Rustam Gilfanov is a man who dreamed of making the city cleaner. The success story of Rustam Gilfanov, the founder of the industry for the production of modern reagents in Russia Gilfanov: “De-icing materials can be both effective and safe”

Gilfanov Rustam Khalefovich was born in 1976 in the Perm region, the city of Perm. Growing up in the family of a mechanical engineer, from his youth he was interested in entrepreneurship and science.

In 1998 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Perm State University. While studying, he created a company that sold equipment for. Its main goal was to promote the products of the Perm region to the central regions of the country. This was one of Gilfanov’s main guidelines in subsequent years.

Over time, Gilfanov began to look for his niche. What to do to be useful, and how to use the rich resources of Russia? The answer did not take long to arrive. In major cities across the country, traffic-related problems became increasingly apparent. Existing methods of winter cleaning did not provide decent results; green spaces died due to an excess of salt in the soil. An efficient and environmentally friendly solution was needed.

Creation of anti-icing material PGM

And Gilfanov began developing anti-icing material (AGM). It would be difficult to figure this out alone; Gilfanov began collaborating with specialized Institutes that studied the properties of salts and tested their various combinations.

After several years of active research and testing, the same anti-icing material was created - the most effective and safest one available on the market. Gilfanov and several other scientists became the authors of a patent for PGM, consisting of a mixture of salts. The quality of this reagent was in no way inferior to foreign inventions.

Gilfanov’s next step was the creation of his own enterprise in Krasnokamsk - LLC Ural Plant of Anti-icing Materials (UZPM). Today it is a high-tech production of modern PGMs with its own research center. UZPM regularly releases new products to the market that receive high marks from experts.

Under the leadership of Rustam Khalefovich Gilfanov, UZPM became the country's leading production facility. In 2014, the plant received the status of a partner and supplier of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, was repeatedly awarded various prizes, and won competitions. Gilfanov himself issued 4 more patents in the road and oil industries, and the company was declared the largest taxpayer in the Perm Territory.

Gilfanov Rustam Khalefovich is a researcher, creator of UZPM (Ural Plant of Anti-icing Materials), a successful entrepreneur.

Early years and education

The businessman is a native of Perm. Born on March 20, 1976. Parents: engineer Khalef Gilfanov (from Udmurtia) and his wife Margarita (her homeland is the Perm region).

In 1994, Rustam Khalefovich became a student at Perm State National Research University and chose the specialization “management and production management” at the Faculty of Economics.

Way to success

Entrepreneurial activity attracted the hero of the article early. Already in his second year of study, he created a company that supplied equipment for the oil industry. The business was successful, but it did not fully satisfy Gilfanov’s entrepreneurial spirit. He wanted to create something of his own, useful and important, and use domestic raw materials. At this time, the main direction of activity was determined: the popularization of goods of the Perm region in the central markets of Russia, including in Moscow and Moscow Region.

Rustam Khalefovich is rightly called the founder of the field of creating progressive winter cleaning products. Twenty years ago, only salt and sand were used to combat ice. Because of them, the structure of the road surface, car parts, and shoes were destroyed. This also had a bad impact on the environment - the level of salt in the soil increased critically, and green spaces suffered. Gilfanov wanted to solve this problem.

It was necessary to create a harmless anti-icing material (AGM) that would quickly perform its function. The task was not easy, but this man acted with such dedication that his colleagues later said that he infected everyone with his activity. First, Gilfanov attracted leading research institutes to work: from medical to road construction. Together they studied the composition of foreign PGMs. Active development and research began (and they still do not stop).

It took six years to create a material that would be less aggressive to the environment and machines and more effective in its intended purpose - fighting ice.

Together with other scientists, Gilfanov’s first invention was patented - a multicomponent PGM that meets foreign quality standards. The mutual action of the combination of salts in its composition made it possible to reduce the negative impact of sodium chloride on structures and the environment and enhance the efficiency and positive qualities of the components. It was also important that the resources of the Perm region were actively used.

The year 2007 became special for Rustam Gilfanov - he and a group of colleagues founded an enterprise for the creation of reagents. Today it is known as UZPM - the Ural Plant of Anti-icing Materials. To date, the plant has developed into a large production complex with its own research and development center. Effective de-icing compounds have made the Ural residents famous throughout the country.

UZPM supplied PGMs to the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014. In the same year, it became a partner of the Paralympic Games. For this, the President of the Russian Federation presented the plant with a memorable award.

More than once the company has become a laureate and prize-winner of various competitions. From “100 best goods of Russia” to “Ecology of the 21st century”. The plant was also recognized as the best employer.

Rustam Gilfanov now

Today developments continue. Gilfanov is improving his inventions; in his opinion, deicing materials not only can, but also must be harmless to human health and the environment.

In addition, he invests in social projects at the regional and federal levels - cultural, sports, environmental events. It supports Paralympians, sports sections and collaborates with a number of public organizations.


Scientific researcher, founder of the industry of modern winter cleaning technologies and chairman of the board of directors of the Ural Plant of Anti-icing Materials Rustam Gilfanov was born in Perm in 1976. He took his first steps in business while still a student at Perm State University - he was engaged in the supply of equipment for the oil industry. At the same time, the main vector of his activity was determined: the promotion of producers and goods of the Perm region outside its borders. Over time, another goal was added to the desire to promote the products of our small homeland: to establish our own production, which would change people’s lives for the better.

Gilfanov: “De-icing materials can be both effective and safe”

It didn’t take long for a promising idea to emerge. By the 2000s, many large cities faced a crisis in winter cleaning practices. Maintenance was carried out using technical salt and a sand-salt mixture, which melted the ice extremely ineffectively and caused environmental damage. Motorists complained about corrosive mud covering their cars, and citizens were suffocating from smog and drifting dust. The growth of city traffic only aggravated the problems: there were not enough people and equipment. At the same time, the number of accidents due to ice grew rapidly. Those who wanted to find more effective means to combat ice had to purchase them abroad. This share at some point reached 30% of the volume of all anti-icing materials (AGM) used in Russia.

The production industry of modern PGMs in Russia clearly needed development and an energetic leader. That was Rustam Khalefovich Gilfanov. For several years, he conducted theoretical and practical research, involving specialists from road, medical, veterinary and leather and footwear research institutes. The first significant result of this activity was a joint patent for PGM from a mixture of salts that mutually enhance positive qualities (such as melting ability, operating temperature) and significantly reduce the negative effects of sodium chloride. The new product was in no way inferior to foreign analogues, while the raw materials for its production could be mined in the Perm region.

Gilfanov and UZPM: 10 years for the benefit of the industry

In 2007, the Ural Plant of Anti-icing Materials LLC was founded in Krasnokamsk, today it is a high-tech production facility with its own research center. Over the course of 10 years, Gilfanov registered four more patents. At the same time, developments are ongoing, new products are regularly released onto the market and receive high expert ratings.

The most modern product to date is the Bionord series of de-icing materials, which operate based on the principles of salt synergy, inhibition and biodegradation. Gilfanov’s approach to winter maintenance technologies is as follows: to provide a comprehensive solution and at the same time take into account the individual characteristics of the region and area of ​​application. Completely different compositions with maximum efficiency are being developed for roads, inclines, bridges, and sidewalks. Products are supplied to more than 50 regions of Russia, as well as to the CIS countries and Europe (for example, Norway). At specialized exhibitions, UZPM stands receive constant attention from distinguished guests; at the forum "Housing and Communal Services of Russia - 2018" representatives of the Baltic countries were keenly interested in the plant's products.

New products for 2016 and 2017, “Single granule” and “Bionord two-phase” work even faster and allow you to minimize consumption by reducing material loss. The two-phase composition for the 2017-2018 season was purchased for cleaning in Kazan and showed excellent results.

Gilfanov Rustam - an honest entrepreneur

The success of the plant and its founder gave no rest to competitors: taking advantage of the population’s ignorance regarding the composition and action of PGM, they launched a large-scale campaign in the media against the rapidly growing business.

In 2014, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation suspected that Gilfanov allegedly supplied a low-quality reagent. At the same time, it was proven that the auctions took place without violations, expert opinions confirmed that the goods complied with the terms of government contracts, and the Moscow government had no claims against the supplier. Moreover, as a result of the use of innovative materials, pedestrian injuries have decreased several times, the number of accidents due to ice has decreased, and the level of soil salinity has decreased.

During two years of proceedings, the courts of three instances did not find any corpus delicti or illegal actions of Gilfanov in the case.

UZPM is the pride of Russia

Under the leadership of Rustam Khalefovich, the Ural Plant of Anti-icing Materials has become one of the leading enterprises in the country, the flagship of the industry, moving the economy forward. UZPM:

  • official supplier of the Olympic Games in Sochi and partner of the Paralympic Games;
  • multiple winner of the “100 Best Products of Russia” program;
  • laureate of the "Ecology of the 21st Century" competition;
  • winner of the national award "For contribution to the development of the country's environmental safety";
  • winner of the international award "Energy Efficiency";
  • best employer of 2014;
  • largest taxpayer in the Perm region;
  • “Conscientious supplier” and holder of a Certificate of Compliance with national standards for the supply of goods for government needs;
  • curator of a large number of charitable initiatives.

Gilfanov Rustam Khalefovich - economist and scientific researcher, creator of the Ural Plant of Anti-icing Materials (UZPM).

Childhood and youth

Russian entrepreneur Rustam Gilfanov was born on March 20, 1976 in Perm. Father and mother - Khalef and Margarita Gilfanov - are also natives of the Perm region. Already in childhood, Gilfanov’s love for his small homeland is evident. In his youth, the hero of the article will think about how to improve the standard of living in Perm. And this will lead to significant discoveries.

Rustam Khalefovich came to entrepreneurship early - he was a second-year student at Perm State University (Faculty of Economics, specialty “Management and Production Management”).

Already as a student, he began to engage in business - supplying equipment for oil industry enterprises. At this time, the main direction of Gilfanov’s activity is being formed - he wants to establish his own production, which would work for the benefit of his native land. And although the supply business is good, it is not enough.


The sand-salt mixtures used at that time for removing snow and ice caused irreparable damage to the environment for years - the quality of the soil deteriorated, and green spaces became very scarce. Gilfanov did not want his native land to suffer, and decided to fix it.

Governor of the Perm Territory Maxim Reshetnikov and Rustam Gilfanov at the UZPM enterprise

For six years, Gilfanov and his colleagues from specialized research institutes studied the components of foreign anti-icing reagents. The main goal was to create an effective and harmless material that would melt ice better than salt and sand, and would not cause such significant damage to the natural environment. And although it was difficult, Gilfanov did not give up; he believed that deicing materials could act without side effects.

Gilfanov worked hard, and this led to success. He and several other scientists became the authors of a patent for an anti-icing reagent that meets European quality standards.

The Ural plant of de-icing materials was launched in 2007. The main raw materials used for the production of de-icing materials are mined in the Perm region.

Over a decade of work, Gilfanov registered four new patents on technologies in the field of road and oil production. Research and development are still ongoing.

The plant is regularly awarded prizes and recognized in competitions, and its founder became the best employer of 2014. Now UZPM is an advanced production facility with laboratories and a research center.

Personal life

Rustam Gilfanov prefers not to talk about his personal life. It is known that the entrepreneur is married and has three children. He likes to relax actively - sailing, tennis.

Rustam Gilfanov today

In 2014, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation decided that Rustam Gilfanov was supplying the market with products of inadequate quality. Conducted many checks and examinations. At the same time, the Moscow Government had no complaints about the quality of de-icing materials - they corresponded to the level of government contracts, which was subsequently also confirmed by third-party specialists during the investigation.

In 2016, the case was returned to the prosecutor due to the unfounded charges. In 2017, the Moscow City Court confirmed the decision that the charges were illogical. None of the arguments were accepted as valid. Thus, Gilfanov was acquitted by the courts of several instances at once.

Today, in addition to the fact that Rustam Gilfanov continues to work on the development of the winter maintenance industry, he also supports numerous social projects. A portion of business income goes towards cultural, sporting and environmental events.

This decision was made by the Presnensky District Court of Moscow, which heard the case. The businessman was released in the courtroom.

Let us remind you that the co-owner of the Perm company “Ural Plant of Anti-icing Materials” Rustam Gilfanov on December 8, 2014 in Moscow. The businessman was involved in one of the most high-profile cases of fraud in the amount of 2.5 billion rubles and money laundering in the Perm region. Gilfanov was detained at the Moscow airport, and a couple of days later documents were confiscated at the enterprise.

According to investigators, the money was received by the businessman for the supply of deicing materials for the needs of the Moscow Government.

Subsequently, official representatives of the Ural Plant of Anti-icing Materials company and lawyers stated that they considered the charge brought by the Investigative Committee against Gilfanov to be “completely unfounded” and would “use all legal remedies provided by law.”

Gilfanov’s company provided up to 40% of the supply of reagents for the needs of the capital.

Eva Merkacheva, Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Public Monitoring Commission:

A miracle happened (for now, justice in our country is more of a miracle than the norm). The court released the businessman, scientist (author of patented deicing reagents) Rustam Gilfanov with the wording “guilt has not been proven.” He spent two years in a pre-trial detention center, where I saw him many times during checks. Very bright, kind, positive...

Gilfanov himself could not understand why he was imprisoned? What is the fault? He kept telling me that the “victim” side - the Moscow Government - does not consider itself a victim and continues to purchase his reagents. “And recently I was taken in a paddy wagon to the Investigative Committee, and near their building on Tekhnichesky Lane everything was strewn with my anti-ice coating! I asked them - “Why are you using my developments if you consider me a criminal?” Polonsky, by the way, recently told his judge (he and Gilfanov have the same judge): “When you judge Gilfanov, remember that you are judging an innocent man.” And I don’t remember another case where a prisoner pleaded for an arrested person who was a complete stranger to him at his own trial.

  • According to the tax base of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the company “Ural Plant of Anti-icing Materials” was founded in 2006. The founders are Andrey Babikov (66.7%), as well as Rustam Gilfanov (33.3%). The latter entered the business on December 27, 2013.
  • The Ural Plant of Anti-icing Materials is the largest supplier of these materials in Russia.
  • The company is on the list of official partners of the Sochi Olympics.
  • Earlier, in 2012, the media