Business idea - open an electronic currency exchanger. How to open an exchanger for webmoney and other electronic currencies Open a cryptocurrency exchanger like a business

Cryptocurrency exchanger is a promising line of business. It’s quite possible to create it on your own; you just need to know some of the subtleties and pitfalls of the process.

How the cryptocurrency exchanger works

First you need to understand what a cryptocurrency exchanger is and how it functions.

As you know, all cryptocurrencies exist only in the virtual world, without having a physical embodiment in the form of banknotes or coins. Therefore, all actions with them are carried out only online.

The functions of the cryptocurrency exchanger are identical to those of regular banking. There are four of them:

  1. Purchase. It can be carried out for the currency of any country, but in practice it is advisable to use rubles, dollars and 2-3 more common currencies.
  2. Sale. All of the above is true for this point.
  3. Exchange. The number of cryptocurrencies in the world is gradually increasing. Even countries such as Venezuela and Belarus have announced the creation of their own.
  4. Transfer from wallet to wallet. Today there are many services that provide users with the “electronic wallet” service. The most famous in Russia are Webmoney and Yandex.Money. But different services are popular in different countries, and not all of them work with bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies, so translation services are always popular.

For all of the above services, the intermediary site takes a commission, which can range from 2 to 10%.

Where can I get the script to create an exchanger?

You can download, buy or write the script yourself

There are three ways to get the script. Each of them has its own pros and cons.

Download for free. The simplest and most attractive method due to its low cost. For a request like “download a script to create a cryptocurrency exchanger for free,” any browser will display a lot of options: from a full-fledged website to a script that is installed on an existing website or blog.
This option for obtaining a script is perfect for a trial run of a project in order to gain experience. For serious business, free scripts cannot be used for two important reasons:

  • Quality. Many free scripts have a lot of bugs and shortcomings, and not all of them are harmless. For example, one of the free scripts allows a client to deposit 100 rubles into his account in an exchanger, select the currency “dollars”, and he will have 100 dollars in his account. This bug can quickly ruin the owner of the exchanger;
  • Safety. Free scripts may be vulnerable to DDoS attacks, or, worse, include spy code that allows you to gain access to the administration panel or the database of personal user accounts.

Buy. The disadvantages of this method include the price. A good script can cost several tens of thousands of rubles. However, there are more budget options:

  • Rent. Some developers provide their software for a monthly subscription fee;
  • Partnership programs.

Write on your own. The safest option. In addition, the script obtained in this way will be completely customized to suit the needs of the future owner. However, this method will require at least one programmer on staff, and work on the script will take at least a month.

How to register correctly

To legalize a cryptocurrency exchange, you may have to fork out for a license from the Japanese central bank

Those who like to do everything according to the law can be upset - at present it is impossible to legalize a cryptocurrency exchanger in Russia. The law regarding cryptocurrencies has not yet been adopted, so it is impossible to obtain a license - there is no legal basis. Until the adoption of the law, all online cryptocurrency exchangers exist outside the legal framework, operating at their own peril and risk.

None of the domestic banks works with cryptocurrencies - this is the policy of the Central Bank.

In Ukraine, PrivatBank works with cryptocurrencies, but there is no single algorithm for how to negotiate with it.

However, there are several loopholes to minimize the risk:

  • Buy a license from the Japanese central bank. It will not be cheap - more than one hundred thousand dollars;
  • Register a startup in any state where transactions with cryptocurrencies are not prohibited.

If finances allow, it is worth hiring a good lawyer to participate in the project. If not, engage an outsourcing specialist. A lawyer specializing in the intricacies of the state licensing process will help draw up documentation in such a way as to minimize the risk of falling under the steamroller of domestic justice.

Before starting the project, it is useful to conclude agreements with payment systems and electronic wallet services that will be used for transactions with cryptocurrencies. So, using the Webmoney Guarantee Agency and their exchanger is convenient for working with wmr and wmz wallets.

Features of servicing a cryptocurrency exchanger

In general, servicing a cryptocurrency exchanger is not much different from administering a website that deals with user finances, but there are some nuances.

  • Particular attention should be paid to the security and proper operation of personal user accounts. Any error in client identification and failure of the movement of funds in his personal account can lead either to losses to the exchanger or to accusations of fraud;
  • It is important to check the responses from payment systems via IP and the correspondence of the currency type set during the transaction to the one actually sent to the account or withdrawn from it;
  • Newcomers to the cryptocurrency exchange market are advised to take a percentage close to the minimum for their services. This will reduce profits, but will attract new customers. When the daily turnover exceeds a thousand transactions per day, the percentage can be raised.

Despite the fact that there are many nuances in creating and maintaining a cryptocurrency exchanger, a well-organized business can generate stable passive income with minimal costs for administration and support.

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Exchanging and withdrawing cryptocurrency from the Internet to the real sector has not been a problem for a long time. Cryptocurrency exchangers specialize in these operations. Online services make a profit from the commission they charge for transactions. It is no secret that every user who cashes out satoshi, tron ​​and more exotic currencies thinks about the prospects of such a business.

Having decided to start your own business, you need to answer a number of fundamental questions about the potential of the direction, competitiveness, and demand. Cryptocurrency exchange is a controversial business. The dense occupation of the niche is not an obstacle. With the growing demand for cryptocurrencies on the Internet, similar services appear and disappear every day.

According to the most skeptical estimates, the demand for such services will continue in the foreseeable future. About 200 cryptocurrency exchangers and exchanges operate stably on the Internet, which is not so many when considered on the scale of the global market. Making a profit from launching your own exchanger is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Although there are risks, subtleties and pitfalls here.

How to open a cryptocurrency exchanger

The system of earning money through your own cryptocurrency exchanger is quite simple: the more transactions and exchange operations, the higher the income. There are several options for starting your own business, each of which has its own characteristics and different profitability. The legal background is also different.


  • Partnership with the bank is not considered in relation to Russian banks. Not long ago, the Central Bank “did not recommend” Russian banks to take risks in operations with cryptocurrencies. In Ukraine, Privatbank successfully works with bitcoins. The option, let's say, is not easy. Foreign banks have not moved beyond announcements and statements in the press;
  • Creating your own exchanger. In this business, newcomers will face serious competition. New exchangers appear with enviable regularity. However, not everyone manages to stay afloat for a long time. Analyzing the most successful and stable exchangers, you can see that each of them has some kind of “trick”. For example: transactions with exotic currencies, reliable transactions, extremely low commissions.

The second obstacle is financial transparency. The need to formalize contracts with major market players (WebMoney) requires a personal passport. To avoid legal problems, it is better to register as a dealer. By increasing turnover and, accordingly, profits, sooner or later the site will attract the attention of the tax service. An individual entrepreneur is great for legalizing an online business;

  • Affiliate for exchange refers to the easiest ways to make money on cryptocurrency exchange. This option does not at all fall into the category of a business that can generate serious income. More suitable for those who want to know the market from the inside. Perhaps the experience gained will be useful in the future.

The success and demand for the service depends on many factors. Not least important are the reliability of operations, anonymity of users and the size of the commission. A kind of “three pillars” serve as the basis for stable income through the formation of a base of regular customers.

Technical side of the issue

It is a rare business that does not require investment at the initial stage. The cryptocurrency exchanger is no exception. To correctly calculate financial costs, you need to have an understanding of the technical side of the matter. Through the eyes of a techie, the exchanger is not very different from any other site.

The main costs will be for:

  • Layout, site acquisition with up-to-date functionality and attractive design. The minimum amount in this cost column will be five thousand rubles;
  • Quality hosting It’s also worth something for the site. Free hosting is not suitable due to low relevance in search engines. A more expensive tariff for a separate site is more suitable. This guarantees that the site is hosted on a separate server with high speed and reliability. Monthly payment is approximately 400 rubles;
  • Purchasing a script will take up the lion's share of costs. Prices vary widely. The best field for finding a performer is highly specialized forums of freelance programmers. The quality of the script determines the reliability and reliability of the service;
  • Attracting target customers. Promotion through social networks has proven itself well. You can save money yourself by creating thematic public pages on various social networks. It is better not to abuse promotion programs.

It is necessary to act comprehensively. When promoting an exchanger or several exchangers on social networks, it is advisable to reach as large an audience as possible. Constant monitoring of competitors' websites is very important. This will help you create more attractive offers for potential clients. When creating an exchanger, do not forget about the source of cryptocurrencies for exchange.

The conversion of cryptocurrency received from clients goes through numerous payment systems. You need to open wallets in each of them with cash balances in the accounts. Many users consider the stock of reserves as an indicator of the reliability of the exchanger.

Drawing up an agreement with services

Almost all serious cryptocurrency exchangers enter into agreements with payment systems through which financial transactions are carried out. The main thing is transparency of cooperation! The percentage paid by the exchanger in favor of the payment system is separately specified. The owner of the exchange office independently sets the percentage threshold charged from users for exchanging funds.

Everywhere the commission fee varies from one to five percent. It is better for a beginner to stick to the golden mean. The maximum percentage is the privilege of major players in this market segment.

It is important that the interest rate corresponds to market conditions and is backed by cash reserves in different currencies.

Exchange service

Maintaining the service is practically no different from administering a regular website that handles user finances. A virtual exchanger resembles a dispatch center with a small staff. Often one person is enough to constantly monitor the situation on the market. His responsibilities also include installing software, so-called bot programs.

Automation of the process of averaging exchange rates is the key to the relevance of the exchanger and the effective attraction of customers.

Selection of cryptocurrencies

Most exchangers, unlike stock exchanges, work with the most popular cryptocurrency pairs included in the TOP 10. Ordinary users prefer Russified services with automated functionality, which exchanges cannot offer. To enter the cryptocurrency exchange market, it is enough to offer transactions with Bitcoin, Dasha, Bitcoin Cash, Ether, Zetcash, Litecoin. Monero and ripples are considered exotic coins that can attract additional traffic.

The more trading pairs, the more attractive and solidlooks like an exchanger.

Pros and cons of exchange business

The launch of a virtual exchanger looks much more interesting and promising than other investment areas. Despite the fact that trading in digital coins does not have a clear legal framework, it can hardly be called completely illegal. There is no direct prohibition in the law!

The prospects of this direction lie in the limited number of factors requiring direct control, which is beyond the capabilities of other types of business:

  • The exchanger earns the trust of clients at the initial stage of development;
  • A qualified dispatcher is required whose responsibilities can be handled on his own;
  • Specific and expensive software.

The main advantage is maintaining liquidity. No need to buy equipment or rent an office.

Currency exchange as a business idea

- Hello! You are such a young guy, but you have already found a way to make money exchanging currencies on the Internet. Tell us the story of creating your business, where did you start, what mistakes were there?

Hello! You definitely noticed about youth; I will only reach adulthood next year. This is my very first project. I had never been involved with any type of business before, but the idea of ​​creating it appeared suddenly.

— And yet, how exactly did such an idea come about?

I had small savings. I wanted to invest money in some event to increase my capital. I started investing through exchanges. In general, everything was quite successful. But sometimes there were situations when it was necessary to very quickly withdraw funds from accounts to crypto. I did a little research and realized that 10% is the minimum rate of the exchange rate, and this is not very profitable. In addition, most exchangers operate manually through instant messengers; you had to wait several hours for a response from operators.

Exchangers located on websites often call numbers to verify documents, and this is very annoying. I do not recommend using your personal number for work! In general, I concluded that it is easier to create your own business plan for a cryptocurrency exchanger. The service will include blackjack and bitcoins. This will allow me to avoid all checks and make a more acceptable course. I wanted to receive a large number of applications at a lower percentage of profit for them.

Start-up investments in a currency exchange business

— What was your starting capital?

To make money from exchanging currencies on the Internet, I needed $1,500. At that time, I had all the electronic wallets prepared, as well as the server where I decided to install the exchanger. But this is not the minimum cost; you can start with less capital, gradually increasing your turnover.

— What important points can you highlight in building this business?

What I didn't do at the very beginning was take care of the advertising campaign. As soon as I launched the exchanger into the working process, I waited for requests, updating the service every 5 minutes. Without proper advertising, achieving any result turned out to be problematic. Only two weeks later I received my first application - the result of topics posted on bitcoin forums. I decided that things wouldn’t work that way, and started spamming everything I could: exchanges, currency trading forums and various services.

Difficulties in starting a foreign exchange business

— What problems accompanied the creation of the exchanger?

I'll list everything in order. There are 3 main points that make it difficult to conduct a foreign exchange business:

  1. Creating a cryptocurrency exchanger is only half the battle. In order for it to generate income, you need to promote it. I hardly invested in advertising. I bought several banners and displayed exchanger themes. There were not many visitors due to such manipulations.
  2. The manual mode of operation of the exchanger is quite problematic. Our exchanger works from 6 am to 12 midnight, and it is not always possible to be in business. The automated operation of an exchanger is very dangerous. There are fraudulent schemes that can cause you to lose all your money. Even large projects are not immune from this. If a fraudster manages to gain access to the admin panel in my exchanger, then he will not be able to penetrate the wallet. Therefore, a manual exchanger is safer.
  3. To make money on electronic wallets, at the first stage all applications will have to be processed independently. From my own sad experience, I was convinced that without 100% trust it is impossible to hire an operator. During the first month, I serviced all requests myself. Then I could still cope with such a task, since there were not very many of them. Then he finally took the risk of hiring a cameraman. It turned out to be a guy I knew who was complaining about the lack of work. He served applications for about 2 months for a nominal fee. He contacted me only to find out the codes for SMS confirmations.

While he worked, the amounts gradually increased. At one point, the guy cut off 8 bitcoins from me (at that time it was 280 k). I lost more than 50% of my total turnover and lost the partner I considered one. I didn't make such mistakes again. He hired a close friend to work with him, but retained control of all funds. The wallets contain small amounts (on average 2-5 k), and if they tell me that there is not enough or unforeseen circumstances have arisen, I am not lazy, I check everything myself and top up the account.

Exchanger client base

— Now there are a lot of exchangers. How do you plan to expand your customer base?

Great question! Everything turned out very interesting here. At first, I planned to create income by exchanging bitcoins. The strategy involved advertising on crypto forums, posting topics, etc. Then everything changed dramatically.

While wandering through the onion nets, I came across a very popular large drug forum. There I saw an inscription in large letters, which stated that all operations are carried out only through Bitcoin. I became interested and started reading. My surprise knew no bounds when I saw that my exchanger was one of the trusted ones and was recommended. I began to study further and found about 20 reviews. I actually didn’t expect an audience, so I was very happy. At that time I already had about 2 completed applications, and there were only 10 reviews on all forums. I didn’t understand why people didn’t leave reviews, and then it dawned on me. The exchanger has a completely different audience. My further research led me to the conclusion that more than 80% of users received information about the exchanger from onion networks. I didn’t post the topics there, but that’s for personal reasons.

How to promote your exchanger to the top

Use left courses. Internal commission is not taken into account by bestchange. Let's consider exchanging Yandex money for qiwi. There is an option in which 1 unit of Yandex money is 1.02 qiwi (conditional example). When submitting an application at the very last moment, we learn that we also need to pay an internal commission of 0.5 units. And this is no longer profitable at all. There are countless such exchangers. I don’t know whether the administration is taking measures to combat them. But the fact is that people come.

— If you create your own electronic currency exchanger, what kind of profit can you expect? What will the costs be?

In this niche, income consists only of percentages of turnover, so it is different in each specific case. I will leave my numbers secret, I will only say that using the method of semi-passive income I have 1000 dollars a month. The costs are only associated with advertising, and where and how to use it is up to you.

Is it necessary to register an exchange business?

— Does making money from exchanging cryptocurrencies imply registration of activities through legislation? Do I need to pay taxes?

To be honest, I am not competent in this matter. I myself have never paid taxes; the company is not officially registered. All servers are located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, operations are carried out under the same conditions. It may be necessary to register, but I have not encountered such requirements.

— Can this business be considered as an additional source of passive income if there is free money? Or does this niche require a lot of attention?

Each exchanger has a different control system. I think it is quite possible to use your own business model. The niche that I am associated with has a narrow focus. But there are many exchangers that do not work with crypto. The more competition, the more offers, so you can try.

We bring to your attention a script for creating your own Exchange Currency exchanger website from the manufacturer! Using our script, you can organize a regular large income without much effort.

Every day, thousands of people exchange electronic currency, and someone very skillfully earns commissions from each completed monetary transaction. And to start earning the same amount, you just need to rent our script and create your own exchanger based on it.

If you do not have the skills and knowledge of a programmer, the Exchange Currency script will be the best solution at an attractive price for creating your own exchange office.

Earning principle

Your profit will consist in receiving the commission collected from clients when conducting trading operations through your exchange office. In this situation, income is formed according to the formula: commission percentage multiplied by trade turnover. In addition, most exchanges charge an additional commission from clients for withdrawing funds in cryptocurrency from the exchange. Using such a simple scheme with our script, you can earn significantly more than by mining or trading cryptocurrencies.

Main features and functionality of the script

· Ready-made merchants for connecting automatic payment systems;

· Powerful administration panel;

· Flexible connection of currencies;

· Multilingual;

· Highest security system;

· Built-in internal page editor;

· High-quality technical support;

· Convenient commission settings;

· Templates for easy design changes;

· Exchange available automatically or manually.

Benefits of cooperation

1. The script was written entirely from scratch! It is created on its own engine, which makes it safer to use, unlike scripts on leaky engines like Wordpress.

2. You can rent the script or purchase it. If the rental does not suit you, you can buy the exchanger script by pre-order.

4. If you understand CSS/HTML, with the help of our script you will create a personal design for the site without any problems, without even leaving the admin panel.

5. Thanks to its responsive design, your exchanger will work perfectly on smartphones, tablets and computers.

7. Applications are processed completely automatically.

8. Technical support at the highest level, working for you 7 days a week.

9. You don't need to worry about setting up hosting or DDOS protection. We will do all the settings for you!

10. Availability of a profitable affiliate program.

11. Availability of personal and cumulative discounts, as well as wholesale exchange rates.

12.And much more: profit reports, news, multilingual, buyer’s personal account, etc.

Services and prices

Exchange Currency script – $4700

ExchangeCurrency script rental – from $140 per month.

Currency exchange has always been considered a very profitable business. To be convinced of this, just look at the number of “underground” money changers in the markets. And the number of exchange points is growing exponentially.

The history of currency exchangers dates back to the times of the USSR, when all transactions with currency were held in great secrecy, and for illegal transactions with “overseas” money you could go to prison. Immediately after the collapse of the Union, the exchange business was legalized, because most citizens of the Russian Federation were able to travel outside the country. In order not to waste nerves and time on exchanging funds abroad, many residents of the Russian Federation tried to change money before leaving. The currency has also become popular as a store of capital. We all know the result - increased demand led to the emergence of the first exchange offices.

Functions, pros and cons of the exchange office

Modern exchange offices conduct the following activities :

Buy foreign currency from individuals (non-residents and residents);
- sell foreign currency to individuals (usually residents);
- carry out reverse currency exchange from national to foreign (for non-resident individuals, taking into account established rules and regulations;
- carry out converted transactions with foreign currency;
- exchange banknotes of one country's currency.

Pros of opening a currency exchange office:

Fast payback;
- maximum simplicity from a technical and organizational point of view;
- the possibility of expanding activities and increasing profits by opening new currency exchange points.

Disadvantages of opening a currency exchange office:

Large investments, which are caused by the need to prepare documents and organize reliable protection of the exchange office;
- high level of competition (especially in big cities);
- difficulties in finding a visible and profitable place to open a business.

The main risks of opening an exchange office:

High risk of theft of funds by staff;
- the likelihood of losing a license due to violation of operating conditions;
- the danger of robbery due to the low level of security (this is why it is not recommended to save on this aspect);
- frequent inspections by a representative of the Central Bank and the Department of Economic Crimes.

How to register a currency exchange office?

The main problem with this type of business is the design. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, only a bank (credit organization) has the right to organize an exchange office. The procedure for opening such a business is carried out taking into account two documents:

Federal Law of Russia “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation”;
- Federal Law of Russia “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control”.

Thus, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation independently regulates the processes of opening currency exchange offices, completing their activities, organizing work, as well as the list of permissible operations and other transactions using national and foreign currencies with the participation of individuals.

A private individual has access to this type of business only if an employment relationship with a financial and credit structure is officially formalized. Banks that have the right to open exchange offices issue a license to individuals. After this, newly minted entrepreneurs have the right to open a currency exchange office. The advantage is that the issuance of licenses has recently become available even to small banking institutions.

How to proceed? To start an exchange business, you need to get a job in a banking institution and take the position of manager or manager of a currency exchange office. Next, an application is submitted to the banking institution to open an exchange office. The following documents will be needed here:

Employment agreement with a banking institution;

An agreement confirming the opening of an exchange office;
- a list of the bank’s requirements for its partner (following the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, timely submission of reports, payment of commissions once a month, and so on).

In turn, the entrepreneur takes on the following issues: :

Finding a suitable office for an exchange office and arranging its lease;
- selection of equipment for the premises and its installation;
- searching for suitable employees and resolving issues regarding their employment.

In practice, the relationship between a banking institution and the owner of an exchange office can be organized in different ways. For example, the bank itself can search for premises and arrange for sublease. At the same time, the owner of the exchanger makes payments once a month for collection, packaging of cash, their recalculation, software maintenance, and so on. Total payments can be 40-60 thousand rubles. In addition, you will have to transfer 50-60 thousand rubles to the bank for servicing the cash register.

During the period of operation of the exchange office, the partner bank is engaged in generating reports, making tax payments, and so on. If the owner has violated the requirements of the agreement, the bank has the right to close the exchange office by notifying the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. If problems arise with the bank itself (for example, it was deprived of its license), then it is not necessary to close the exchanger - you can contact another banking institution.

How to choose a room for a currency exchange office?

It is best to place an exchange office in a crowded place where there will always be customers. For example, it could be a train station, bus station, business district, market, and so on. The exchange process itself largely depends on the location of the point. For example, if an exchange office is open in a residential area, then a popular conversion will be the exchange from ruble to foreign currency. If the exchanger is placed in a shopping business center, then the process will be reversed.

When choosing a place for premises, you should focus on the presence of competitors in the nearest areas, their exchange rates and popularity. If there are other exchange offices in the area, it is easier to figure out which currency is most in demand and what to focus on during the first time of work. If the rate of a particular currency in an existing exchanger is too high, then the offered currency is simply not in demand.

After choosing an office, a lease is issued. The legal entity of the partner bank acts as the tenant. To conduct normal activities, the area of ​​the exchange office must be 6 thousand square meters or more. Mandatory requirements are the presence of an armored door, the same windows and walls. Fire and security alarms must also be organized. Ready-made booths can be sold ready-made - their price ranges from 150 thousand rubles and above.

What equipment to buy for an exchange office?

Basic equipment that you can’t do without even at first include:

Currency detectors (check cash for counterfeit);
- safes (for storing money);
- cash counters;
- a computer with software whose task is to control the movement of money. As a rule, the supervising bank acts as the software supplier.

It is important to take into account a number of other requirements of the Bank of Russia, according to which the exchange office stand must have:

Information regarding the telephone number and address of the authorized banking institution that opened the exchange office;

Data on the exchange rates of those currencies that can be exchanged at a given time;

List of operations that the exchange office can perform (with currency and national money);

Operating mode of the exchange office. As a rule, the operating hours of the exchange office coincide with the operating hours of the banking institution (operating day). There are exchange offices that operate around the clock;

An extract showing the commissions of the partner bank for conducting cash transactions;

A standard book for consumers where you can leave your complaints and suggestions;

Rules for the exchange (acceptance) of damaged banknotes and other documents.

How many staff will be needed to operate the exchange office?

For one exchange office, two cashiers are enough. The work schedule is every other day or every other day. At the same time, it will not be possible to directly register new employees at a currency exchange office. All employees must obtain an official position as a currency exchange manager or bank teller.

The main problem of all exchange offices is theft by staff. When a client hands over any money in foreign currency, the cashier can keep the difference from the exchange. As practice shows, there is little trust in this type of business. So at first, the ideal cashier is the owner himself. But, of course, you won’t be able to work like this for long.

An important issue is the control of cashiers who work 12-18 hours and pass large cash flows through themselves. There are two ways to do this:

Install a video surveillance system;
- make test purchases.

In practice, both of the above options work poorly, because it is impossible to watch 12-18 hours of video, and catching a neat cashier in deception is a very difficult task. It is easier to set a limit on the daily earnings that an employee must hand over. The rest is his income. To determine the average amount of daily revenue, the owner himself sits in the cashier’s seat and works for several days.

Profit of a currency exchange office

The main income of an exchange office is the spread (the difference between the sale and purchase of currency). In addition to this amount, the exchange office may impose additional commissions. As for the rates, the exchanger sets them independently, taking into account current supply/demand. At the same time, for normal operation, the point’s cash desk must have cash for the purchase and sale of various currencies.

The bank administration has the right to control the work of the exchange office and make adjustments to its activities. If you deviate from the rules, the bank may issue a warning or close the point altogether.

With proper business organization, the annual earnings of an exchange office can reach 3-3.6 million rubles. All this money is the owner’s net income. They must be at the exchange office and cannot be collected.

Who checks the currency exchange office?

Owners of exchange offices need to be afraid of three main authorities:

- OBEP (department for combating economic crimes);
- tax service.

Most often, the inspection is carried out on the first day of activity. The main attention is paid to compliance with all rules and regulations (mentioned above), the presence of panic buttons, reliability, notification functions and the presence of an alarm.

The risks associated with inspections of the Central Bank and the Department of Economic Crimes can be reduced. All that is required is to conduct honest business, avoid fraudulent transactions, and clearly declare the exchange rate. If you comply with all the requirements of OBEP, then there will be no problems with the partner bank and the Central Bank. The only downside is that doing business honestly inevitably leads to additional costs. On average, this is 5% plus taxes on income reflected in the documents.

How much money is needed to open a currency exchange office?

When organizing such a business, two main types of costs can be distinguished:

1. One-time expenses:

Purchase of equipment (safe, PC, software, telephone line, detector, etc.) - from 200 thousand rubles;
- organizing a work cubicle - from 250 thousand rubles;
- installation of video surveillance, alarm systems, access control systems (access control systems) - from 150 thousand rubles;
- personal funds for turnover - from 1.2 million rubles.

Total - from 1.8 million rubles.

2. Monthly expenses:

Commission to the curator bank - from 50 thousand rubles;
- rent for premises - from 30 thousand rubles;
- salary of two cashiers with taxes - from 30 thousand rubles;
- payment for security services - from 50 thousand rubles.

Total - from 160 thousand rubles.

With an average monthly income of 250-300 thousand rubles, the costs of organizing an exchange office can be recouped within a year.

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