What do they buy in government procurement? How to make money on government procurement: step-by-step instructions

To understand the mechanism of earning money from government procurement, you need to know the tender schemes.

Tender mechanism

The main property of procurement from the federal budget, enshrined in law, is the principle of openness and public accessibility of tenders. Customers are state and municipal institutions that register on a special portal, submitting their applications approved by annual procurement plans.

Suppliers are business entities registered on the electronic government procurement portal.

The announcement of the auction is published in the media. The required set of documents is submitted with applications. When considered by the tender organizers, applications with an incomplete set of documents and with unreliable security of indirect or direct collateral are eliminated.

Accepted applications are carefully analyzed and the most suitable ones are selected from a financial and qualitative point of view. Due to the state policy to save budget funds, applications with a more affordable price are given priority.

How to make money on government procurement

To participate in public procurement tenders, you need to have some knowledge in the field of tender policy and the legal component of this type of activity. Then you can really earn good money, and not be interrupted by random orders. After all, government procurement is a very profitable system, with the help of which a wide path in business can be opened for an individual.

To teach the intricacies of tender procurement, special schools have been created, which provide legal, methodological, and consulting assistance to tender participants - both customers and suppliers. Schools are commercial, the service is contractual, that is, paid. Each area is supervised by a specialist in his field of procurement.

Classes can be face-to-face or via webinars. The qualifications of the course participant are confirmed by the certificate received upon completion.

Now, having some skills and having registered on the electronic trading platform, it’s time to start trading. The question arises: what can you trade? Government agencies buy anything. These include agricultural products, office equipment, construction services, real estate, and much more. The process of sales to the state is somewhat different from ordinary market relations, but it is not so complex that it cannot be mastered. Fear of non-payments is also irrelevant, because now the state is a solvent counterparty.

So, if an entrepreneur has a product that is needed by the customer, represented by the state, and, having registered on an accredited trading platform, the supplier begins to analyze tenders for those categories that are of interest to him. Today it is difficult to say how many suppliers in trade with the state are clearly missing, and there are niches that can very well be filled. In one tender the number of participants varies from 1 to 5, and therefore competition is insignificant. All that remains is to formulate a competitive price, especially if the supplier is a manufacturer, and now the tender has been won.

It is difficult to convey how much easier e-procurement has made it easier to trade with the government. After all, it’s hard to even imagine how just a few years ago an ordinary entrepreneur would have been able to get to the “body” of the buyer. Now it is elementary and inexpensive.

Pitfalls in tender trading

The question “Is it possible to make good money from tender sales?” is able to get a positive answer if you take into account all the errors and know some of the nuances:

  • it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of competitions and auctions. An experienced eye can immediately see when there is foul play;
  • if, for example, two enterprises with the same legal address entered the competition, it makes sense to think about the transparency of the competition;
  • if the victory goes to a quotation in which the price of the product is several times lower than the market price, there is a high probability of delivery of a low-quality product;
  • if the order comes from a large supplier with a product that no one else has, for example, rubber mittens with a 475 mm cuff, while the standard ones from all competitors have a 470 mm cuff. It’s not hard to guess who this order will go to;
  • Due to the round-the-clock nature of electronic trading, it is advisable to be present at the auction, the probability of winning constantly increases many times over.

Tender events have recently become a good way to generate additional income not only for owners of large and small companies, but also for those who do not have their own business. Many people who have often thought about finding a new type of income turn their attention to those who are already operating in the field of electronic auctions. Sooner or later, they wonder how to make money on tenders from scratch, without having their own enterprise and start-up capital.

Tender bidding as one of the types of home business

To start a profitable business at home, a person planning to make money at tender auctions must have a computer with Internet access and a desire to earn good money. The system of such a business is quite simple and consists of two actions:

  • sale of found data to interested companies.

This structure helps even those who have little or no knowledge of electronic auctions to earn real money from tenders without any problems.

The very essence of this type of activity is that an Internet user regularly views sites with tenders, collects information in his personal database, finds a company that needs to search for and participate in tenders, and resells the necessary data to it. At the same time, you should not think at all about whether the client will win the auction or not.

In some developed organizations, there is a special position - tender manager, and the responsibilities of this specialist include searching for tender proposals for his company. However, such a position is relevant only for large enterprises, and start-up companies cannot always afford to have such a person on their staff.

Searching and attracting clients

Finding clients is as simple as collecting the necessary information on current auction offers. To find your customer base, you will need to constantly review:

  • tender exchanges, where modern companies place applications for participation;
  • specialized bulletin boards;
  • professional forums;
  • contextual advertising.

For those who have decided to find the answer to the question of how to make money on tenders, starting in this area of ​​such business is quite simple. Despite this, it is very important to immediately set a price category for yourself. Basically, companies subscribe to online resources, where they get the necessary information about tenders. Such a subscription costs from 8-9 to 19 thousand rubles per year. The services of a person who will regularly provide the client with data on current tender proposals are estimated at 600 rubles per month.

For some novice businessmen in the field of e-business, this amount will seem very small, but this figure is not final, because there may be more than one client. Mostly experienced people who have been working in the field of online auctions for a long time have a client base of 40-50 people. If you make simple calculations, it becomes clear that anyone can make a good profit without leaving home.

How to win a tender from scratch and without experience: Video

Victoria Ryabenko


# Business ideas

The largest purchases are made by the Federal Air Transport Agency, the Moscow Construction Department and the Ministry of Defense.

Article navigation

  • Types of bidding
  • Step-by-step instructions for participating in the tender
  • Difficulties that arise when participating in a tender:
  • How to avoid falling for scammers
  • How to become an intermediary

Winning a tender and selling products to government agencies is an excellent opportunity for medium and large businesses. To do this, the company takes part in tenders. But is it possible to make money on tenders in Russia? The state is one of the largest customers, and by supplying your products to budgetary institutions, you can make good money. Federal Law 44 “On Public Procurement” regulates the entire tendering process, so corruption in this area is kept to a minimum. Today, making money from government procurement from scratch has become a real and profitable activity.

You can find suitable applications for the supply of products on the official website of the “Unified Information System in the Field of Procurement”. The state is the largest consumer, so even novice businessmen can find a suitable tender on the website and take part in it.

Both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can participate in the auction. Moreover, according to the law, customers must annually give 15% of purchases to individual entrepreneurs.

Types of bidding

According to the law, the contractor is selected through bidding. They come in different types.

If the contractor is selected openly, then information about the order is distributed in all possible channels: in the media, on the official website, and so on. The conditions of the competition are clearly stated and documented. As soon as the acceptance of applications is completed, the commission determines the winner.

Only companies approved by the customer can take part in the closed competition. This type of bidding is carried out if the information cannot be widely publicized or the order is highly specialized.

Electronic trading is now popular. Contractors can easily obtain a tender from another region. Submitting an application and tracking results takes place online.

Step-by-step instructions for participating in the tender

Today, all tenders are published on accredited websites, and applications are easy to submit online. To do this, you need to take care of obtaining an electronic signature in advance.

You can make an electronic signature within 3–8 days using special services. To do this, you will need a passport, SNILS, documents for an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

The first stage is to choose a site. There are four procurement portals accredited in Russia.

  • Sberbank-AST;
  • RTS tender;
  • OJSC "Goszakupki";
  • Agency for Government Orders, Investment Activities and Interregional Relations of Tatarstan (website).

The second stage is to undergo accreditation. You must register separately on each portal. For accreditation you provide the established package of documents. It includes an application form, extracts from state registers, and documents for the organization. If an intermediary or a representative of the company participates in the auction, the manager writes a power of attorney and submits it along with other documents.

The application is reviewed within 5 days, after its approval by the portal, the company receives access to orders.

The third stage is to top up your account on the portal. The auction participant must have a certain amount in their account, since when submitting an application for a tender, the portal freezes from 2 to 5% of the total order value. If there is not enough money in the account, the application will not be approved.

The fourth stage is drawing up an application. Completing an application correctly is an important stage of work. It consists of two parts: anonymous and informational. The first one is sent to the customer; it does not contain the participant’s details. This allows for an unbiased selection. In an anonymous form, it is necessary to correctly describe all the advantages of the company, experience, time on the market and services that the company can provide. The information part includes complete information about the performer.

After reviewing the application by the customer, the portal operator informs the participant about the decision made (positive or negative).

Difficulties that arise when participating in a tender:

  1. You will need a specialist who understands government procurement and knows how to conduct tenders. You can study all the necessary information yourself or hire a trained person.
  2. It is necessary to thoroughly know the products you are going to supply, as well as have an understanding of the current market situation. This information is necessary to complete the application and evaluate the product. The price should be competitive, but at the same time profitable for the customer.
  3. You will need free capital to complete the order, since money will be transferred to the account after the contract is completed.
  4. If the competition is held via electronic auction, then keep in mind that an electronic signature will be required.
  5. All documents and licenses must be in order, otherwise you will not be allowed to participate in the auction.

How to avoid falling for scammers

Despite the law that regulates the entire tender process for public procurement, it is possible to encounter customers and contractors who use illegal methods.

Follow some rules, and then the likelihood of falling for scammers will be minimal.

  • Conduct constant monitoring of new competitions and auctions. An experienced employee will immediately identify a dubious offer.
  • Pay attention to the legal address of the company. If he appears in different competitions, then most likely they are scammers.
  • Constantly check the conditions set by the customer. If he changes anything, your company will withdraw from the competition.
  • If the contractor set a price below the market price, then the product may be of poor quality.
  • If the customer sets too high conditions or requests a special batch of goods that is manufactured by only one contractor, then such a competition is fabricated for a specific company.
  • It is better to monitor the trades around the clock, then the probability of winning increases.
  • Don't forget to check the organization that holds the auction. If she gives her orders to one contractor, then it is not worth wasting her time on this tender.

If you have any suspicions that the auction was dishonest and the customer violated the law, file a complaint with the FAS.

Always carefully read the terms and conditions offered by the customer. If the document indicates a suspiciously low price, it is better to clarify the information yourself. For example, the tender states that you need to supply 1000 units of goods for 1000 rubles. However, the market value of one product is 2 rubles, that is, the manufacturer will work at a loss. The day before the deadline for submitting applications, the customer reports a technical error and changes the conditions: 1000 units for 2000 rubles, while the majority of contractors refused this competition. Such cases may occur in practice.

How to become an intermediary

An individual can make money on government procurement without any investment by becoming an intermediary. To do this, you need to study all the information and draw up documents in order to act as an independent entity.

In the last few years, tendering has become very popular. Mostly customers are government and commercial enterprises, so you can make good money at such auctions by supplying your products to institutions. This is a good opportunity to promote a small business. Various enterprises are looking for suppliers of goods and contractors, and the winner receives a stable consumer, financial support, work and a good income. Tenders are held very often, but not everyone knows how to make money on tenders, and whether this is possible in principle.

How the system works

The essence of the game is the same: all participants offer their services and goods, while complying with the customer’s conditions, in order to win. The tender organizer has the opportunity to choose the most profitable contractor, and the participant who wins the tender is a regular consumer, the amount of work and the sale of goods, thereby receiving economic benefits.

How to participate

The customer can be individuals and organizations, commercial structures and state enterprises. The state is one of the largest consumers, so most entrepreneurs and small businesses try to take part in such auctions. By law, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities can participate in the tender.

To start participating in auctions, you need to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC, be a conscientious taxpayer and meet the requirements of the commission. If the application is submitted electronically, you will have to issue an electronic signature in advance, or collect the entire package of required documents and take it to the appropriate office.

To trade on the Internet, you will need to select a suitable platform, register on it and obtain accreditation, that is, provide all the information about the company and about paying taxes.

Type of auctions

There are several types of trades:

  • Open bidding - when information about the tender is publicly available, and anyone who meets the conditions of the competition can take part. All competitors submit applications and the necessary package of documents. When all applications have been submitted, the bidding committee selects the most profitable contractor.
  • Closed bidding. As a rule, only those enterprises that are approved by the customer or are engaged in a narrow specialization participate in such an auction.
  • Electronic trading. Contractors from other regions can participate in this, since the submission of applications and the drawing take place electronically.

There is a greater chance of winning state lots, since there are stricter regulations and, according to the law, the customer should not be interested in who exactly will be the winner. It is this principle that helps many beginning entrepreneurs win and make money on tenders without investing at the initial stage. So, is it possible to participate in auctions without initial capital?

Advantages and disadvantages

Tenders are not a way to make money for beginners, because customers give greater preference to enterprises with experience in the services market. In addition, you need:

  • Have a digital signature, depending on the selected trading platforms.
  • Own or open your own enterprise, register a legal entity.
  • Spend some time tracking the process and choosing better deals.
  • Register on the sites. Sometimes you need to pay for registration.
  • You must have financial security in the form of 15 percent of the amount offered by the customer. This amount of contractor's money is reserved before the start of the competition.

For beginners, the above rules are not always feasible. But if you look from the other side, there are also advantages to this, thanks to which anyone will learn how to make money on tenders without investment or with minimal costs:

  • You can choose competitions that do not require an electronic signature and submit documents in paper format.
  • It is not necessary to register on public procurement sites.
  • Not all tenders require a security deposit prior to the auction. Money is paid after its completion or fulfillment of the terms of the contract.
  • Individuals can also participate in the auction, but only if the organizers are local authorities or enterprises. For a wider selection of applications, you need to open an individual entrepreneur.
  • Registration of a legal entity does not require much time.

Even as the owner of a business, you can have both physical and legal registration, increasing your chances of winning.

The nuances of earnings at the tender

Representatives of small businesses and private entrepreneurs are wary of the idea of ​​participating in tenders, explaining that everything is captured, purchased, and it is known in advance who the winner will be. Inexperienced and short-sighted managers may not risk wasting their time on bidding. But how can you make money from tenders and not make a mistake if you are supplying goods or services?

To become a participant in the tender, you need to familiarize yourself with what the customer wants and what types of services he needs. Government orders are published on special websites, and if you look through them, you can quickly find exactly the order you are interested in. Even if the cost of the work does not correspond to the market price, you can contact the organizers for information on this issue. Many potential applicants, seeing the inappropriate price, will independently refuse the competition, and you may have a chance to become a participant and, perhaps, even a winner.

Or, on the contrary, the trading price is too tempting. Perhaps such prices for services are set specifically for a particular company. It also makes sense to take part in the fight for such a tender, especially if you know how to bargain, and your goods and services meet the customer’s requirements. It would be a good idea to check the reputation of the customer company to identify fake winners. If the same legal entities became winners in previous tenders, then the likelihood of making money on tenders is reduced to a minimum, and it is not worth wasting your time on such a competition.

Bidding practice over the past few years has proven that the commission gives preference to those participants who do their job and supply goods at an affordable price. However, you should not deliberately underestimate the cost of services. Then how can you make money on tenders? The answer is simple - prove your performance.

Competent approach

The shadow of doubt that auctions are not always fair is always present. But if you think only about this, then you will not be able to make money from trading and expand your activities. If you are already wondering whether it is realistic to make money on tenders, then it’s time to start taking action. To eliminate risks and possible errors in bidding, it is recommended to obtain as much information as possible about how the contract system of providing organizations with services and various goods works. Next, we’ll look at how to make money on tenders in principle.

Some tricks

Patience: Monitoring customer requests carefully and patiently can lead to winnings. Anything can happen. A technical error, a change in the cost and type of services required by the organizer, as well as other points may play into your hands, while others have already given up competing for this lot.

Frequent bidding: the more often you take part in different competitions, the greater the likelihood of winning and finding out whether it is possible to make money on tenders in this way. This is a real valuable experience.

Adequate assessment of opportunities: there have been cases when the contractor deliberately underestimated the cost of services in order to win a lot, and then could not fulfill the set conditions even at the price that he himself offered.

A good application: a well-written application for participation is your calling card. You need to clearly formulate your proposal, and most importantly, write it without errors. In most cases, customers ignore sloppy requests. Show your serious approach to business and that you are truly ready to cooperate.

Specialist help

Most likely, if you have never participated in a tender before, you should consult with your accountant, who will assess the economic situation of the enterprise and tell you whether it is realistic to make money on tenders in a particular case.

Participation and victory in the competition can improve the financial condition of the company. Providing the customer with information and documents confirming the quality of the services provided and the profitability of further cooperation increases the chances of winning. And there are a lot of little things and documentation that an experienced economist is well versed in.

In addition, in order to become a full-fledged bidder, it will be useful to stay up to date with events on the market and have information about how much they earn at tenders and how in demand your product is. A specialist in this matter will help you correctly prepare documents, issue guarantees and even accompany your participation in the auction.

Financial guarantor

One of the requirements of the tender is a financial guarantee. The customer requires 10 to 15 percent of the tender amount to be included in the application in order to be confident in the solvency of the future contractor. In the future, this money will be used as a penalty or financial losses in case of failure to fulfill the terms of the contract. There are three types of guarantees:

  • Tender guarantee - 5 percent of the lot price. Guarantees the organizers that the winner will fulfill his obligations after the auction. The amount is paid at the time of signing the contract.
  • The guarantee under the contract is about 10 percent to cover fines, penalties and other unforeseen situations.
  • Bank guarantee - up to 30 percent of the amount invested by the customer. Used to pay advances to the contractor and paid by the bank.

Almost all auctions require a certain amount of money to be deposited, which guarantees the organizers the candidate’s solvency. If the winner unilaterally refuses to fulfill the contract, the contribution amount will not be refunded.

Bank guarantee

One of the answers to the question of how to make money on tenders and government procurement without having a lot of money at your disposal will help you find the answer. This method helps you gain financial wealth “from scratch.” Banks provide various conditions when issuing such guarantees to firms, but more often this is issued as a loan. And for organizers of tender auctions this is more than a reliable guarantee. Even if you have a minimum guarantor amount, you can deposit it and then complete your work (if you win) using the advance payment paid by the customer.

How else to make money on tenders

There are companies that participate in the competition for a lot, but do not have the slightest experience in the service sector for which they compete. They just lower the price and wait. If their bid wins, companies either provide the services themselves or sell the winning lot to those who can realistically fulfill the contractual requirements. You may ask: is it possible to make money on tenders in this way? Yes, if you have good experience in such transactions.

On forums you can find advertisements for assistance in tenders. To win, you can use the services of such comrades who know their business. For a fee, they can win any deal for you. Even blacklisting and tender fines do not frighten anyone, because a successful deal completely covers any costs.

There are special support centers for entrepreneurs that can advise on this issue, assess the capabilities of the company, and even make advance payments on government orders on favorable terms.

Aim to win

To participate in tenders and start making money from them, you need to work a little, set goals and achieve them. You need to improve your skills and develop. You can attend thematic conferences or communicate with those who specialize in tenders.

Such activities require vital energy, since a large amount of information is processed in the head. By combining excitement and calmness, you can enjoy success and victories.

To participate or not

So, now that you have learned how to make money from tenders, the decision of whether to participate in tenders or not is entirely up to you. Such auctions can significantly increase your profits, provide additional work and a stable consumer.

Doubts that the winner has already been chosen in advance and that the auction has been paid can be hidden in a dark chest. New legislative rules for tenders have made the selection process transparent among all participants.

Glad to see you again, friends. Sergey Ivanisov is in touch with a new topic of making money. Tell me, how many of you believe in the integrity of tenders that are supposedly fairly won by certain companies that ended up being owned by the brothers or in-laws of a high-ranking bigwig? That's it... And the vast majority don't believe it either.

Do you know why? Because at first, young and experienced companies, headed not by someone’s relatives, but simply by successful entrepreneurs, too sincerely believed in the possibility of receiving profitable orders through fair competitive selection. And then the question arose for many: how to make money on tenders and government procurement, if everything has already been taken care of and paid for?

Yes, some bidders shared their impressions that the winning company approached the second-place bidder with an offer to give up its winnings and, accordingly, future scope of work for a certain amount. Moreover, the tender organizers swore that bidders cannot know the names and contacts of competitors, since all information is confidential and is not published on the website.

How, then, can we explain the awareness of the winner who decided to trade his victory? And how can you measure the level of honesty of the organizers? The picture turned out to be unenviable, but not everything is so bad in our tender kingdom. Do you want me to prove that making money on tenders is still possible?

1. Who are the participants?

Only very inexperienced or very short-sighted business leaders, or very lazy managers who are not at all worried about their career growth, can miss their chance to enter the government contract market. For the rest, all suppliers of goods, services or works, and not only residents of the Russian Federation, can participate in the auction.

To participate in the auction, it is enough to have formal compliance with the requirements of the tender commission (for example, quickly organize an LLC, having learned about the lots that are interesting to you), submit an electronic application and the necessary package of documents.

Some companies take part in tenders, competing for services in which they do not have the slightest experience; they simply set a minimum price and wait for the result. If they win, they either re-profile and provide services themselves, or resell their winning rights to another company. But not in the same way as described above, but they advertise on thematic forums, in communities, on websites.

There are companies, let’s call them in the style of Ostap Bender “For the procurement of horns and hooves,” which participate in tenders not in order to develop the won project into a stable business, but only because they know how to make money from tenders.

If you have ever seen announcements on forums like: “We will win the tender for you,” this is what they are. The comrades simply know how to win auctions and, for a certain fee, will easily and gladly win for any real company.

In order to somewhat restrain refuseniks, tender commissions introduce penalties and blacklists, but this does not scare anyone, since you can earn so much from your own clients, who are not very experienced in tenders, that the earnings will cover all the fines.

2. How to learn to win tenders yourself

If you constantly have doubts about the honesty of the auction organizers, then just wait until the state of mistrust passes, no, but what else can I recommend? Yes, not everything is as clean with auctions as we would like, but to refuse the opportunity to make money on government procurement and at the same time to participate in the process of shadowization of medium and small businesses, and at the same time still use the process for the benefit of your business - for this you need to be either very a self-confident or very uninitiative person.

In order to successfully develop your business or participate in tenders for other companies for money, you need to acquire at least basic knowledge about the contract system for providing government agencies and municipal organizations with services and goods. If you have knowledge, then you can eliminate risks and mistakes.

2.1. Please be patient and calm to track your application.

Due to inattention or for some other reason, the customer makes a mistake. For example, the most common is the discrepancy between the total cost of a product and the market price. An entrepreneur engaged in the supply of a specific product sees on the website an application for the supply of 1000 units for 2000 rubles, and on the market it costs 4 rubles individually. Such conditions - working at a loss - do not suit the entrepreneur, and he does not consider it necessary to waste his time on meaningless competition.

At the same moment, another supplier, suspecting a mistake, asks the applicant to explain the price and he finally notices the discrepancy and corrects 1000 units of goods by 500. But by this time, 85% of applicants have already abandoned the application.

Is this so bad for those remaining at the auction? Not at all! The less competition, the higher the chance of winning. But to do this you need to follow the application to the end.

2.2. Participation in suspiciously profitable trades

It is no coincidence that I emphasize the overly suspicious profitability of the application: many of them were created specifically for “their” company and the conditions there are appropriate. What the applicant would not even dare to promise to other companies, the applicant is ready to fulfill for “his own” with joy and exactly according to the conditions.

Don't ignore such requests. Using an example, I’ll give you an idea of ​​what they roughly look like: the posted project contains an amount of 10,000 rubles, while the price of the product, taking into account the margin, cannot exceed 2,000. Such a price tag confuses “not our own” bidders, the first thing they think is: “This, probably just a visually similar product with much superior characteristics.”

Think what you want, but be sure to check the technical specifications. If they match, then feel free to apply. If you win, you will use all the “chocolate” conditions provided by the applicant - during the tender process and after their completion, no one has the right to change them.

2.3. Your own blacklist

If you are a frequent visitor to tender resources, you cannot help but notice which organizations behave dishonestly and give applications to the same people or companies. Study such patterns as for several years in a row two entities win a tender from a company: a certain individual entrepreneur O.P. Petrov and Peresvet LLC (name and title are fictitious, possible similarities are accidental), whose legal addresses coincide.

Such monogamous firms should definitely be in your emergency situation - you won’t win from them.

2.4. Courage and integrity

The principle “Let them do what they want” in this case is inappropriate and harmful. If you notice obvious violations (incorrect date, specific model and manufacturer), do not pass by and point them out to the applicant - he is obliged to respond. Otherwise - penalties of up to 100,000 rubles.

If the above method did not help...

You can only be a snitch in childhood, when the stakes in games are not so serious... And complaining about violators to the FAS (what an appropriate abbreviation, mind you) is a way to protect your rights. If you observe a violation of the law, complain to this agency - the Federal Antimonopoly Service - in most cases, violators are punished, and others are discouraged. Only activity with

You can, of course, continue to think that everything has long been divided, and how to make money on tenders without investments Tweet