The best affiliate programs for making money: a list of profitable programs and tips for working with affiliates. The most profitable affiliate program on the RuNet Affiliate programs


FRIENDS, this is important news for everyone who is looking for NEW, PROFITABLE, RELIABLE AFFILIATE PROGRAMS. It is important to HAVE TIME to join the NEW GRAND AFFILIATE program of Runet and EARN FROM 100,000 RUBLES ALREADY THIS SPRING.
Luck, as you know, loves the fast!

Especially for my readers, I publish a training video in this article. on working with this particular affiliate program. As well as a description of the affiliate product itself and the unique features of the affiliate program.

1. Description of the CYBERSANT-PARTNER affiliate program from INFO-DVD.

  • This is an affiliate program from the famous publishing house INFO-DVD, which has paid partners more than 25,000,000 rubles for 8.5 years of sales of its educational products.
  • The main product in the new launched program is CYBERSANT-INVESTOR 2.0. This is a popular and expected information product on the market.
  • The previous version of the CYBERSANT INVESTOR course was released in 2008 and became a hit product.
  • CYBERSANT-INVESTOR is still considered one of the most famous and large-scale information products on the Runet.
  • The first version of CYBERSANT-INVESTOR has sold outwith a circulation of 7830 copies for a total amount of more than 17,000,000 rubles.
  • The partners received about 5,000,000 rubles in commission for promoting the CYBERSANT-INVESTOR course.
  • Thousands of potential buyers are waiting for the new, updated CYBERSANT-INVESTOR course!
  • A unique feature of the new Cybersant-Partnerki affiliate program is the LIFETIME assignment of the subscriber to the partner (without taking into account the lifetime of cookies).
  • Marketing support from INFO-DVD is planned to warm up interest in the CYBERSANT-INVESTOR 2.0 course.
  • Strong customer support is planned by the sales department of the INFO-DVD publishing house.
  • Serious technical support for partners CYBERSANT PARTNERS from the publishing house INFO-DVD.
  • You will receive from 2,000 to 16,000 rubles for the purchase of basic products by one client using your affiliate link. Plus 20% from sales of partners you attract.
  • With the right work, the goal of earning 100,000 rubles this spring is easily achievable.

2. Description of the course CYBERSANT-INVESTOR 2.0 from INFO-DVD.

The concept of the CYBERSANT-INVESTOR product and the theoretical basis have not changed. Everything else is new. About 80% new information!

The product CYBERSANT-INVESTOR 2.0 is in demand on the market. It will be released as a boxed solution and as a live training.

CYBERSANT-INVESTOR 2.0 will include the following sections:

  • Types and instruments of investment
  • Asset valuation methods
  • Author's method for selecting managers
  • The author's methodology for testing trading strategies Cross Test
  • Capital Management. Diversification
  • Mathematical methods
  • Services, step-by-step techniques
  • Personal finance
  • Methods of teaching financial literacy to your children.

3. How to register in the affiliate program and earn from 100,000 rubles this spring?

Register in CYBERSANT PARTNER from INFO-DVD >>>>

Click on the BECOME A PARTNER button. Registration is standard. An email will be sent to confirm your registration.

The trick of the affiliate program is that more than one affiliate link is provided. You can also generate separate links, for example, for publication on your website, in the VKontakte group, on Facebook, etc. Having different links, you will track in your affiliate account which advertising brings you the most income.

Watch the video lesson about all the features of the Cybersant-Partnerki affiliate account.

4. Where to look for partners and who to attract as 2nd level partners?

Now only the 1st stage of INFO-DVD Publishing House’s marketing program has started to promote its new product CYBERSANT-INVESTOR 2.0.

You and I were lucky to be among the first to learn about the start of this grandiose program.

Sales of the CYBERSANT-INVESTOR product itself have not yet started. At the 1st stage, you will attract partners who, like you, want to earn from an affiliate program this spring from 100,000 rubles. Accordingly, you will receive 20% of their earnings.

I think you yourself understand that you shouldn’t distribute the link to everyone. It is important for you to attract partners who can earn good money themselves and thereby bring you good income.

Who needs to be attracted and where to look for such partners?

As practice shows, manual selection of candidates and personal communication work best. Now there are many programs and services with which you can choose groups on social networks with a large number of subscribers related to the topic of making money on affiliate programs.

There is also the option of advertising in the email newsletters of owners of large subscriber bases. You can use the services of mailing exchanges, such as BazaarEmail and others.

You can also contact bloggers and owners of financial information sites with an offer to become a participant in the affiliate program (using your affiliate link).

These methods are usually very effective. Of course, you need to post a post on your personal pages on all social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc.), on the Forums where you are registered.

After registering in a partner account, you will receive a lot of promotional materials and videos from the owners of INFO-DVD with a detailed explanation of where to look for partners and how to promote the CYBERSANT-INVESTOR course.

Register in CYBERSANT PARTNER from INFO-DVD >>>>

And without delay, hurry to attract your partners to get 20% of their earnings. At the 2nd stage, when sales of the CYBERSANT-INVESTOR product itself begin, you will advertise the product itself and immediately receive your commissions - from 2,000 to 16,000 rubles for purchases of one client.

5. Description of all main traffic sources for attracting partners.

Watch this useful video describing all traffic sources for attracting 2nd level partners FOR ANY OF YOUR AFFILIATE PROGRAMS (this video lesson is from Evgeniy Vergus - a guru in affiliate marketing).

Don't hesitate to ask! Ask everything, even what you think are simple or awkward questions, IN THE COMMENTS.

I wish everyone inspiration and a lot of patience for all projects!

You will learn how a novice webmaster can choose a profitable affiliate program to make money online. Check out the catalog of affiliate programs in our article.

03.06.2018 Yulia Novikova

Income from such employment does not imply investment. The main thing is to develop a clear algorithm of actions and study the target audience. Tips and tricks for working with affiliate programs, as well as their detailed analysis, can be found in our article.

Features of making money on affiliate programs

An affiliate program is a form of cooperation between a selling company and its partners in the sale of goods or services. This method is beneficial for the seller, since it allows you to reduce advertising costs, and at the same time allows partners to receive interest from attracting customers.

To make money using the program, just leave a referral link on a social network, on a forum or personal website. For every client who comes to the store using your link and makes a purchase (or other useful action), you will receive a reward.

Depending on the project, commissions are paid to Internet wallets WebMoney, YandexMoney or directly to a current account.

There are several payment options:

  1. Per click– the visitor’s task is to view an advertisement on the website of a partner of a company, click on it and go to the advertiser’s resource.
  2. Per show– for a partner to receive a commission, it is enough to place an advertisement on his personal website.
  3. Per action– money is transferred only if the attracted user registers and subscribes to the resource’s newsletter. The type of payment is typical for dating sites and virtual currency exchange offices.
  4. For sales– the webmaster receives a percentage of the purchase of a person who used the affiliate link and purchased the product/service. This type of payment is practiced by online stores.

The types of affiliate programs per click (PPC) and per impression (PPV) can be combined into a group with payment for traffic. The use of PPC (per action) has decreased due to artificial click inflating.

What are the types of affiliate programs?

Affiliates are divided into:

  • single-level – a classic type of affiliate program. It can be called one-time, since the partner receives a commission only once for a client/product sold;
  • multi-level – a hierarchical system of income distribution among referrals and subscribers.
Affiliate program scheme

The multi-level network marketing scheme is such that the profit of the main partner (referrer) depends on the actual activity of the visitors attracted by him.

If, for example, he attracts two more people to work in the affiliate program, he receives up to 20% from their activity. In the future, the task of these two is to attract second-level partners, from whose profits both first-level webmasters and the Main Partner receive a commission.

Such a multi-level system has several more levels. Thus, for a partner of the first and second levels there is a guarantee of constant profit through the work of subsequent levels.

Is it possible to start making money on affiliate programs starting with 0 rubles? Quite, the main thing is a reasonable and creative approach.

How to choose the best affiliate program - useful tips and tricks

The search for an employer occurs not according to one particular criterion, which, in the opinion of the webmaster, will be the main one, but according to a combination of a number of characteristics.

And often the decisive role is played not by the interest rate, but by the company’s reputation, its experience, and a well-developed cooperation scheme.

This table will help you:

What to pay attention to Positive option Negative option
Site interface Thoughtful with multiple sections, search and various filters. There are a maximum of two sections where all products are collected in bulk.
Statement of product information A competent and clear description that allows you to place an order without consultation. A template description of all products or its complete absence.
Ordering goods/services Maximum two-stage, without distracting elements. A complex ordering system, for example, with mandatory communication with a company employee.

If you are just creating a website, choose what area you will work in.

For example, if your goal is to make money from gaming affiliate programs, then the topic of the resource should be appropriate - online games.

Also, if a web page already exists and is dedicated, for example, to hunting, then you need to look for appropriate affiliate programs. There is no point in posting links to an online women's clothing store. A webmaster needs to understand that it is almost impossible to promote products on a non-thematic site.

It is important to find out in advance all the details of calculating affiliate commissions. You should not waste time on dubious offers with deduction percentages exceeding 70%. The optimal percentage for the sale of goods is 5-20%, for the sale of services – 10-30%.

Choose conditions with the ability to create multi-level network marketing. Attracting referrals guarantees a stable income from the products they sell. Commissions can be 5-15%.

Tip 4. Pay attention to the reputation of the seller

Read reviews about a potential partner company. Even such simple actions will allow you to determine whether you should trust the seller and how reliable he is. If a partner has managed to gain a positive reputation among clients, there is reason to hope that buyers will be interested in goods and services.

Only the demand for a product/service on the market guarantees demand for it among potential buyers.

Conduct regular monitoring of the relevance of advertised products. Especially if you are dealing with the sale of information goods and services, the data in which quickly becomes outdated. We are talking primarily about training courses, instructions, and trainings.

Also monitor demand for products as audience preferences change rapidly.

TOP 5 best affiliate programs for earning money

There are plenty of affiliate programs on the Internet, but not all of them meet the necessary criteria of the employing company.

We present to your attention the five most reliable and generous services.

Smarty Sale

Service for returning part of the funds after purchase. At the time of writing, the number of satisfied Smarty.Sale users has exceeded 800 thousand. The site is optimized for different devices and has a user-friendly interface.


  • average cost per click – 2.99 rubles;
  • click-to-action conversion rate – 16.41%;
  • The affiliate program counts the user’s click on the referral link within 31 days;
  • the advertiser confirms the work in 87.04%;
  • The maximum processing time for paid actions is 90 days.

Before starting cooperation, read the rules for using the service (there are prohibitions on certain activities).


This is what the ePN affiliate program looks like

This service is essentially a partner of one of the largest Chinese online stores - AliExpress. The flow of goods reaches 100 million.

Affiliate terms:

  • promotional materials – links and banners;
  • referral program – 5%;
  • the percentage reaches 9% for sales volumes of $10,000 or more;
  • The maximum processing time for paid actions is 70 days;
  • making money on traffic/recommendations/blog.

By registering for the service in his personal account, the webmaster receives detailed statistics in various sections.


This is what Admitad’s advertising banner looks like

The service's product catalog contains more than 400 thousand items, and its topics include online games and finance.

Conditions and opportunities:

  • referral program – 5%;
  • tools for webmasters: banners, direct links, rotators;
  • Extensive opportunities for partners: working with websites, arbitration, social networks, doorways.


Product affiliate program No. 1

A product affiliate program that allows you to launch your own store of various sizes. For creating a referral system, 2% is paid, commissions on sales are up to 70%.


A profitable affiliate program offers webmasters a choice of payment per action or a percentage of sales.

Conditions and opportunities:

  • referral program – 5% of turnover;
  • pay per click is about 2.4 rubles;
  • Offer topics: games, tourism, ecommerce;
  • available advertising tools: Deep Links, subaccounts, discount coupons.

It is mandatory for a webmaster to have a website on paid hosting.

As for the YouTube affiliate program, watch a video about one of the best affiliate programs for video bloggers:

Why participation in an affiliate program does not bring profit - the main mistakes of beginners

To avoid the situation “I put all of myself into the project, but ended up going broke,” it is necessary to regularly evaluate your work and analyze the actions taken.

Let's look at the three most popular mistakes that beginners make.

Mistake 1. Attracting non-target visitors

Decide on the target audience of your product/service. Correctly indicate gender, age, occupation. Each group of potential buyers will respond to their own offer.

People visit a resource related to fashion and finance only if these topics are interesting to them. And advertising about clothing or financial information should only be placed on a properly targeted resource. This way you increase your targeted traffic.

Mistake 2. Promoting an unfamiliar product

If the webmaster’s task is to attract visitors to perform certain actions, you should first fill out a registration form yourself, for example, in order to clearly explain to the client all the advantages of the resource and its features.

Hello friends! In this post I will tell you where to find best affiliate programs to make money on the Internet. There are different affiliate programs - CPA (I mainly use them), CPS, CPL, CPC... in general there are a lot of them, I had the opportunity to work in different programs and I selected the most proven, reliable and best affiliate programs….so more details:

  • CPA - payment for one or another action performed by the user on the site (registration, survey, browsing the site, filling out something)... for example, the user follows your affiliate link and registers somewhere - the money is yours... so various actions (all depends on the affiliate program itself and its conditions)
  • CPC-payment for clicks (for banners and other advertising, the main thing is that someone clicked, for example, on your site on an advertisement and that’s it - you get the money)
  • CPS payment for the sale of goods and services (percentage on sales) to you, which was made by users who came through your affiliate link! The main thing for you is to get them to buy something - and you get a percentage of sales

In general, these are the main types of affiliate programs, and there are also single-level and multi-level ones:

  • Single-level ones are of this type, for example, you invited a person through an affiliate link and he bought something from the advertiser, you get a percentage of the sale accordingly, and that’s all, you will need to look for another person in order to earn interest for yourself again
  • Multi-level is if the person you invited via the link stayed, for example, in the affiliate program and started earning money there, then you will always receive a percentage of his work (this is two-level), there are also more levels, but the meaning is clear, others will invite people to you too, for example already from both of them there are percentages (but the further the levels are, the smaller the percentages).

In general, for a more understandable view, I will divide all affiliate programs into 2 main categories, which are most often encountered - these are affiliate programs for any actions (payment for registration, downloading something, clicks, etc.), and affiliate programs that sell (you get a percentage of sales ) - that’s what I’ll do (I’ll take the initiative, so to speak)

CPA affiliate program ADMITAD - this is where you can really make good money... I consider it one of the best on the Internet, I’ve been working with it for several years now... this is, let’s say, a whole network of affiliate programs - here you can find affiliate programs on completely different topics and pay for various actions (somewhere registration, the person just registered and that’s it - you get a payment, or just a couple of clicks on the site - you get paid and so much more..)!!! Registration here is normal, then you will need to add a site (that is, the place from where you will refer people to this affiliate program, it could be your group on a social network or your website or something else, look in the program there) usually all sites are accepted without moderation, only their (your) sites can be checked... after your site becomes ACTIVE can choose any affiliate program from the PROGRAM CATALOG and start working...many affiliate programs immediately accept you without checking, and some will first look at your site and decide whether to work with you or not...There’s nothing complicated’ll figure it out, if not, I’ll even tell you I’ll help..just write about the problem through my FEEDBACK! Here are a couple more screenshots of the affiliate program:

MIXMARKET This is probably my most profitable and best affiliate’s simply universal, there’s a huge selection of different companies to work for (different categories, whatever there are)…various payments (clicks, registrations, play games, etc..etc.), I’ll tell you a secret - this is where I’m most interested so far earned in 2013-2014.. Here you can both work as an affiliate, that is, earn money, and advertisers can advertise anything of their own.. This affiliate program also works with Yandex advertising, which speaks very strongly of its excellent reputation, which I have been convinced of for two years now !!!Payments, unlike the previous admitad, are not 300 rubles (minimum for withdrawal), but here there are only 50 rubles - payments once a month on the 5th-7th, here everything is like in a real real job.. everything is clear and strict.. exactly in These numbers are what are paid for the previous month!!! The support service is excellent - they will always help you and explain if you don’t understand something. If you have your own website, then you can increase your earnings several times over on this affiliate program, because when you place advertisements from advertisers, believe me, they will pay you well for clicks on banners, ads, etc. (which you place on your website) - on average 2.40 per click and you can also place Yandex advertisements (this affiliate program works together with it)! The affiliate program also has a bonus system, the essence of which is this: the fact that you earn money, bonuses accumulate accordingly, which can then be spent on various services, for example, improving the design of your website or an article so that they write an excellent one for you... a lot of things , and all this is performed by professionals in their field, and not just one of the scammers! NOW A COUPLE OF SCREENS FOR VISUALIZATION:

Everything is clear here... you choose the entrance as who you will be here.

I'll explain a little more here...

  • MIX-UNI: it’s better to work here for those who don’t have their own websites, you just first add a platform (from which you will direct people to the advertiser’s website), it can be anything, for example a group in Odnoklassniki, on VKontakte or somewhere else (at Look at the info for each advertiser, it shows where you can send traffic (people) from... many don’t even care where, as long as they go. But you can also do it with your website here, they have a lot of advertising materials, with the help of which you will drive traffic ( links, banners, texts, etc.)
  • MIX PRODUCTS: it’s better to have your own website, because there are huge opportunities there... they can even create an online store and sales pages for you on the site... there’s just too many! By the way, for those who don’t have a website yet, read where I explain where to even start making a website!!! PROGRAMS - here are all the companies with which you will work (there is a very large selection), choose what you like!!!

also an affiliate program for actions and so on.., similar to the previous 2, but here the minimum withdrawal amount is 30 rubles (you can withdraw once a week on Thursdays, having completed the request in advance). This affiliate program is more based on games, which is very excellent, so as in games, to a large extent, they pay for registration alone, and then just playing an online game (accordingly, whoever you brought is playing), you are also paid in addition - GREAT TIME, like that, but there are a lot of offers in any service sector! Login here can be either as an advertiser or a webmaster (that is, who wants to make money). Now screenshots for clarity:

Everything is clear here...then clicking on OFFICE, we will see this:

Another point: when you work in an affiliate program... there are 3 tariffs - basic, advanced, super, at any tariff there are plenty of tasks, just the higher the tariff, the higher the payment (although there are a little more tasks to choose from), but that’s all it is of little significance, then after a week, for example, you can write to support and you will automatically be assigned an advanced tariff from the basic tariff, here everything depends on your work experience and the quality of your sources (sites).

And here is the last screenshot - here is an example of one advertiser... I also hope you will understand everything... if anything is unclear - WRITE TO MY FEEDBACK! I WILL HELP IN ANY WAY I CAN! It is with these 3 (payment for actions) that I mainly work.. I count them the best affiliate programs and verified!!!

INFO-DVD - this is another option for making money on an affiliate program... the name speaks for itself, it is based on the sale of various educational and educational video courses, but it is based on educational video courses, and you know!? - I am very pleased that I have been working here for almost 3 years. Why I especially like it because the video courses on DVD are made by really professional people, both for us bloggers and others (who, for example, make websites, make money on websites, SEO and all sorts of things on different topics) it’s all very useful and necessary, read the reviews in on the Internet, this is one of the leading affiliate programs, as I have long been convinced of personally! They pay you 30% of the sale of a DVD, which is very good, for example, the disc was sold for 3000 rubles - you get 1000 rubles without a penny! One of the main points is that everything here is responsible and there is not even a hint of scam, people here are honest and the same are welcome to work, this is what I always look at first when it comes to working on the Internet! I don't know about you BUT ALL THESE SCAMS LIKE MLM AND OTHER THINGS PISS ME UP.....( just look at what’s going on on the Internet, and most importantly, they present this lie in such a way that there are no words from rage -I’d better say nothing further, “checkmate mentally” ) . There are also a lot of free video tutorials that you can download - I totally recommend it!

And finally, I’ll tell you about one super affiliate program - this is the affiliate program of Evgeniy Popov!

Evgeniy Popov is the author of many video courses on creating websites, promoting them, and everything like that. To be honest, it was only from him that I learned how to make a website and everything related to website building and blogging, I used to look for a lot of information and video tutorials on the Internet, but I constantly came across everything that was wrong, now in many paid and free lessons, all the information is taught out of order, sometimes it’s just empty chatter or the ravings of a madman, how many nerves did I spend until I came across Popov’s lessons - here everything is really professionally done and everything is super clear for beginners, It’s not for nothing that he is considered number 1 on the Internet for teaching website building, especially for beginners (dummies).

And when I learned how to make websites and blog, I without hesitation went to work in his affiliate program. This is just a class program - you get paid 30-45% of the sales of video courses, which are sold out with a bang (they are very popular on the Internet), they are huge choice, you can see some of them on my page, I of course just started writing there... by the way huge catalog(it also contains free video courses), so don’t miss out, subscribe to my blog! Popov’s affiliate program has a huge selection of advertising materials (there are ready-made rotators for banners, and receiving short links, as well as creating coupons - by which you can reduce the price yourself for video courses, you will get a little less, but the likelihood of selling much faster, just huge fantasies for your creativity, so to speak.....) Join this affiliate - It is in terms of product sales that I believe this is best affiliate program(at least one of the best)!!! Also watch the video course on WORDPRESS by E. Popova, I highly recommend it!!!




Logic game: you need to surround the cat by clicking on the circles so that he does not run away from the field! If it doesn't work, the game will start again.

A reliable affiliate program is the key to long-term earnings for a webmaster! The ideal option is to find 2-3 best affiliate programs for yourself and work with them.

There are a lot of new affiliate programs appearing on the market, but not all of them are worth working with. Since they have neither authority nor fame.

As a rule, such newbie affiliates cannot cope with the competition and begin to cheat (deceive) their partners in completely different ways.

In this article we will talk about market leaders. These are the affiliate programs that have been operating for many years and have won the trust of several tens of thousands of webmasters of various levels. They truly can be called the best!

By working with them, you will not only earn a lot and consistently for a long time, but perhaps you will become the owner of an elite apartment in Moscow. And you will arrive there in your luxury car, for example, a Ferrari California or a charged Porsche Cayenne!

TOP 4 best affiliate programs 2017 on the CPA market

I distributed this TOP 4 in descending order only because of the value of the prizes that affiliate programs give away among their partners.

1. Rocket Profit

This affiliate program constantly pleases its partners with various competitions with “Apple” prizes. This year there will be another drawing for a super prize.

The winner will receive a luxury 2017 Porsche Cayenne!

The main advantages of this affiliate program are its wide GEO. To work with Europe, it is not necessary to know foreign languages. Such products are designed for all Russian-speaking citizens who do not live in Russia.

Traffic to such an audience can be purchased in the myTarget system (Odnoklassniki) and in various teaser networks.

Also in the admin panel you will have access to the most detailed statistics on the best connections.

For example, choose an offer and see which is the most popular. What is the most popular pre-landing page, what is the best traffic source to use and what country is the top converter!

This is a real competitive advantage over other affiliate programs. Essentially, you choose an offer and start testing ready-made bundles using various creative options.

In addition to all these nice “goodies”, the guys from this network regularly write useful articles for affiliate marketers. They publish successful cases from which you can glean the necessary information.

We also have our own TOP offers for the month. In principle, every product affiliate program already has such tops. This is no longer a new product, but it is still very convenient.


The affiliate marketing market is developing by leaps and bounds. More recently, affiliates gave their partners iPhones as gifts.

At the beginning of the CPA business, affiliates gave cars as gifts, but then everything somehow died down. Today, networks are literally competing with each other to see who can play the coolest car.

Ferrari, Tesla, and now apartments are also in use! What are the next prizes? Planes, yachts? Why not.

This is a great motivation for a webmaster. For an affiliate program, this means promoting the brand and attracting even more new partners.

Naturally, there are other good affiliate programs, but in 2017 I wanted to highlight the brightest of all. I think these 4 networks deserve special attention.

In fact, the products are approximately the same everywhere, only the packaging is different. Analytics and statistics are also similar everywhere. So affiliates have to come up with different ways to motivate partners. Competition is growing and this is very good.

What affiliate programs do you think are the best? Share your opinion in the comments.

Hello friends! Summer is just around the corner, a little over a month ago we returned from Bali and, unable to bear sitting at home, began to prepare for the first season of traveling around Russia. Soon I will tell you about this separately, but for now let’s continue to deal with affiliate programs and find out how to choose the best affiliate programs for making money.

If you came across this article through a search or some other method and didn’t read the previous parts, perhaps you expected to see a list of affiliate programs here? Yes, I could list here a bunch of proven affiliate programs from my 2.0 catalog, from which my friends and I earn hundreds of thousands of rubles, but I think that would not be entirely correct. I'll explain why.

  • Promotion methods. It may be that the way you are going to promote is prohibited.
  • Storing affiliate tags. The recruitment tactics may change depending on this indicator.
  • The cost of the product itself and commission. Here, depending on the cost, there may be a completely different audience segment. Or the commissions will not cover your costs of attracting traffic.
  • Frequency of commission payment.

Affiliate program development

Pay great attention to whether they are developing affiliate programs. Are advertising banners, newsletter texts, video tutorials, and instructions provided in your personal account? What opportunities are provided to attract customers, lead magnet pages.

Are there webinars for partners, promotions, tournaments, competitions, how often are news published?

Let's sum it up

Having studied and applied all these factors when choosing affiliate programs, I am sure you will select the best ones. But! You can still find out their reliability only by working with them.

If you are a complete beginner, then understanding some points will only come with experience, when you learn to understand your topic, audience and attract large volumes of traffic.

You can always clarify or add anything in the comments below, I will be happy to answer them and help you figure it out.

To receive news on affiliate programs and more, subscribe to updates. I wish you all success! See you in the next part where I will tell you...