Promotions and discounts in beauty salons in April. Promotions for a beauty salon

We have affordable prices, but we are always happy to do something more pleasant for you. The beauty salon has special prices for the holidays and seasonal discounts on services, and we also often hold promotions and give gifts just like that, for your good mood.

Visit this section often to always be aware of new promotions in the beauty salon. We, in turn, will delight you with really great discounts and unexpected offers.

There are currently more than 15 promotions - find out about them by reading to the end of the page!

Mobile app card discounts:

Free determination of your color type using the latest, unique K-Test technique.

Complete 6 facial massage procedures and receive a myostimulation procedure as a gift, effective and efficient.

Complete 5 facial treatments, and on the 6th you will receive a free ionic facial cleansing using a modern device. Cleaning is gentle, does not injure the face, improves the skin and gives it radiance.

Get 6 super manicures with us and get a pedicure as a gift. Pamper your feet!

Get 6 fashionable hairstyles from our specialists and receive an innovative hair treatment procedure as a gift.

Download the mobile application of the Mayak beauty salon:

Take your beauty salon service to a new level - it's easy with our mobile app!


Free consultation with a trichologist from Sim Finland Oy (System 4), diagnostics of the scalp and hair, recommendations for treating hair loss. You will be offered:
  • undergo hair and scalp diagnostics using professional trichological equipment. You will see for yourself the condition of your skin and hair;
  • Get advice from a professional trichologist. If you wish, you can always buy products for hair loss and to improve their condition in our online store.

Fire hair cutting with a 5% discount at the MAYAK beauty salon.

Burning hair with fire is an amazing spa ritual for its beauty. The procedure includes:
  • head massage;
  • application of 5 medicinal preparations
  • burning hair with open fire.
Fire seals 17 types of active ingredients in the hair; Fire hair treatment lasts 40 minutes.

You don’t often see hair treatment with open fire; not many beauty salons in Moscow offer this rare procedure. Our stylists strictly follow the technology of the pyrophoresis procedure: a fiery beauty ritual. You will be delighted with the procedure!


Beauty days in the cosmetology office - a special program “Well-groomed and healthy facial skin” and individual consultation with a cosmetologist on Japanese hardware rejuvenation techniques.

Non-injection facial mesotherapy (Electroporation)

The cost of cosmetic care for the promotion is 2500 rubles. instead of 4000 rub.

Discounts on photoepilation Elos (ELOS) in the center of Moscow

Smooth skin always looks chic. Take advantage of special offers at the Mayak beauty salon:

  • “Deep bikini” zone + “armpit” zone = 5,000 rubles. Saving 5500 rubles!
  • “Deep bikini” zone + “calf” zone = 7,000 rubles. Saving 5500 rubles!
  • “Deep bikini” zone + “calf” zone + “armpit” zone = 9,000 rubles. Saving 9500 rubles!

We all love gifts. We all love to spend less and get more. And we want to have such holidays as often as possible. Or better yet, every day! This is why clients love the various discounts and promotions that beauty salons give them. And the more discounts you give, the more your clients love your salon. And how nice it is to hear: “Oh, how I love this salon “N”! There are always discounts there!” But - attention! Do not forget that any reduction in the calculated price is a lost profit, which means a direct loss to the salon. Therefore, before you announce a discount, justify it, calculate it and, if necessary, put it into operation.

System of bonuses, discounts and promotions in beauty salons

In order to justify the system of bonuses and discounts in a beauty salon, you need to know what discounts there are in beauty salons and what they are for.

First of all, these are generally accepted “discounts of good form” that most salons use. They are made:

  • when the salon opens(as options: on opening day, the first week after opening or the first month (but this is the maximum).

Example of our salon: A month before the opening of the salon, we notified promising clients (residents of nearby houses) about the imminent opening of the salon. Advertising was sent to mailboxes and a banner was hung on the wall of the salon. The information indicated: the opening date of the salon, contact phone number and conditions of the promotion: by signing up in the first 10 days, the client received a 20% discount, in the second 10 days - 15%, in the third 10 days - 10%. The discount was given only by appointment.

What is this discount for? A primary customer base is being formed, and the workdays of the craftsmen are being filled.

  • on the client's birthday(options: for one service (given for one day or several days), for any services (but only those that the client does on one day).

An example of our salon: In our salon, this discount applies to a week: three days before the birthday, the birthday itself and three days after. Our client can take advantage of a big discount (25%), but only for one service on any of these days).

What is this discount for? Customer loyalty increases.

What other discounts are there in beauty salons?

  1. advertising discount (new salon, new service, new specialist, attracting new clients to an already operating salon)
  2. seasonal discount (to improve revenue in the low season). You cannot make discounts on haircuts and hair coloring, since these are the most popular services, clients will come to them anyway
  3. discounts for regular customers (the goal is to increase customer loyalty). No discounts allowed for haircuts and hair coloring
  4. subscription (package) discounts so that you pay in advance for the full course of procedures.
  5. apologetic discount (when the client suffered in one way or another due to the fault of the salon: the technician was late, other complaints; paid in full at the expense of the offender).

Why do you need discounts/bonus system in a beauty salon?

With the help of discounts, promotions and bonus systems in beauty salons, you can achieve various results:

1. attract the maximum possible number of clients

2. retain regular customers

3. unload the warehouse, especially if you want to update the shopping area

4. increase turnover, for example, by offering clients to additionally purchase appropriate products (say, for the care of colored hair) at full price or also at a discount, and so on.

But you still don’t need to get carried away with discounts. To give a discount to a client in a beauty salon, you must have a good reason: a sale of leftovers, the introduction of a new service for your salon, the expiration date of cosmetics, or something else. Otherwise, the salon will not receive a profit from your promotion, but losses.

How to calculate the discount

So, we took the first step - we justified our discount promotion. Now we need to calculate it. There is a certain amount that the salon must receive in order not to go into a loss. This is the cost of materials + payment for the work of the master + a certain amount from the salon’s expenses (taxes, utility bills, security, telephone, other monthly expenses). The rest is income. So you can reduce it by giving discounts to customers. Do this without fanaticism, otherwise you will be left in the dust.

I'll give you an example. Everyone knows the LPG body contouring procedure. The cost for this service in our city ranges from 2,000 to 2,800 rubles. One salon made a promotion: 70% discount on LPG! That is, instead of 2500, the cost is 750 rubles. And the end of the action is not expected. At least, the administrator doesn’t know about it, but he thinks that the promotion will last a long time... The joy of customers can be understood: during the high season there is an unrealistic discount! But will the manager be happy? The work of a cosmetologist, which must be paid, the cost of consumables (slippers, sheets, diaseptic used to treat the couch) + depreciation of the device itself. All this amounts to more than 750 rubles. Then the question: who is this promotion intended for? If for new clients, then it would be enough to give a discount only on the first procedure, but not on the entire course of 10 procedures. The salon positions itself as a fairly high-level organization. And the prices are appropriate. Who is such a big discount in a beauty salon intended for? If they are salon clients, then they are able to pay at the regular price. If this is a desire to attract less affluent segments of the population, then again the question is - why? They still won’t become regular customers, their income is not the same... And in general, it is incomprehensible that management wants to make this procedure cheap in the spring - during the high season! People would have come to them anyway, because in the spring everyone is trying to lose excess weight and regain an attractive slim figure. It would be logical to make a discount on this procedure during periods of decreased demand. In general, the action is completely not thought out. Therefore, it is unlikely to be effective.

Smart approach to discounts

What kind of discount can you give at a beauty salon to at least stay afloat? The maximum discount for a salon that generates a stable income is 25%. Try to use this discount to a minimum. Even your friends, try to give a discount of no more than 20%. The most popular discounts are 5%, 10% and 15%. But in order to assign them, you must definitely calculate - what will you have left over? For example, your warehouse is overstocked, and you decide to make a promotion on shampoos and conditioners. Something like “You buy shampoo, conditioner is discounted...!” The whole question is - which one? You think: yeah, we bought this air conditioner for 300 rubles, made a trade markup of 30%. Now we will sell at cost! Wonderful! Write an ad indicating a 30% discount. Trade is in full swing, you are unloading the warehouse... At the end of the month you are counting... And you don’t understand how you get a minus in air conditioner sales instead of zero? You sold it for as much as you bought it for! But we had to count first. Look here: purchasing an air conditioner costs 300 rubles + 30% markup = 390 rubles. Now subtract 30% from 390. Receive 273 rubles. All profits received from the sale of shampoo will be used to pay off the shortfall for the sale of conditioner. 27 rubles missing from one bottle of conditioner. That is, you not only give the client something, but also pay extra from your own pocket. How can a client not love such a salon! It's just a shame that it won't last long. So, think, dear directors, before you announce any discounts in your beauty salon.

Who pays for the discounts?

And finally, about who bears the burden of discounts. It would be correct, of course, if the discounts come at the expense of the salon. The master does his job anyway. Why should he get less for it? Just because the salon decided to hold a promotion? But what do we actually get? But in reality, salons force craftsmen to participate financially in their actions. That is, a manicure cost 380 rubles, and the master received 40% from it, they made a promotion, and the master receives his 40%, but not from 380, but from 300 rubles. For masters this is noticeable. But a salon cannot offer discounts to attract customers on its own. Especially now, in a crisis. What to do? Agree! Explain to the specialists that yes, you will receive less from the service during the promotion in the beauty salon, but the salon will also receive less. But, firstly, it’s only for two weeks, and secondly, because of the promotion, there will be more clients, and if we serve them well, then they will become our regular clients and bring us constant income.

So, let's compare the results. In order for a discount promotion to give a positive result, you need to pay attention to:

  • justified reason for introducing a discount
  • calculating maximum and minimum discounts
  • establishing a time frame for the promotion (the promotion must be limited in time!)
  • calculation of the effectiveness of the action after its implementation.

Based on these points, it will be possible to judge the need for such promotions in your beauty salon.

The word “promotion” can be heard almost everywhere: in stores, on the street, on TV or radio, as well as on the Internet. Thus, business owners try their best to attract new customers. The current trend is that the Internet is becoming the main source of information, as well as the most effective means of attracting new customers.

In this article, we're going to look at what salon promotions there are and what you can do to attract more clients. You'll also learn about the ways Boundstart does its work.

Types of shares

bonus program

The bonus program is probably the most popular system for working with regular customers. What is its essence?

Most often, the visitor receives a bonus card or account, where bonus points or funds are credited. You can use them, for example, on your next visit.

What can you offer clients? Create a savings system. When you reach a certain number of bonuses, you can use services at a discount.

Do not allow long-term accumulation and reset the account after a certain amount of time. But to prevent the client from getting into an awkward situation, let him know in advance, for example, by sending an email.

Permanent promotions

These are the shares that you are willing to provide on an ongoing basis. What interesting promotions can be held for beauty salons? For example, offer discounts at times when your salon is not crowded. You will acquire clients and fill in the gaps in your schedule.

For example, on Monday from 10 am to 2 pm there is almost no one in your salon. Offer a discount of 10-15 percent. Or, for example, each specific procedure is free or with a significant discount. There can be a lot of ideas.

Communicate your terms to as many potential clients as possible. Use different channels. The Internet is the most modern and most progressive.

Short-term or seasonal promotions

Promotions that are held for a limited time or are timed to specific events, most often holidays or special periods of the year. Offer attractive conditions by limiting the maximum number of participants. practice shows that summer and New Year holidays are the most favorable periods for customer loyalty to various promotions.

Batch Sales

A method of attracting customers that requires careful planning, otherwise the desired effect may not be achieved. The essence of the method is to offer several service packages for different groups of clients. You need to know your target audience exactly so as not to get into trouble. Offer different packages for each group, trying to accommodate the needs of each visitor.


In addition to the salons themselves, beauty salon competitions can be held online. Particularly on social media or through specially created landing pages. This will help increase the number of subscribers who can potentially become active customers. What can serve as a gift?

  • gift for a completed purchase;
  • bonus for bringing a new client;
  • free examination or diagnosis;
  • specialist consultation.

These competitions can be advertised through a variety of methods, such as social media, email, pop-ups, and targeted advertising.

Competitions held by Boundstart

The Boundstart company uses several basic methods in its work to organize promotions to attract customers to beauty salons:

  • social repost competition;
  • popup windows;
  • targeted advertising.

Let's look at each of them in more detail based on practical examples: the ArtDiet company and the Beauty Bar salon.

Method 1. Social repost competition

The main condition of the ArtDiet campaign was the following: three winners of the promotion will receive a nutrition program based on a study of body composition. To participate, it was necessary to indicate your name, email address, phone number and click the “Participate” button.

On the landing page, Boundstart specialists described the advantages of the company, spoke in detail about the prize, and also published reviews from clients. The landing page focuses on collecting information about potential customers. It will help the visitor understand what they want from him and what he needs to do to receive the prize.

Method 2: Leverage existing traffic on your site using pop-ups

It looks like this. A visitor enters the site, and literally after a few seconds a pop-up window appears in the center or side of the screen with a description of the ongoing promotion.

Method 3. Targeted advertising

We notify the target audience about ongoing promotions on the social network Facebook. We fully control the entire process of conducting an advertising campaign, from writing texts to design. This careful approach allows us to minimize the price of each attracted client.

In turn, on the main site, visitors are shown a pop-up window, clicking on which takes them to the competition page.

What does your business get as a result? You have information about people who are interested in your services. In addition, your sales team receives information about people who could potentially become your customers. In addition, with the help of email newsletters, we thank the person and also motivate him to take some action. For example, participants in the ArtDiet campaign received a message thanking them for their participation and also inviting them to follow the Instagram page to learn about the results of the winners' drawing. Such messages practically do not irritate a person, since you are not selling anything in them. At the end of the promotion, you can once again send out an information message to all participants or make a unique offer.