Is it possible to produce baby strollers in Russia? Business idea: production of strollers. The smartest unmanned stroller Manufacturing of strollers for children business

Today, several young and confident enterprises from Russia have appeared on the market, ready to offer products of their own production. What kind of companies are these and will they be able to compete with famous foreign brands?

Reasons for the absence of “promoted” Russian brands on the market

If you have had to buy a baby stroller, then you have probably noticed that there are practically no manufacturers of such products from Russia in stores.

The main part of the market is occupied by models of famous European brands from the UK, France, Italy, Lithuania or Poland. In addition, you can sometimes see strollers from Japan, the USA or Canada.

In general, such models are truly of high quality, combining practicality, convenience and safety for the child, and their only drawback can be considered to be that the cost is too high for the domestic buyer.

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In addition, in recent years, baby stroller models from China have become especially popular. Despite the fact that they are inferior to products from European and North American brands in terms of quality (although not always), they attract buyers with a more affordable price.

The question arises: why have there been no striking examples of Russian manufacturers of such products all these years?

The point is the lack of production capacity suitable for creating the necessary components. First of all, this concerns fabric materials and plastic parts.

In total, in recent years there have been several large enterprises in Russia specializing in the production of baby strollers, including such as « STECURAL", "Apex" and "Votkinsk Industrial Company » .

Unfortunately, many of them were forced to stop their production for one reason or another (for example, due to the economic crisis), while others began to resell imported models.

Development of Russian production of baby strollers

Today, there are only a few domestic manufacturing companies on the baby stroller market, which are striving to develop their positions and compete with foreign brands. Among such brands are the following:

  • Globex;
  • Little Trek;
  • Mammie (shared with Israel).

And although the products of Russian brands are still significantly inferior to imported analogues, occupying less than ten percent of the market, every year the number of buyers interested in their products is only increasing.

It is important to note that the difficulty for the model of manufacturing companies from Russia also lies in the fact that their models belong mainly to the middle price segment, in which competition with widespread products of Chinese and European brands is the most difficult.

Business plan

"Production of transformable strollers"

1. State of affairs in the industry………………………………………….………..5
2. Description of the enterprise and its goals……………………………………..5
3. Product Description……………………………………………………….7
4. Marketing plan…………………………………………………………….8
5. Production plan………………………………………………………11
6. Investment plan……………………………………………………..16
7. Financial plan with calculation of project efficiency………………..18
8. Risks of activity……………………………………………………….22

Today, the Russian consumer has the opportunity to choose, but our market often suffers from the absence of the so-called middle sector. There are cheap but low-quality goods and high-quality but expensive goods. We decided to offer our customers high-quality products at affordable prices, and with optimal consumer properties for the baby and parents.
The company OJSC KurskAist plans to produce transformable strollers. The main factors shaping the market for strollers for children are functionality, convenience, quality and decorativeness. If the above characteristics are equal, price plays an important role. Transformable strollers are a convenient option, especially for those buyers who do not want to spend money twice by buying a cradle stroller and a stroller separately. Transformers weigh less than classic strollers. They are much more compact. The material from which the stroller basket is made with a special water-repellent impregnation.
Our goal: to produce beautiful strollers that meet all consumption and safety standards, and at the same time, provide a low price accessible to the mass Russian buyer.
The project is designed for 3 years and will pay off in 2009. From the financial forecast, the opening of production will require 450,000 - authorized capital and 750,000 borrowed. In the future, it is possible to expand production by producing other types of strollers and various products for children.

The authorized capital of the joint-stock company is 450,000, divided into 450 ordinary registered shares with a par value of 1,000 each.

1. State of affairs in the industry
OJSC KurskAist plans to sell its products on the regional market, the capacity of which allows for intervention in order to gain a foothold in this market segment. Sales volume directly depends on the birth rate. The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation predicts that thanks to measures to solve the demographic problem, by the end of 2009 the birth rate in Russia will increase by almost 26%. In addition, one-time expenses for parents at the birth of a baby in Kursk reach 10-30 thousand, because all newborns need strollers and cribs. Thus, working in this segment is quite promising and profitable.
In the production of cribs and strollers, competitors are both Russian and foreign companies. Despite the high quality of the world leaders in the production of these goods, their penetration into the Russian domestic market is a difficult problem associated with high cost. The most famous Italian strollers on the domestic market are the following brands: Inglesina, Cam, Peg Perego, Chicco. European manufacturers are also represented by the Dutch Maxi Cosi, the French Bebe comfort, the Portuguese Bebecar, and the Germans Zekiwa. Organizing production on the territory of Russia will reduce transport costs and allow KurskAist OJSC to set a price almost lower than that of foreign manufacturers.
Potential competitors are Russian manufacturers. You should pay attention to the Russian brand Little Trek. Their cradles combine reliability and durability with an affordable price. However, the advantage of OJSC KurskAist is that contracts have already been concluded with the main buyers. These include the Detsky Mir, Baby Boutique, and Happy Baby chain stores. These contracts eliminate uncertainty, make it possible to plan activities, reduce the risk of overproduction and, as a result, are “a powerful weapon in the competition.” Dominant market positions are ensured by high quality. OJSC "KurskAist" is subtly and accurately able to take into account consumer requests.
2. Description of the enterprise and its goals
The implementation of this project will be carried out by the open joint-stock company "KurskAist"
It was registered on 01/01/09. by decision of the Registration Chamber of the Kursk City Administration. Form of ownership: private.
The main activity is baby strollers.
Production activities are carried out on rented premises. Its total size is 555 m?.
The founders of OJSC KurskAist are legal entities and individuals.
OJSC "Aistenok" Moscow, st. Pokrovka, 7. The share in the authorized capital is 70% (RUB 315,000);
IP Lebedev V.A. – The share in the authorized capital is 30% (RUB 135,000).
The authorized capital of the joint-stock company is 450,000, divided into 450 ordinary registered shares with a par value of 1,000 each
The founders include an enterprise that has significant experience in the production and sale of children's goods. The initiators of the project have a good reputation in government, business and financial circles, which can serve as a prerequisite for the successful implementation of their goals.
The main goal of this company is to obtain maximum profit without serious risks.
The main market purpose of the activity is the desire to provide a comprehensive solution to clients’ business problems through the production and supply of strollers for newborns.
Long-term goals of the company for 3 years:
1. Establish the production and production of baby strollers.
2. To soon take a dominant position in the market for the supply of manufactured goods.
3. Achieve maximum sales volume.
4. Expand production by producing other products for children.
Vision of the KurskAist company - “We support state demographic policy by supplying necessary, cheap strollers for newborns”
The main currency of the project is the Russian ruble.
Basic tax rates do not change by project year.
The calculations take into account the following basic rates of taxes and off-budget payments.
Table 1
Basic tax rates
Name of tax Tax rate Object of taxation Payment deadline
Income tax 24% profit quarterly
VAT 10% taxable turnover monthly
Unified social tax 26% payroll monthly
Property tax 2.2% property value semi-annually
Due to the fact that the project began in 2009 and all performance indicators are calculated for a 3-year period, inflation was taken into account in the calculations regarding the cost of goods in order to increase their accuracy for the long term. ..........

Having done this work and carried out the necessary calculations, we can conclude that the project for the production of transformable strollers is profitable and promising. Product profitability for 2009 will be equal to 45.9. Net profit from innovations is 26478.48
The financial and economic analysis of the project shows that the project for the production of transformable strollers is cost-effective. The payback period of the project is 1 year.
Of course, all sorts of difficulties are expected, associated both with organizing a business, drawing up the necessary contracts, and with gaining market share and competing in the provision of goods. The use of competitive advantages of production will facilitate the solution of these problems; these include high-quality products at affordable prices, and with optimal consumer properties for the baby and parents.

Baby strollers currently produced have significant differences in the features of production technology. The main differences lie in the materials used to produce such products, as well as the design features of the products. For example, Icoo strollers largely inherit the technologies used by the company to produce its main products - seats for motor sports. Stroller models from this manufacturer are distinguished by their low weight, fairly high structural strength, as well as a carefully designed seat design.

This is especially true for child car seats included in some models from this manufacturer. Using technologies used in the production of sports bucket seats, Recaro is one of the world's leading manufacturers of child car seats. Thanks to the use of advanced technologies, the level of safety provided by such chairs occupies a leading position in the ratings of similar products.

A high level of child protection in the event of an accident is ensured by a set of solutions used: the shape of the seat of the chair, the filling of shock-absorbing inserts, the strength of the frame, and the seat belts used. The use of seat geometry, to a certain extent similar to that used for sports chairs, allows the child’s body weight to be distributed as evenly as possible along the entire length of the spinal column.

This fact significantly reduces the likelihood of injury, since in the event of overload during an accident, uneven load on the spine can cause serious injuries. The filler of the shock-absorbing inserts is also important, absorbing impacts of the child’s body on the sides of the chair. The most effective at the moment is polyurethane foam with shape memory effect. The frame of Recaro child car seats is made using lightweight, high-strength alloys, which ensures that the seat's position is maintained in the event of an accident.

Five-point seat belts, much like those used in motorsports, ensure reliable fixation of the child’s body in the seat. Britax strollers are also quite popular. Unlike the previous company, the main activity of this manufacturer is the production of children's and related products. The distinctive features of Britax products include attention to detail in the design of the stroller, as well as the exceptional comfort of using these products.

Thanks to well-established feedback, the company is constantly improving its products according to customer wishes, so that they perfectly meet the desires of consumers. Thus, if you want to buy a stroller in Kyiv that will best suit your wishes, it is best to pay attention to the products of leading companies.

Prepared based on materials from the site:

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Best wishes,

The body of a recreational vehicle. Be sure to check how the body is attached (in a stroller for newborns it is a cradle, and in a stroller version it is a seat) to the chassis of the product.

The fastening must be strong and durable, and also necessarily symmetrical. If the fastening is not symmetrical, the baby will fall to one side. The materials used in production for the manufacture of the body must be natural. To ensure that the body does not get wet, waterproof materials must be used for its exterior finishing. To keep the body clean, it is advisable to have removable upholstery. For ease of carrying, carrying straps are installed on the body. The body of the recreational vehicle should be spacious enough so as not to restrict the baby’s movement, but it should not be huge so that the vehicle can enter the elevator. Manufacturers produce some body models that can be used as a child car seat.

Cradle. The cradle basket in some models can be equipped with a rigid safety frame designed to protect the baby and conserve heat inside the cradle. Such models must have ventilation holes that can be closed as needed in winter. For the convenience of babies mastering the “sitting” position, some models come with removable seats that can be secured directly in the cradle. If you decide to buy a fashionable stroller or a transformable stroller, then pay attention to the baby seat. It must have seat belts to prevent the baby from falling out of the stroller. Models should also be equipped with an adjustable footrest for the convenience of the baby.

Pleasure carriage chassis. The chassis design includes a frame with wheel mounts and a shock absorber system. A high-quality chassis must be made of light and durable alloy. The presence of shock absorbers in pleasure carriages will ensure a smooth and easy ride and stability of the product.

Shock absorbers come in different types:

  • belt;
  • spring;
  • plastic-hinged, in high-quality products closed with metal shields. In some models, articulated shock absorbers are equipped with additional springs;
  • spring, resembling an elastic metal frame.

Control knob. The control knob in good products is adjustable. It allows parents to adjust it to the desired height, fold it up for a ride in a cramped elevator, or flip it over depending on the direction of travel. Before purchasing, check the quality of the handle itself and the plastic attachment (it is not very pleasant to hold on to bare metal in winter if the quality of the plastic does not withstand frost and will burst).

Feel free to test the model you have chosen. The mother must independently perform all possible manipulations with the Teutonia 2013 stroller - flip the handle, unfold the seat and backrest into different positions, fold the whole thing and unfold it, check the brake system, shock absorbers, operation of the hoods, seat belts and everything else in the stroller. Try to lift and carry the unit yourself, because you will have to take it out for a walk every day!

Keywords: Components of a stroller, Body of a stroller, Carrycot, buy a fashionable stroller, Chassis of a stroller, plastic-articulated shock absorbers, Control handle, stroller teutonia 2013,2014