this event, but also the further actions of the company depends on the media.

· At an event marketing event, you can organize direct sales of goods.

· The high creativity and flexibility inherent in event marketing make it possible to build original programs for companies in various fields of activity and with different financial capabilities.

· The use of event marketing is possible where advertising is prohibited or does not work. It is no coincidence that the history of special events in Russia began with industries where there are various legal restrictions on advertising, for example, the tobacco industry and pharmaceuticals.

· The idea of ​​creating an event in order to attract mass interest appeared thousands of years ago - even the Roman rulers discovered the two most important levers of control: bread and circuses (“Panem et circenses!”). And the technological technique called “organized event”, which has a strong emotional impact on the target audience, has retained its relevance.

1.2 History of its origin

The idea of ​​creating an event in order to attract mass interest appeared thousands of years ago - the main idea was voiced by the Roman rulers: “Panem et circenses!” - which translated means “bread and circuses.”

One of the first events that can be classified as event marketing was a nationwide competition for sculptures made from pieces of soap. The “customer” of the competition was Procter&Gamble. The goal of the competition was to turn soap, which evoked unpleasant associations among many children, into one of their favorite toys that encourages them to be creative. Throughout the year, thousands of American children were involved in real competition.

French PR researcher L.-F. Laprevot connects the development of public relations with event communication models. The researcher proposes three periods in the evolution of PR - “engineering” and each stage has a specific goal:

) 1946-1960 - achieving fame for the company;

) 1960-1980 - creation of the brand image;

) after 1980 - development of company culture.

Each stage has its own slogan:

) “Do good and make it known”;

) “Image capital is trust capital”;

) “The enterprise is a citizen.”

Event marketing has emerged as an independent industry only in the last 30 years, coinciding with the annual increase in the number of marketing events. Event marketing was used by Coca-Cola, Nike, and Nestle. One of the first to resort to event marketing was McDonald's, which linked the image of the fast food chain with the Ronald McDonald orphanage and regularly holds special events using the image of Ronald the Clown. This event marketing tactic helped the company not only attract a family audience, that is, children and their parents, but also to create a positive, bright, memorable image. McDonald's also uses other event marketing tools: various charity events with the involvement of stars, which also helps to create a favorable image and expand the target audience.

1.3 Features and capabilities of event marketing

The modern situation is characterized by a sign of information saturation. That is why marketers, advertisers and PR specialists are no longer required to simply “search for moments” when consumers are ready to perceive information, but to independently create such moments in those cases when and where the company needs it. This is the network and the main task of event marketing.

If the traditional approach to product promotion can be compared “to the packaging of an instant lottery ticket: until you open it, you won’t know the result: won or lost.” The basis of event marketing activities is the use of the opposite approach, which consists in the fact that the consumer experiences a feeling of satisfaction already during the event - here everything can be seen, touched, experienced, felt.

Thus, it is event marketing events that allow you to approach the consumer, as they say, from an open side and be remembered for a long time against the backdrop of a general rejection of advertising.

This is precisely one of the most important advantages of event marketing.

Continuing the conversation about the features and possibilities of the studied method of promoting a product, it can be noted that many promotion specialists continue to direct the management of their companies to the additional costs associated with promotions. However, a modern consumer, accepting gifts during a promotion, is not always inclined to show “loyalty” to the brand in the future; after the end, most often, he does not even remember the name of the brand. The consumer simply receives his fleeting commercial benefit, and purchases the product from those who give good discounts or simply give gifts.

Therefore, marketers are now realizing that promotional activities should increasingly focus on personal communication contact with consumers. The purpose of such contact is to actively convince them of the value of the product for each specific buyer. Thus, the meaning of organizing events should come from the desire to unite people, provide them with conditions for free communication, and remove barriers that prevent this.

Modern, “advanced” managers understand this, both in foreign practice and in Russia. They require marketing departments to use this method of delivering advertising messages, which is carried out through an event marketing event, since they see it as the most effective approach to marketing communications with both consumers and business partners, and with company employees.

This point of view is also determined by the fact that event marketing provides not only direct feedback, but also feedback, which is now extremely important in business communications.

Providing the consumer with information that justifies the need to purchase a particular product is provided to the consumer during an interesting or even exciting event in which he is involved on a voluntary basis.

The essence of the information offered reaches the consumer in the process of relaxed, “accidental” learning, because a person gains knowledge about a product, a company, its trademark in an interesting conversation, I would even say - in an exciting game.

In this context, it is appropriate to recall the famous saying of Confucius: “The people can be forced to obey, but they cannot be forced to know.”

This advantage of event marketing easily comes to us if we understand it from a psychological point of view.

Indeed, a person remembers better what he has experienced on a sensory, emotional level - this is a scientifically proven fact.

At the same time, receiving and storing relevant information about the occurrence of an event to which those interested are invited is fundamentally different from the perception of “ordinary” advertising. In this case, a specific person is given the right to a specific choice, without the “load” of suggestive pressure.

In general, event marketing in Russia has a number of features that can be easily determined using the SWOT analysis matrix.


· effectively builds an emotional connection between the brand and the consumer;

· allows you to ensure maximum involvement of participants in the event process, which will cause their loyalty in the future;

· involves the use of other elements of mass communication, such as advertising, PR and BTL;

· the ability to organize direct sales by tying them to ongoing events


· has a long-term effect;

· unobtrusiveness, there is an element of entertainment;

· minimizing company costs through cooperation with other companies;

· saves up to 30% of the budget (allocated for advertising);

· increased audience sensitivity;

· products are associated with a social phenomenon and gain competitive advantages

· lack of professionalism in organizing and preparing events, there is a risk of quickly becoming boring to the target audience;

· inconsistency of the event with the target audience;

· lack of marketing strategy;

· reducing the number of events that do not involve audience activity


· lack of awareness in this area, since there are few professionals;

· large labor costs (physical, organizational, creative)

Thus, the most important “advantage of event marketing is the active impact of the event on the emotional component of the consumer’s perception of information. The wave of emotions that arise draws him into a holiday atmosphere that relaxes him. All this happens outside the workplace and everyday hustle and bustle.

Suffice it to recall Eric Lennard Berne, a prominent American psychologist and psychiatrist who put forward the theory of transactional analysis. He pointed out in it that “people always desire entertainment, since the “child” waking up in them pushes them to cross the forbidden line.”

1.4 Event marketing activities: essence and types

The range of special events organized is extremely wide:

ceremonies: opening, closing, awards, scholarships, honoring;

receptions: festive, anniversary, in connection with the arrival of VIPs (very important persons);

presentations (possibly in combination with a reception and press conference): products, projects and programs, organizations, new production facilities and offices;

conferences, seminars, round tables;

excursions, open days;

trips, delegations - business and scientific, study tours of politicians and administrative management, business tourism;

holidays, significant dates and anniversaries: corporate, national, international, religious, professional, regional, local;

festivals, competitions, quizzes;

exhibitions, fairs;

charitable and sponsored events and activities.

All these events can be organized and carried out by the company independently, organizational cooperation with other legal entities and individuals is possible, and passive participation of the company and its management in them is possible.

1.5 The role and significance of special events and general requirements for them. Stages of creating an event

The role and importance of special events for PR is difficult to overestimate. They create the conditions and lay the foundation for the development of various areas of PR:

development of partnerships, including in foreign economic activity;

attracting investments (investor relations);

relations with government authorities: legislative and executive;

charity and sponsorship;

communal (good neighborly) relations with the population, other organizations and enterprises, municipal authorities;

formation and development of corporate culture, its traditions, rituals, etc.

Special events play a special role for the development of corporate communications and for working with the media:

create good opportunities for direct contacts and acquaintances, interpersonal communication;

contribute to the formation and promotion of an attractive image of the organization and its top officials;

create conditions for the formation of a circle of friends of the company, providing them with good reasons for their publicity and promoting an attractive image;

attract public attention, providing good opportunities for publicity (popularity, fame and recognition) of the company and its brands;

attract the attention of the media and specific journalists;

create news events, the company appears as a newsmaker, a supplier of “good news”;

provide work with the media not “hijacking”, but creating conditions for news management and full-fledged information management.

It should be remembered that in the modern world, over 45% of events reported in the media not only happened, but were organized to be reported.

To realize the stated PR potential of special public events, they must meet several requirements.

First of all, they must be a real EVENT. Only in this case the event becomes real news that attracts the attention of the public, and therefore the media. This requirement can be met in three cases:

this event is truly a socially significant event;

It is attended by newsmakers - celebrities, any appearance of which attracts the attention of the media and becomes an event: famous and major politicians and high-ranking officials, religious figures, prominent scientists, famous artists, musicians, writers, artists, athletes, in short - VIPs and other wedding generals .

This event was associated with a scandal, an emergency.

Information about the event must appear in the media. The effort and money spent on preparing and holding the most wonderful event will actually be wasted if such information is not available. Therefore, it is imperative to send out press releases, or even better, invite journalists to the event. But, if the first condition is met, then this condition is easily satisfied. If there are newsmakers at the event, journalists themselves will come and prepare material - and you won’t have to spend any money on inviting them. On the other hand, newsmakers, despite all their supposed dislike for paparazzi and journalists in general, are very concerned about whether and how their presence at the event will be covered. You also need to maintain your image and publicity - be exposed at bright events. Newsmakers are where the journalists are, and those are where the newsmakers are. So they walk through life arm in arm.

In addition, information resonance is required: discussions, comments, mentions of the event.

The organization of such events is subject to increased requirements for ensuring safety, the quality of the cultural program, and refreshments.

Such bright events do not happen every day and therefore it is necessary to preserve the memory of them. In other words, photo and video shooting is necessary to replenish the photo, video and archive of the organization. This is not about filming with a hidden camera with a timer (this would also be a special event, but of a different kind), but filming for memory, with the consent of everyone.

Availability of a clear overall marketing strategy (ideology) within which the event is held. Without being included in such a strategy, the event becomes meaningless.

It is not so much the special event itself that should be developed, but rather a strategy for its coverage in the media. It is the media that provide access to specific target contact groups. Target contact groups should be able to receive information about our event when and where it is convenient and familiar to them. The more authoritative the source of information involved, the greater the influence on the target contact groups. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the media that dominate in a given market and among these target groups.

Invited newsmakers should be well known, significant and interesting to the target groups.

Information received by the media must be presented in a format convenient for them.

For the purpose of effective promotion, use the stages of event preparation as independent news events, building the main information dominant at the end, during the final event.

Using the current special event to launch and accelerate the next ones - this contributes not only to cost savings, but multiply increases the total information return of PR.

To compensate for the lack of funds with original creative solutions, linking our events to holidays, anniversaries, and visits of celebrities.

Preparation and holding of the event always takes place in compliance with the following conditions:

availability of an idea and scenario for the event;

coverage of the event in the press;

An event is always a continuation of a brand, an expression of its relationship with target audiences in an active form. For this reason, it is especially important that the event and brand are aligned. Their values ​​must coincide (the main message of the event), a unique selling proposition, a unique emotional offer (feelings of participants after the event, the realization of their needs), stylistics and visual appearance (music, spectacle), a way of interaction with the audience (form of the event and types of activity of its participants ).

One of the first steps in organizing a special event is deciding on its theme and name. The name of the event should sound enticing and motivate potential participants. In order for an event to be effective, it is first necessary to decide who it will be addressed to, so the motivation of the audience in the event being organized is important.

The group of primary motives includes rational motives (renewing contacts, obtaining information, sharing experiences). Such motives should be influenced when organizing seminars, trainings, and conferences.

Secondary motives are associated with the significant influence of emotions. These include maintaining status and demonstrating social responsibility.

Steps to create a special event:

the birth of an idea;

designing an idea and defining an event, preparing a project;

making a decision to carry out, appointing project managers;


making a decision on preparation, determining an estimate, making a public statement;

final planning, preparation and organization of the event, sending out invitations;

the onset of the event, arrangement of the venue, installation of equipment;

start (official opening);

running a special event from opening to closing;

end of the event, official closing;

completion of the event, dismantling of equipment, organization of departure;

termination of actions and completion of settlements;

data processing, financial reporting;

completion of the project.

The following measures can be used to increase the popularity of the event:

emphasis on the key elements of the event (participation of famous personalities in the event, novelty, other benefits of the event);

attracting partners;

invitation of celebrities;

lotteries, contests, competitions, prizes (creating a gambling mood).

Particularly useful for the organizers is the desire of spectators to play and/or compete with each other. It allows you to get acquainted and, possibly, make friends, unites the corporation’s employees, directs the energy of “warmed up” guests in the right direction, creates an informal holiday atmosphere, and creates the ground for the emergence of social and business communications.

The organizer of a special event and its immediate performers must take into account two sides of the process:

)Elasticity and taking into account the wishes of everyone involved.

)Following the goal of the event, balancing the parts of the action, moral, ethical and aesthetic standards.

2. Classification of pr-events

.1 General characteristics of event marketing events

To create a favorable attitude towards an organization or famous persons, various promotions and events are widely used in PR practice. Depending on their content focus, special events can be classified as follows:

Participation in public life (celebrations of state, national, religious holidays; events to honor dates in the history and culture of other countries and peoples; participation in public events, improvement of parks, streets, playgrounds, etc.);

Organization of sporting events (amateur competitions, friendly matches, etc.);

Meetings with famous people (politicians, artists, athletes, autograph signing ceremonies);

Professional and thematic events (exhibitions, fairs, festivals, meetings, seminars, round tables, conferences, conventions, symposiums, congresses);

Events dedicated to internal PR and having an official focus (problem resolution reports, announcement of the results of public opinion polls, sociological studies; announcement of new appointments to senior positions; proclamation of a new political course, programs, changes in political course, activity programs);

Entertainment events (competitions, quizzes, parades, beauty contests, receptions, balls, presentations, film festivals, field trips, amateur competitions, group visits to museums, exhibitions, concerts, theater performances);

Charitable events (sponsorship awards, charity evenings, creation of charitable and educational foundations);

Symbolic events (opening ceremonies of new construction sites, laying the first stone in the foundation; visits of honored and prominent people, welcoming and seeing-off ceremonies, opening ceremonies of festivals, sports days and other large-scale events).

2.2 Sponsorship

A separate way of event marketing is sponsorship of existing events. It has its pros, cons and its own specifics.

By participating in events as a sponsor, you get the opportunity to “highlight” your brand in non-advertising events. As a rule, these are quite high-status events that have a certain meaning for the target audience and arouse their interest: sports and city festivals, club parties, various competitions and shows - these are just some of the events in which you can participate as a sponsor and convey your advertising message to the audience of these events.

There are several advantages to event sponsorship as a method of marketing communication:

A semantic and emotional connection between a non-advertising event that is significant for the audience and your brand. By creating a separate event that promotes your brand, you invite your audience to participate in your promotion. As a spectator or participant in your advertising event, the audience feels like the object of advertising. By sponsoring a cultural event, you “get” the audience of the event, regardless of their attitude towards your brand and your marketing cause. In addition, your brand becomes emotionally connected to the cultural and lifestyle values ​​that the sponsored event relates to.

For example, by sponsoring a sporting event, a company says that the value of your brand is a healthy lifestyle; by sponsoring children's parties, it connects its brand with values ​​such as family and children; by sponsoring a club party, it says that such things are important to the brand. values ​​such as freedom, communication, modernity and innovation.

Sponsorship costs will vary depending on the brand's participation in the event. But in any case, they will be lower than when conducting a similar event on your own. The company will cover with its advertising message the entire, or almost all, audience of the event with varying intensity. That is, event marketing through sponsorship is more cost-effective than creating the entire event at your own expense.

Another point that needs to be taken into account when planning sponsorship of events as a channel of marketing communication: the format of participation in it. Traditional elements here are the sponsor's logo on the event advertisement, the placement of banners at the event site and the holding of competitions from the sponsor. In fact, the possibilities for sponsor advertising in the event format are not limited to this. For example, distributing small souvenirs to all guests of the event or a small spectacular performance with the participation of the brand can be much more effective and memorable ways of communication than a traditional prize draw. In the format of many events, it is possible to carry out “gift with purchase” promotions or simply flattening (distributing advertising leaflets) or sampling (distributing product samples).

2.3 Presentation

Presentations can be dedicated to a variety of events: the opening of a new office or representative office of a company, entry into new markets, new types of products, etc. Annual presentation events are possible. Usually the presentation itself lasts 1.5 - 2 hours. The subsequent buffet or cocktail party can also last 1-2 hours. The presentation plan is pretty standard:

introduction of guests and hosts;

demonstration of product samples, video materials, photographic materials;

a short message on the topic of the presentation;

answers to questions;

guest speeches (some of them need to be planned and prepared);

banquet, buffet or reception;

The cultural program.

A presentation is a kind of intermediate (or synthetic) form of special events, combining elements of a press conference and a representative reception.

Journalists are invited to the presentation, as well as to the press conference, and it is envisaged that they will be able to ask questions to the organizers and get answers to them. But not only journalists are invited to the presentation. The circle of invitees is wider, including partners, investors, sponsors and creditors, regular and corporate clients, officials and deputies, and experts.

At a press conference, only the organizers give information, while at a presentation it is good for the guests to also be able to talk about the organization. If at a press conference it is desirable to use visuals (slides, videos, computer presentations, etc.), then at a presentation this is a mandatory, especially emphasized point. New products, a new office, projects and programs are presented - therefore, without images, samples, demonstrations, the presentation is meaningless. As at a press conference, at the presentation guests should be given informational handouts, possibly product samples. At a press conference, refreshments are only a gesture of hospitality - at a presentation it is especially emphasized, although it may not be as significant as at a reception. As at the reception, a cultural program is possible at the presentation: concert, exhibition, live music, greeting the artists.

2.4 Holidays, competitions, festivals, ceremonies

As has already become clear, the organizational work of PR involves holding separate, sometimes large-scale, events: holidays, competitions, festivals, award presentations, conferences, ceremonies, etc. Their preparation and implementation are no different from fairly traditional forms, technologies and methods of cultural and leisure work, long ago and well described in the literature and mastered in practice.

It is important to attract well-known authoritative persons to participate in such events: government officials, famous scientists, politicians, artists, writers, athletes, etc.

Opening ceremonies usually mark the beginning of a new business, the establishment of a new company service, namely, the opening of a new stage in the life of the company.

The need for publicity, or positive notoriety, makes participation in the opening ceremony significant not only for businesses, but also for politicians, government officials and non-profit organizations. By opening a new university building, business center, new school, hospital, a politician or the chairman of a city administration strengthens the positive aspects of his business, which provides him with additional support in elections. Representatives of schools or hospitals being opened may be interested in a dedication ceremony with city officials as it provides them with a new opportunity to communicate their accomplishments or needs to the public. The official opening of a medical or educational institution often makes public a serious social problem and serves as the start for the deployment of fundraising activities - raising funds to solve a socially significant problem or task.

The opening ceremony can be useful not only for factories, shops, restaurants, hotels, but also for certain types of office premises, warehouses, transport stations and ships. An analogue of the opening event is a ceremonial flight, voyage or motor rally along a new route.

The choice of the person who personally opens the object involves several alternatives. This could be the mayor of the city, minister or chairman of the city administration, minister or chairman of the department overseeing the area of ​​activity of the facility, parliamentarian, famous athlete, artist, public figure. The selection criteria are social significance, accessibility, interest, and price for artists and athletes. A person's social status directly affects media interest in the ceremony.

If officials are not expected to be interested in participating in the ceremony, well-known people from the sports or entertainment industry should be targeted. Such persons are very appropriate for the opening ceremony of a new store; their participation can ensure that the event is reflected in local newspapers. In smaller towns and villages, press participation is then more likely, if not impossible.

Unlike officials, people from sports and entertainment expect to be paid for their participation. In the UK the price can range from one to several thousand pounds sterling. For this money, a person can appear at the ceremony, proclaim the opening of the object and immediately disappear. Other people, and not necessarily more expensive ones, are able to spend the day on site among guests and consumers, signing autographs and talking with employees.

Often the official opening will take place after the actual opening of the facility. Business interests may require the facility to begin operations before a grand opening ceremony with dignitaries and officials can be held. In this case, two dates are announced - the date of the actual opening with a small ceremony and the "official opening with a visit or public event."

A program and script are drawn up for the ceremony.

Press releases and backgrounds are being prepared - background information for the media - the history of the company, profiles of the main managers. The press materials provide characteristics of the object being opened - a new division of a product, service, or store item. The presence of a photographer is ensured in case a photographer from the media does not come or misses an interesting shot. A notice-invitation to the media should be made both for the journalist or news editor, and for photo reporters. It is important to identify a special place for journalists and create conditions for them to work.

The awards and prizes presentation ceremonies deserve special attention. As a joke, rewards can be divided, firstly, into expected and unexpected, and secondly, into undeserved and deserved. However, for PR purposes, award ceremonies are important: they are high-profile events, they attract public attention, and the media readily report on them. Therefore, the PR service and the management of the company must monitor information about competitions and awards (international and federal, regional and industry) and actively participate in them. You can apply for participation in the competition from your organization or from public organizations. From professional associations and associations.

You can participate in the award ceremony in three guises: as the founders of the award (and, accordingly, the organizers of the ceremony), members of the jury of this competition, as well as recipients of awards and bonuses. In the first case, we are talking about the standard algorithm for preparing a special event. In the second case, we are talking about passive, albeit respectable participation in the event. In the third, the algorithm for PR actions is quite simple:

Ø preparing a response speech;

Ø the speech of the company representative itself (it is better not to read the text “from a piece of paper” - the speech should look impromptu);

Ø one or more media interviews following the ceremony;

Ø bring the good news to the organization’s staff, perhaps display an award for public viewing or display the corresponding diploma or certificate;

Ø hold a corporate event (celebration) to mark the success achieved.

2.5 Exhibitions, fairs

Exhibitions occupy a special place among events of this kind. Therefore, it seems appropriate to note several important (in terms of PR) features of the preparation and conduct of such a complex event as an exhibition. The exhibition deserves such attention primarily because its organization uses almost all PR means and methods; the exhibition, as it were, brings them into focus and integrates them in an extremely intensive form.

When organizing an exhibition, it is important to involve the media both at the preparation stage and even more so during the event. It is useful to hold at least two press conferences: before the opening (information about the goals and objectives of the exhibition) and after the end (results, assessments and future prospects). And during the exhibition it is useful to hold one or two press conferences dedicated to specific topics and problems. Thus, information about the exhibition will be “present” in the media during its holding, attracting the attention of the population, target and professional groups.

The opening and closing of the exhibition are often accompanied by the organization of receptions (business and representative), and receptions are also held during the exhibition. An exhibition is an exceptionally fertile and rewarding subject for photography, film and video shooting: the exhibition itself, its work, visitors, famous and official persons who turned out to be its guests, etc.

Exhibitions are often held with the assistance of sponsorship. During the exhibition, it is useful to conduct special excursions around it for the population, students, and organize special work at their invitation.

In this case, the exhibition will receive additional resonance in public opinion. Invitations must be sent to persons and organizations on whose attention the exhibition organizers especially count. Information letters, press releases and other materials are sent to professionally and commercially interested organizations and firms, as well as to the media.

Constantly attracting public attention is especially important if there is a sales exhibition (at the end of the exhibition or during it). Therefore, even an exhibition held for purely commercial purposes nevertheless involves a wide range of PR events.

The exhibition, precisely because of the intensity and diversity of the forms and means used in its organization, is an extremely labor-intensive event, requiring considerable expenses. Therefore, not independent exhibitions are often held, but collective ones, where each participant has his own section, box or stand. This is very convenient for small, not yet well-known companies. Participation in such an exhibition is excellent image advertising. Here is an opportunity to demonstrate the high level of products and, of course, the company itself. More profitable are not one-time exhibitions, but traveling ones, exhibited in a number of places, and even countries. Some companies even organize permanent exhibitions with occasionally updated exhibitions.

When deciding for the first time to participate in a particular annual exhibition, it is necessary to study the materials of last year’s exhibition: the exhibition catalog, reviews from the media.

The company's opinion about participation in this exhibition must be definite; it needs to know the goals that it pursues by participating in the exhibition, and the results that the company has the right to expect from it.

An exhibition stand is the face of a company, so you need to treat it as carefully as possible. For some reason, in our Russian “exhibition field” there are often managers who are very demanding, for example, about advertisements in newspapers and magazines about upcoming participation in the exhibition, sparing no effort, correcting them several times and being completely dispassionate about how their exhibition composition looks like. For potential buyers or partners, reading newspapers with advertising is an everyday activity, and visiting an exhibition and a company’s stand can become an event. So you need to make this event memorable by applying ingenuity, experience and intelligence to it. The ability to decorate a stand in an original way and make it interesting for the visitor is the main thing that should occupy everyone working on preparations for the exhibition.

The list of products that the company is going to present at the exhibition must correspond to the theme of the exhibition, but stand exhibitors should always have materials that reflect all areas of the company’s activities.

Before the start of the exhibition, each stand attendant must receive the documents and information necessary for his work at the stand. As a rule, all this is placed in one or two folders. One folder may contain information necessary for the stand attendant, but not intended to be shown to visitors: address, company bank account, phone numbers of managers, contract forms, order forms, commercial price lists with possible discounts and additional conditions, etc. Another folder can contain all information materials in the area for which a given stand attendant is responsible, or vice versa, only those in which he has less knowledge - it all depends on the organization of work at the stand and the personal qualities of the stand attendant.

To work at exhibitions, personnel with the following qualities are selected:

Ø ability to communicate with people;

Ø knowledge of the company’s products, its history, areas of activity;

Ø desire to communicate with people;


Ø attractive appearance.

In this case, the qualities are arranged in sequence from the most significant to the least significant.

Lately, an increasing number of companies attach too much importance to “long legs and big eyes”, forgetting that simply a beautiful appearance without proper knowledge of the subject only distracts from the exhibits displayed at the stand. For a stand operator, what is called charm is much more important: pleasant appearance, willingness to communicate without getting tired; repeat almost the same thing 500 times a day as if it was being said for the first time and only to this person; the ability to see and understand the interlocutor.

Before the start of the exhibition, it is necessary to brief future exhibitors. It is advisable that a specialist responsible for holding exhibitions be constantly present at the stand during the exhibition. Then all the comments and wishes of those working at the stand can be taken into account when preparing for the next exhibition.

In addition to advertising the organizing committee about the upcoming exhibition, advertising of the company itself and its products is necessary. In addition to advertising in newspapers and magazines, you need to order company billboards mentioning the name of the exhibition, location and dates, and company phone numbers, placed on the exhibition territory or on the streets of the city. Internal (design) advertising is all text or visual information about the company and its products (posters, screens with a ticker or image, the name of the company or its sign, placed directly above or near the exhibition stand). Not a single exhibition is complete without the so-called handouts: information sheets, advertising sheets, booklets, prospectuses, price lists, as well as souvenirs with brand names. The goal is to leave visitors with material for a more detailed acquaintance with the products and the company. This is also the most successful option for transmitting the company’s address and telephone number to potential buyers.

However, not every company can afford such pleasure, expenses and maintenance of a permanent staff. Most often, they resort to the services of organizations that specialize in holding exhibitions and have equipped premises, or even specialist organizers. Exhibition activities are a highly profitable business (rent of premises and equipment, salaries of specialists, additional services - for example, preparation and publication of a catalogue).

Particular attention is required when working with booth workers who work directly with visitors at exhibited stands or objects. This work will be required regardless of whether they are specialists from the customer company or from a company specializing in holding exhibitions. All the same, the customer - the organizer of the exhibition will need to bring these people fully up to date so that their work during the exhibition does not reduce its level or harm the interests of the company.

A special problem is the publication of the exhibition catalogue. This material is important not only during the event. In itself, it is very valuable in PR organization as a souvenir, handout, illustration and attachment to other materials. Therefore, a lot depends on its quality (photo materials, text, printing).

Often holding exhibitions involves transporting materials, which may include items of considerable value. Therefore, it is advisable to incur expenses for various types of insurance when holding exhibitions. In Russian practice, insurance for exhibitions (as well as any expensive public events or spectacles in general), unfortunately, is practically not used, while abroad insurance is a mandatory condition for organizing an exhibition.

A special concern of the organizers is the opening of the exhibition and its closure (curtailing the exhibition, cleaning the premises). Therefore, in a rental agreement, this is a special subject for the distribution of responsibilities between the tenant and the lessor.

Considering the intensive and labor-intensive, multidisciplinary nature of the work on preparing and holding the exhibition, its organization must be carefully planned. In this case, it is useful to use a network planning technique that allows you to clearly organize all the necessary work depending on their sequence and duration.

According to participating firms, a week's hard work at the exhibition stand provides new contacts and contracts, which can then “feed the company for six months.” At the most productive exhibitions, up to 25-30 percent of the company's production program is formed (mainly agreements are concluded with partners). Exhibitions also work on the company’s image, indicating its stable position. And the exhibition catalog, which contains information about the participants (name of the company, its specialization, telephone and fax numbers), is then used by everyone interested as a reference book.

2.6 Conferences (seminar, round table)

Preparing for a conference is quite labor-intensive. The full conference program is planned. Much depends on the composition of the invited specialists, which is determined, first of all, by the chosen topic of the conference and the goals pursued by the organizers. This is followed by the invitation of specialists and honored guests. Preparation also includes choosing a venue, accommodation for visiting participants, providing food, and organizing leisure activities. Although conferences are considered the most formalized type of reception, its success and the interest of participants in it are largely determined primarily by the possibility of informal communication. An important point is also the publication of materials based on the results of the conference, which themselves are material that is subsequently used for PR purposes.

Specific preparation for a conference (seminar, round table) involves solving a number of problems:

Ø Determining the goals and objectives of the planned conference (seminar, round table).

Ø Determining the composition of potential participants.

Ø Determining the topic of the conference.

Ø Determining the circle of speakers, presenters and other speakers. Preliminary contacts by e-mail, fax, telephone.

Ø Determination of the necessary logistics.

Ø Drawing up a preliminary cost budget.

Ø Choosing a venue (in the company’s premises, renting a hall, off-site option).

Ø Determining accommodation options for visiting participants.

Ø Invitation of journalists.

Ø Developing a scenario, determining the time of coffee breaks, lunch. Experience shows that theoretical questions (lectures, reports, reviews, etc.) are best planned for the first half of the working day. It is better to devote the afternoon to getting acquainted with practical experience, exchanging opinions, and discussions.

Ø Preparation of video or multimedia presentations, poster presentations.

Ø Preparation of informal communication: cultural program, receptions, buffets, friendly dinner.

Ø Preparation of conference design: banners, flags, logo.

Ø Production of invitations, programs.

Ø Development of a participant questionnaire.

Ø Preparation of handouts for participants.

Ø Clarification of the final list of participants.

Ø Telephone call on the eve of the conference.

On the day of the event:

Ø Arrival of the organizers no later than an hour before the start;

Ø preparation of the premises;

Ø Registration of participants;

Ø holding a conference or seminar strictly according to the regulations.


Ø Processing survey data;

Ø Preparation of a brochure with materials from a conference, seminar, round table. The impact of such events is very high. The company that organizes conferences, round tables, and seminars sharply raises the bar for its image and ensures access to a fairly high level of contacts. The media usually pays attention to such events. From these events, materials remain for long-term use for PR purposes: photographs, videos, brochures, etc.

The status of such events is enhanced by the participation of major specialists and managers in the designated topic of the conference.


Event marketing has been on the rise in recent years. Through special event events, companies try to take an active part in the social life of their target audience. Special events help to “concretize” the brand and bring it closer to consumers. Event marketing is the strongest tool for conveying brand values ​​to the consumer. The consumer gets the opportunity to understand “in his own skin” what Pepsi-Cola or Lifting Cream from Vichy are. This experience, if positive, provides the brand with complete consumer loyalty.

However, organizing a worthy event is not so easy. What is very important here is not only an original creative solution, consistency of the event concept with the general direction of development and the idea of ​​the brand, accurate targeting of the target audience, but also the most thorough organizational work. The number of various types of approvals and “permissions” that need to be obtained is directly proportional to the scale and technical complexity of the event. To resolve issues of providing the event with technical means, communications and energy sources, technical specialists are involved. Often, when holding concerts and shows with the participation of stars or events involving alcohol, the security service has to be involved in the work. A poorly organized event can cause significant damage to a company's image.

Also, the concept of Edumarketing (educational marketing or educational marketing) is becoming increasingly popular in the market, which is to teach the consumer to appreciate the product. Instead of simply presenting a brand to the client, he is given the opportunity to understand the essence of that brand through traditional educational methods. For example, the famous beer manufacturer Budweiser decided to teach its customers the brewing process. For this purpose, a special evening was organized to which beer lovers were invited. At the evening, a video about beer production was shown. All those present received a brochure entitled “Quench Your Thirst for Knowledge.” A production specialist was also present at the evening to answer any questions and provide professional advice. The hall where the meeting took place was packed; everyone was interested in becoming a brewing connoisseur.

According to experts, the BTL market will grow significantly in the coming years. “For the last 4 years, our country has shown one of the highest growth rates of the retail market in the world - 9.2% annually. This allows us to predict the growth of the BTL share in the total advertising budget to 30% by 2008. In 2007, its volume will be $2.7 billion,” says AKAR vice-president Vadim Kulikov. According to expert forecasts, by 2010 the volume of the Russian BTL advertising market could reach $4.5 billion. Vadim Kulikov, general director of the Vitrina A advertising group, believes that in 2010 advertisers will spend approximately 30% of their advertising budgets. In general, this corresponds to the global trend: in the advertising market of Eastern Europe, the ratio of ATL and BTL shares is 55% and 45%, respectively, in Western Europe - 51% and 49%, and in the US market 40% and 60%.


Arredondo L. The art of business presentation. - Chelyabinsk: Ural LTD. - 1998. - 513 pp.;

Bird Polly. Sell ​​yourself. Tactics for improving your image. Minsk. - Amalthea. - 1997. - 208 p.;

Best R. Consumer Marketing. - M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2008 - 760 p.

Burkitt H., Zili D. Marketing of winners. - M.: IDT Group, 2008 - 304 p.

3. Bern E. People who play games. Psychology of human destiny. / Translation by A.A. Gruzberg. - Ekaterinburg: LITUR, 1999; Terminological correction by V. Danchenko - K.: PSYLIB, 2004. P. 100

Bodanov E.N., Zazykin V.G. Psychological foundations of PR. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003; c. 87

Brown Lillian. Image is the key to success. M. -1996; c. 45

Danilets A.V. Theory and practice of political PR. // Marketing and management. No. 2 2010 P.76 - 81

Jay Anthony. Effective presentation. - Minsk. - Amalthea. - 1996 - 210 p.

Layhiff D.M., Penrose D. Business communication. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. p. 53

Confucius. Lessons of wisdom: Works - M.: EKSMO-Press, 2002. - 520 p.

Lewis R.D. Business cultures in international business. From collision to mutual understanding. - M., 1999. p. 68

Nazimko A.K. Event marketing. Guide for customers and performers. - M.: Vershina, 224 p.

Protocol and etiquette for business people. - St. Petersburg -1994; c. 115

Romantsov A.N. Event marketing. The essence and features of the organization. M.: Publisher: Dashkov and Co., 2009 - 116 p.

Chestara D. Business etiquette. Public relations. - M. -1997 - 336 pp.;

Www.merm.ru - [Electronic resource] - Workshop of effective repertory management

Www.vuima.ru - [Electronic resource] - Information portal "Vuima"

Www.officemart.ru - [Electronic resource] - Reference and analytical support resource


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Today, the manufacturing and wholesale business in Russia is going through a rather interesting phase: companies are beginning to discover “New Wave Marketing” - the current state of affairs in marketing at the moment. Marketing in general is developing rapidly: new technologies and approaches are emerging that are applicable in any area of ​​business, in particular, for wholesale and manufacturing companies.

Most companies use a standard set. Most often, most of the company's sales are the result of personal connections and acquaintances of the manager. Also the website, the key question is how the site works and what efficiency it shows, participation in tenders, repeat sales to old customers and cold calls. And, of course, participation in exhibitions, which we will talk about.

All these tools, of course, work and give some results, but have you ever thought that your competitors use the same tools?
Therefore, today I want to talk about a customer acquisition channel that few people use - event marketing.

What is event marketing?

The whole point is revealed in the title. These are events (seminars, trainings, conferences), the main purpose of which is to sell your company’s products.
The purpose of the events is to make a sale. In this article I will talk about exactly how to sell at events correctly. Let's look at 3 types:

  • Exhibitions and conferences
  • Own live trainings and seminars
  • Online trainings and seminars

Organized and delivered a cool Interactive training with AfterParty "Brands&Events"! And this article summarizes what happened at the training, and some reviews.

Personal brand and enterprise brand

Applicable to any business -Off-line and On-line. In the 21st century, it is not a product or service that the client needs, but your competence, expertise, service and attitude towards him. And your Name is the only one that has the power to influence your business. These are the trends and demands of the market, gentlemen.

Event marketing - Event marketing. What is this?

One of the most effective branding tools is Event marketing.

It is a method of promotion that aims to build and strengthen a brand's image by organizing non-standard special events or events.

Events are usually divided into:

workers where information exchange takes place (training seminars, congresses, exhibitions, conferences);

informative, the purpose of which is to convey information in an entertaining form (release of the first batch of goods, rewarding the millionth customer, company birthday, premiere, corporate events);

leisure- focused on organizing free time through communication and entertainment of the target audience, which involves a strong emotional impact: (competitions, shows, concerts, festivals, trips, fashion shows).

The main tasks facing the Event Marketer and Project Manager are:Involvement - Brand awareness - Sales - Mutual PR - Mix of several points.

Event marketing - Benefits of event marketing

1. Almost any information “packed” in an entertaining form is experienced more emotionally and sensually - therefore, it is better perceived and remembered.

2. Event marketing is a kind of mix of ATL, BTL and PR, due to which it has an impact through several communication channels at once.

3. A promoted event itself becomes a brand, which allows it to be widely used when building the company’s future strategy.

4. An event marketing event has a “long-lasting” effect, since it begins long before the event in announcements, posters, press conferences and continues in subsequent media reports.

5. Event participants can be considered as a large focus group in which the company tests its proposals.

6. The event is an opportunity to establish the necessary contact with journalists.

7. At an event marketing event, you can organize direct sales of goods.

8. High creativity and flexibility inherent in event marketing make it possible to build original programs for companies in various fields of activity and with different financial capabilities.

Event marketing - Emotional connections

Event marketing is an ideal tool for establishing emotional connections with consumers. He helps the brand find its “human face”, meet the consumer, get to know him better and get a piece of his heart, and therefore money!

Event Marketing Principles You Should Follow

  • Formed regulations of time and space
  • There must be clear rules of conduct that all participants must familiarize themselves with.
  • A ubiquitous brand
  • In all promotional materials, put your logo, indicate your Internet address and telephone number.
  • Don't skimp on positive emotions
  • Try not to skimp on gifts and goodies. The positive emotions your customers receive will keep them loyal to your company in the future.
  • Subjectivity
  • Your goal is to leave a positive impression on the vast majority of people. Even when reading positive reviews from other people. Event marketing can not only promote loyalty, but also manipulate customer attitudes.
  • Openness and communication
  • Guests should feel like they are part of your company, let them feel this, and then it will be easier for you to influence them.
  • The principle of target audience
  • Consider the preferences and lifestyle of your target audience (below)
  • Press. The media and bloggers will be your obligatory assistant in covering the event.

Event marketing and target audience (the target audience) - Who she ?

Formation of Customer Journey andCJ value for the event

The main goal of building a customer journey map is to structure customer behavior and determine the most effective methods of involving them in interaction with the brand. The customer journey map is a universal tool and can be used both to build a sales model and for post-sales analysis of customer behavior. Do you needAudience Analysis, selection of target segments andPortrait of the target audience, segmenting the target audience according to the objectives of the event

Event marketing - The most interesting events

  • Event surprise
  • Event record
  • Event of beauty
  • Event surprise
  • Event miracle
  • Event mystery

FACAP or it can’t get any worse!

Practice has shown that one of the most pressing topics is the organization of BUSINESS events: conferences, forums, master classes, trainings.

At first glance, organizing a forum is very easy:

  • Select a site
  • Make a program
  • Agree with speakers
  • Create a website
  • Find sponsors
  • Sell ​​tickets

BUT THERE ARE ALWAYS RISKS OF doing something wrong:

  • Choose the wrong event date, get into competition with other events and lose
  • Agree with the venue, but renovations will begin during your event, or the halls will be stuffy, and the projector will illuminate the presentations
  • Agree with speakers who, a couple of days before the event, refuse and will not come
  • Order full-fledged catering to contractors, but just get coffee and cookies from the nearest store
  • Make a program that will not be interesting to the target audience at all (even though you thought it was brilliant)
  • Coordinate activities and packages with sponsors right up to the last day, and then suddenly find out that they have changed their minds
  • Do not take into account many small expenses that will later “eat up” all your profit
  • Conduct an advertising campaign that will not generate ticket sales, as a result of which the site will be empty, and you will go into a serious minus
  • Failure to include important details in contracts with contractors or customers, which will result in huge financial and reputational losses

Win=Win in Brand Generation!

  • How to create and promote a Brand if everyone only wants to promote themselves?
  • How to conduct effective negotiations after Networking?
  • How to monetize business contacts so that your opponent also makes money with you?

The system of business relations in organizing and building a business through a mutually beneficial Win-Win partnership, where each party wins mutually, is the principle of my interaction with partners.

PACKAGING OF THE BRAND, INFO PRODUCT and Techniques for creating a product line - Offers

Today everyone talks only about the “packaging” of a product or business. Often this term refers to design, readable texts and, at best, usability (understandability, convenience and ease of use of the site).

In fact, packaging elements are all points of contact with potential and actual customers:

  • Website, blog, landing page
  • Advertising campaign
  • Emails
  • Social media
  • Sales and customer service scripts
  • Company legend
  • Commercial offer, marketing kit and other promotional materials
  • Materials on third-party resources
  • Feedback from clients and employees
  • Video, audio and text content

BrandBook – BrandStory – LogoBook) – GuideLine

FULL VERSION - Guide to using corporate identity elements. Goals, mission, values. This is what our Producer Center does with high quality and an individual approach!

Brand FAQs - or Main Mistakes

  • My clients are all people

It is important to make the potential client feel that he has come to the very place created especially for him. If you focus on everyone, you simply won’t be able to “hook” your client.The best strategy here is to create a separate product for a separate segment of the target audience.

  • No trust = no sales

Almost the entire audience of clients are skeptics. Every day they try to sell them a “magic pill” for all their troubles and problems.

Therefore, the main task is to generate at least 3 pieces of evidence that you can be trusted. (Media, reviews, video reviews)

  • USP - offer

A unique selling proposition is the heart of any business. From the audience's point of view, this is the reason why they should choose you and your company.

Why is it better to order Uber rather than a regular taxi?A clearly formulated offer (USP) answers these and similar questions.

  • Lack of personalization

The time for faceless goods, services and business is over. Clients want to know: who you are, where and how you live, what you know and can do. Individual attention is important to them. They want security at every stage of the sales process. In other words, you need a Personal Brand! and Company Brand!

  • Buy - Buy - Buy

Is it possible to sell an online offer or a business “on the ground” for an expensive price over the phone if this is the first contact with a potential client? Cases are different, but still let's look at the situation soberly.

It is necessary to think through a multi-step campaign, during which we will create and form the client’s trust: why we are more profitable, what kind of support we provide.


Human perception is based on 5 senses:vision,hearing,taste,touch (kinesthetics) andsense of smell

Aroma branding, examples of which can also often be found in many other areas of commercial activity, is effectively used to achieve the following results:

  • increasing sales volumes;
  • increasing brand awareness;
  • increasing the time spent by customers in trading floors;
  • stimulating consumer interest;
  • activation of company employees;
  • ensuring consumer satisfaction with the product.

Aromamarketing and Aromadesign are no longer new, but here we offer:AROMABRANDING - BRAND SMELL - AROMALLOGO(For example, these brands have their own zaachs: Sassofono, Stradivarius, Golden Age, Luciano Carvari)

Exquisite aroma of music – Audio branding is an integrated approach toformation of a sound image brand for long-term use. This image is made up of sound constants that are developed individually for each brand and can be adapted for use at different points of contact. This is one of the channels that creates authentic perception.

Our Producer Center is developing an audio brand identity, it is very relevant and modern, and most importantly, it works!

Audiologist(and Audio-DNA) is the sound symbol of the brand. An integrated approach to creating a brand’s sound image. It works very well for recognition and attraction.

Audio clipmostly advertising or quoted for up to 30 seconds with an announcer, Andrey Kaduk is a professional presenter and announcer, we work well as a team.

Music Marketing is a collage of a brand with a musical environment: involving and using the image of a singer, musical group or DJ as part of some kind of advertising campaign. This is how the brand attracts a celebrity audience for its own promotion.

MEDIA PLAN to Event Marketing is a very serious service that is based on knowledge of marketing, management, event marketing, behavioral principles of the target audience and business processes.

How to make advertising, promotion and EVENT work together, harmoniously and effectively?You will stand out from your competitors if you start applying this knowledge or trust us as professionals!

HOW to monetize knowledge and experience online

  • Idea, mission, values ​​and fundamental basic components of the Brand
  • Website + SEO
  • Social networks, promotion system, content plan
  • Creation of a product line
  • Media plan, Event marketing - events, plan
  • Email marketing + chatbot
  • Google and Facebook advertising, announcements, groups
  • Events on Facebook, mutual PR
  • Participation as a sponsor, advertising at other people’s events, joint webinars, live broadcasts and mutual PR

Mutual utility in competition. Be original. An association.

These are not very clear things in our society yet... But our task is to instill a culture of business and proper self-sufficient competition, so that everyone is original, and not a pathetic copy of someone else. For businesses to unite for mutual benefit and mutual assistance!

It was customary to use public pages on Facebook for unification and mutual assistance.