Where is the seamstress profession useful? Profession seamstress: a practical specialty with a creative beginning

If you have repaired or altered clothes at least once in your life, then you have come into contact with the work of a seamstress. This specialist is in demand at all times, because people need beautiful and high-quality clothes. will talk about the seamstress profession and explain where you can learn her craft and how to get a job.

Description of the seamstress profession

A seamstress sews and repairs clothes both manually and using special machines. In her hands, individual details (buttons, lace, scraps of fabric, etc.) turn into fashion items. Large factories, public and private ateliers use the services of seamstresses, and she also .

At the enterprise, this specialist is part of a well-coordinated team, where the sewing process is divided into separate operations assigned to each employee. For example, someone sews parts, members of another team iron and check the quality of the products. In an atelier, the list of seamstress’ responsibilities is more varied, because the fewer people in the team, the more operations each worker performs. By the way, a seamstress is engaged not only in sewing clothes, but also in leather and fur products, including shoes and bags.

Personal qualities of a seamstress

A well-developed eye, precise hand coordination and keen vision are essential qualities of a seamstress. A representative of this profession must be dexterous, neat, diligent, patient, calmly endure monotonous work, but also perform it quickly and efficiently. Without this, you won’t be able to sew a good thing, and uneven seams or the wrong size will upset the client. In large productionthe marriage will not be missed at all and will be forced redo.

Pros and cons of the profession

A seamstress has to sit for a long time, strain her eyes, and while working, her hands are more occupied than her head. This is especially felt in mass production, where the seamstress performs mostly monotonous operations. But she can decorate the whole family and fill the house with original things.

Skillful and enterprising seamstress will never be without work. If you like to work on a product from the pattern to the final preparations, it is better to choose work in an atelier or open your own business. Of course, it is more difficult to find a place in a small town, but working from home is also an option. Then the seamstress will need a sense of taste, communication skills, and the ability to quickly perform various operations. Otherwise you won't attract many clients.

Where to study to be a seamstress

This profession is taught in . Then you can continue to improve your professional skills by working in production, for yourself, or enroll in a university to become a clothing designer ( , , ). A seamstress's career depends on her professional rank: having the highest rank, she can apply for the position of sewing production engineer-technologist.

Where can a seamstress work in Belarus?

In our country there are many enterprises that require the hands of a seamstress.

Sewing textiles

UE "Baranovichi Cotton Production Association", OJSC "Lenta" (Mogilev), OJSC "Kamvol", OJSC "Sukno" (Minsk), RUPTP "Orsha Flax Mill", OJSC "Mogotex" (Mogilev), OJSC "Svitanak" (Soligorsk) , OJSC “Vitebsk Carpets”, OJSC “Kim” (Vitebsk) and others.

Sewing knitwear

OJSC Brest Hosiery Factory, RUPP Baranovichi Knitting Factory, OJSC Soligorsk Knitting Enterprise Kupalinka.

Largest garment factories

JSC "Comintern" in Gomel, "Banner of Industrialization" in Vitebsk, JV JSC "Milavitsa" and JSC "Progress" in Minsk, JSC "Vesnyanka" in Mogilev.

Shoe making

“Belvest”, “Marco”, “Sivelga”, “Le Grand”, “Nyoman”.

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The profession of a seamstress is now in great demand. Workers of this specialtiescan sew not only clothes, but also shoes,leather goodsaccessories, car covers and other things. Dresses, coats, trousers,bags, fur coats, sheepskin coats - all these are products of the labor of seamstresses.

The history of the profession goes back centuries. The need for sewing services arose when man first came up with the idea of ​​protecting his body with clothing - in the Stone Age. Then everyone was his own seamstress: male hunters obtained food, and with it, animal skins; women sewed primitive clothes from them (loincloths, capes, hats, etc.). Many hundreds of years passed until well-known fabrics (silk, brocade, wool, satin, flannel, etc.) appeared along with new technologies for sewing clothes that would be suitable for a very skilled craftsman. Only in the 19th century did the first sewing factory appear, and it was then that the seamstress profession became in demand.

In the twenties of the XIX century. On the roads of France one could meet a thin man dressed in rags, wandering from town to town. He fed by showing the public an amazing object - a sewing machine, invented by him. Bartholomew Timonier created in 1755 the first mechanical machine that sewed - and sewed well! V. Timonier organized a sewing workshop where 80 machines worked. But his workshop did not last long. Fearing competition, Parisian tailors attacked and destroyed the studio at night, throwing all the machines into the street. Only one survived. V. Timonier used a needle with two points and a hole in the middle. The design of the machine was still imperfect, and yet it gave impetus to the fact that several inventors immediately began to improve it.

In 1814, a needle appeared with an eye not at the blunt end, but at the point. The most successful model of a machine for such a reversing needle was created by the American inventor E. Howe. In 1845 he received a patent for a sewing machine with a shuttle. He came up with a two-thread stitch. But the needle on E. Howe’s machine moved horizontally, but the fabric moved vertically and could only move in a straight line.

I. Singer, an American manufacturer and mechanic, did the opposite: he placed the needle vertically and the fabric horizontally. She was pressed while sewing by a small but strong foot. I. Singer’s machine was a success, and its fame spread throughout the world. At the end of the 19th century. The Singer company produced 600 thousand sewing machines per year. Even now, some respectable old women still have old Zingers, which they received as a dowry from their grandmothers.

In 1872, the first model of electric sewing machine was offered to consumers. It was invented by Russian electrical engineer V. N. Chikolev. The car was driven by a small electric motor, which was powered by a battery. In the West it was introduced into production immediately, but here it began to be produced in the 50s of the 20th century.

Professionogram of a seamstress

Profession names: Seamstress/Sewing Equipment Operator

Related professions: Embroiderer, cutter, tailor, design technologist

Areas of professional activity: o service, production

Profession classification

Type of profession by subject of work: a seamstress uses a variety of manual and mechanical means of labor in her work, so the profession can be classified as “Human-Technical”.

Type of profession based on purpose: transformative.

Type of profession by means of labor: Use of manually operated machines.

Type of profession by working conditions: work indoors in “room” conditions.

Profession class: performing (algorithmic); By the nature of the work, the profession of a seamstress involves the implementation of the same type of procedures, the performance of standard tasks according to the model, with strict adherence to the rules, regulations, and instructions.

Description of the profession

Seamstress– a specialist who creates textile products of various types using automatic or semi-automatic universal and special machines.

The main responsibilities of a seamstress relate:

  • performing work on threading and adjusting the sewing machine, taking into account the peculiarities of performing various operations;
  • management of universal and special sewing equipment;
  • maintenance, cleaning and lubrication of machines, if necessary, troubleshooting their operation;
  • performing operations for sewing clothes from various materials;
  • final finishing of finished products, cleaning and wet-heat treatment with an iron.

Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist

A seamstress must have such personal qualities as patience, a tendency to perform monotonous and monotonous actions, sustained attention, perseverance, accuracy.

To the professionally important qualities of a seamstress include: excellent vision and accurate volumetric eye; good coordination, dexterity and manual dexterity; high tactile sensitivity of fingers; visual-figurative memory; physical endurance; the ability to work intensively for long periods of time without reducing productivity.

Medical contraindications

The seamstress profession is not recommended persons with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, impaired hand function, varicose veins, high myopia, mental disorders, chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system; allergic reactions to dust, products of animal and plant origin, polymer materials.

Training requirements

The seamstress should know: sewing production technology, range of sewing products and material properties; methods and techniques for performing operations for sewing clothes from various materials; design features of the machines being serviced.

A seamstress must be able to: perform operations of varying degrees of complexity on machines or manually for sewing products, taking into account the range of products; take into account the properties of the materials used when performing the relevant work; use equipment, tools and devices when performing sewing operations; Identify and eliminate minor problems in the operation of serviced machines. She must be able to select the numbers of needles and threads, adjust the thread tension, the height of the presser foot and the amount of its pressure, the length of the stitch; adjust the speed of the machine when performing various types of seams; prepare the cut for work, check its quality; perform various stitches, connect parts of products using seams.

Application area

Seamstresses/sewing equipment operators are employed at light industry enterprises in the clothing, knitting, fur, felting, textile and haberdashery industries.

Seamstresses are in demand in ateliers and salons, fabric departments in stores, etc.

Working conditions

A seamstress can work independently or in a team.

A seamstress can perform the entire cycle of sewing work (a seamstress-tailor in self-employment and when working in an atelier) or one operation (a seamstress-machine operator in production).

Seamstresses work in special production premises (workshops, halls) of sewing enterprises. A seamstress can work individually at home.

Seamstress's workplace- This is the place where sewing operations are directly performed. It must be organized in such a way that maximum comfort and safety of the specialist’s work is ensured. The workplace may include an industrial table with equipment installed on it, additional tools, devices and organizational equipment, a chair, and a storage area for semi-finished products before and after the operation. The workplace should be well lit.

Special clothing for seamstress: a robe that protects clothes from dust, a headdress, arm ruffles, etc.

Occupational hazards

For specialists in the clothing industry, there is a risk of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, since a number of technological processes are associated with the formation of harmful vapors and dust.

Working posture– sitting position. Prolonged stay in this position can lead to diseases accompanied by back and neck pain.

Cutters often suffer from diseases of the joints of their hands. The load on vision during work is very high, especially considering the fact that the time for performing technological operations is limited.

Feminine, interesting, responsible and very useful. What profession are all these epithets dedicated to? Of course, a seamstress. One of the most important, practical and irreplaceable positions, without which the existence of the domestic light industry is simply impossible.

And this work for real women has a creative side and often turns out to be no less exciting than clothing design, even though it involves simple manual labor!

Why is the seamstress profession so relevant?

The position of a sewing master falls under the category of professions that are in high demand. This has been the case since the establishment of manufactories at the beginning of the century. This state of affairs remains today. The work of a seamstress plays one of the first roles in light industry and ensures mass production of clothing - household, specialized, military. And although modern sewing production is largely automated, it still cannot do without the caring hands of a woman who knows how to cut, put together and decorate any element of our wardrobe. And, given the fact that, despite the all-consuming imports, domestic clothing factories tirelessly produce new brands and brands of clothing, the work of a seamstress will always be relevant.

Seamstresses work both in mass production - in workshops and in private workshops. And often representatives of this profession offer their work at home, performing not only sewing, but also designing clothes. That is why this profession, despite its practical content, can be called creative. After all, if desired, any seamstress has the opportunity to go beyond the standard sewing framework and, using imagination, become the author of new styles and interesting designs.

Professional qualities of a seamstress, or who is suitable for such work

Of course, we associate sewing, first of all, with women. Therefore, among the professional qualities inherent in this type of activity, accuracy, diligence, and accuracy come first. Seamstresses must be clean, attentive, fast enough, have good taste and excellent memory. In addition, their competence includes clearly defined professional responsibilities: the ability to understand fabrics and materials, know the structure of the sewing machine and, if necessary, be able to troubleshoot.

This profession is ideal for young girls. After all, it perfectly provides stability in work in production or in a private studio. And ambitious young ladies, having talent and intelligence, have every chance, after a certain time, to grow from a seamstress into a worthy clothing designer and even a designer.

Seamstress education and possible employment options

The simplest level of sewing is education at a college or specialized school. Here they teach the basics of this profession, after which they have the opportunity to realize themselves in the following areas: making knitwear, sewing hats and fur coats, or simply working in clothing production.

By entering a university, girls in the future become the owner of the profession of “designing light industry products.” And working in this direction is much more interesting. The specialization includes a lot of different branches: from the history of fashion and the development of a collection of clothing or shoes to the creation of drawings, patterns and the organization of team work at enterprises. This interesting work begins with successful admission and passing exams. As a rule, admission to a university is based on the scores obtained in the disciplines of Russian language, mathematics, physics or chemistry.

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At all times, certain views, tastes, and artistic ideas about clothing dominated in society. And all this is connected with the profession of a seamstress. It is one of the oldest and at the same time the most modern and necessary professions for people. The result of the seamstress's work is clothing: women's, men's, children's, winter, summer and demi-season, outer and light.

Seamstress is one of the ancient professions that has changed radically in the process of scientific and technological progress of society. For thousands of years, clothing has been made by hand. And only in the last century the first sewing machines. Now this profession is most common in the sewing and tri-cottage industry. Seamstresses work on garment factories, V workshops of textile enterprises, on factories of individual tailoring, which are located in every region of the country.

The basis of the seamstress’s technological work is the production of products from a variety of fabrics using the in-line method. The sewing process is carried out using universal and special sewing machines, equipment for wet-heat treatment (irons and presses) and sewing accessories (Fig. 107).

Rice. 107. Sewing equipment

A seamstress should know:

  • purpose, structure and principle of operation of sewing machines of all systems and other equipment;
  • properties of fabrics;
  • assortment of products for sewing, methods of their processing;
  • technical conditions for performing relevant operations;
  • sequence of processing of products on the flow (conveyor);
  • basic information on standardization and quality control of finished products, rules for maintenance and simple repairs of sewing machines and other equipment;
  • rules of safe work, industrial sanitation and hygiene1.

A seamstress must be able to:

  • perform all types of work on the production of clothing;
  • choose styles according to fashion trends;
  • repair light clothing;
  • apply advanced methods of labor organization. Material from the site

The work of a seamstress qualifies as physical work of average difficulty. Mostly women work in this profession. Their work takes place in workshops with a domestic microclimate and individual lighting. In large workshops, seamstresses work in special work clothes. A specific feature of the work is the fixed sitting posture, which provides for a work chair that is adjustable in height and backrest angle. In order to prevent fatigue and restore working capacity, seamstresses use regulated breaks for rest.

Although the profession of a seamstress is not physically difficult, a person who works in this profession must be physically resilient. A seamstress needs good coordination and precision of movements, quick reaction, a high degree of mobility and sensitivity of the fingers and hands, sharp vision and clear perception of color. During work, the visual, tactile and motor organs are most loaded. Therefore, working as seamstresses is not recommended for people with vision and mental problems, diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system and hearing loss.

This profession places increased demands on attention and spatial perception. Quality sewing work requires visual-figurative and logical thinking, a stable emotional state, accuracy, conscientiousness, hard work, diligence and developed aesthetic taste. To master this profession, training is required human anatomy and physiology, mathematics, drawing, fine arts, chemistry, physics And labor training.

Nowadays, there are not such a large number of professions in which representatives of the female half of humanity could fully realize their creative abilities. One of these is perfect for women who are forced to stay at home for one reason or another. What kind of profession is this? Seamstress.

Making custom clothing will be a good additional source of income, and in some cases it can be your main job.

Description of the profession

This specialization has always been in great demand. After all, people always want to look beautiful and fashionable. And who else will help them with this, if not a seamstress? Most often, representatives of this profession make a wide variety of products: shirts, children's clothing, blouses, coats, underwear.

Many people mistakenly think that seamstresses only do clothing. But this is not true at all. After all, they can also produce leather goods, shoes, as well as car and other covers. Bags are also the work of seamstresses.

What are the responsibilities?

In general, what are the benefits of being a seamstress? Of course, because you can sew not only to order, earning money, but also dress yourself, as well as the whole family. In simple terms, a seamstress is a woman who knows how to sew. Moreover, this applies not only to working on a machine, but also to making it by hand.

Needlewomen who have little experience do the simplest operations on a machine or sew on accessories. And professional seamstresses are already engaged in tailoring clothes to order, while developing their own unique clothing models. If this profession is chosen, the seamstress must be able to work with different materials. Another necessary skill is good handling of the machine. You need to be able to adjust the degree of thread tension, as well as monitor the frequency of stitching.

Today this is a very common profession. A seamstress can always find descriptions of models and patterns in specialized literature or create them herself. She can easily choose the direction that she likes best.

Also, some people want to work on a large scale and do monotonous routine work, for example, processing buttonholes or sewing pockets. Here you need to be part of a large team. Others choose a small studio where they can work together with colleagues or independently.

A large number of women who, after training, have their profession indicated as “seamstress” in their document, become private entrepreneurs and work at home, turning one of the rooms into their workshop. In this case, they have to be both cutters and dressmakers. As you can see, this profession is suitable for any woman, since there are many types of activities.

Personal qualities

In order for a woman to become a professional seamstress, she needs to develop accuracy, perseverance, patience and dexterity. You need to be emotionally stable, balanced and not afraid of monotonous and routine work. The specialist must have an accurate eye, good vision and excellent hand coordination.

Since this is a creative profession (seamstress), the description of duties in which contains many points, it implies the presence of artistic taste. After all, customers should like the products. Therefore, you need to develop communication skills and a rich imagination.

The ability to quickly switch attention from one operation to another is also valued in this profession.

So, here is a list of qualities that a representative of the profession must have, regardless of the chosen direction:

  • Ability to perform all work very carefully.
  • Properly follow all instructions that have been offered.
  • Deliver finished products on time.
  • Perform all work exactly as ordered.
  • Have good taste and excellent memory.
  • Treat your business with full responsibility.


What is the training like for the profession? A seamstress receives the necessary skills and knowledge most often through courses. Therefore, everyone who wants to make clothes will only need to undergo a short training. Vocational technical schools prepare seamstresses who will later be able to work in ateliers and factories. It also happens that an enterprise engaged in tailoring takes on students, who are trained and left to work.

What is the profession program? A seamstress must undergo not only practical classes, but also theory. After all, good specialists must have an excellent understanding of fabrics, as well as know all the production technology. Caring for sewing machines and lubricating their parts are also among the responsibilities of a seamstress, which she must be able to perform correctly.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

Like any other profession, this one also has its pros and cons. Many women cannot stand the loud noise in the workshop. This often causes hearing loss. Problems with the eyes and spine are also occupational diseases of seamstresses. Many complain about the relatively small opportunity to communicate with people.

But the advantages include the ability to inexpensively and beautifully dress yourself and the whole family. In addition, the training is very affordable. This profession can be a good part-time job if there is a lack of money.


A seamstress' salary depends on the complexity of the work being performed, how many items are made and the scale of production. On average, seamstresses in the Moscow region receive up to 40 thousand rubles, while in other regions wages range from 20 to 30 thousand. But if you have a lot of experience and excellent artistic taste, then you can sew dresses that are very expensive.