How to start a career as a realtor: step-by-step instructions. Even if you haven’t become a successful realtor, the knowledge will come in handy! How to work as a rental realtor

Hello dear blog readers. Acquaintances and not so familiar people periodically approach me with questions like: “I want to become a realtor, where should I start?”

I immediately ask a counter question: “Did you think carefully before you decided to start this business?” It is a business, because if you really want to become successful in this direction, then you need to treat real estate as a business.

Being a realtor is not easy, and being a good realtor is not easy at all.

When I started, the director of the agency did not immediately accept me as a student, but before that she had a long and detailed conversation with me, explaining all the pros and cons of the profession.

Many people want to become realtors. Apparently from the outside it seems that it is very simple. I’ll say right away – it’s not very easy.

5-10% of the total number of realtors become successful here. If you see yourself among these people, go boldly, you will succeed. If not, then don’t waste your precious time - look for your direction, your business.

The question may arise: “How do the other 90% of realtors work?” Yes, this is how they work: indirectly, from deal to deal. If a person makes 1 transaction every 2 months, then he cannot be called a realtor.

Good - this is when there are at least 2-3 transactions per month. Stable. Then a realtor can really be called a realtor; only by working in this mode can you be aware of everything that is happening in the world of real estate.

It may seem that I am too categorical towards the endeavors of beginners. I'll explain why. Everyone who is not too lazy goes to become a realtor, feeding themselves with the illusion of easy money. But to start making really good money, you need to really work. Well, there is no such thing as easy money (at least for money to start coming to you easily, you first need to work hard).

And yet, if a person goes into real estate solely for the money, then he will not make good money. Never. No successful business has ever been built initially with the goal of making a lot of money. I want future and current realtors to understand this.

How are realtors trained today?

Newcomers come to the agency and begin to learn. Basic knowledge and recommendations are given. All. Then they try to do everything themselves and make a lot of mistakes. The reputation of all realtors in general suffers from this. People are starting to think that ALL realtors don’t know anything, that ALL realtors need to be hurried to work, that ALL realtors do nothing but just take money.

What should a novice realtor do?

If you, having weighed all the pros and cons of real estate, have firmly decided to work, then I recommend that you act as follows: after completing a basic training course, choose the best realtor-mentor from your agency and make him a commercial offer: he will train and supervise you, and you pay him, for example, 50% of your commission from the first 3 transactions.

I think an experienced realtor will definitely agree to this. A counter question may arise: “What will be left for me?” Here you decide for yourself individually: either pay for training and have the opportunity to study and be always in touch with an experienced mentor, or do and study everything yourself.

And you begin to study, look for clients (by the way, I wrote how to do this in the article “”), work and work.

If you take a serious and thoughtful approach to choosing the profession of a realtor, look for clients, study bank offers, develop connections, constantly work and work, then you will be able to succeed, making good money selling real estate.

Good luck to you in your endeavors!

How to become a real estate realtor from scratch, where to start if you don’t know anything about the profession, do you need experience in sales and education, where to get your first clients, work independently or in an agency - tips and details in the article.

To many, the job seems simpler than ever: I found the buyer and the owner, took him by the hand, stood at the registration of the real estate purchase and sale transaction in Rosreestr and received a commission of 50 thousand rubles. This tempts many, especially if employment sites are full of promises of salaries starting from 100,000 rubles per month.

Find out how to become a real estate realtor from the article and evaluate your strengths before going to work in the real estate business.

How to become a realtor from scratch: step by step

Surely there are quite a lot of people who come up with this idea, otherwise the owners would hardly “popularize” the profession with angry topics on forums. However, there are enough people who want to become a realtor. True, desire alone is often not enough.

You will have to arm yourself with a lot of knowledge and apply it in practice, for example, marketing, psychology, the ability to quickly build a trusting relationship and much more will come in handy.

The education requirements in the real estate business are zero, but legal education will be a good bonus, even if you have never worked in your specialty for a day, and this phenomenon is common in Russia. Even a technical school or secondary school education is suitable for starting, a diploma is not the main thing.

Step by step how to start working as a realtor yourself

  1. Before looking for a job as a realtor, try working in sales, at least as a sales manager or where active sales are required. Fortunately, there are a lot of such vacancies, and if you cope well with stress (when you hear 99 refusals out of 100 offers a day), then you can cope with the real estate business even more so;
  2. Prepare a financial cushion for at least 3 months of working as a real estate agent and keep in mind that part-time work will not work here, similar to chasing two birds with one stone;
  3. Go to the job site and create an application (resume). Look through all the vacancies in your city of residence and write down the requirements that the employer expects from you. tailor your resume to meet these requirements. When ready, send responses to vacancies to large real estate offices;
  4. You will need a good base of first clients and a source of information to support your first transactions. A good real estate agency will help with this. How to choose it? This is a separate paragraph in the article, but in short: it is quite well-known and does not promise mountains of gold, with free training courses for employees. As a result, you will receive valuable information about how agents perform in your city's real estate market from the most experienced agents. A real estate company most often provides newcomers with phone numbers of owners selling apartments. 1-2 phones a few days isn’t much, but it’s a big help if you’re starting from scratch;
  5. In addition to the fact that the real estate agency will conduct 2-3 week courses with you, you will need additional information on house layouts, the pros and cons of real estate, favorable and unfavorable areas of the city for living. More experienced colleagues have information, so ask your mentor, who is usually assigned to supervise a newcomer in the first six months, about this. The source of information for self-study is local Internet portals and forums where residents discuss the purchase or sale of housing and provide information that will be valuable in their work;
  6. As soon as you start working as a realtor in an agency, create your own personal client base and save client contacts to use for repeat calls with offers or simply keep in touch, congratulating you on the holidays, ensuring the work of word of mouth;

Reasons to become a realtor: maybe you're wrong?

The first reason to become a realtor lies at the surface - financial. The myth is quite overblown - a realtor gets huge money “for nothing”, when the majority work like hell in offices or coal mines.

There is nothing wrong with the misconception - it dissipates after several months of work “in vain”. Those who come only for this most often fail.

You will learn specifically about finances from the article ““.

The second reason to become a real estate realtor is a lack of understanding that among the multifaceted profession of Sales, Realtor is the most difficult. Yes, the broker and saleswoman Aunt Zina from the local kiosk or mini-supermarkets are not the same thing! Standing behind the counter, she manages to watch a couple of TV shows or talk with her friends on the phone, or simply doze peacefully at the cash register, while the agent has to spin around like a squirrel.

If you think that becoming an agent is like a sales manager or sales consultant at a local hardware store, you are mistaken. Broker - Seller with a capital S, because. sells three times:

  1. Yourself as a specialist;
  2. The service needed by the client;
  3. Object after signing the service agreement.

It’s unlikely that any sellers are still doing this.

Therefore, before asking about employment, decide whether you are under the influence of myths about this profession, promoted by real estate agencies trying to solve personnel problems, or have you actually seen real examples of success and know the algorithm for achieving it.

What you need to become a realtor: education

— Without a basic knowledge base, where can you go?
- Yes, nowhere!

Let's look from the other side. One of the tempting reasons people decide to become a real estate professional is the idea that there is nothing special you need to know. You know, there is salt here :)

Where exactly? Yes, very simple!

In order to become a realtor, you need to know and be able to do quite a lot, but the most positive thing is that you already have some of the knowledge!

No, the experience of selling an apartment on your own goes past the cash register - the seller or buyer probably had a broker. Do you think it's that simple? I’m talking about life experience, communication skills, understanding of people’s psychology, communication skills—the qualities that are core to salespeople.

Without this foundation there is nothing to do here. That's why the young guys and girls who come to work only bring a smile :)

So, it turns out that there is almost no need to study, but only on one hand. In fact, it is unrealistic to become a real estate agent without basic knowledge of Civil and Housing Law, the nuances of working with documents, government agencies, how to work without connections..

How to sell services without a clue about marketing, service presentation, or the rules of the game in the real estate market?

Much of the above is taught directly by real estate agencies. Yes, there is simply no special school that issues diplomas, so the responsibility of choosing this very school, or rather a real estate agency, falls on you.

It’s simple here - choose an agency where qualified workers provide professional training - very good. If you make a mistake, you will go looking for something better in order to become a professional.

Be prepared for the inevitable search, because... quality training will determine the level of income as a specialist.

Be prepared to pay the real estate agency for training. There are several reasons for this. First, the agency finds out the seriousness of your intention to become a realtor, second, no one wants to waste their time.

What working conditions await you?

In addition to the promoted “free” work schedule, there will be contacts and objects to develop in the first half of the day, shows or viewings in the second until 20-22 pm. Of course, the concept of “day off” will no longer be inappropriate here, because... If done correctly, the phone will ring constantly.

Official employment? It’s hard.. A few real estate agencies offer official employment.

In other words, your official status is unemployed, with a full workload of 8 - 10 hours of working time.

Sick leave is a missing concept for the agent

Imagine for yourself how you can go away to get sick, relax in bed, when you spent a lot of effort to find an owner who agreed to work under a contract (there is simply no other option for work), then spent several months looking for a buyer, preparing a package of documents, which is about to arrive the long-awaited day of the transaction - receiving a reward, and you are hit by a virus!

Will you give up everything and organize yourself a pastel regime? The choice is always yours :)

And finally, about the agent’s working conditions. Before you think about starting a business, you should know the following: be prepared - the policy of communication and working with people is based on public opinion about the profession of a real estate specialist.

Oh, this is public opinion :)

If you don't have your own opinion, then you take on faith what others say.

It will be psychologically uncomfortable for you to communicate with most people because... the sentiment against the real estate business is very negative.

I'll give you some working tips to help you resolve the issue.

How to become a good realtor

Choose a real estate agency

As I mentioned above, find a real estate agency that will provide professional training - the work will be promising.

It’s easier to work in an agency than on your own; here you have status, an office, a team of people who will always back you up in difficult situations and help you become a professional.

How to identify a promising real estate agency? Let's look for some signs:

  • Drop the focus on the age of the real estate agency. Often, even after working in one city for 14-16 years, this agency remains little known and has a small number of employees. And PR is a serious credit of trust from clients;
  • leave an impression with a lot of staff. High staff turnover forces real estate agencies to constantly recruit employees;
  • Having an office in several districts of the city is a positive factor. Moreover, choose offices located everywhere except basements. This may seem funny to you, but it is a fact;

Your business attire

By the appearance of many agents, clients quickly determine its success and draw conclusions about how it conducts business. Neatness and accuracy can be a signal for the same attitude towards clients, confidentiality of information received, papers and affairs.

The misconception: “They met you just as badly based on their clothes” - has lost its relevance

Worn-out clothes, shoes worn out by constant running, greasy jacket sleeves, unshavenness, etc., will only make a negative impression on a potential client, whose head, at the sight of all this “celebration of life,” will give out the doomed thought:

"He came for my money."

Honestly speaking, I can say from experience that it is a mistake to go to extremes: wearing an expensive suit and genuine leather shoes when you are going to look at a potential client’s economy class apartment.

In this case, the appearance becomes more of a farce, but it looks very harmonious if you are selling business or elite class apartments.

In other words, tailoring to the client should be about appearance first and foremost. Start with this fundamental rule, otherwise it is unlikely that you can become a realtor and successfully sell your services.

Additional realtor training

While there is no law on the real estate business, as noted, there are no educational courses or state universities that issue diplomas. This situation has both positive and negative sides.

The positive side is that anyone can try their hand at the real estate business. Negative - a constant stream of people eager to make quick money from fraudulent schemes.

Already chosen a real estate agency? Part of the problem with training has already been solved, but only part.

You will be given basic knowledge, without the most important thing - how to find a client for a realtor and sell your service. And this is your bread - a guarantee of future transactions. Fortunately, I have something to help beginners -

If you have no clients

It's difficult, if almost impossible. You will encounter companies that have a core of experienced agents working on recommendations from their past clients.

You are very far from running a real estate business like this. Newbies usually find themselves in a very difficult position when finding clients.

In this regard, the need to learn how to find clients and sell your services remains. Read literature by foreign authors on the topic of direct sales or sales of services. You can look at ready-made courses from other people’s successful experiences.

Be prepared for the fact that you will have to sift through many methods and techniques and identify only those that work for you.

Specifically regarding the real estate business, information is collected on the site where you are now - subscribe to notifications, gain knowledge from practice.

Try them on for yourself, use them, implement your own algorithms - achieve success!

Work plan, movement goal

Since you will work independently, by and large, you will not have a boss above you who will tell you what to do and how to act. You yourself have to make decisions, take actions and bear responsibility for this in order to become a professional broker.

Before moving anywhere, sit at home, take a blank sheet of paper, a pen - write what you want, how to achieve it, who you want to become, indicating specific dates.

Write down your goals for the next few months as you see them now, then immediately begin taking steps to implement them. I am sure that after some time you will adjust the tasks, they will become clearer and more precise.

To track the dynamics of your work, keep a piece of paper attached to the refrigerator door. Look at it every weekend to see if you are moving correctly.

Set goals for yourself: a week, a month, a quarter in advance, mark them as you complete them, add to them, change them. This is an effective method that I use myself. I will be glad if you write here about your experience :)

Today we looked at how to become a real estate realtor on your own. Please speak up if you have any additions.

At first glance, it seems that working as a realtor means good money, communication skills and that’s it. But that’s not the case: to become an excellent specialist, you need to learn a lot, although it is not necessary to receive a higher education, there are special courses. In most cases, excellent realtors are self-taught, who may have been trained in the book “How to Become a Realtor” for Dummies.

Pros and cons of being a realtor

First, about the pros:

  • High activity means high income. It all depends on you, the more transactions, the more money.
  • Professionalism.
  • Work close to home.
  • Free schedule. It is always possible to arrange a meeting with a client at a time convenient not only for him, but also for you.
  • Communication with people.
  • Opportunity to learn.
  • You can become a realtor with any education and even without education.

And now about the cons:

  • The salary is not fixed. Only you can take care of your income.
  • No one promises success from the first days of work.
  • You have to constantly be on the lookout for clients; they don’t fall from the sky. You must remind the apartment seller about yourself.
  • The rating of the realtor profession is not very high due to public opinion.

These are the advantages and disadvantages of working as a realtor. If you can cope with difficulties, then you can start working, but if difficulties frighten you, then you should not start.

Self-study, where to start

The first question that a person who wants to trade real estate should ask himself is: “How to become a realtor?” There is only one answer - you should study. And since there are no special universities, you will have to study on your own. The most important thing that you should have in this case is a great desire, and then everything will definitely work out. And where to start, choose for yourself, but there are two options:

  • Find a real estate agency, get a job and, under the guidance of an experienced specialist, begin to learn in practice how to become a real estate realtor. You are being trained as a specialist for this company.
  • You enter an educational institution where you are taught the basics of business. You gain theoretical knowledge.

Of course, it is best if the theory is confirmed by practice. If you find free time during your studies, you can hire a real estate agency and put your business knowledge into action. This is the only way you can become a highly qualified specialist in the future.

Working for an agency is a step to success

Many, trying to find the answer to the question of how to become a realtor, go to a real estate agency. You can immediately say that no one is waiting there with open arms for the “man on the street.” In order to get noticed, first write your resume correctly. If you like it, you will be invited for an interview. But that's not all - you will most likely have to undergo corporate training within the company itself.

As you can see, nothing supernatural is required from you. Just always and everywhere you should remember that working as a realtor is a creative job. Each person with whom you have to communicate is a new personality with his own worries, thoughts, desires and moods, and for each of them you will have to find your own key. If this succeeds, then you can confidently assume that you have already solved the problem of how to become a good realtor, but you should not stop at the success achieved. This is in the future, but for now we will have to go through the stages of corporate training.

Qualified real estate appraisal

How to become a good realtor? There is no clear answer to this question. You will have to go through many stages and learn a lot. The first step you should take is to learn how to properly price real estate. To do this, you need to be able to navigate prices and know what factors they depend on. And there are many of these factors, for example:

  • location of the property;
  • the specifics of the area where it is located;
  • features of houses;
  • apartment layout and others.

In addition, as a specialist, you must know the specifics of each transaction. You will have to carefully study how privatization differs from purchase and sale, lease from trust management. How to correctly draw up documents for real estate that becomes ownership, and how these documents differ from those that give the right to property. After learning all this, you will be able to communicate with the client easily and without any problems. Any question from him will not take you by surprise.

Risks in working as a realtor

At first glance, it seems that working as a realtor has no risks, but this is only at first glance. Not everything in this work is smooth, especially if you are a young specialist. Why young? You just don’t yet know how to determine at first glance what kind of person is in front of you. It's no secret that clients are different. As soon as they notice the uncertainty in your behavior, you may have problems: loss of commissions, deception and wasted time - this is if the deal does not go through.

So to the question of what it takes to become a realtor, you can hear the answer: you need to become a good psychologist. It is worth agreeing with this opinion; knowledge of psychology will be useful to a real estate agent much more and more often than knowledge of the real estate market. That’s why a realtor must have good intuition and communication skills. Intuition is given with birth, and the ability to communicate can be learned.

The ability to communicate is a step towards a successful transaction

First, remember one simple rule: never show a client how you feel about him, especially if the person sitting opposite you is unpleasant. Neither a look, nor a gesture, nor a word should give you away, you just set yourself up for work. After all, it is not without reason that when taking the course “Effective Communication Skills” you have to conduct conversations with representatives of different social groups. You must know in advance how your relationship with a particular client will develop. You must constantly feel the client’s mood, it’s good if you can predict his desires and needs. A good realtor is one who can get all the necessary information about a client in a couple of minutes of communication. Having learned everything about the visitor, the specialist will immediately go through in his head what options to offer him and will choose exactly the one that will satisfy the client.

Ability to win over clients

To the question of how to become a realtor, you can give the following answer: know how to win over the client. Not only does the real estate professional evaluate the client, the client also evaluates. And how the realtor manages to win over the visitor, so things will go further. Here are a few rules that will help a young realtor in his work:

  • When talking to a person, smile at him.
  • Listen carefully to the client, and if possible, turn the conversation to him.
  • Be sure to find a topic that will be interesting to your interlocutor.
  • Interest in the client must be sincere.

If you fail to win over the client, then time is wasted, and the deal will not go through, and this is no longer in your interests. Of course, you can be indignant in this case, but you shouldn’t. After all, there is also a black realtor who wants a lot, but in return does not give any guarantees. So the person is afraid that he may be deceived. If you failed to win over the client, you only have yourself to blame.

For free bread

The first steps in the role of a realtor have already been taken, you have learned a lot, you realized that this is exactly what you were looking for. It's time to decide whether you will work for an agency or start your own business. Initially, it is best to work for an agency that has proven itself well, but if you have a different opinion, then you will be interested in the question: “How to become a private realtor?”

Firstly, to do this you need to register as an individual entrepreneur. Secondly, you must understand that you will be doing different things related to renting real estate. This means that you must have knowledge in the field of law, economics, psychology, marketing, architecture, banking and other things.

At the very beginning of your activity, you will have to gain a client base. This work also requires a lot of skill and time. It is best to seek help from experienced realtors, maybe they will tell you where to start. And remember, in order not to lose money, you will have to work not with one, but with several clients at the same time.

Working at an agency

If you don’t want to work “for yourself” or are not ready yet, then get a job at a real estate agency. True, they are wary of newcomers here, they expect you to show what you are capable of. You will have to fight for each client not only with young people, but also with professionals in their field.

Before submitting your resume, please review the terms and conditions that are offered to you. Sometimes they are "barbaric". Initially, you will have to work under the supervision of an experienced specialist. This is a plus for you, you will learn some of the secrets of working as a realtor, they will tell you how to form your client base, and you will also conduct your first transactions under supervision. This means that they will point out all your mistakes and tell you how to correct them. From time to time, the agency sends its specialists to courses; this will come in handy for you as a young realtor.

Strive to be the best

In order to become a realtor, as you can see, you don’t have to make any special efforts, but we will now tell you how to become a successful realtor.

  • Always remember that you are not only selling real estate, you are “selling” yourself.
  • Planning always and everywhere is the basic rule of your work.
  • A marketing plan and a business plan are your guiding light.
  • Set goals, use the planned strategy to achieve them.
  • A financial budget is the foundation of your business.
  • Learn to prioritize.
  • Try to pay attention to learning. Find a more experienced colleague and listen to his advice.

In addition to the above tips, you should be:

  • a responsible person;
  • a punctual person.

In addition, have an excellent understanding of housing issues, be able to work with objections and find a common language with clients.

However, you will understand how to become a professional realtor without any help when you start working. The main thing is not to be afraid of anything.

Appearance will help in work

Would you really want to communicate with a person in wrinkled clothes, with an unpleasant odor and unkempt hair? Of course not. That's how your client won't want to do business with you if you look unkempt. It’s not for nothing that they say that you meet people by their clothes. Remember that elegance and intelligence are assistants in your work.

Agree, if you look good, it seems to you that wings are growing behind your shoulders, and you believe that everything will work out for you. When meeting with a client, choose a classic style of clothing, the colors should be discreet, and the hairstyle should be neat. Makeup, this applies to women, should be businesslike.

Be mindful of your behavior. Sitting, walking, standing carelessly is not for you. Everything in your behavior should be polished to the smallest detail. Refinement of manners provides you with up to fifty percent success. Try to watch not only your words, but also your hands, so as not to make a mistake that will scare away your interlocutor.

Rules that a realtor must remember

  • You must have a great desire to earn money and earn a lot. Set a goal and achieve it.
  • You have to work hard, but work right. Be patient, because no matter how much you want, you will have to overcome difficulties.
  • Be in constant search, act proactively. Believe me, the client himself will rarely get to you; he will always be intercepted by your more active colleague.
  • Don't sit in one place, make a lot of trips and calls. The more impressions, the more deals. The more transactions, the higher your income.
  • No deception, just honest work. After all, your client creates advertising for you, and if you let him down once, many people will know about it. This means your activity as a realtor can be completed. You yourself also cooperate only with honest and reliable people.


How to become a realtor? You just need to be an active, energetic, initiative person who is in constant search. A successful realtor will not allow time to be wasted. He immediately sees a real client and will do everything to make the deal happen.

Do you want to learn how to become a realtor for dummies? I will tell you without embellishment how things really are, what is hidden behind smiles and beautiful words... what is called first-hand. Then decide for yourself whether you need it..

What you need to know about the features of the real estate business, the qualities that you must have for success, everything is in this article.

How to become a realtor for dummies: what you didn’t know

As in any profession, and a mediator is a profession, you have to be a professional, otherwise there is no point in doing it, otherwise go work for your uncle, you can sit there, although it’s unlikely..

Recently, the requirements for hired workers have become more stringent, and if there is no difference, then it is better to work for yourself.

The fact is that a mediator is not taught anywhere; you can become one by going through your own or absorbing someone else’s experience

There are simply no educational institutions for dummies teaching how to become a real estate agent. There are a lot of commercial schools, but for the most part they serve only as a screen for luring money out of those who bought quick money in this business or think that having received a diploma will provide themselves with a warm place.

No, this will not happen - the real estate business has nothing to do with hired labor. To help you understand how to become a realtor for dummies, we will analyze the information by area.

The first thing you should know is that being a real estate agent is a profession like any other. No different from a teacher, cook, driver. As elsewhere, consistency and professionalism are valued here.

Profitable and find out for sure!

Dummies need to understand - a business that has nothing to do with hired labor! But more on that later.

Have you decided to take a break, like at a temporary job, or hit the jackpot “quickly”? You don’t have to read any further - this is not for you!

I have met quite a lot of people who came with the decision to become an agent to get quick money or earn extra money. Both prepared and teapots. As a result, having realized that life here is not sugar and they don’t just spread butter on bread, as it seemed from the outside, having received full-fledged stressful hardcore, they left with nothing. Hence the high staff turnover.

Have you decided to seriously master a new profession, become a pro, not a dummie, and work hard in this direction? Read on :)

Features of the real estate business for dummies:

  • It will be easier for a dummies to become a realtor if you understand that this is a serious and highly competitive environment. In my city alone, where there are 500 thousand residents, today there are already 200 real estate agencies, with from ten to fifty or more people. Here you come and think that they will easily share their clients and objects with you? No, no matter how it is :));
  • why should you be a businessman? Because real estate is a business. There is no boss here who will assign you tasks or check whether you have done this or that. More experienced colleagues can only help you sort out complex situations, and then only in cases where you do at least something;
  • For dummies, I’ll point out the importance of this point: the agent will have to do something that he doesn’t really want or experience unpleasant emotions. What am I talking about? First of all, you will need to learn to behave like a professional, and this means achieving results by overcoming your emotions. Become flint or stone, let it be for a while! Situations will arise when clients are unpleasant to you, but you need to work with them. It happens that you are sent, refused, scolded, and you cannot take this so close to your heart that you then drink off valerian. These are the costs of the profession that are created by those who entered the business, successfully deceived or “cheated” several clients and left for no reason or were caught. A shadow inevitably fell on the rest;
  • Dummies don’t know how difficult it will be with their mentality! People keep quiet about good realtors - mentality. It is believed that if you helped, you did your job well, which means everything is normal and why shout about it? But if you are dissatisfied (even without objective grounds), then the wave of negativity simply goes off scale. And this is a peculiar feature of both business and mentality. To get feedback on the quality work you have done, you will have to persuade the client - well, it’s not customary for us to praise a quality service, especially intermediaries!

What qualities do you need to have to become a realtor (for dummies)

  • Independence. I don’t know how you can become a specialist without the skills of independent work, control and planning. Only your inexhaustible initiative, independence and ability to work are welcomed here;
  • Organization is an unbridled hobby for a teapot! As an agent, you will have to plan meetings, calls, negotiations, personal life and even time for meals. Are you ready for this to become a pro? If almost army order is your credo, then you can start! Although no, I haven’t said the most important thing yet...;
  • Understanding people. Quite often I see advertisements for vacancies in real estate agencies. So the age limit starts at 23 years old at best. From the height of my experience in the real estate business, I can say with confidence that, if possible, even dummies should come to this business at the age of 30, not earlier. Life experience, which accumulates through constant, mind you, constant communication with a large number of people, associated with the field of sales - this is the best resume in order to have a good start. It is doubtful that by the age of 23 you can accumulate it in sufficient quantities, unless you live constantly on the street :));
  • High stress resistance rules! The dummies didn’t even know?! Recently, people who are crooks in the real estate business have created a rather negative background. The attitude towards realtors is extremely distrustful and negative. Real estate agencies themselves, experiencing a shortage of personnel, cannot put an end to this by creating a good system for selecting candidates. Therefore, the first thing you will encounter is people’s attitude towards you as an extra link, a freeloader, and so on. This will especially manifest itself in the first stages of work, until you earn authority by conscientiously helping people. Dummies that are not ready for this kind of negativity are drained in the first six months.

You learned about the features of the real estate business and what qualities you need to have to become a realtor for dummies. I hope that's enough?!

If not, then in the next article I will tell you where to study (we will identify the main signs of a promising agency).

What a newbie realtor needs to know, be able to do in order to become a successful real estate specialist, mistakes at the beginning of the profession, tips for working with clients and real estate.

What a new realtor needs to know

Time until the first transaction

First of all, the timing of when you can receive an agent's commission. In the USA, for example, a year may pass, in Russia, the average is 6 months. Therefore, at the beginning of your realtor career, be prepared for the appearance of your first earned money after quite a long time.

There are exceptions to the rule; I have seen in practice how new agents received their first fee after only 1-2 months of work.

And most often these are real estate rental agents, their fee is smaller, but it is possible to get it in the first week of work, but the amount of work and other disadvantages can cover such success..

And here is the first piece of advice, one of the ways to repeat this successful experience is to look for clients among your relatives, acquaintances, friends, friends of friends, etc., that is, your inner circle. This approach almost guarantees that the deal will take place in the near future with your participation, because There is more trust in acquaintances and in recommendations from acquaintances too.

Paid training in real estate agencies

Each real estate agency has extensive practical experience in supporting transactions with residential, commercial and other types of real estate. Knowledge costs money, so training for beginners is often paid. You shouldn’t take this negatively, because experience is sometimes gained through litigation, which a normal agency “pushes” for its employee if he is at fault.

There are many more advantages to such training - you will gain real experience, as they say, “in the heat of the moment,” from people who work “in the fields,” and not from gurus writing blog articles. Appreciate it, know how to ask questions, torment with questions, try to take more than they give you. I did the same thing, professional realtors ran away when they saw me from afar, because... They knew that I would again extract from them the experience I had earned with my feet and nerves.

Don’t forget to thank your more experienced colleagues for their time, don’t be selfish, treat yourself to tea, coffee, etc. This is the least you can do to thank them. Of course, after a deal or resolved situation, you can say that it was their tips and information that helped you successfully close the deal, enter into an exclusive agreement, etc.

As a result, you will always be successful and receive valuable advice from your colleagues.

Work algorithm for a novice realtor

To join the whirlwind of work in the real estate market as comfortably as possible, you need to go through several steps:

Settle all problems at your previous job. You should not be distracted or called to the office at your previous place of work. Success is achieved only with complete immersion in a new profession - realtor;

Choose your real estate agency carefully. The level of your income, the number of transactions, the quality of training, your moral and psychological state and much more depend on how correctly, or rather successfully, you do this;

Learn to plan your day. The almost army routine will come in handy here. Buy a diary or notebook and train yourself to write tasks for the next day and complete everything you have planned.

Search for a client. Real estate professionals have several types of clients - sellers and buyers. For some you sell real estate, for others you help them find and choose. The faster you master ways to find clients, the faster you will receive your first fee. Therefore, during the training conducted at the agency of your choice, raise this question and ensure that it is thoroughly studied.

Advice: at the start, decide on your specialization, this will allow you not to spread yourself thin and get your first salary faster.

Areas of work of a realtor:

  • specialist in leasing residential and commercial real estate;
  • residential real estate agent on the secondary market;
  • real estate specialist in the primary market (new buildings);
  • luxury real estate broker, etc.

What a newbie realtor should know

Your knowledge base accumulates gradually and in the first months you still won’t be able to catch up with your more experienced colleagues, but there is a list of what you need to study first:

  • Fundamentals of legislation relating to the preparation and conclusion of contracts of sale, exchange, privatization, execution and registration of purchase and sale transactions (hiring and rental of premises);
  • How the intermediary’s “delta” is formed, the cost of services of real estate specialists in your city;
  • Basics of taxation and obtaining a tax deduction for the purchase of housing;
  • Fundamentals of real estate market analysis and application of results in practice;
  • List and procedure for providing services by the real estate company you work for;
  • A package of documents for the sale of an apartment in various cases (mortgage, with minors, etc.);
  • Basics of networking, how to find clients, inspire trust, sign an exclusive agreement;
  • Psychology of working with clients, building trusting relationships, scripts for conversations, questions, telephone conversations;
  • Overcome the fear of communicating with strangers, learn to behave in any situation;
  • Learn from more experienced colleagues how to do this and independently develop persuasion skills;
  • Prepare and learn, practice working with objections on real calls, conversations with clients;
  • Know how to work on mistakes when working with clients.

Everything a novice realtor needs to know cannot be listed in one article. At this point, you have received the information for the very first step. Read articles on the site and get more useful information.