Service staff at the hotel. Hotel staff

Having a close-knit team of qualified specialists is the key to successful business in any industry, including the provision of hotel services. When selecting staff, hoteliers must rely on a careful selection process to ensure that qualified employees are not lost. After all, we should not forget that hotel employees are essentially the “face” of the establishment and much depends on how the staff looks, whether they behave tactfully when stressful situations arise, and whether they perform their job duties efficiently. The right team of professionals can ultimately have a positive impact on the profits, profitability and development of the hotel business. What basic principles must be followed in the personnel selection process and what you should pay attention to when hiring an employee to work in a hotel, we will consider below.

The process of selecting hotel staff. Main stages.

When choosing an employee, experts advise carrying out several stages of testing:

  • The first stage is carried out by HR department specialists. During the interview, it is necessary to find out how interested the candidate is in obtaining the vacancy and whether he meets the personal and business requirements for applicants.
  • The second stage of testing is carried out by immediate supervisors. For example, when selecting a waiter, the interview at this stage should be conducted by the restaurant director and the general manager of the hall. The main task is to test the candidate’s highly specialized skills and abilities.

When recruiting personnel for any position in a hotel, it is important to remember that qualified employees must meet a number of requirements for employees in this field of activity. What you need to pay attention to first:

  1. Candidate's stress tolerance level

This quality is fundamental for people who want to work in the service sector. Hotel staff in all situations must behave with restraint, in accordance with the standards of behavior established in the establishment. For example, when communicating with guests, it is necessary to adhere to etiquette; insubordination is not allowed. Staff must be able to competently conduct telephone conversations, respond favorably to customer requests, and follow the procedure for registering guests.

You can check a candidate’s level of stress resistance by putting him in an uncomfortable position through provocation and checking his reaction.

  1. Appearance

In the hotel industry, the appearance of the staff plays an important role. Strict adherence to standards regulating hairstyle (we are talking about hair color and length), makeup, shoes, the amount of jewelry, the presence of tattoos, and so on is required.

  1. Candidate Questions

HR employees always pay close attention to what questions applicants ask during interviews. This approach allows you to determine how motivated the candidate is to get the position, what goals and objectives he is pursuing.

  1. Availability of references from previous places of work

Requirements for personnel in temporary accommodation facilities

The basic requirements that candidates for hotel employee positions must meet can be divided into 4 categories.


All employees must have appropriate training, that is, be qualified specialists in the field for which they are applying. During the interview, it is necessary to clarify whether the candidate has a specialized education, which must be confirmed by relevant documents. The applicant’s work experience is also an important factor.

Level of foreign language proficiency

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is a prerequisite for hotel employees. The required level of knowledge and number of languages ​​depends on the position for which the applicant is applying. For example, employees of a five-star hotel are required to speak at least three foreign languages ​​fluently.


One of the most important qualities required by hotel staff is the ability to demonstrate hospitality. Hotel workers should, first of all, be friendly, discreet, calm and patient.

Physical health

All categories of employees in temporary accommodation facilities have contact with clients and are required to regularly undergo all necessary medical examinations to obtain a health certificate. Without it, an employee cannot be allowed to work.

In conclusion, we note that the more carefully you approach the staff selection process, the less “turnover” of staff in the hotel will become over time. A competently selected team of professionals helps to avoid difficulties when conflict situations arise, which affects the overall impression that guests receive about the establishment. The staff can help create a positive reputation for the hotel, so it is worth paying special attention to the issue of personnel selection.


In the field of inbound and domestic tourism, hotel service includes a whole range of services for tourists and is the most important factor determining the prospects for the development of tourism. Market experience in the hotel industry shows that the relationship between the consumer and the employee accounts for 75 to 90% of the “emergency” situations that arise, which result in consumer dissatisfaction with the quality of service. For this reason, the professional training of hotel staff and the application of effective human resource management concepts come to the fore.

1. Requirements for hotel service personnel

Professional standards allow the employer to clarify and expand the list of job responsibilities, select and place personnel taking into account the characteristics of a particular hotel.

Highest energy potential

Enthusiasm at work

An exceptional feature of communicating with people

Patience in dealing with clients and self-confidence

Neat appearance, good diction, knowledge of a foreign language

Ability to work independently

High performance and endurance

Rational working style

The ability to overcome crisis situations and find the right way out of the current situation.

Qualification requirements are regulatory documents intended to determine the job responsibilities of employees, plan their professional growth, organize professional training and advanced training in accordance with the development of requirements for the quality and productivity of services, selection, placement and use of personnel, as well as justification of decisions made.

Qualification requirements have been developed for two sectors of the tourism industry: “Tourism activities” and “Hotels”. Several subsectors have been identified in the “hotels” sector:

reception and accommodation service;

maintenance of the hotel fund;

catering service.

The positions of employees included in the qualification requirements are grouped into three qualification levels depending on the direction of the employees’ activities, the complexity and volume of job responsibilities performed, the degree of independence and responsibility in making and implementing decisions.

So, in the reception service:

The first qualification level corresponds to the following positions: telephone operator, doorman, porter;

The second qualification level corresponds to the following positions: reception service manager, guest service manager, administrator, receptionist.

The main activities of these employees are meeting and registering guests, checking in, paying for accommodation and services provided, as well as performing other duties related to the activities of the reception and accommodation service.

However, the level of education may be different. This includes primary and secondary education, and for managers - higher professional education.

The third qualification level includes positions: head of reception and accommodation services, senior administrator, etc.

The activities of these employees are related to the management of the hotel reception and accommodation service, monitoring the performance of duties by employees of this service.

The level of education of third-level workers should generally correspond to higher professional education.

In the subsector “Hotel maintenance”:

The first qualification level includes positions: maid, cleaner of office and common premises, wardrobe maid, laundry and dry cleaning workers;

The second qualification level includes positions: senior maid, tailor, etc.;

The third qualification level includes positions: head (manager) of the hotel fund service, floor duty officer, linen and dry cleaning managers.

All these workers are employed in servicing the hotel's hotel fund and have different levels of education.

Requirements for hotel service personnel.

Requirements for hotel service personnel can be divided into 4 groups:

Qualification (for all categories of hotels)

1. All service personnel and managers must undergo professional training.

The level of training must be commensurate with the services they provide.

2. Knowledge of a foreign language.

For 1-star hotels, it is sufficient for the reception staff to know one foreign language (the language of international communication or the language most used by clients of the hotel complex in this region).

For 3-star hotels, all personnel who have contact with residents need to have sufficient knowledge of at least two international languages ​​or other languages ​​most commonly used by hotel clients in this region.

2. Behavior

The staff of all categories of hotels must be able to create an atmosphere of hospitality at the enterprise, must be ready to kindly fulfill the request of the resident and must show patience and restraint in relation to the residents.

3 Medical requirements

4. Uniform

Staff of all categories of hotels who come into contact with residents must wear uniforms, in some cases including a personal badge indicating their first and last name. The uniform must always be clean and in good condition.

In hotel complexes of any category, separate conditions must be created for rest and nutrition of staff. The scope of such conditions must correspond to the number of personnel.

The number of personnel in the services depends on the size of the hotel complex and the volume of services.

2. General requirements for the staff of catering establishments serving hotel complexes:

1. Cooks, waiters, head waiters are hired on a competitive basis based on the results of qualification tests and tests.

2. Head waiters, waiters, and bartenders must know at least one European language. The team includes waiters who speak different languages.

3. Regularly, but at least once every five years, recertification of production, maintenance, administrative, managerial and technical personnel is carried out to confirm or improve their qualifications.

4. At least every three years, professional retraining of employees of a tourism enterprise should be carried out in advanced training courses according to a special program.

5. All employees must be dressed in uniform, special or sanitary clothing and footwear of the standard established for the given enterprise, which is in good condition without visible damage.

6. All employees of catering establishments serving tourists must wear a personal badge on their uniform with the emblem of the enterprise, position, last name and first name.

7. The head waiter's uniform must be formally trimmed or include a tailcoat or tuxedo.

8. Service personnel must be externally neat, cheerful and have a smart appearance.

9. Employees serving guests must be polite, attentive and helpful in their dealings with visitors. In the event of a conflict situation, the employee must invite the administrator on duty, head waiter or director of the enterprise.

10. Employees should not engage in extraneous activities at the workplace.

11. Kitchen workers, technical services and support staff (cleaners) should not appear in the premises for visitors in sanitary and special clothing, unless this is related to the performance of their direct duties (carrying out urgent repair work).

Hotel staff are the face of any hotel. The people who work in a hotel shape the client’s attitude towards it no less than the interior or menu. Among the most common positions presented in hotels: concierge, receptionist, maid, technician, head waiter, cook, waiter, security guard, hotel manager. Large hotels hire animators, doctors, massage therapists, and croupiers as permanent employees.

When traveling abroad, no one is immune from problems. Even in such a calm place as a hotel, some trouble may arise, or even just a question - and in this case, the tourist usually does not know who to turn to. It is also complicated by the fact that it is difficult to understand abbreviations and incomprehensible English words, and if your knowledge of a foreign language is weak, then it is even more difficult.

To figure out which hotel employee is responsible for what, you just need to know the list of positions in foreign hotels - in almost all of them, and sometimes outside of it, this list is the same.

Top managers

People in these positions answer the most serious questions related to accommodation or travel.

This person is the most important in the hotel. In general, he is the CEO, but this person is often a combination of founder, sponsor and owner. Of course, he may simply be a hired person, but it is this person who signs documents, makes various decisions, enters into contracts and generally monitors all the activities of the hotel.

Executive housekeeper

A person who is the chief executive. He voices the decisions and interests of the hotel owner and acts as an intermediary between him and the rest of the staff.

Staff helping to resolve issues Motel (hotel) manager

A hotel administrator who monitors how the staff performs their duties. Responsible for issues related to food, household needs and accommodation of tourists in rooms. You can safely contact him regarding these questions. He has an assistant - Assistant manager, which you can contact for the same questions.

Travel clerk

This person is responsible for all excursions. You can find out more about them from him. Often these excursions are booked from him. Of course, this only applies to excursions organized by the hotel. With the help of this person, you can also order a ticket to the theater or cinema, and he also handles the transfer.

The guest service department is either an independent division. The staff of this service works with clients in constant contact and performs service-related functions. The service department is headed by a manager, to whom doormen, pages (messengers), baggage handlers, elevator operators, concierges, couriers, and drivers are subordinate. Sometimes this service is coordinated by concierges.

The work of this service is simple, but important. Doormen are the first to greet guests on an informal level. Dressed in distinctive uniforms, they stand at the door, greet guests, help them get out of the car, and call a taxi for them. People in this position usually earn quite a lot of tips, and in years gone by it was passed down from father to son or sold for several hundred thousand dollars. Rumor has it that this is one of the most lucrative positions in the hotel, generating income no less than the position of general manager. The doorman greets the guest, opens the door, calls a taxi, manages the parking lot, helps the guest unload, guards the luggage and hands it over to luggage carriers, who carry it into the hotel and then carry it to their rooms. The doorman should also help the guest navigate the city, know its main attractions, etc.

The main function of bellhops is to accompany guests and deliver luggage to their rooms. It is also useful for them to know something about the surroundings of the hotel and everything about it and its various services. Constantly in contact with guests, they must be helpful and pleasant to deal with. Helping guests settle into their rooms, they explain what works and how it works.

Concierges and concierges are also service personnel in uniform. They can be seen at a special table in the hotel lobby or on floors where this type of service is provided. They provide guests with many services:

1. get tickets for the most popular performances, even if they are asked for this on the day of the performance, naturally, with a 50% increase in the ticket price;

2. organize a table in a restaurant, even if there are no empty seats;

3. give advice about local restaurants, attractions, entertainment venues;

4. reserve seats on flights and provide confirmation for them;

5. provide various services to “important persons”, including shopping.

6. Less typical concierge services:

7. organizing a wedding within two days;

8. registration of visas at the consulate or embassy

9. execution of a business order.

A maid is a hotel employee who belongs to the room cleaning staff.

The maid should know:

1. rules of sanitation and hygiene for the maintenance of hotel rooms;

2. design and operating rules of the serviced equipment and devices;

3. quality standards for putting hotel rooms in order;

4. purpose and concentration of disinfectants and detergents;

5. rules for operating sanitary equipment;

6. operating mode of the enterprise;

7. organizational structure of the enterprise;

8. safety and fire safety regulations;

9. internal labor regulations;

10. rules and regulations of labor protection.

Appointment to the position of a maid and dismissal from the position are made by order of the general director upon the recommendation of the hotel manager.

The maid reports to the hotel administrator.

During the maid’s absence (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), her duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and bears responsibility for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

Job responsibilities:

1. Cleans and maintains clean hotel rooms, bathrooms and other premises assigned to it.

2. Changes bed linen and towels within the time limits provided for by the standards of service and internal regulations of the hotel, and cleans the beds.

3. Together with the hotel administrator, he accepts a hotel room from residents upon their departure.

4. If damage to property and equipment is detected by residents, inform the hotel administrator.

A cashier for payments in a hotel belongs to the category of technical performers; he is hired and dismissed from work by order of the director of Tatyana LLC upon presentation. To perform the functions assigned to him, the cashier for payments in a hotel is obliged to:

1. Make payments to residents for services provided.

2. Accept and process money received from clients as compensation for damage to property, international negotiations, services provided to the client (sauna, luggage storage, rental, courts, service center, etc.).

3. Monitor the timeliness of payment by clients for services provided and take measures to repay debts.

4. Ensure the safety and correct execution of cash documents, receipt forms and questionnaires of citizens living in the hotel.

5. Timely carry out operations for the receipt and delivery of cash proceeds in accordance with established rules.

6. Maintain established reporting.

The manager of the reservation department belongs to the category of specialists and is directly subordinate to the head of the reception service. A person with an education without any work experience requirements is appointed to the position of reservation department manager.

The reservations manager must know:

1. foreign languages

2. culture of interpersonal communication

3. abbreviations accepted in the international tourism/hotel industry

4. basics of labor legislation

5. rules and regulations of labor protection

6. Rules for the use of communication means

A reservations manager must be able to:

1. use modern means of communication (telephone, fax, copier, personal computer, etc.)

2. store and retrieve information from the file system

3. prepare and organize work.

Reservations Manager:

1. provides the client with oral and written information about the placement and sale of rooms in the client’s language;

2. answers client questions within the scope of his work;

3. makes preliminary hotel reservations by telephone, telex and fax;

4. conducts telephone conversations (incoming and outgoing calls, call forwarding, standby mode, receiving and sending telephone messages);

5. accurately receives and transmits information, verifies receipt of information by the addressee;

6. transfers cases at the end of the shift.

A bellhop is a person whose duties include being on duty at the accommodation stack, greeting guests, receiving incoming correspondence and passing it on to its intended destination. Deliver or carry luggage into or out of rooms. Ensure the safety of belongings and luggage. Perform minor tasks and requests from guests.

The messenger must have at least a secondary education and know a foreign language, for example, English. It is necessary to know the norms of international etiquette and behavior, the basics of etiquette and ethics of guest service, must have a neat appearance and be in uniform. Be polite and attentive to guests, comply with all standards of behavior that are created for all hotel employees, maintain your appearance in exemplary order, know how to behave in an emergency, follow safety and labor protection rules. He must be constantly responsive to the needs of guests.

The messenger is responsible for the timely and high-quality performance of his job duties and work technology. Bears financial responsibility for failure to ensure the safety of things and luggage entrusted to him.

The bartender is a seller of goods, so he must be a sociable person, be able to advertise and sell his goods profitably. Some visitors, coming to the bar, know exactly what they want and are ready to quickly place an order. Others begin to choose as they approach the bar. In both cases, the bartender can influence their choice by acting as an expert. In addition, the bartender should be friendly, ready to help, and try to satisfy the client's needs.

The specificity of the service service is that the staff must have the maximum possible information both about the hotel itself and its services, as well as about local conditions and attractions. The service department operates 24 hours a day and 365 days a year and must provide information and services to its guests at their first call. The responsibilities of this service include constantly updating such information, as well as providing advertising and operational information.

Good service attracts visitors, they can become regular customers of the bar. Conversely, a careless, inattentive attitude of the bartender towards visitors and his duties scares away customers. The bartender must realize that his work is paid for by visitors. They should get adequate service for their money.

Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 2, 2012.
Registration N 23681

In accordance with subclause 5.2.52 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 No. 321 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 28, Art. 2898; 2005, No. 2, Article 162; 2006, No. 19, Article 2080; 2008, No. 11 (part 1), Article 1036; No. 15, Article 1555; No. 23, Article 2713; No. 42, Article 4825; No. 46 , Art. 5337; No. 48, Art. 5618; 2009, No. 2, Art. 244; No. 3, Art. 378; No. 6, Art. 738; No. 12, Art. 1427, 1434; No. 33, Art. 4083 , 4088; No. 43, Art. 5064; No. 45, Art. 5350; 2010, No. 4, Art. 394; No. 11, Art. 1225; No. 25, Art. 3167; No. 26, Art. 3350; No. 31, Article 4251; No. 35, Article 4574; No. 52 (part 1), Article 7104; 2011, No. 2, Article 339; No. 14, Article 1935, 1944; No. 16, Article 2294; No. 24 , Art. 3494; No. 34, Art. 4985; No. 47, Art. 6659; No. 51, Art. 7529), I order:

Approve the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions for Managers, Specialists and Employees, section “Qualification Characteristics of Positions of Employees of Tourism Organizations” in accordance with the Appendix.

Minister T. Golikova

Note ed.: the order was published in the "Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities", N 29, 07/16/2012.


Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees

Section "Qualification characteristics of positions of employees of tourism organizations"

I. General provisions

1. Section “Qualification characteristics of positions of employees of tourism organizations” of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees (hereinafter referred to as the UKS) is intended to resolve issues related to the regulation of labor relations, ensuring an effective management system for employees of tourism organizations, regardless of their organizational legal forms and forms of ownership.

2. Section “Qualification characteristics of positions of employees of tourism organizations” of the CEN contains the qualification characteristics of positions of employees of tourism organizations engaged in excursion, travel agency, tour operator and hotel activities (hereinafter referred to as qualification characteristics).

3. Qualification characteristics are used as normative documents or serve as the basis for the development of job descriptions containing a specific list of job responsibilities of employees, taking into account the peculiarities of labor organization and management, as well as the rights, responsibilities and competence of employees. If necessary, job responsibilities included in the qualification characteristics of a certain position can be distributed among several performers.

4. The qualification characteristics of each position have three sections: “Job responsibilities”, “Must know” and “Qualification requirements”.

The “Job Responsibilities” section contains a list of basic job functions that can be fully or partially entrusted to the employee holding this position, taking into account the technological homogeneity and interconnectedness of the work, allowing for optimal specialization by employee positions.

The “Must Know” section contains the basic requirements for the employee in relation to special knowledge, as well as knowledge of legislative and other regulatory legal acts, regulations, instructions and other documents, methods and means that the employee must use when performing job duties.

The section “Qualification Requirements” defines the level of professional training of an employee required to perform job duties, certified by educational documents, as well as requirements for work experience.

5. When developing job descriptions, it is allowed to clarify the list of works characteristic of the corresponding positions in specific conditions.

6. In order to improve the organization and increase the labor efficiency of employees of tourism organizations, it is possible to expand the range of their responsibilities in comparison with the established relevant qualification characteristics. In these cases, without changing the job title, the employee may be entrusted with performing duties provided for by the qualification characteristics of other positions that are similar in content of work, equal in complexity, the performance of which does not require another specialty and qualifications.

7. The CES does not include the qualification characteristics of derivative positions (senior, leading specialists). The job responsibilities of these employees, the requirements for their knowledge and qualifications are determined on the basis of the qualification characteristics of the relevant positions.

The job title “senior” is used provided that the employee, in addition to performing the duties prescribed by the position held, supervises the performers subordinate to him. The position of “senior” can be established as an exception and in the absence of performers directly subordinate to the employee, if he is entrusted with the functions of managing an independent area of ​​​​work.

Employees with the job title “leader” are assigned the functions of a manager and responsible performer of work in one of the areas of activity of a structural unit or responsibilities for coordination and methodological guidance of groups of performers created in structural units, taking into account the rational division of labor in specific organizational and technical conditions. The work experience requirements for such employees are increased by 2 - 3 years compared to the requirements provided for employees who do not have the job title “leader”.

8. Persons who do not have special training or work experience established in the section “Qualification Requirements”, but have sufficient practical experience and perform their job duties efficiently and in full, on the recommendation of the certification commission, are appointed to the appropriate positions in the same way, as well as persons with special training and work experience.

II. Qualification characteristics of positions of employees of organizations engaged in excursion activities

Manager positions

Director (manager) of the excursion bureau

Job responsibilities. Provides general management of the main, administrative, economic and financial-economic activities of the excursion bureau. Organizes the work and interaction of the structural divisions of the excursion bureau, directs their activities to ensure high culture and quality of excursion services. Determines the concept and development strategy of the excursion bureau. Approves current and long-term work plans and monitors their implementation. Determines promising areas of activity for the excursion bureau, participates in business negotiations with partners in order to agree on tariffs and conclude cooperation agreements. Determines the conditions and concludes contracts related to the activities of the excursion bureau. Organizes the development of programs and technological documents for excursion routes. Monitors the implementation of these documents and the terms of the contracts. Takes measures to staff the excursion bureau with qualified personnel, provide material and moral incentives, make the best use of the knowledge and experience of excursion bureau workers, improve their skills, and create healthy and safe working conditions. Approves the staffing schedule and cost estimates of the excursion bureau and ensures their economical and rational use. Ensures the introduction of innovative technologies into the activities of the excursion bureau. Organizes work to identify and analyze problems in the work of the excursion bureau, consider comments and suggestions from clients, manage and resolve conflict situations. Organizes the preparation and timely submission of established reports. Ensures the strengthening of labor and production discipline, compliance with labor protection and fire safety rules. Carries out forecasting and planning of volumes of sales of services, management of marketing and sales of excursion services, organizes and conducts business negotiations and advertising campaigns, organizes presentations.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating activities in the field of tourism; priority areas for tourism development in the Russian Federation; specialization and features of the structure of the excursion bureau; organization of financial and economic activities of the excursion bureau; culture of interpersonal communication; fundamentals of psychology, ethics, aesthetics; economics of the excursion bureau; labor organization; organization of marketing and advertising activities; labor and civil legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, tourism management, management of tourism and hotel management organizations; economics and management of tourism and hotel management enterprises, museology and protection of cultural and natural heritage sites) and work experience in providing excursion services for at least 3 years or higher professional education and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural services and tourism, tourism and excursion business, tourism management, management of tourism and hotel organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel enterprises, museology and protection of cultural and natural heritage sites) and work experience in providing excursion services for at least 3 years.

Specialist positions

Translator (in tourism)

Job responsibilities. Translates scientific, technical, socio-political, economic and specialized literature related to the field of tourism, patent descriptions, regulatory, technical and shipping documentation, correspondence with foreign tourism organizations, as well as materials of conferences, meetings, seminars, etc. Performs oral and written, full and abbreviated translations, while ensuring that the translations comply with the lexical, stylistic and semantic content of the originals, and compliance with established requirements regarding scientific and technical terms and definitions. Edits translations. Prepares annotations and abstracts of foreign literature and scientific and technical documentation. Participates in the compilation of thematic reviews related to the tourism sector based on foreign materials. Conducts work to unify terms, improve concepts and definitions on the subject of translations in the field of tourism and excursion business. Keeps records and systematization of completed translations, annotations, abstracts.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating activities in the field of tourism; specialization of the activities of the excursion bureau; foreign language; translation methodology; translation coordination system; terminology on the subject of translations in Russian and foreign languages; terminological standards in tourism and excursion activities; basics of literary editing; grammar and stylistics of Russian and foreign languages; fundamentals of economics and management, labor organization; basics of labor legislation; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements.

Translator of the 1st category: higher professional education (humanities) and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, tourism and excursion business), work experience in the field of tourism as a translator of category II for at least 3 years.

Translator of category II: higher professional education (humanities) and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, tourism and excursion business), work experience in the field of tourism as a translator for at least 3 years.

Translator: higher professional education (humanities) and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, tourism and excursion business) without any work experience requirements.

Guide-translator (in tourism)

Job responsibilities. Carries out activities to familiarize excursionists (tourists) with the objects of display in the country (place) of temporary stay. Accompanies excursions with explanations and stories in a foreign language. Provides translations for protocol events. Conducts instructions on observing precautionary measures when visiting attractions, exhibitions, etc. Provides translation during excursions, conversations, meetings, as well as travel information, etc. Provides excursionists (tourists) with organizational services. Informs excursionists (tourists) about the rules of stay of foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation. Provides assistance to foreign tourists when passing passport, visa and customs control. Participates in the development of new forms and methods of conducting excursion and information work. Study the experience of other guides-interpreters, participate in conferences, seminars, etc. Applies a differentiated approach when working with different categories of foreign tourists. Collects and studies historical materials, archival documents, statistical and other data about excursion sites, culture, and traditions. Participates in the development and development of new topics for excursions, compiling informational thematic materials. Makes proposals for the development of new excursion and tourist routes. Takes measures to ensure the safety of excursionists (tourists). In case of illnesses of excursionists (tourists), injuries, provides first aid and reports this to the management of the tourist organization and the insurance company, organizes calls for ambulance services and rescuers. Coordinates the actions of excursionists (tourists) in emergency situations, provides first aid, applies measures to eliminate panic, and reports to the relevant authorities about the occurrence of emergency situations. Prepares excursion vouchers and other necessary documentation in a foreign language in accordance with the established procedure. Analyzes comments and suggestions of excursionists (tourists) regarding the quality of services provided, makes proposals for their improvement.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; regulatory documents of organizations in the field of tourism; foreign language; translation coordination system; terminology on the topics of the tourism industry; abbreviations accepted in the tourism industry in Russian and foreign languages; terminological standards; grammar and stylistics of Russian and foreign languages; principles and methods of conducting excursions; business protocol and etiquette; theory of interpersonal communication; public speaking techniques; basics of psychology; first aid rules; action plan in case of emergency situations; rules for document preparation and reporting; basics of migration and labor legislation; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements.

Guide-interpreter of category I: higher professional education (humanities) and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, tourism and excursion business) and work experience in the field of tourism as a guide-interpreter of category II for at least 3 years.

Guide-interpreter of category II: higher professional education (humanities) and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, tourism and excursion business), work experience in the field of tourism as a guide-interpreter for at least 2 years.

Guide-interpreter: higher professional education (humanities) and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, tourism and excursion business) without any work experience requirements.


Job responsibilities. Provides excursion services in accordance with routes approved by the head of the excursion bureau, technological maps in accordance with excursion methods, control texts and other documents provided for by national standards. Constantly updates the "guide's portfolio", collects and studies historical materials and documents, studies archive materials, statistical data, other documents and materials containing information about excursion objects. Prepares individual texts for excursions and public speaking. Participates in the development of new topics, excursions, masters new topics and excursion options for various groups of the population. Participates in the work of methodological sections and creative groups of guides, in conferences and seminars. Develops techniques for excursion stories, public speaking, answering questions. Receives information about the place and time of arrival of excursionists (tourists), organizes their meeting at the appointed place. Sets the number of excursionists (tourists) in an excursion (tourist) group. Certifies that excursionists (tourists) belong to an excursion (tourist) group and conducts protocol events. Selects the optimal location for the excursion (tourist) group to conduct the excursion. Gives excursion lectures on culture and history, talks about the traditions and customs of the region, introduces excursionists (tourists) to the sights. Conducts a tour of a museum or cultural center, accompanies excursion explanations and stories during the inspection and display of museum exhibits and other objects on display. Provides instructions on how to comply with safety precautions during excursions. Organizes careful attitude of excursionists (tourists) to the sanitary and ecological state of the environment along the route. Answers general and professional questions from excursionists (tourists) on the topic of the excursion. Fills out excursion vouchers and other excursion documentation. In case of illnesses of excursionists (tourists), injuries, provides first aid, organizes calls to the appropriate ambulance services and rescuers. Coordinates the behavior of the excursion (tourist) group in the event of an emergency, informs the relevant authorities about the occurrence of emergency situations. Analyzes comments and suggestions from excursionists (tourists) regarding the quality of excursion services provided, and makes proposals for their improvement. Maintains established reporting.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; regulatory documents of tourism organizations establishing the rules for conducting excursions; history, culture and geography of the region; landmarks in the context of history, geography and culture; expositions of museums and cultural centers; principles of organization and methods of conducting excursions; foreign language as part of excursions in a foreign language; business protocol and etiquette; theory of interpersonal communication; public speaking techniques; basics of psychology; rules for working with excursionists (tourists) on routes (hiking, transport and combined, urban and suburban); rules of conduct for excursionists (tourists) on transport; first aid rules; action plan in case of emergency situations; rules for document preparation and reporting; fundamentals of economics and management, labor organization; basics of labor and migration legislation; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements.

Category I guide: higher professional education (humanities) and additional professional education in the field of tourism, work experience as a category II guide of at least 3 years.

Guide: higher professional education (humanities) and additional professional education in the field of tourism without any work experience requirements.

Excursion organizer

Job responsibilities. Determines and satisfies the needs of excursionists (tourists) for excursion services. Communicates with excursionists (tourists) within the framework of professional duties, conducts business correspondence on issues of organizing excursions. Receives and analyzes applications for organizing and conducting excursions. Develops new forms and methods of conducting excursions: walking tours to museums, park ensembles, gardens, etc.; sightseeing and thematic bus tours; excursions along rivers, canals, etc. Analyzes excursion programs. Determines the key positions of the excursion program, the special needs of individual excursion (tourist) groups or individual tourists. Plans excursions: standard sightseeing, local attractions, museums or cultural centers, out-of-town, special. Develops excursion programs, organizes protocol events at the beginning and at the end of the excursion, develops methods for inspecting, showing and studying objects of a sightseeing tour. Receives and verifies necessary documents. Ensures timely and high-quality delivery of information about excursions to guides (tourists) through advertising materials, catalogs, brochures, guides, and publications. Organizes the use of various types of transport for transporting excursionists (tourists) during excursion services, provides instructions on the rules of behavior on a certain type of transport, takes into account the physiological needs of excursionists (tourists) when traveling on a certain type of transport. Provides support for excursion (tourist) groups during the implementation of excursion programs; provides complete information about the excursion; instructs excursionists (tourists) on generally accepted and special rules of behavior when visiting museums, cultural centers, attractions and other display objects. Controls: excursion support, compliance with excursion programs, quality of excursions, compliance with protocol measures. During the excursion service, he maintains contact with the main office of the excursion bureau to resolve current organizational issues. Ensures the safety of excursionists (tourists): provides instructions on safety and compliance with precautionary measures; takes measures to ensure safety during the excursion; maintains contacts with the security service and local law enforcement agencies. Organizes the return of excursionists (tourists) from an excursion, organizes the return of personal belongings, and conducts protocol events at the end of the excursion. Interacts with interested organizations in the region in the creation and further development of excursion activities. Organizes work with complaints from excursionists (tourists) (receives and analyzes information contained in complaints, takes action on complaints, maintains established reports).

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; regulatory documents of tourism organizations establishing the rules for conducting excursions; principles of organization and methods of conducting excursions; historical, cultural and geographical attractions of the region; social foundations of tourism; business protocol and etiquette; theory of the formation of needs and interpersonal communication; basics of psychology; foreign language; rules of service on foot, transport and combined routes; rules of conduct for excursionists (tourists) on vehicles; rules for preparing commercial documentation; office work standards; methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers; modern information technologies in the field of tourism; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural services and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel management organizations, economics and management of tourism and hotel management enterprises, museology and protection of cultural and natural heritage sites) and work experience in the provision of excursion services for at least 1 year or secondary vocational education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the provision of excursion services for at least 3 years or higher professional education and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural services and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises, museology and protection of cultural and natural heritage sites) and work experience in providing excursion services for at least 1 year.

Employee positions

Excursion booking agent

Job responsibilities. Receives and processes orders for excursions. Consults the client on the rules of reception and the subject of the order. Checks the availability of order details and identifies the type of order. Sends the order to the appropriate structural units of the excursion bureau. Coordinates the work of the excursion bureau departments involved in the implementation of the order. Adjusts the terms and conditions for fulfilling orders and, if necessary, informs clients about changes in order parameters. Maintains an information base (archive) about received and completed orders. Prepares necessary reports.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; regulatory documents of organizations regulating the implementation of excursion activities; functions of structural units of the excursion bureau; contents and rules of excursions; requirements for registration and accounting of orders for excursions; the procedure for monitoring the passage and fulfillment of orders for excursions; technology for computer processing of orders for excursions; basics of office work; ethics of business communication; basics of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Office administrator

Job responsibilities. Provides preparation of the office for the working day (deactivating the security alarm system, connecting office equipment and preparing it for operation, providing the office with stationery and consumables). Prepares estimates for office logistics. Draws up documents for concluding contracts for the supply of stationery, consumables and other inventory items necessary for the operation of the office, organizes maintenance and repair of office equipment. Monitors the design of office premises, monitors the preparation and release of advertising and other information materials intended for distribution to clients. Ensures cleanliness and order in the office premises. Monitors the proper operation of office equipment and the rational use of office supplies and consumables. Establishes contacts with operational services and utility organizations to provide resources to office premises, carry out repairs and other work. Ensures proper maintenance and operation of office premises in accordance with fire safety requirements. Organizes office administration, manages incoming and outgoing calls. Books air and train tickets, arranges vehicles for office workers. Organizes effective and cultural customer service, ensures the creation of comfortable conditions for them, advises them on administrative issues, provides information and other materials (business cards, price lists, booklets, etc.). Ensures negotiations with partners and clients. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations, prepares the office for closure (turns off lighting and office equipment, activates security alarm systems).

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; layout, location and design rules for office premises; rules and methods of organizing office work; ethics of relationships in a team; office work standards (list of documents to be stored; classification of documents, procedure for their execution, registration, passage, storage); procedure for concluding contracts; organizing the supply of office supplies, consumables and other inventory items; methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers; fundamentals of aesthetics, ethics and social psychology; basics of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Secondary vocational education in the specialty "Tourism" without any work experience requirements.

III. Qualification characteristics of employees engaged in travel agency activities

Manager positions

Director of a travel agency

Job responsibilities. Manages the administrative, economic, financial and economic activities of the travel agency. Manages the activities of the structural divisions of the travel agency. Organizes activities for the sale of tourism products and the provision of individual tourism services. Manages the development of current and long-term plans for the sale of tourism products, studying the destinations served and the volume of services provided. Plans and organizes marketing research, logistics support for structural divisions of a travel agency. Negotiates with the tour operator, agrees on the terms of interaction for the sale of tourism products. Determines the conditions and concludes contracts for the provision of services for the sale of tourism products. Ensures that the travel agency fulfills its obligations to the tour operator, third-party organizations, customers of tourism products and tourism services, as well as employment contracts. Carries out quality control of the execution of contracts and the work of the travel agency; control over the use of material and financial resources of the travel agency; evaluates the performance of the travel agency and the quality of services provided. Organizes work to identify and analyze problems in the work of a travel agency. Approves the staffing table, internal labor regulations, vacation schedules, job descriptions, production instructions and other organizational and legal documents. Makes decisions on the hiring, relocation and dismissal of employees, on their material and moral incentives. Ensures the strengthening of labor and production discipline, compliance with labor protection and fire safety rules.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; priority areas for tourism development in the Russian Federation; regulatory documents regulating the activities of a travel agency; foreign language; market conditions for tourism products; organization of financial and economic activities of a travel agency; procedure for concluding and executing civil contracts; rules for preparing financial statements; taxation in the tourism sector; marketing of tourism products; booking systems for hotels and other tourist services; procedure for working with local and global telecommunication systems, e-mail; geography of countries of the world; fundamentals of the theory of statistics and analysis of statistical data; fundamentals of production management; financial management; personnel management; office work standards; rules for preparing tourist documentation; basics of psychology; theory of interpersonal communication, conflictology; organization, systems and forms of remuneration; labor and civil legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural services and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel management organizations, economics and management of tourism and hotel management enterprises) and work experience in the tourism sector of at least 3 years or higher professional education (economics) and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural services and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management of tourism and hotel industry enterprises) and work experience in management positions at least 3 years in the tourism industry.

Head of Marketing and Sales Department of a Travel Agency

Job responsibilities. Organizes the sale of tourism products and individual tourism services. Organizes marketing research, work on maintaining, analyzing and systematizing the client base. Negotiates with tour operators, agrees on the basic terms of contracts for the provision of tourism products, prepares draft contracts and ensures their conclusion. Develops proposals for the development of a new tourism product; participates in familiarization with new tourism products. Determines, in agreement with the tour operator, the price of the tourist product. Instructs department employees to ensure the quality of tourism products sold and services provided. Maintains personal contact with VIP clients. Maintains statistics of tourism products and individual tourism services, maintains established reporting. Provides the creation of a database of tourism products and services. Provides, in agreement with tour operators, insurance and visa services for tourists. Examines complaints and complaints from tourists regarding the quality of tourism products, sends demands to tour operators to explain the reasons for violation of concluded contracts. Prepares proposals for filing claims against tour operators, as well as for suspending or completely terminating work with tour operators that systematically violate the terms of concluded contracts.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; concepts and principles of organizing the tourism industry; schemes for working with hotels, carrier companies (air, rail, bus, cruise, etc.) and other organizations; techniques and methods for selling tourism products, methods of formation, principles and procedures for determining the cost of tourism products and services; procedure for drawing up contracts; negotiation techniques; geography of countries of the world; theory of interpersonal communication; foreign language; basics of marketing and management; office work standards; requirements for registration of tourist documentation; methods of information processing using modern technical means; basics of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural services and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel management organizations, economics and management of tourism and hotel management enterprises) and work experience in the tourism sector of at least 3 years or higher professional education (economics) and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural services and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management of tourism and hotel industry enterprises) and work experience in management positions at least 3 years in the tourism industry.

Specialist positions

Tourism manager (outbound, inbound, domestic tourism)

Job responsibilities. Analyzes the motivation of demand for sold tourism products, organizes a study of the needs of tourists. Negotiates with tour operators, agrees on the basic terms of contracts for the provision of services, prepares draft contracts and ensures their conclusion. Based on the results of marketing research, he develops a concept and program for a tourism product. Determines, in agreement with the tour operator, the price of the tourist product.

Organizes events to promote the tourism product (advertising campaigns, presentations, including work at specialized exhibitions, distribution of promotional materials, etc.). Advises tourists on the rules of entry into the country of temporary stay and the rules of stay in it. Concludes agreements on the sale of tourism products. Provides tourists with information about the essential terms of the contract concluded between the tour operator and the travel agent selling the tourism product generated by the tour operator. Prepares reviews and progress reports. Examines the reasons for clients sending complaints and claims regarding the quality of the tourism product or other terms of concluded contracts. Takes action to correct deficiencies in customer service. Maintains contact with regular clients. Manages the profitability of the direction.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; the procedure for drawing up contracts for the provision of services for the sale of tourism products; principles for determining the cost of tourism products; rules for booking tickets and services; tourist insurance rules; operating procedures of consular and visa services; schemes for working with hotels, carrier companies (air, rail, bus, cruise, etc.) and other organizations; basics of management; theory and methods of marketing research of tourism products; terminology and abbreviations adopted in the tourism industry; geography of the world; foreign language; rules for preparing tourist documentation (tourist packages, vouchers, insurance policies, etc.); office work standards; methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers; reporting methods; basics of psychology; theory of interpersonal communication; conflictology; basics of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management of tourism and hotel industry enterprises) without requirements for work experience in the field of tourism or secondary vocational education education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the tourism sector for at least 3 years.

Reservations and Sales Manager

Job responsibilities. Studies the conditions and trends in the development of the market for tourism products and tourism services. Studies and analyzes the demand for sold tourism products and the needs of tourists. Organizes the reception of requests from tourists and the preparation of payment documents. Organizes negotiations with tourists, agreement on the terms of the contract for the sale of a tourist product, provision of tourist services: stay program and travel routes; start and end date of the trip, its duration; the procedure for interacting with accompanying persons and receiving additional services; prices for tourism products and services provided; minimum number of tourists in a group; ways to inform tourists about the occurrence of circumstances that impede the fulfillment of obligations. Ensures the conclusion of agreements on the sale of tourism products and the provision of tourism services. Manages the booking and sale of travel tickets, hotel reservations. Maintains established documentation and prepares reports within established deadlines. Organizes control over the sale of tourism products and after-sales service, and the fulfillment by the tour operator of obligations under concluded contracts. Studies complaints and complaints from tourists regarding the quality of tourist services, conducts statistical analysis of complaints and claims, and takes measures to eliminate shortcomings in tourist services. Instructs travel agency employees on the need to ensure the quality and safety of tourism products sold and individual tourism services provided.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; basic concepts and organization of the tourism industry; terminology adopted in the tourism industry, market conditions for tourism products; fundamentals of the theory of statistics and analysis; reporting methods; theory and methods of marketing tourism products; tourism management; standards for organizing work with tourists; booking and service registration systems; tourist insurance rules; transport systems in tourism; geography of countries of the world; foreign language; techniques for working with databases and computer systems for booking hotels and other tourist services; procedure for concluding and executing civil contracts; schemes for working with hotels, inns, carrier companies (air, rail, bus, cruise, etc.) and other organizations; basics of psychology; theory of interpersonal communication; conflictology; basics of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural services and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel management organizations, economics and management of tourism and hotel management enterprises) without requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the tourism sector for at least 3 years.

Head of the tourist group

Job responsibilities. Monitors the implementation of the approved travel program and conditions of service for the tourist group. Organizes the passage of passport, customs and other controls by tourists at the destination when entering a foreign country, as well as leaving it. Provides assistance to the host in carrying out organizational arrangements for the reception and servicing of the tourist group. Informs the tourist group about the rules of entry into the country (place) of temporary stay and the rules of stay in it, the rules of import and export from the country (place) of temporary stay of property, goods, souvenirs, etc., about currency and customs control, about the customs of the local population and religious rites, shrines, natural monuments, history, culture and other tourist attractions, the state of the natural environment, the sanitary and epidemiological situation, the conditions for ensuring personal safety and compliance with consumer rights and the safety of tourists’ property, the rules for registering the rental of passenger vehicles in country (place) of temporary stay, conditions for receiving emergency medical care. Monitors the quality of service provided to the tourist group by the host party. Draws up vouchers for serving tourist groups and questionnaires in the prescribed manner. Receives special instructions from the official responsible for the operation of the route along which the tourist group is heading. Takes measures to resolve conflict situations with the local population, representatives of law enforcement and other agencies. Provides storage of documents submitted by tourists. Organizes the return of the tourist group to the starting base. Prepares a report on the tourist trip to the director of the travel agency.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; rules for the stay of tourists in the countries along which the travel route passes; travel program and conditions of service for the tourist group at each point of the travel route; terms of contracts for the provision of tourist services; schemes for working with consulates, hotels, inns, transport organizations; the language of the country through which the travel route passes, or English; terminology and abbreviations adopted in the tourism industry; theory of interpersonal communication, rules for preparing documents related to serving tourists along the travel route, and compiling reports on a tourist trip; safety rules on the travel route; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural services and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel management organizations, economics and management of tourism and hotel management enterprises) and work experience in the tourism sector of at least 1 year or average professional education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the field of tourism for at least 3 years.

Reservation Agent

Job responsibilities. Works with Russian and foreign organizations (host party). Makes reservations and confirmation of services (tickets, hotel rooms). Advises tourists on the rules for placing orders and bookings, on categories of hotels, the level of service in them, on the rules of entry into the country (place) of temporary stay and the rules of stay in it. Coordinates the fulfillment of obligations for accommodation, accommodation and meals for tourists; transport, visa, excursion, medical (therapeutic and preventive) services; provision of additional services (cultural and sports, services of guides, translators and accompanying persons); travel insurance for the period of a tourist trip. Prepares, executes and endorses documents necessary for concluding contracts for the provision of tourism services with tourists. Interacts with tour operators, excursion bureaus, ticket offices and other organizations. Carries out office work, established reporting, and work with business correspondence.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; booking systems for hotels and other tourist services; techniques for working with databases and computer reservation systems; schemes for working with hotels, carrier companies, and other organizations; assortment, classification and features of tourism products sold by a travel agency; prices for tourism products and individual tourist and excursion services; terminology and abbreviations adopted in the tourism industry; geography of countries of the world; foreign language; the procedure for drawing up contracts for the sale of tourism products and individual tourism services; rules for preparing tourist documentation (tourist vouchers, vouchers, insurance policies, etc.); basics of psychology; theory of interpersonal communication; rules for preparing commercial correspondence; software, use of computers, e-mail, and global and local telecommunication systems, etc.; rules for using office equipment; reporting methods; basics of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Tourism agent (outbound, inbound, domestic)

Job responsibilities. Sales of a tourism product by interacting with tourists and providing them with information about tourism products. Provides tourists with information about the terms of the agreement concluded between the tour operator and the travel agent selling the tourism product. Provides tourists with the necessary, reliable and complete information about the tourism product, ensuring the possibility of its correct choice and safety on the tourist route. Advises tourists on the peculiarities of the socio-demographic and natural-climatic conditions of the holiday destination, on the possibility of natural and man-made disasters in the area where tourism industry organizations are located, emergency incidents and situations (including those related to the state of public order in the country (place) of temporary stay) . Gives the necessary recommendations on compliance with safety rules in the country (place) of residence. Provides guides, maps, diagrams, area plans. Concludes an agreement for the provision of tourist services. Prepares necessary travel documents. Provides the opportunity for additional voluntary insurance of life, health, property and risks of tourists in the event of a security threat. Provides necessary recommendations on compliance with safety rules

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; rules of entry into and exit from the Russian Federation; assortment and features of tourism products sold by a travel agency; prices for tourism products and other tourism services; terminology and abbreviations adopted in the tourism industry; schemes for working with hotels, carrier companies (air, rail, bus, cruise, etc.) and other organizations; rules for working with databases and computer systems for booking hotels and other tourist services; the procedure for concluding agreements on the sale of tourism products and preparing the necessary documents (tourist vouchers, vouchers, insurance policies, etc.); geography of the countries of the world, culture and customs of countries and peoples; foreign language; basics of psychology; customer service rules; theory of interpersonal communication; information technologies used in tourism; rules for using office equipment; reporting methods; basics of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural services and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel management organizations, economics and management of tourism and hotel management enterprises) without requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the tourism sector for at least 1 year.

Assistant for the formation of excursion (tourist) groups

Job responsibilities. Participates in planning excursions. Receives and analyzes applications for organizing and conducting excursions. Conducts business correspondence regarding the organization of excursions. Ensures preliminary negotiations with excursionists (tourists) on excursion issues. Classifies excursionists (tourists) by groups (age, social, interests, etc.). Conducts interviews with excursionists (tourists) in order to form excursion (tourist) groups. Determines the key positions of the excursion program, the special needs of certain types of excursion (tourist) groups or individual excursionists (tourists). Prepares primary accounting documentation. Provides excursionists (tourists) with the information they request through advertising materials, catalogs, brochures, guides, and publications. Coordinates the use of various types of transport for transporting excursionists (tourists) during excursion services. Maintains audio and video equipment used during the excursion. Helps ensure safety measures for excursionists (tourists). Ensures the return of personal belongings deposited to excursionists (tourists), and carries out protocol measures at the end of the excursion. Analyzes the results of the excursion, prepares proposals for the formation of excursion (tourist) groups.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; principles, rules of organization and methods of conducting excursions; principles and rules for forming excursion (tourist) groups; schemes for working with consulates, hotels, transport and other organizations; social foundations of the tourism industry; terminology on the topics of the tourism industry, abbreviations adopted in the tourism industry; rules for document preparation and reporting; rules for booking tickets and services; excursion program and conditions of service for the excursion (tourist) group during the excursion; rules for operating audio and video equipment used during the excursion; rules for processing documents and drawing up reports related to the excursion; forms of primary accounting documentation and rules for filling them out; foreign language; methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communication; theory of interpersonal communication; internal labor regulations, labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Secondary vocational education in the specialty "Tourism" without any work experience requirements.

IV. Qualification characteristics of employees engaged in tour operator activities

Manager positions

Director of a tour operator organization

Job responsibilities. Manages the administrative, economic, financial and economic activities of the tour operator organization. Determines the concept and development strategy of the organization. Approves current and future directions of the organization's activities. Carries out forecasting and planning of sales volumes of tourism products. Organizes the work and interaction of the organization’s structural divisions, directs their activities to ensure the quality of the formed and sold tourism products. Provides the creation of a database on tourism products, calculation of costs and determination of prices for tourism products, creation and development of an agent network. Carries out planning of material and technical support for structural divisions of the organization. Organizes and conducts business negotiations with suppliers of tourism services, organizes events to promote tourism products. Ensures the fulfillment of the obligations of the tour operator organization to third-party organizations and customers of tourism products. Exercises control over bookings (hotels, tickets, transport, etc.), confirmation and execution of contracts, rational use of material and financial resources, and evaluates the results of the organization’s activities. Approves internal labor regulations, job descriptions and other organizational and administrative documents. Takes measures to staff the tour operator organization with qualified personnel, provide material and moral incentives, make the best use of the knowledge and experience of workers, improve their skills, and create healthy and safe working conditions. Approves staffing schedule. Makes decisions on the hiring, relocation and dismissal of employees. Organizes the identification and analysis of problems in the organization’s work, work to consider comments and suggestions from tourists, manage and resolve conflict situations. Organizes the preparation and timely submission of established financial statements.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; priority areas for tourism development in the Russian Federation; regulatory documents regulating the activities of a tour operator organization; basic concepts and organization of the tourism industry; foreign language; market conditions for tourism services; the procedure for developing and approving plans for financial and economic activities; procedure for concluding and executing civil contracts; rules for the formation of financial statements and taxation in the field of tourism; rules and methods for conducting marketing research of tourism products; economics and organization of tourism activities; booking systems for hotels and other tourist services, rules for registration of tourist services; procedure for working with local and global telecommunication systems; geography of countries of the world; fundamentals of the theory of statistics and analysis of statistical data; production and financial management; personnel management; office work standards; rules for preparing tourist documentation; basics of psychology; theory of interpersonal communication; conflictology; systems and organization of payment and labor incentives; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural services and tourism, tourism and excursion business, tourism management, management of tourism and hotel management organizations, economics and management of tourism and hotel management enterprises) and work experience in the tourism sector of at least 5 years or higher professional education (economics), additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural services and tourism, tourism and excursion business, tourism management, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) and work experience in the tourism sector for at least 5 years.

Head of the department for reservations and sales of tourism products of a tour operator organization

Job responsibilities. Studies the conditions and trends in the development of the tourism products market. Studies and analyzes the motivation of demand for sold tourism products, the needs of tourists and other customers of services. Creates databases on tourism products. Determines and coordinates prices for tourism products. Organizes and conducts business negotiations. Ensures the conclusion of agreements on the sale of tourism products. Manages the booking and sale of transport tickets and hotel reservations. Coordinates the fulfillment of obligations for accommodation, accommodation, meals and insurance of tourists for the period of a tourist trip, their transport, visa, excursion, medical services, provision of additional services (cultural and sports nature, guide-interpreter). Monitors the booking of services, their confirmation and execution. Provides interaction with travel agencies, tour operators, excursion bureaus, hotels and ticket offices and other third-party organizations. Maintains documentation and prepares reports in a timely manner.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; basic concepts and organization of the tourism industry; terminology accepted in the tourism industry; methods of collecting, processing and analyzing information; market conditions for tourism products; reporting methods; theory and methods of marketing tourism products; management of a tourism organization; standards for working with tourists; systems for booking and processing tourism products; rules for working with databases and reservation systems for hotels and other tourist services; tourist insurance rules; geography of countries of the world; foreign language; procedure for concluding and executing civil contracts; schemes for working with hotels, carrier companies (air, rail, bus, cruise, etc.), and other organizations; basics of psychology; theory of interpersonal communication; conflictology; rules for preparing financial statements; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural services and tourism, tourism and excursion business, tourism management, management of tourism and hotel management organizations, economics and management of tourism and hotel management enterprises) and work experience in the tourism sector of at least 3 years or higher professional education (economics), additional professional education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the field of tourism of at least 3 years.

Head of the tourism products department of a tour operator organization

Job responsibilities. Organizes work to study tourists’ requirements for tourism products, carries out analysis of marketing research on demand for tourism services. Searches for the most favorable partner organizations (hotels, airlines, etc.) in terms of payment, terms and quality of service. Negotiates with counterparties (service providers), agrees on the main terms of contracts for the provision of services, prepares draft contracts and ensures their conclusion. Concludes agreements with representatives of the host party on the promotion and sale of tourism products. Takes part in planning events to promote tourism products (exhibitions, advertising campaigns, presentations). Organizes the development of standards and procedures for providing information about tourism products to travel agents and tourists, prepares instructional documents and instructs managers and agents in the sale of tourism products. Organizes and takes part in the development of techniques and methods for selling tourism products. Organizes control over the sale of tourism products and their after-sales service, fulfillment by the host party and counterparties of obligations under concluded contracts. Analyzes complaints and complaints from tourists regarding the quality of tourist services, prepares proposals for filing claims against the host party and counterparties. Prepares reviews and progress reports and ensures their presentation to the organization’s management.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; basic concepts and principles of organizing the tourism industry; methods for determining the cost of tourism services and pricing tourism products; schemes for working with hotels, carrier companies (air, rail, bus, cruise, etc.), and other organizations; methods of forming tourism products; procedure for drawing up contracts; rules for accepting counterparties and conducting negotiations; geography of countries of the world; abbreviations accepted in the tourism industry; theory of interpersonal communication; foreign language; basics of marketing and management; office work standards; requirements for registration of tourist documentation; methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers; basics of labor and civil legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural services and tourism, tourism and excursion business, tourism management, management of tourism and hotel management organizations, economics and management of tourism and hotel management enterprises) and work experience in the tourism sector of at least 3 years or higher professional education (economics), additional professional education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the field of tourism of at least 3 years.

Specialist positions

Tourism Product Development Manager

Job responsibilities. Carries out the selection of reference materials on tourism. Organizes the search, collection, primary processing and analysis of information on tourism, geography, history, architecture, religion, attractions, socio-economic structure of countries, etc. to form tourism products. Based on the results of marketing research on supply and demand for tourism products, he develops a concept and program for a tourism product. Negotiates with counterparties, agrees on the main terms of contracts for the provision of services, prepares draft contracts and ensures their conclusion. Studies visa requirements and develops visa service schemes for tourists for a specific tourism product. Develops proposals for the development of a new tour, including internship in a foreign language for employees of a tourism organization in countries in which the tour operator organizes the sale of a tourism product; organizes the implementation of educational tourism products. Accepts orders from individual tourists or persons authorized to represent a group of tourists for the formation of tourism products and processes them in the prescribed manner. Develops schemes for booking tourist products, their confirmation and registration. Determines the cost of the tourism product. Maintains statistics of sold tourism products, prepares reports and presents them to the management of the organization. Provides the creation of a database of tourism products.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; basic concepts and principles of organizing the tourism industry; methods for determining the cost of tourism products; schemes for working with hotels, carrier companies (air, rail, bus, cruise, etc.), and other organizations; methods of forming tourism products; procedure for drawing up contracts with service providers; rules for accepting counterparties and conducting negotiations; geography of countries of the world; foreign language; abbreviations accepted in the tourism industry; theory of interpersonal communication; basics of marketing and management; office work standards; requirements for registration of tourist documentation; methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers; basics of labor and civil legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Manager of tourism products in tourism areas (outbound, inbound, domestic tourism)

Job responsibilities. Carries out the formation of its own information databases on tour operators based on tourism reference books, catalogs and other sources of information. Studies the requirements of tourists, analyzes the motivation of demand for sold tourism products. Participates in the formation of tourism products. Develops proposals for changing the components of the tourism product, taking into account the individual and special requirements of the tourist, or searches for tourism products that best meet the requirements of tourists in terms of timing, price and level of quality of service. Develops standards for providing information about tourism products to tourists. Provides training to managers and agents in the sales of tourism products. Provides managers and sales agents of tourism products with prints, photocopies, catalogues, brochures, guides and other promotional materials necessary to inform customers about tourism products. Provides booking of services, their confirmation and registration. Participates in the development of methods for selling tourism products. Monitors the sale of tourism products and the tour operator’s fulfillment of obligations under concluded contracts. Studies complaints and complaints from tourists regarding the quality of tourist services, conducts statistical analysis of complaints and claims, and develops proposals to eliminate deficiencies in customer service. Prepares reports on the work done and presents them to the management of the organization.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; the procedure for drawing up contracts with service providers and for the sale of tourism products; procedure for determining the cost of tours; rules for booking tickets and services; tourist insurance rules; operating procedures of consular and visa services; schemes for working with hotels, carrier companies (air, rail, bus, cruise, etc.) and other organizations; geography of countries of the world; basics of management; theory and methods of marketing tourism products; terminology and abbreviations adopted in the tourism industry; theory of interpersonal communication; foreign language; rules for preparing tourist documentation (tourist vouchers, vouchers, insurance policies, etc.); office work standards; methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers; reporting rules; basics of psychology; theory of interpersonal communication; conflictology; basics of labor and civil legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural services and tourism, tourism and excursion business, tourism management, management of tourism and hotel management organizations, economics and management of tourism and hotel management enterprises) and work experience in the tourism sector of at least 2 years or higher professional education (economics), additional professional education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the field of tourism for at least 2 years.

Exit visa manager

Job responsibilities. Interacts with diplomatic and consular institutions of foreign states, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Provides documentation for tourists to obtain visas, passports, vouchers and other similar documents. Provides additional services to tourists related to obtaining an exit visa. Brings to the attention of tourists information about the rules of stay in foreign countries, the rules of behavior of tourists in the event of circumstances that seriously complicate the adoption of measures to protect citizens of the Russian Federation and the provision of patronage to them by the Russian Federation. Advises tourists on issues of visa and visa-free entry into the territory of foreign countries, obtaining transit visas, and the peculiarities of customs legislation of foreign countries. Maintains established documentation and prepares a report on the work done to the management of the organization within the established time frame.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; fundamentals of migration and customs legislation of the Russian Federation and foreign countries; international treaties of the Russian Federation and intergovernmental agreements on visa-free travel; operating procedures of consular and visa services; the procedure for processing and issuing documents for leaving the territory of the Russian Federation and entering the territory of the Russian Federation; the procedure for transit passage through the territories of foreign states; addresses of diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation abroad; addresses of diplomatic missions and consular offices of foreign states on the territory of the Russian Federation; foreign language; basic concepts and organization of the tourism industry; geography of countries of the world; methods and organization of management in the field of tourism; office work standards; methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers; basics of labor and civil legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural services and tourism, tourism and excursion business, tourism management, management of tourism and hotel management organizations, economics and management of tourism and hotel management enterprises) and work experience in the tourism sector of at least 2 years or higher professional education (economics), additional professional education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the field of tourism for at least 2 years.

Corporate Account Manager

Job responsibilities. Develops proposals for corporate clients and calculates tourism products. Conducts business correspondence with partners in English. Organizes booking of accommodation, transfer, visa and insurance services for large groups of tourists (from 100 to 1000 people). Organizes the development of corporate training programs and entertainment programs (evening programs and banquets) at the request of the corporate customer. Accompanies tourist groups at conferences, seminars, and congresses. Monitors on site the accuracy of compliance with the deadlines and schedule of the business, excursion and entertainment parts of the tourist program, tourist accommodation and transfers. Participates in exhibitions and seminars on tourism. Works with the media.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; terminology on the topics of the tourism industry; abbreviations accepted in the tourism industry; social foundations of the tourism industry; market of partners - tour operators, online hotel booking systems and other tourism services; hotel base around the world; features of obtaining visas, air tickets, insurance, transfers to different countries; English language; basics of negotiations and business correspondence; methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers; rules for using local and global telecommunication systems, e-mail; basics of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural services and tourism, tourism and excursion business, tourism management, management of tourism and hotel management organizations, economics and management of tourism and hotel management enterprises) and work experience in the tourism sector of at least 1 years or secondary vocational education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the field of tourism for at least 3 years.

Cultural animator

Job responsibilities. Studies and analyzes cultural processes occurring in society in order to determine the needs of different social groups of the population and further organize their leisure time. Establishes contacts with cultural institutions, creative organizations, public associations. Develops and implements zonal and targeted cultural and leisure programs. Organizes sports and tourism activities, applies the latest achievements and modern equipment, and develops tourist leisure programs. Organizes physical education and health activities from the standpoint of modern achievements of psychological and pedagogical science and best practices, develops individual and group leisure programs for the population and tourists. Organizes entertainment and entertainment events, develops and implements entertainment and entertainment programs for the population and tourists. Develops and implements innovative technologies for organizing sociocultural activities. Takes measures to ensure the safety of tourists.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of culture, sports and tourism; theory and methodology for ensuring the safety of participants in organized events; methods of analysis, collection and synthesis of information in the field of culture and art; techniques and methods for developing cognitive and creative initiative in the sociocultural sphere of people of various social groups; history and theory of culture and art; tourist animation, the basics of theatrical art, directing and other special disciplines; history of world and artistic culture; sightseeing, religious studies and local history; content of disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle; innovative technologies for organizing sociocultural activities; basics of labor legislation; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements.

Culturologist-animator of the 1st category: higher professional education (humanities, pedagogy) and work experience as a culturologist-animator of the 2nd category for at least 2 years.

Culturologist-animator of category II: higher professional education (humanitarian, pedagogical) and work experience as a cultural scientist-animator for at least 2 years.

Cultural animator: higher professional education (humanitarian, pedagogical) or secondary vocational education (humanitarian, pedagogical) without presenting requirements for work experience.

Order Processing Specialist

Job responsibilities. Provides the customer (tourist) with advice on the rules and subject of the order (formatization, price, parameters, timing and place of order fulfillment). Checks the availability of all order details. Identifies the order type. Sends the order to the appropriate department of the tour operator. Coordinates the work of the tour operator departments involved in the implementation of the order. Monitors the timely execution of orders. Adjusts the terms and conditions for fulfilling orders and, if necessary, informs customers (tourists) about changes in order parameters. Maintains an archive of completed orders. Draws up a report (daily, monthly, quarterly, annual) on the execution of orders for subsequent analysis and adjustment of the system for working with orders.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; regulatory documents regulating the organization of tour operator and travel agency activities; assortment and characteristics of offered tourism products; service booking system; technology for the formation of tourism products; methods of motivating tourists to purchase tourism products; organizing work with tourists’ requests; requirements for processing and accounting of orders; the procedure for monitoring the passage and fulfillment of orders; types of technical means of collecting and processing information, communications and communications; software for the activities of tourist organizations; fundamentals of social psychology; ethics of business communication; office work standards; internal labor regulations, labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Secondary vocational education in the specialty "Tourism" without any requirements for work experience in the field of tourism.

Tourism instructor-methodologist

Job responsibilities. Develops hiking techniques. Study the list of tourist routes with a description of their features, assess the suitability of the route for a specific tourist group. Prepares route documents and cartographic material. Develops a tourist route, a schedule of a tourist trip and plans for activities that are supposed to be carried out on the tourist route, outlines checkpoints and deadlines for completing stages of the route, studies difficult sections of the tourist route, determines ways to overcome them, registers the tourist route with the territorial bodies of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Affairs defense, emergency situations and disaster relief. Takes part in the formation of a tourist group. Organizes comprehensive training for participants of the tourist trip. Conducts instructions on compliance with safety precautions on the tourist route. Prepares cost estimates. Accompanies a tourist group on a tourist route. Consults tourists on life support issues on the tourist route. Organizes the preparation and selection of necessary equipment, equipment and food products, identifies opportunities to replenish food supplies along the tourist route. Participates in organizing events to strengthen and develop the material and technical base for tourism. Maintains systematic records, analysis, and generalization of the results of tourist trips. The person responsible for the operation of the route along which the tourist group is sent undergoes special instructions.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; social foundations of the tourism industry; methods of organizing and conducting tourist trips; history, culture and geography of the region through which the tourist route passes; sanitary and epidemiological condition of the hiking area; rules for drawing up tourist routes; basics of topography and terrain orientation; climatic and other features of the area through which the tourist route passes; basics of physical education and health work; the basics of medical monitoring of the condition of tourists; rules for ensuring the life of a group during a hiking trip; rules for providing first aid to tourists; rules of orientation; rules for operating tourist equipment; rules for operating radio stations; methods of communication with rescue services, voluntary sports and other organizations on tourist routes; rules for tourists traveling tourist routes (hiking, water, mountain, etc.); action plan in case of emergency situations; theory of interpersonal communication; basics of psychology; conflictology; foreign language; rules for document preparation and reporting; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the specialty "Physical Education and Sports", "Recreation and Sports and Health Tourism", courses for instructors-guides in accordance with the type of tourist route, work experience in the field of tourism of at least 2 years or secondary vocational education in the specialty "Physical Education" ", "Tourism", courses for instructors and guides in accordance with the type of tourist route, work experience in the field of tourism of at least 3 years.

Travel consultant

Job responsibilities. Organizes a survey of tourists in order to identify the most convenient tourist destinations, tourist routes, and the time of the tourist trip; provides assistance in their selection. Provides information to tourists about the location of museums, tourist sites, events, weather conditions in the intended place of stay, as well as tourism services and tourism products. Advises tourists on the conditions for visiting tourist sites, visa requirements, rules for passing passport, customs and other controls at the destination when entering and leaving the country; about religious rituals, shrines, monuments of nature, history, culture and other tourist attractions that are under special protection; about the state of the natural environment; sanitary and epidemiological conditions; about the history of tourist sites, safety rules on a tourist route or on a tourist trip, as well as actions in case of unforeseen situations at a tourist site. Fills out requests for booking services and tickets. Distributes promotional materials (brochures, booklets, maps, etc.). Keeps records of tourists' requests based on the results of tourist trips. Prepares a report on the work done to the management of the organization.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; geography of countries of the world; assortment, classification, characteristics of the offered tourist products; features of tourist routes (sights, monuments of culture, architecture, nature, etc.); terms of concluded contracts for the provision of tourist services; program and conditions of service for tourists on the tourist route (rules and procedures for travel, transfers, accommodation and meals for tourists, excursion service plan); rules for the stay of tourists in countries along which tourist routes pass; schemes for working with consulates (embassies), hotels, transport organizations, and other organizations; foreign language; terminology and abbreviations adopted in the tourism industry; theory of interpersonal communication; rules for preparing tourist documents and drawing up reports; basics of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural services and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management of tourism and hotel industry enterprises) and work experience in the field of tourism for at least 2 years.

V. Qualification characteristics of workers engaged in hotel activities

Manager positions

Hotel director

Job responsibilities. Carries out planning of hotel activities, management of production, economic and financial and economic activities of the hotel. Organizes the work and interaction of all functional and supporting departments and services, directs their activities to the development and improvement of the hotel’s activities, taking into account social and market priorities, increasing the efficiency of the hotel, increasing the volume of sales of services, increasing profits, improving the quality and competitiveness of services, their compliance with global standards standards, meeting the needs of tourists and other guests in hotel services. Ensures that the hotel fulfills its obligations to the federal, regional and local budgets, state extra-budgetary funds, suppliers, customers and creditors, including bank organizations, as well as employment contracts and business plans. Organizes the production and economic activities of the hotel based on the use of new equipment and service technologies, progressive forms of management and labor organization, scientifically based standards of material, financial and labor costs, studying market conditions and best practices (domestic and foreign) in order to improve the quality of services, economic efficiency, rational use of all types of resources. Takes measures to provide the hotel with qualified personnel, the rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, the creation of safe and healthy working conditions, and compliance with environmental legislation. Provides the correct combination of economic, administrative and socio-psychological management methods, unity of command and collegiality in discussing and resolving issues, material and moral incentives for increasing production efficiency, application of the principle of material interest and responsibility of each employee for the results of the work of the entire team. Together with the workforce, based on the principles of social partnership, ensures the development, conclusion and implementation of a collective agreement, compliance with labor and production discipline, promotes the development of work motivation, initiative and activity of hotel workers and employees. Entrusts the management of certain areas of activity to other officials - deputy directors, heads of departments and services of the hotel. Ensures compliance with the rule of law in the activities of the hotel and the implementation of its economic relations, the use of legal means for financial management and functioning in market conditions, strengthening contractual and financial discipline, regulating social and labor relations, ensuring the investment attractiveness of the hotel in order to maintain and expand the scale of business activity . Protects the property interests of the hotel in court, arbitration, government and administrative bodies.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; regulatory documents regulating hotel activities, including registration and passport and visa regime; rules for maintaining residential and other hotel premises and organizing safe living conditions for guests; profile, specialization and features of the hotel structure, taking into account its category; prospects for technical, economic and social development of the hotel industry; hotel production facilities and human resources; guest service technology and production organization; tax and environmental legislation; the procedure for drawing up and agreeing on business plans for the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the hotel; market methods of business and hotel management; a system of economic indicators that allow the hotel to determine its position in the market and develop programs for entering new markets; the procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts; market conditions; advanced domestic and foreign experience in organizing hotel business and services; foreign language; international rules of etiquette and business communication; economic and financial management of the hotel; organization of production and labor of workers; the procedure for developing and concluding sectoral tariff agreements, collective agreements and regulating social and labor relations; labor and civil legislation; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education (economic, technical), additional professional education (hotel management, management of tourism and hotel industry, economics and management of tourism and hotel industry) and work experience in management positions in the hotel industry for at least 5 years.

Head of Hotel Fund Service

Job responsibilities. Organizes the work of the hotel fund service and monitors the preparation and organization of work on serving guests, preparing rooms, changing rooms, washing and cleaning guests’ clothes, cleaning common areas and administrative premises. Organizes work on disinfection of rooms. Plans the work of hotel staff to carry out non-standard cleaning procedures. Organizes the work of workers to provide first aid to guests and act in an emergency. Reviews complaints and complaints from guests and makes decisions on them. Monitors compliance by employees of the hotel fund service with labor protection requirements in the workplace, and the transfer of cases at the end of the shift. Conducts on-the-job training for hotel staff before starting their shift. Provides assistance to subordinate employees in resolving problems that arise during work.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; regulatory documents regulating hotel activities; rules for the provision of hotel services; rules for maintaining residential and other hotel premises; rules for the provision of household and other types of services; organizational structure of the hotel; structure of the hotel fund service; theory of interpersonal communication; basics of psychology; fundamentals of hotel management and personnel management; methods of quality control of service; cleaning technology methods; range and characteristics of renewable materials for guests; types of equipment, devices and materials used; characteristics of chemicals and insecticides; characteristics of accidents and rules for providing first aid to guests; methods of dealing with guest complaints; fundamentals of scientific organization of labor; labor legislation; inner order rules; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education (hotel management, management of tourism and hotel management) and work experience of at least 1 year or secondary vocational education in the specialty "Hotel service" and work experience in the hotel industry of at least 3 years.

Head of Reception and Accommodation Service

Job responsibilities. Monitors the preparation and organization of the work of the reception and accommodation service. Supervises the work of the reception service in organizing meetings, greetings and serving guests, their registration and accommodation. Organizes work to support and maintain the information database of the reception and accommodation service. Organizes and controls work on urgent orders, ensures the necessary level of interaction with other services and management. Controls the organization of storage of valuables. Monitors the handling of guest complaints. Organizes work to provide first aid to guests and take action in extreme situations that require immediate decision-making. Monitors the organization of settlements with guests and the procedure for the departure of guests. Monitors compliance by employees of the reception and accommodation service with labor protection measures in the workplace, monitors the procedures for transferring cases by employees at the end of the shift. Plans the needs for material resources and personnel of the reception and accommodation service departments. Analyzes difficulties in the work of the reception and accommodation service, makes changes in the work of the service. Assists service employees in resolving problems that arise during work. Distributes the responsibilities of service employees. Conducts production training for service employees. Creates a system of motivation and disciplinary liability for reception and accommodation service workers, monitors the functioning of the incentive system, analyzes its effectiveness and improves it. Manages conflict situations.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; regulatory documents regulating the economic and business activities of hotels; rules for the provision of hotel services; organizing the activities of the reception and accommodation service and other hotel services; the procedure for calculating the departure of guests and the technology for organizing the departure of guests; technology for interaction with other hotels, including transfer of reservations; layout of hotel premises; sales psychology; methods of promoting hotel services; theory of interpersonal communication; rules for maintaining a file system, text editors and spreadsheets for working on a personal computer; list of services provided by the hotel; organization of the hotel security system; security alarm systems and rules for working with them; rules for safe storage of guests' valuables; basics of conflictology; standards for handling guest complaints; rules for providing first aid to guests; emergency procedures; basics of physiology and pharmacology; rules for payment for hotel services; fundamentals of scientific organization of labor; methods of labor planning for reception and accommodation service workers; foreign language; labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education (hotel management, management of tourism and hotel management organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel management enterprises) and work experience in the hotel industry for at least 1 year or secondary vocational education in the specialty "Hotel service" and work experience in the hotel industry at least 3 years.

Specialist positions

Floor duty officer

Job responsibilities. Receives and accommodates guests. Monitors the cleaning of common areas and administrative premises located on the floor. Provides first aid to guests in an emergency. Analyzes complaints and complaints from guests and makes prompt decisions to eliminate them. Monitors employees' compliance with labor safety rules in the workplace. Monitors the transfer of cases by employees at the end of the shift.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; regulatory documents regulating the service sector; rules for the provision of hotel services and rules for the maintenance of residential and other hotel premises; theory of interpersonal communication; basics of psychology; fundamentals of hotel management; methods of quality control of service; cleaning technology methods; sanitary and hygienic standards and rules for maintaining hotel premises; foreign language; basics of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Front Desk Manager

Job responsibilities. Prepares workplaces and organizes the work of the reception and accommodation service. Coordinates the work of service employees in meeting, registering and placing guests at the hotel. Coordinates the work of storing and retrieving information from the file system. Monitors the issuance and storage of room keys. Coordinates the work of escorting guests to their rooms. Organizes the transfer of information to guests. Coordinates the storage of guests' valuables. Works with complaints and claims from guests and makes decisions on them. Provides first aid to guests in emergency situations. Coordinates the work of service employees to carry out settlements with guests upon departure. Transfers cases at the end of the shift.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; rules for the provision of hotel services; foreign language; theory of interpersonal communication; reception and accommodation systems; layout of reception and accommodation service premises; fundamentals of scientific organization of labor; rules for using office equipment; methods of promoting hotel services; principles of maintaining a file system, text editors and spreadsheets for working on a personal computer; organizing the work of the reception and accommodation service; rules and procedures for the functioning of other hotel services; list of services provided by the hotel; security systems and safe storage of guests' valuables; types of depository cells; methods of dealing with customer complaints; first aid theory; emergency procedures; basics of physiology and pharmacology; rules and procedure for settlements with guests upon their departure; technology for interaction with other hotels, including transfer of reservations; security alarm systems and rules for working with them; basics of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education (hotel management, management of tourism and hotel services, economics and management at tourism and hotel enterprises) without requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education in the specialty "Hotel service" and work experience of at least 2 years.


Job responsibilities. Provides guests with information about the hotel, services provided, and events held on the hotel premises. Helps achieve a high level of guest service. Monitors the list of arriving guests on a daily basis, highlighting the VIP category (special attention), and provides this information to the interested services. Ensures checking of rooms intended for VIP guests, meets guests during check-in, accompanies them to the room, informs them about the services provided at the hotel. Accepts and executes guest orders for booking travel (air, rail, bus, cruise) tickets. Receives mail, checks it, sorts it, and arranges for delivery to guests' rooms. Receives messages, ensuring accurate transmission of information to its destination. Accepts orders from guests to rent a car, call a taxi, prepares orders and waybills for drivers. Receives and fulfills orders from guests wishing to visit theaters, circuses, etc. Provides assistance in obtaining information regarding excursions and entertainment. At the request of guests, it provides fax services. Provides detailed information about attractions, museums, exhibitions, etc. Performs guest assignments. Performs cash transactions to ensure accurate financial records are maintained.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; rules for the provision of hotel services; layout of hotel premises; organization of hotel operations, reception and accommodation services; rules and procedures for booking hotel rooms, reception, registration, accommodation and departure of guests; service standards; rules for using office equipment; security measures; security alarm systems and rules for working with them; foreign language; basic norms of international etiquette; basics of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Secondary vocational education in the specialty "Hotel Service" without any work experience requirements.


Job responsibilities. Meets and greets guests. Carries out registration and accommodation of guests. Enters guest occupancy data into the hotel management system. Contacts guests in a foreign language on the topic of his service. Carries out work on issuing keys to rooms. Issues permission for guests to stay in a room upon presentation of a passport or other identification document. Monitors guests' compliance with the hotel rules and organizes the storage of guests' valuables. Connects long-distance and international communications to the room and organizes the provision of other paid services provided by the hotel. Monitors the balance of the deposit for telephone communications and other paid hotel services. Reviews guest complaints and takes action to resolve them. Makes payments to guests upon their departure. Organizes departure and farewell of guests. Provides first aid in an emergency situation. Receives mail and messages. Receives and delivers correspondence to guests. Informs guests about additional paid services provided by the hotel. Maintains a log and book of duty assignments.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; regulatory documents and instructions relating to the work performed; foreign language (vocabulary on the subject of reception and accommodation services); rules for receiving and serving guests; rules for registration and passport and visa regime in hotels; location of rooms and standards for equipment of premises and hotel rooms; procedure for booking hotel rooms; rules for operating cash registers; methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers; rules for using the file system (storing, retrieving information, etc.); types and systems of keys; rules for paying guests upon their departure; technology for transferring reservations to other hotels; layout of hotel premises; organizing the activities of hotel services; security alarm system and rules for working with it; basics of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Secondary vocational education in the specialty "Hotel service", without any work experience requirements.