Photosite photowho. Promoting a photographer on social networks: need and prospects

Thanks to modern technologies, photographers of any level can exchange experiences with colleagues in the art of photography, look at their work from the outside, learn and improve their skill level, or simply look for inspiration on the Internet. It is for this purpose that they were created photo sites, which will be discussed below.

I would say the most popular photo site right now with a high level of work and an adequate audience.

Christy Mitchell

The resource was opened in 2009, and has now gained recognition among 3 million users. New members of the site are provided with a customizable portfolio, however, free users are limited in the number of uploads: 20 uploads (1-10 photos each) per week. By purchasing a premium membership, this limitation is removed and additional features are offered. For example, I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that when you right-click on photos, the message “Hey, the rights to this photo belong to such and such an author” pops up, and you won’t be able to save the image using the usual methods. Of course, you can always take a screenshot, but thanks anyway 500px for caring about the rights of authors))

World famous photo site / photo gallery / photo hosting. The main goal of the site is to make photography accessible to everyone who is interested. You can add photos to Flickr from your home computer, mobile phone, or any other device you use.

On the plus side, you can find interesting photographers from all over the world. The downside is a lot of completely banal footage from the “home archive”.


Top Russian site - photo gallery. Works of different levels are accepted, but the top ones are always interesting, mesmerizing photographs. Before the advent of the now popular 500px, Photosite was my favorite resource for finding inspiration.

The original idea of ​​the site was to share your photographs and rate photographs of other authors. Therefore, you can not only leave comments under the photographs, but also evaluate them on a specially developed scale - Artisticity, Originality, Technicality.

After registering, you can share your work. All photographs are divided into categories, depending on the genre. Photos of the authors can participate in the “Photo of the Day” competition. The winning photo is displayed on the main page of the site.

There is also an interesting section “I want criticism” - for a small fee, your photo is included in the feed on the main page, and accordingly receives more views and comments.

Photo gallery with a nice design and user-friendly interface

The largest art community in Russia. Participation in the community is paid, but subscription rates are quite affordable. On the site you will meet not only photographers, but also stylists, models, artists, and sculptors.


The most popular community of wedding photographers in RuNet. On the site you can post your portfolio and see the work of your colleagues, chat on the forum. Mywed is a top resource for finding clients for wedding photography, as well as presenting your photos at the proper level. In addition, on the site you will find many ideas for wedding photographs, and, if necessary, a photographer for your own special event.

If you are a wedding photographer and still not registered on MyWed, it's time to reconsider your principles!

A resource dedicated only to high-quality photography. The goal of the project is to collect interesting works in one place and make viewing, displaying and sorting them as convenient as possible for the user. On the site you will not find “statuses” of the authors (newbie/guru), but you will get complete satisfaction from viewing photos and communicating. Here you can also add your works.

This resource is designed to bring together “under one roof” beginners, as well as professional photographers, photographer assistants, models, makeup artists, stylists, art directors, advertising agencies, and everyone, everyone, everyone who is interested in the world of photography. A unique internal search system allows you to quickly find the right professional, be it a model for photography in Minsk or a professional photographer in Moscow.

A global photo community with a minimalist and pleasant design. The community is created for professional and amateur photographers. The site allows you to share your works, create your profiles, get feedback and expand your knowledge in the field of photography.

Behance Served Sites is a multifunctional platform, in the catalog of which you will find many sites dedicated to one of the areas: photography, typography, web design, illustration, drawing, etc.

Fashion Served is one of the platform sites created specifically for fashion photography lovers.

The virtual world of photographers, where you can find the most unexpected and fascinating photographs. This is not just a photo site, it is a place where every soul has the opportunity to realize their right to visual pleasure. The founders of the resource invite all photography enthusiasts, regardless of their skill level, to become fellow citizens of One Eyeland.

The official website of the world's first photo agency, Magnum Photos, founded in Paris in 1947 on the initiative of Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, George Rogers and David "Chima" Seymour. On the site you will find the best works of the agency’s photographers - the founders of photojournalism, as well as the works of modern authors.

On the official website of the most popular publication about wildlife and the natural world, National Geographic, you will find many bright, impressive, inspiring photographs.

An archive of the work of participants in World Press Photo, the most prestigious competition among photojournalists and professional photographers. In the archive you will find works dating back to 1955. This is a great opportunity to plunge into history, see the works of famous photographers, and trace trends in the development of photography.

I hope that you will not be too lazy to add these sites to your bookmarks and will periodically follow the updates. Personally, I haven’t followed the work of my colleagues for a long time, so I’ll devote this evening to searching for inspiring photographic works!

Studyfoto warns: photo sites are addictive, visit them at a strictly allotted time. Remember that hours of viewing other people’s (even so beautiful) photographs do not in any way increase your personal level of photographic skill. Therefore, as soon as you are impressed by the work of your colleagues, take your camera and go shooting!

No need to post photos of food and cats on Facebook,

and also brag about your achievements.

/Randy Zuckerberg/

Over the past 5 years, the situation has changed: those who were laughed at, we are talking about Odnoklassniki, are rushing to the first positions in the country’s ranking; those who once set the vector of development, we are talking about Twitter, do not know who to sell themselves to, everything is so sad; and all this in anticipation of the dark horses - Google (the capabilities of Google+ are growing) and Apple (working on their own social network).

In the long run, any participant can become a favorite, but for how long? And most importantly, what does the photographer have to do with it?

From this article you will learn:

  • Why does a photographer need to use, if he really wants, 1 or 2 social platforms, and be present on the rest only formally?
  • Why social networks are currently not the most effective tool for promoting a photographer on the Internet.
  • Why photographers are turning into marketers and when will it all end.

But first, let's talk about the reasons for writing the article.

Promoting a photographer on social networks

My presence on Facebook and VKontakte is a simple formality, temporary. This decision was made in 2014, after 2 years of studying possibilities and assessing prospects:

  1. Social networks are closing in on themselves. This is most noticeable in Facebook: payment to publications for rating content, fast pages (Instant articles), integration of modules that replace offline solutions, etc.
  2. Social networks are an entertaining format. This means: it is necessary to slide into the service sector or into “clownery”, and this means stagnation and extinction.
  3. Social networks are an inconvenient tool. , I recommend reading it.
  4. Social networks are temporary, if we talk about a photographer. The owners of social networks are businessmen, their goal is profit. Therefore, Facebook will become a video platform, and others will follow the trend. Who will need photos in the feed?
  5. Social networks are platforms for testing technologies: machine learning, neural networks, personal assistants, augmented and virtual realities.

In addition to this, when communicating with a customer, I always ask two questions:

  1. How did you know about me?
  2. How do you find the products and services you need?

As it turned out, among my audience, the priority in sources looks like this:

  1. Recommendations. "Word of mouth" and partners.
  2. Search engines. I’m surprised, although yes, what could be easier than asking “Google” or “Yandex”.
  3. Blog. As it turns out, they are reading.

- Go figure out what’s for business and what’s disposable.

Of course, marketers say differently: a photographer needs social networks, scheduled publications, tracking mentions, etc.

But I say differently: you need to choose 1-3 advertising tools that will work for the photographer and will not distract him from his main activity - photography.

Opportunities of social networks for promotion. Is there any use for a photographer?

Marketers realized the decline of SMM and, in order not to sit without work, went to teach. They quote books and each other and are indifferent to the fact that through their efforts, the gullible listener will end up in the dustbin of history.

Let's look at the main problems that social networks need to solve and find errors:

Recognition and appearance of an expert

Recognition is human glory, it comes and goes. What's the point of it? You yourself know about the harm.

The appearance of an expert is zilch, because in the profession of a photographer, experience is valuable, not words.

It has been said before, I will not repeat it.

Customer Reviews

It was relevant, but already in doubt: a series of high-profile revelations of copywriters and marketers, whose actions ruined this promotion tool. Alas.

Fictitious tools, imaginary values ​​and floating price tags are opportunities that will leave the photographer alone with unresolved problems (a small segment of the audience and lost time; the practice of a marketer, instead of the experience of a photographer, etc.) and awareness of the morality of social networks: “Today they will notice, and tomorrow they won’t remember.”

The future of social networks, or what a photographer can expect from social media

Of course, not all companies inform about their plans, but something is known from reliable sources and the future of social networks can be assessed. I’m not Wang and I won’t name dates, but I’ll just explain the difficulties that a photographer will face when wanting to interact with the audience on social media.

  1. There will be fewer potential clients. The well-being of Russian citizens is falling, and so is the demand for photography. People come to social networks to distract themselves, to show themselves off and to see others. For shopping - search engines and “call a friend”.
  2. Falling advertising effectiveness and growing advertising budgets. Obvious and unpleasant. A reliable online alternative is contextual advertising in search engines. Satisfies current demand, gives sales here and now. Expensive.
  3. Change of format. As mentioned above, and the video draws the attention of all owners of social platforms. The photographer and his portfolio, as information that attracts users, do not represent the former value for social media owners: a decrease in organic results and depreciation of content.
  4. Technologies and the struggle for leadership. Oculus Rift is a tool for the future of Facebook as an entertainment portal. Neural networks are the basis of intelligent assistants; the main market players are developing them: Google, Apple, Microsoft and, of course, Facebook. It is unknown who will become a monopolist, taking into account smart home technology. The photographer needs to prepare in advance: access to the online portfolio using a single protocol, off-site; establishing business correspondence by email, etc.
  5. Machine learning and marketing. Visible results of machine learning - the quality of search results. SEO has changed. Following it, SMM will change, and manipulations with emotional posts according to schedule will become part of the story. The algorithm itself will find the owner the required artist and connect him with you, then - the experience of communication, organizing and conducting photography.
  6. Losses. They are inevitable. Over the years, the photographer has invested in third-party developments. If they cannot withstand competition in the market, they disappear, like all the photographer’s achievements. Smartresponder recently closed. Imagine the feelings of users and business owners. Better yet, think about the problem that may arise for you if your favorite social network loses ground.
  7. Subscription. Subscription access is gaining popularity in foreign countries. I do not rule out that, following magazines and corporate blogs, social networks will think about paid access, but first - creating a monopoly, otherwise the one who has it “for free” will win.

Don't rush to delete accounts. 🙂


The basis for the existence of social networks is advertising income. But in order to show it, you need content created by users, including the photographer. Hence the recommendations and generous advice: stay within limits, publish more often, write about everything, etc.

Real network. 🙂

At the beginning of his creative journey, a photographer is limited in finances and social networks are a logical set of tools for presenting a portfolio, conducting correspondence and placing advertisements.

As you grow, it is necessary not only to update equipment, but also to eliminate dependence on third-party solutions. A separate incentive is the annual reduction in the cost of maintaining personal resources (technology development, competition, etc.).

The time is coming when the industry leaders are those who created their resources 10 years ago and now, if necessary, add the necessary modules: photo school, equipment sales, notification system, affiliate network, personal portfolio presentation (based on metadata), etc. .

Think. Discuss. Share with your friends.

Andrey Bondar.

Hello, dear guests of my blog. With this article I decided to open the “photo sites” section, where I will review useful and interesting sites for people who are interested in photography.

So, the first in my review will be the website of the social network of photographers “FotoKto”. I registered on it quite recently (about a week ago), but already during this time it really “sucked” me into it and I became an avid visitor. Every day the site is gaining more and more popularity. This happens because the network has a narrowly focused topic - photography. People related to photography register and communicate here: professional photographers, amateur photographers, models, retouchers, fashion designers, assistants, designers, florists, videographers and others.

With the current development of digital photographic equipment and its accessibility, there are more and more amateur photographers every day, and, therefore, the popularity of the social network “PhotoKto” will gain momentum every day.

So, let's take a closer look at the site. After registration, you have the following options:

— you can create your own albums and add photos there, or you can simply add your photos without albums (you can add no more than 5 photos per day). Your photos will be viewed by other users, rated and commented on. There are many professional photographers on the site, their criticism will be useful. Well, if they praise you, that’s also very nice;

— you can create your resume and offer your services;

— you can rate and comment on photos of other users, and add the best ones to your favorites;

— you can immediately write your own blog and leave your entries and thoughts in it;

— you can view all comments and ratings on your photos and blog posts in the “News” tab in your account, which is very convenient; you don’t have to open each of your photos to read the comments on it;

— on the “Competitions” page, everyone can participate in photography competitions and win cash prizes and gifts from sponsors;

- if you want criticism of your photo, you can add it to the “I want criticism” section, where they will criticize you and give you advice on the correct framing, lighting, and the like.

Everything on the site is done so competently that even a child can figure it out.

True, I was heavily criticized there and especially, but I still like this social network. Criticism pushes me to become better and better. I want to express my gratitude to all users "

The best photos for inspiration

Many popular websites have special sections where photographs of professionals are published. Here are some resources to help you find inspiration:

  1. National Geographic Photography. Known for his stunning wildlife photography.
  2. BBC News In Pictures. Perhaps a little conservative, but very high quality.
  3. Great Photojournalism. Community of professional photojournalists.
  4. World Press Photo. An archive of photographs of participants in the annual competition, held since 1955.
  5. File Magazine. A magazine of extraordinary, challenging photographs and illustrations.
  6. MagnumPhotos. Works by professional photographers from the Magnum agency.
  7. Royal Photography Society. British Photography Community Gallery.
  8. Phase. A magazine with interesting projects by photographers from different countries.
  9. FlakPhoto. A collection of individual photographs and photo projects.
  10. Unsplash. High quality photo gallery.
  11. 500px . A popular resource for photographers.
  12. Pinterest. A rather chaotic resource, but with a well-formulated request it can be useful.
  13. Inspirationgrid. A huge collection of high-quality photographs.
  14. PlanetPics. Photos of the most beautiful places on Earth.
  15. Weatherscapes. A site with amazing photographs of weather phenomena.

Educational materials

As in any field, anyone who is willing to learn can become a professional in photography. There is also no need to be afraid of English-language resources: the meanings of most terms in this area are intuitively clear.

  1. Tips on choosing equipment, shooting, processing.
  2. "Simple tricks". Daily articles on a wide variety of topics for photographers.
  3. Photo-Monster. Photography tips from professionals.
  4. "Cultural enlightenment". Section on the website with articles on theory and practice and inspiring interviews.
  5. Russian Photo. Photography lessons divided by category.
  6. "Photo industry". Lessons in photography, processing, retouching.
  7. Inspiring tips.
  8. Prophotos. Large collection of lessons and instructions.
  9. Digital Camera World. Useful tips for photographers.
  10. MorgueFile Classroom. Ten photography lessons from freelance photographer Jodi Coston.
  11. Photonet learning. A section with lessons from one of the largest photo resources in English.
  12. Photomanual. Just about difficult things in photography.
  13. "Photography for Beginners." Basics of photography for beginners in a complete course on Coursera.
  14. Fujifilmru. An educational project in which you will learn common myths about composition. And also learn how to choose the right lens.
  15. Photo-monster. Video tutorials on different areas of photography: from portraits to landscapes.

Photo Editing Tutorials in Photoshop

Clubs manufacturers

2. We shoot and process

Processing pictures on a smartphone

In fact, there are many alternative applications to the popular Instagram that allow you to process photos using built-in filters:

  1. VSCO Camera ( , iOS).
  2. EyeEm (Android, iOS).
  3. Pixlr (Android, iOS, WP8).
  4. PicsArt (Android, iOS, WP8).
  5. Adobe Photoshop Express (Android, iOS, WP8).
  6. Photo Editor by Aviary (Android, iOS).
  7. Repix (Android, iOS).
  8. Snapseed (Android, iOS).
  9. Afterlight (Android, iOS,) - 35 rubles (Android), $0.99 (iOS, Windows Phone).
  10. Mextures (iOS) - $1.99.

Software for photo processing on PC

Even perfect photos need a little retouching. There are various paid and free programs for this purpose:

  1. Photoshop. Needs no introduction.
  2. Lightroom. Another Adobe product for photo processing. Less cumbersome than Photoshop.
  3. GIMP. A free alternative to Photoshop, available for all popular operating systems.
  4. Paint.NET. A rather primitive editor for Windows, but quite suitable for performing basic operations.
  5. PixelMator. Powerful photo editor for macOS.

Online processing

You can carry out many basic photo processing operations directly in your browser for free and without installing additional software. The resources differ only in the set of tools they offer.

3. Publish

Posting on your blog

Paid resources often allow you to create a real portfolio and attract viewers quickly and easily. But you shouldn’t neglect free ones either.

  1. Facebook. Why not just create an album. There are no restrictions on the number of pictures, privacy settings are very flexible.
  2. "In contact with ". Likewise.
  3. LiveJournal. A well-known resource suitable for photo blogging.
  4. DeviantArt. A huge multidisciplinary community, within which photography has a large section with many subcategories.
  5. SmugMug. Here you can not only put together a portfolio of author’s photographs, but also earn income from the use of photographs. Offers two weeks of free use.
  6. Esposure. A great resource for creating photo stories.
  7. Photoshelter. One of the most popular platforms for creating online portfolios.
  8. Carbonmade. A very nice resource for publishing your portfolio with a limited number of free photos.
  9. Flickr. You can upload photos in high resolution and join groups based on interests.
  10. Google Photos. Secure storage for your photos, with the ability to create albums and stories to share with friends.
  11. Adobe Spark. Another service that allows you to create web pages with your photo stories.
  12. Behance. This service is favored by designers, but here you can also talk about the creative process and share your best works.

Someone will say: oh, I’m tired of these social networks - there are a couple, and that’s enough! And he will be partly right: there are so many of these same type of social networks on the Internet that you already want something new. Such that it affects a hobby, profession, work. A photograph, for example.

Well, there is a social network about photography - it is located at A young, dynamically developing portal where people for whom a camera is not just a toy, but a chance to escape from the drabness of everyday life and give joy to others, communicate, share impressions, experience, emotions and earn money. And to capture this world as it is at this very moment.

You can also learn the basics of photography here: there are educational articles and videos. And there are people ready to help at any time of the day or night - after all, we all live in different time zones. I personally liked this social network - those who are really “sick” of photography have gathered here. Those who are interested. Those who want to make this world brighter.

How to make money? Identify yourself as a retoucher, florist, photographer, etc. and talk about your skills and successes on your blog. Post your work and communicate, communicate, communicate. Learn and communicate again. Which is generally easy :).

By the way, I learned about PhotoKto.Ru from the social network Vkontakte - if it’s more convenient for you to communicate there, take a look at the community, chat with users, ask questions, take a closer look. And you will probably register on - a social network of photographers. Have a good mood!