Plan of the seminar. Examples of seminar programs for various groups of students Seminar program at school sample

The implementation of the Author's program is carried out on topics relevant to the Customer and based on his internal needs. This section presents possible topics for various areas of activity, for various target groups and learning purposes.

“Ascent to co-creativity” (1 day, 8 academic hours)

The composition of the group is 20-25 people. (primary and secondary school teachers)

Goal: to develop students’ skills in some elements of TRIZ-Pedagogy in the educational process.

“Innovative ascent. Prototyping with TRIZ" (2 days, 18 hours)

Group composition – up to 20 people. (students 12-16 years old and teachers of CMIT, students and tutors of Technoparks, tutors in 2D graphics and 3D modeling and printing)

Goal: to consolidate the skills of practical design and research activities, the creation of innovative samples based on TRIZ.

Topic name Number of teaching hours Equipment
Levels of inventions. Examples and trends.
Selecting an analogue and prototype for modernization. Grade.
Morphological analysis is a method of modernization. MFO.
2D graphics. Sample layout. Computer with 2D
3D modeling and sample printing 3D printer
Fundamentals of TRIZ: contradiction, IFR, VPR, Standards-76.
Search for new solutions in modernizing the sample.
Fundamentals of patent science. Development of a patent formula.
Registration of the results of the work. Presentation.

Note: To implement the program, tutors from CMIT and Technopark are involved who are proficient in 2D graphics and 3D modeling and printing technologies.

“Creative upbringing and education of youth based on TRIZ” (3 days, 24 academic hours)

The composition of the group is 20-25 people. (teachers from CMIT, Business schools, universities).

Goal: to develop students’ skills in the practical application of TRIZ tools for pedagogical activities in working with youth.

Topic name Number of teaching hours
Problems of creative upbringing and education
The role of cognitive and creative abilities
Introduction to TRIZ (history of creation, structure)
Techniques for resolving contradictions
Laws of systems development
Techniques and methods for developing creative imagination
Ways to develop creative thinking
Application of the TRIZ information fund in the educational process
Foreign methods of random search for solutions
Qualities of a creative personality and methods of its development
Computer support in generating new ideas

“Development of creative imagination” (1 day, 8 hours)

Group composition – up to 25 people. (innovators, students, engineers, teachers, lecturers)

Goal: mastering techniques and methods for developing creative imagination in practical tasks.

Course “GB TRIZ Practitioner” (remotely 3 weeks, face-to-face 4 days, 32 hours)

The course includes: Fundamentals of TRIZ and Guided Brainstorming. Mastering the software "TRIZ-Idea Generator" (Guided Brainstorming Companion™). Carrying out a training project based on a real participant's task.

Group composition – up to 20 people. (participants - CMIT, Technopark, University, Business School, Engineering and Technology Enterprises)

Goal: mastering TRIZ elements and the TRIZ-Idea Generator (Guided Brainstorming Companion™) software to a level that allows you to independently solve clearly defined problems, improve your skills and work on solving complex problems under the guidance of a TRIZ Professional.

Topic name Lectures Practices
Meet the group. Initial testing. Course overview. The order of completing tasks.
Introduction to TRIZ and Guided Brainstorming™:
  • What is an Inventive Problem?
  • Ideality - search directions
  • Resources are the key to the solution
  • Inventive Techniques
  • Controversies
  • Guided Brainstorming™ Process
Mastering Inventive Techniques
  • Resources, Time
  • Space, Structure
  • Conditions and Parameters
  • Resolution of Contradictions
0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5
Problem solving practice (working with TRIZ-Idea Generator software):
  1. Direction
  2. Concept
Dealing with complex issues of participants


  1. The cost of the TRIZ-Idea Generator software $98.00 for each participant is included in the price of the course.
  2. Course participants begin training with their own computer. The course organizers provide Internet access.
  3. During distance learning, an expert from the USA is involved in the course. Distance learning involves daily work for 3 weeks (1-2 hours a day) to complete 9 Exercises, which are tested by TRIZ Professionals. Each participant is given appropriate individual recommendations via email or Skype. The course provides 7 web conferences (1-2 hours) to explain materials, receive recommendations from GB TRIZ Professionals, answer questions and summarize.
  4. Course participants who have successfully completed the training, passed the tests and completed their project with a defended presentation receive a “GB TRIZ Practitioner” Certificate of international standard from Guided Brainstorming LLC.

“Ascent to co-creation. TRIZ – technology of innovation” (3 days, 24 academic hours).

The composition of the group is 20-25 people. (methodologists and teachers of educational institutions, lyceums, CMIT).

Goal: To develop students’ skills in practical application of TRIZ and GB TRIZ methodologies in educational activities.

Day 1. TRIZ
Time Subject Notes
9.00-9.40 Registration of seminar participants
9.40-10.00 Opening: greetings from the seminar organizers
1. 10.00-10.30 Presentation, regulations and overview of the seminar program.
2. 10.30-11.30 Meet the group. Introduction to the Course. MP&E. Systematic approach to the education system. School of Innovation. Examples of open tasks. Discussion with listeners
3. 11.30-11.40 Coffee break Organizers
4. 11.40-12.00 Introduction to TRIZ, overview of the main tools. Non-algorithmic methods of searching for ideas: MS, MFO, MA, MKV. Training
5. 12.00-13.00 Development of creative imagination, features of the RTV course. Review of methods. Phantogram. Application practice. Training
6. 13.00-14.00 Dinner
7. 14.00-15.00 Contradiction. Ideality of systems. The law of increasing the degree of ideality. A perfect school. Discussion with listeners
8. 15.00 -15.20 Problem modeling (VA) and application practice.
9. 15.20-15.30 Coffee break
10. 15.30-16.10 System of standards SS-76. Discussion with listeners
11. 16.10-17.30 Examples of the use of "SS-76".
12. 17.30-18.00 Information Foundation - Effect Indexes (overview)
13. 18.00-18.30 Answers on questions. Homework 1. Summary for the 1st day.
14. 10.00-10.30 Day 2. TRIZ
15. 10.30-11.30 Resume review. Answers on questions. Discussion with listeners
16. 11.30-11.40 Coffee break
17. 11.30-13.00 Resource approach (RAP). Practice searching for resources in solving open problems. Discussion with listeners
18. 13.00-14.00 Dinner
19. 14.00-15.00 Needs for innovation. Examples for finding innovative solutions. Training
20. 15.00-15.10 Coffee break
21. 15.10-16.30 Creative combat as a method of creative activity of students.
22. 16.30-17.40 Review of educational and methodological literature on TRIZ Practice. Analysis of examples from students.
23. 17.40-18.00 Analysis
24. 18.00-18.30 Answers on questions. Homework 2. Summary for day 2.
25. 10.00-10.20 Day 3. GB TRIZ
26. 10.20-11.30 Day 2 summary review. Answers on questions. Discussion with listeners
27. 11.30-11.40 Coffee break
28. 11.40-12.20 Structured innovation method. Tools and process for generating ideas. Discussion with listeners
29. 12.20-13.00 Computer support for searching for innovative solutions. Software "TRIZ-Idea Generator". Training
30. 13.00-14.00 Dinner
31. 14.00-15.20 Levels of innovation. Practice determining the level.
32. 15.20-15.30 Coffee break
33. 15.30-16.30 Rules for using software in the educational process. Training
34. 16.30-17.30 Practice working on solving students' problems.
35. 17.30-18.00 Practice. Analysis of examples of listeners. Organizers

Summing up the seminar. Presentation of certificates to students.Note.

The program may change as the seminar progresses.

  • Listeners receive handouts (electronically):
  • A set of visual posters “Fundamentals of Invention”.
  • TRIZ: Level I textbook.
  • Application of TRIZ technological effects.
  • Typical techniques for eliminating technical contradictions.
  • Table for resolving technical contradictions.
  • Standards for solving inventive problems.

Lesson plan.

Equipment for the seminar:

1. Comfortable, ventilated room for group classes;

2. Arrange tables/chairs to form groups of 5 people;

4. Multimedia projector, screen for it;

5. Microphone and electric mouse;

6. A printer or the ability to quickly print teaching materials;

7. White board and markers for it;

8. Flip chart with extra paper;

9. A4 paper or notebooks for listeners;

10. Ballpoint pens for listeners;

11. Organization of coffee breaks during breaks (tea, coffee, water, sweets, pastries, sandwiches).

The seminar plan includes the following activities.

2. Approximate time estimate for discussing each issue of the seminar plan.

3. Outline or abstract of the opening speech: the meaning of the topic; objectives of the seminar; the most important theoretical issues to be discussed; procedure for the seminar, other issues.

4. Additional questions for the seminar.

5. Organization of students’ work at the seminar: who should be given the floor first, the place of the report in the structure of the seminar and the order of its discussion, which students and when to call for control.

6. The procedure for using TCO, visual aids, illustrations, and fiction at the seminar.

7. Final word: assessment of the seminar as a whole, assessment of the report, analysis of student speeches and their evaluation, generalization and coverage of the most important theoretical and practical problems, conclusion on the topic, assignment for the next lesson.

Procedure for conducting the seminar.

Typically, a seminar session begins with an introductory speech from the teacher. It should be short, lasting 5-10 minutes and not duplicate what was already said during the consultation. The teacher formulates the goals and objectives of the seminar, shows the place and significance of the topic, draws students' attention to the main provisions and problems that should be discussed in class. The teacher directs students to consider theoretical issues in close connection with management practice and the life of society, indicates the order of the seminar, notes its features, and finds out whether all cadets are ready for the lesson.

After the introductory speech, there is usually a report or essay by one of the students. The report is devoted to the most important theoretical or practical issue of the topic. The duration of the report is 15-20 minutes. The speaker should be warned not to try to address all the issues in the seminar plan. The form of the speaker's presentation matters. Many students voice the written text, reading it monotonously and quickly. Such presentation of the material sharply reduces interest in it, weakens its contact with the audience and does little to help develop skills in public speaking and managing subordinates during the lesson.

After the speaker's speech, he may be asked questions. The teacher ensures that the questions relate directly to the topic of the seminar report. To reduce time, some teachers practice submitting questions to the speaker in writing. Typically, such notes are submitted to the teacher, who decides which of them to give to the speaker for response, and which to answer himself, which to put for group discussion. If the speaker was unable to answer the question, it is put up for discussion by the group. During the discussion of the report or in the final speech of the teacher, unresolved issues are resolved.

The order of discussion of the report can have many options. At some seminars there is a need for a detailed, special consideration of it. Then the teacher can organize (while discussing it) a discussion. In all cases, he sets a pedagogical task and ensures that the main idea of ​​the report and seminar is well understood by all students. At other seminars, discussion of the report may go together with a discussion of the issues of the seminar plan.

When organizing a discussion of seminar issues, some teachers invite students to express their opinions on any of the issues contained in the seminar plan. Experienced teachers rightly consider such a solution to a pedagogical problem to be unproductive. The fact is that with such an organization of discussion of seminar issues, there is no system in the discussion; students are not accustomed to logical thinking and developing a collective decision on a specific issue. In this case, the role of the teacher himself is significantly reduced.

The optimal option for conducting a traditional seminar lesson is the order in which the teacher does not move on to discussing the next educational issue until the students have discussed the previous problem. In order to correctly organize a discussion of issues from a methodological point of view, it is necessary to know the cadets well, the degree of their training, and the characteristics of each. Many teachers give the floor to the first person to raise their hand. Other teachers are the first to call students who are less prepared and less likely to volunteer in class. Still others, in order to strengthen control, plan in advance who they will ask at a given seminar and on what issue. This technique enhances the control function of the seminar and contributes to more thorough preparation of students for the seminars. Teachers widely practice voluntary student performance. However, you should not neglect answering the teacher’s call. Typically, a teacher resorts to this method when there are no students willing to answer the question posed to him. The same technique is used if there is a desire and need to involve students in the discussion process, whose knowledge and preparation the teacher planned to test. It is not recommended to abuse call responses.

Speeches at the seminar should not exceed 10-15 minutes. It is important to teach students to express their thoughts briefly, meaningfully and clearly. Students usually try to speak at a seminar on a question they have prepared. Knowing this, the teacher is obliged to make sure that they also understand other questions of the seminar.

It is not recommended to interrupt the student while answering. You must allow him to express his thoughts to the end. The teacher’s intervention in a student’s speech is acceptable if he is not speaking to the point or makes gross mistakes that need to be corrected immediately. It is not recommended to unnecessarily stop a student during a speech, interrupt his answer with comments, or correct any slips of the tongue. It is methodologically correct if the audience is allowed to do this. The teacher can ask leading, clarifying or additional questions.

On the most pressing issues, the teacher organizes a discussion. It is only necessary that the discussion be on the essence of the issue and not lead the audience and the teacher astray. A discussion can be organized on a special issue. It is appropriate if the teacher decided to find out the audience’s opinion about inaccuracies made during the answer.

During the seminar, students can ask the teacher questions. Usually the teacher answers them at the end of the seminar. However, there are questions that will be methodically correct to answer immediately.


Seminar 1. Analysis of strategic plans of Russian municipalities


holding a seminar

Purpose of the seminar

To familiarize seminar participants with the existing practice of strategic planning in Russian municipalities

Objectives of the seminar

    Work with participants on the principles and technologies of strategic planning of municipal socio-economic planning, presented in the course lectures.

    Consider and discuss practical examples - real strategic plans for the development of Russian municipalities.

Based on the lecture material, the presenter presents to the audience a system of criteria by which strategic plans will be evaluated. Students work in groups (3-5 groups), analyzing strategic plans, presenting and discussing the results of their work. Strategic plans for predominantly rural areas and small towns will be prepared for participants.


Strategic plans of real municipalities, mainly rural areas and small towns. 1

First lesson

    Speech by the presenter of the seminar, working out the lecture materials, explaining the method of working with documents, breaking into groups (3-5 groups) - 20 minutes.

Together with the students, a general scheme for assessing the strategic plan is developed. The parameters must be worked out by the listeners themselves, an approximate list:

    logic and structure

    analytical validity

    degree of public participation in development

    harmony of development concept

    clarity of presentation of directions for development of the municipality

    availability of implementation mechanisms

    connection with current planning

    general presentability, etc.

Strategic plans of real municipalities are distributed to groups of listeners.

    Group work – 70 minutes

Students evaluate the proposed strategic documents according to a system of criteria. Participants prepare their findings in the form of presentations (electronic files or paper posters).

Second lesson

    Speeches presenting the results of the analysis - 75 minutes

Representatives of each group talk about the results of the analysis. Each group has 15-20 minutes to speak. After each group's presentation, questions and discussion.

    Summing up – 15 minutes

Seminar2. Seminar-Business game – simulation of public hearings on the city development strategy


holding a seminar

Duration of the seminar – 90 minutes (1 lesson)

Purpose of the seminar

To provide seminar participants with the skills to organize public participation in strategic planning in Russian municipalities.

Objectives of the seminar

    Consider in detail the principles of public participation in the strategic planning of municipal socio-economic planning, presented at the lecture.

    Work with participants on technologies of public participation in strategic planning of municipal socio-economic planning.

The presenter talks about a specific strategic plan developed in a Russian municipality - for a small town or rural area.


    Students work in groups (3-4 groups) representing various social groups (youth, pensioners, public organizations, businessmen, etc.) - they prepare from the perspective of these social groups:

    Evaluate the submitted strategic plan.


Suggestions for its improvement.

    Sample plan for the seminar

Speech by the seminar leader, explanation of the tasks, dividing the students into groups (3-4 groups), presentation of the analyzed material for 20 minutes.

    Groups of listeners are given a text - a summary of the strategic plan of a particular municipality.

Group work – 25 minutes

    Students evaluate the proposed strategic plan. Participants prepare their assessments and proposals in the form of presentations (electronic files or paper posters).

Speeches presenting the results of the analysis – 40 minutes

    Representatives of each group talk about the results of the analysis. Each group has 10-15 minutes to speak. Following each group's presentation there will be brief questions and discussion.

Summing up – 5 minutes

The presenter of the seminar sums up the presentations of the group representatives and the discussion.


holding a seminar

Seminar 3. SWOT analysis as a tool for taking into account public opinion in strategic planning at the local level (parts 1 and 2)

Purpose of the seminar

Duration of the seminar – 180 minutes (2 lessons)

Objectives of the seminar

    To provide seminar participants with the skills to use SWOT analysis as one of the effective methods for taking public opinion into account in strategic planning

    Explain to the seminar participants the methodology for conducting SWOT analysis during strategic planning of the socio-economic development of a municipality.

    Discuss the presentations of the work of the seminar participants with an analysis of the results of the work.

The presenter introduces the technology of SWOT analysis. Students work in 3-5 groups, conduct SWOT analysis for specific municipalities, present and discuss the results of their work. It is preferable to consider the municipalities in which the participants (or the majority of the participants) live.


Blank SWOT analysis forms. 3

Suggestions for its improvement.

    Speech by the seminar leader, explanation of the method of work, division into groups (from 3 to 5 groups) - 15 minutes.

Groups of students are given SWOT analysis forms.

    Group work – 75 minutes

Students identify the strengths and weaknesses of a municipality, opportunities and threats to its development. The data is compiled into a decision matrix, in which proposals are formulated to solve existing problems.

    Speeches presenting the results of the analysis - 80 minutes

Representatives of each group talk about the results of the analysis and also present a decision matrix. The possibility of using this analytical method in the practice of planning the socio-economic development of a municipality is assessed and discussed. Each group has 10 minutes to perform. After each group's presentation there is a discussion.

    Summing up – 10 minutes

Listeners discuss the performances of their colleagues in the form of a free discussion.

Summing up – 5 minutes

Sections: Working with preschoolers

1. Training “Kind word”

senior teacher

2. Exercise “Suitcase 1” (initial collection of information to evaluate the work of the seminar)

senior teacher

3. Presentation of work experience “Continuity in the work of kindergarten and school taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard”

senior teacher

4. Workshop “Problems of succession and ways to solve them”

primary school teacher

5. Fragment of the work of the club “School of the future first-grader”

preschool teacher

6. Distribute material from the “Methodological Box” (Appendix 5)

senior teacher

7. Exercise “Suitcase 2” (gathering information for subsequent evaluation of the seminar)

senior teacher

8. Reflection. Exercise “Hope”

senior teacher

Seminar progress

Participants go to their seats and sign their badges.

- Good afternoon dear friends!

We have gathered with you to talk about continuity in the work of kindergarten and school, taking into account FGT.

1. Training “Kind word”

Warm-up game.

A psychodynamic warm-up exercise is carried out, which gives the mood for work and communication.

Let's stand in a circle, I want to give you a kind word from the sun.

Participants form a circle. They pass the sun to each other and say compliments.

2. Participants go to their places.

Exercise “Suitcase 1”(initial collection of information to evaluate the work of the seminar). (Annex 1)

Each group of participants receives a drawn suitcase, in which they need to “put” (write) their expectations in 3 minutes: what do you expect from today’s meeting.

3. Presentation of work experience“Continuity in the work of kindergarten and school, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for Education” (Appendix 2)

4. Physical exercise (perform movements according to the text)

In the spring the butterfly woke up.
I stretched
Once - she washed herself with dew.
Two - she spun gracefully.
Three - she bent down and sat down.
At four, it flew away.
We are seeing off the butterfly,
We continue our seminar.

5. Work according to plan.

Workshop “Problems of continuity and ways to solve them” (the teacher proposes problems of continuity, and those present find and discuss ways to solve them) (Appendix 3)

A fragment of the work of the “School of the Future First-Grader” club. (Appendix 4)

6. Exercise “Suitcase 2”” (collection of information for subsequent evaluation of the workshop)

Each group of participants receives a drawn suitcase, into which they need to “put” (write) in 3 minutes only 5 things, the most necessary and useful things received at the seminar.

7. Reflection. Exercise “Hope”.

Light a candle, with this light I associate my hope. What an informative and interesting time we had with you. We have a lot to learn from each other (participants pass the candle to each other and say wishes).

Angelina Ganaeva
Plan of a workshop for educators “My Emotions”

Seminar focused on providing psychological assistance and support to teachers experiencing excessive psycho-emotional stress in everyday life. Theoretical and practical material of this seminar will help teachers correctly assess the capabilities of their nervous system, get acquainted with recovery techniques, and solve everyday problems in innovative ways.


Introducing teachers to the concept « emotions» , "mental health"


Motivate teachers to study their own emotional world;

Fill the concept with content « emotions» ;

Promote awareness of your own emotions;

Train teachers in ways of regulation psycho-emotional state;

To create a favorable psychological microclimate in the teaching staff that contributes to the preservation and strengthening of the mental health of teachers;

Develop a system for preventing stressful situations, emotional burnout in the teaching environment;

To form teachers’ motivation for professional personal self-improvement.

Event organization form: workshop.

Visual and handout material: presentation, sheets of white paper, questionnaires, emoticons - emotions, flower preparations according to the number of participants for spontaneous division into teams.

Event participants: educational psychologist, senior teacher, specialists, educators.

Duration of the event: 45 minutes

Plan holding the event.

1. Organizational moment. Welcoming the participants of the event, introducing the topic of the lesson, voicing its goals.

2. Theoretical part.

2.1 Introduction to the topic. « Emotions» . Stress, "myths" about him

3. Practical part

3.1 Working with the test “Are you susceptible to stress?”

3.2 Identifying the main signs of stress

3.3 Developing the ability to change attitudes towards problems

3.4 Introduction to color therapy

3.5 Introduction to aromatherapy techniques

4. Summing up "My mood" draw a smiley face on the flower


1. Abolin L. M. Psychological mechanisms emotional human sustainability. – Kazan, 2016.

2. Abolin L. M. Emotional stability and ways to increase it // Questions of psychology. – 2017. - No. 4.

3 Bazhin E. F., Etkind A. M. Study emotional color meanings // Psychological research methods in the clinic. – L., 2014.

4.2. Stress of life: Collection. / Compiled by: L. M. Popova, I. V. Sokolov. (O. Gregor. How to resist stress. G. Selye. Stress without disease)– St. Petersburg, LLP “Leila”, 2008. – 384 p.

Publications on the topic:

Round table with elements of a workshop for parents of pupils. Topic: “Emotional support for a child in the family.” Presenter: teacher.

Purpose: To study the fundamental rights of the child as proclaimed in the Convention on the Rights of the Child with children and their parents. Objectives: 1. Cultivate respect.

Summary of the workshop for parents “Self-esteem is an important factor in a successful life position”“Self-esteem is an important factor in a successful life position.” Objectives: to unite and coordinate the efforts of all meeting participants.

Abstract of a workshop seminar by a teacher-psychologist for parents of children in the preparatory group “Getting ready for school” Workshop for parents “Getting ready for school!” Goal: to introduce parents to various games and play exercises, with help.

Plan for conducting a workshop for parents of the first junior group “Prostokvashino” Educator M. S. Nikitina. Date: 11/21/2016.

Plan of a workshop for parents “Positive Parenting Skills” Plan of a workshop for parents Topic: “Positive Parenting Skills.” Goal: 1. Expand parents’ knowledge on education issues.

Presentation for the workshop “Do-it-yourself folk doll” Presentation for the workshop “Do-it-yourself folk doll” (shortened version). Within the framework of the teachers' council “Traditions of folk art.

Scenario of the workshop for preschool teachers “What? Where? When?" Scenario for conducting a seminar for educators on the Federal State Educational Standard in the form of the game “What? Where? When?" Durhisanova Larisa Anatolyevna Script.

Scenario of a workshop for a parent meeting “Magic Foil” A traditional pre-New Year event in our kindergarten is the holding of workshops for families of preschool children