How to get a loan for a small business. How to get a loan to start a small business

And although the economy is going through hard times, banks are still quite willing provide loans to small businesses. The main task of an entrepreneur is to get the best loan conditions. Here are 7 steps that an individual entrepreneur or legal entity needs to take to get a loan to develop their business.

Step 1

Decide what needs to take out a loan for

An individual entrepreneur or legal entity can take out a loan without collateral and for any purpose from almost any bank. Only the rates will be high, and the conditions for obtaining a loan will be quite strict. Therefore, when planning to take out a loan for business development, an entrepreneur must decide in advance for what purposes he will spend the money received. By indicating why you need the money, you can choose a loan with a lower rate.

It is believed that there are good and bad reasons for taking out a loan.

Good reasons include: acquisition and modernization of equipment, construction or purchase of real estate, a car. The bank can set a condition that up to 70% of the loan will go towards such capital investments in fixed assets. You can use property or goods purchased as collateral, as well as raw materials and semi-finished products for production purchased with credit funds. In these cases, the rate may be lower than that of a loan for unspecified purposes.

Bad reasons - repayment of other loans, current losses or acquisition of non-core assets. In these cases, borrowers are subject to more stringent conditions for obtaining a loan.

Step 2

Decide how much money to get on credit

An individual entrepreneur or legal entity can take out a loan and by 150 thousand rubles, and by 200 million rubles, depending on the goal. So that the representatives small business no problems getting a loan, you need to immediately decide how much to ask. It is believed that many entrepreneurs they ask for less than they actually need. Underestimating the required amount can lead to problems due to a lack of working capital before the money borrowed begins to pay off.

At the same time, there is no need to act on the principle “Ask for more - they will give less.” If entrepreneur will try take out a bank loan for too large an amount, this may raise questions about the reliability of the individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Planning get a loan for business development, you need to weigh everything, evaluate the budget, supporting your loan application with a financial forecast (profit/loss balance sheet, cash flow statement). This will allow the entrepreneur to better calculate his actions in the future, and perhaps show the lender that Individual entrepreneur or LLC plans his business carefully.

Step 3

Check whether the individual entrepreneur or LLC meets the requirements that the bank imposes on the borrower

Giving out business development loan, especially without collateral, banks, as a rule, have special requirements for borrowers. Therefore, it is important for an entrepreneur to know what lenders want and what it takes to meet those expectations.

Age.One of the conditions for issuing a loan may be the age of the borrower. For example, from 23 to 60 years old.

Time in business.Some lenders give money and provide better lending conditions to businessmen who have been in business for a certain period of time. It may differ for different types of activities. For example, for retail trade - more than 6 months, for wholesale - no less than 18 months, and for manufacturing companies - the minimum period in business can be 2 years.

Credit history. A good credit history will show the lender that the entrepreneur is a reliable borrower, which will undoubtedly increase the chances of receiving a loan on favorable terms.

Cash flow report. The main thing you need to know if you want to get a loan for business development is that the bank may, and most likely will, require you to provide financial statements on the flow of funds. This could be a tax return, income and expense books, bank statements on total monthly turnover, etc. These documents show the entrepreneur’s ability to successfully repay the loan. It is on their basis that, most likely, a decision will be made to issue a loan for business development.

Step 4

Find a lender

Having understood why and how much money is needed, it’s time for the entrepreneur to choose a lender. These can be banks, other credit organizations, or even private investors who are ready to provide loan for business development with interest.

Commercial banks : This is the best option for traditional loans with standard lending terms.

Non-bank credit organizations : these are credit institutions that have the right to carry out certain banking operations that are established by the Central Bank.

Other creditors: Small local banks and other lenders who have an interest in the economic development of a particular area or industry.

Private investors : An individual entrepreneur or LLC with a bad credit history can try to take out a private loan against a receipt. This method of receiving money is becoming increasingly popular both among investors who earn money on interest and among entrepreneurs who urgently need money.

Step 5

Select a loan program and contact a credit institution

Before contacting a bank, it is important to study the loan offers of various organizations. Calculation of acceptable loan servicing costs based on the amount and repayment period. Important parameters are the interest rate and the method of calculating interest, the presence and amount of additional commissions, fines and other payments, the possibility and procedure for early repayment, as well as deferment of the loan.

Some banks offer individual entrepreneurs or legal entities to apply for a loan online. The websites of many credit institutions have online calculators that will help you choose the optimal rate and loan term.

A bank specialist will schedule a meeting, review the list of documents required to obtain a loan, and answer your questions.

Step 6

Prepare a package of documents for a loan application

In every bank package of documents for obtaining a loan for individual entrepreneurs and small businesses different, it can also change with different types of lending. But, as a rule, such a package includes:

Loan application and guarantor questionnaire according to the bank form;

Constituent and registration documents of a legal entity/individual entrepreneur

Financial statements

Documents on economic activities


A complete list of required documents will be provided to the entrepreneur by the credit institution that the individual entrepreneur or LLC chooses to receive a loan.

Step 7

Sign the contract and wait to receive the money

Expect loan approval for individual entrepreneurs or small businesses As a rule, it takes 3-5 days from the moment the full package of documents is provided.

Before signing the agreement, check whether all its terms correspond to those that you previously agreed with the bank. Carefully read the text marked with an asterisk or small print: the bank may include in the agreement its right to change the interest rate, terms and other conditions.

The bank can transfer funds to the current account legal entity or individual entrepreneur, as well as to the deposit account of an individual - the owner of the business.

These are typical

How to get a loan to start a small business from scratch? Where can I get a soft loan to open a small business? What are the conditions for a loan to open a small business?

The most common question that new entrepreneurs ask themselves is: where to get start-up capital to open a business? If you can’t borrow money from your parents, friends, or get a loan from the government, there is only one option left – a bank. There is always money there and in any quantity.

Denis Kuderin is with you, a finance expert at HeatherBober magazine. I will tell, how to take out a loan to open a small business, what requirements do banks impose on beginning businessmen, and whether preferential loans exist in nature for newly-minted individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.

Read the article to the end - at the end you will find an overview of banks with the most favorable lending conditions and tips on how to increase the chances of a positive response from a financial company.

1. Loan for starting a small business - assistance to a beginning entrepreneur

Small business (SB) is a commercial enterprise whose number of employees does not exceed 100 people and whose annual revenue does not exceed 400 million rubles . Provided for small businesses special taxation regime and simplified accounting procedures.

Lack of start-up capital – the main stumbling block for novice businessmen. A lack of assets slows down the development of one’s own business, prevents the implementation of potentially profitable commercial ideas and interferes with self-realization.

Psychologically, people who are at the initial stage of opening their own business ready to risk borrowed funds for a successful start. They have a thoughtful plan and development strategy.

All that remains is to present your ideas to creditors and make them believe in the commercial potential of the future business.

But remember that only about 10% of small businesses break even or at least do not go bankrupt in the first 1-2 years after opening.

For this reason, banks are not eager to give out money to everyone. They have no interest in financing projects with an uncertain future. Therefore they you need a clear business plan, a guarantee or a franchise. And even better - liquid collateral.

Condition 2. Availability of security and guarantor

Mortgaged property - reliable money back guarantee. Secured loans are beneficial both to banks and, partly, to the borrowers themselves. The interest rate on such loans is lower, the terms are longer, and the documentation requirements are more flexible.

The following is taken as collateral:

  • liquid real estate - apartments, houses, land plots;
  • transport;
  • equipment;
  • securities;
  • other liquid assets.

It’s even better if, in addition to collateral, you have guarantors - individuals or legal entities. Have the right to become a guarantor city ​​or regional Entrepreneurship Centers, Business incubators and other structures that help aspiring businessmen.

Condition 3. Clean credit history

Banks check the credit history of all borrowers without exception.

  • successfully closed loans;
  • there are no sanctions for past delays;
  • There are no existing loans.

If you want to fix your credit history, it will take time. The most effective way is to take out several consecutive loans from microfinance organizations and close them on the company’s terms.

Condition 4. Complete package of documents

The more documents you provide to the bank, the greater the chances of a positive response. Make sure all documents are current and properly completed.

A definite plus - Availability of ready-made licenses and other permits for the type of activity you are going to engage in.

Let's take a break and watch a short video on the topic.

3. How to get a loan to open a small business from scratch - 5 simple steps for the borrower

First, decide on the amount you need. There is no need to take more than required, but lack of funds is also undesirable. Ideally needed professional financial analyst to calculate all costs.

Immediately think about whether you can provide the bank with collateral, if required, and find guarantors.

Open checking account– no businessman can do without it.

The most convenient and fastest way to open accounts is in the following banks:

Step 1. Select a bank and lending program

Banks offer dozens of types of lending programs for beginning businessmen. Your goal is to choose the one that best suits your needs.

First, you should take an interest in the offers of the bank whose services you use. Salary clients and those who have a bank account deposit or current account, banks offer more favorable conditions.

It is more reliable to cooperate with well-known financial market players who have many branches in different cities of the Russian Federation.

Other important criteria:

  • independent bank rating– in Russia the most authoritative rating companies are RA “Expert” and “National Rating Agency”;
  • experience– you should not trust institutions that opened less than 5 years ago;
  • financial indicators– if banks have nothing to hide, they publish financial reports on their website;
  • reviews from other businessmen who have already used the company’s services;
  • Availability of preferential loans with state support– in case you manage to use such programs.

And another tip - read the latest news about the bank. Suddenly he changes owner or transfers its assets to another bank. You don’t need any extra hassle with details.

In the Russian Federation, several dozen banks a year lose their licenses. Cooperate only with those companies whose position is stable and strong.

Step 2. Prepare documents

I already spoke about the package of documents above - the more complete it is, the better.

You will need:

  • passport;
  • the second document – ​​preferably TIN;
  • certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • fresh extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • certificate of registration with the Tax Service;
  • licenses and permits (if any);
  • documents for collateral (if you are applying for a secured loan);
  • business plan;
  • income certificate (if any).

The bank has the right to require other documents - for example, list of purchased property for business activities, office lease agreement, etc.

Step 3. Submit an application

All modern banks accept applications online. Fill out the form, submit and wait for a decision. Please indicate the most detailed and reliable data– the bank will carefully check this information.

Do not try to hide information that is important for the lender - bankruptcy in the past, existing loans. The bank security service works no less efficiently than the police, when it comes to screening the borrower.

Banks will never take risks by issuing loans to those who are trying to defraud them. On the contrary, they will blacklist such citizens.

A significant portion of loans for start-up businessmen are issued on the terms down payment of 10-30% of the loan amount. It is worth preparing this amount in advance and convincing the bank that you have it.

Step 4. Conclude an agreement

A loan agreement is a serious thing. The financial well-being of your company and your own emotional and psychological well-being for many years to come depend on it. Paying under an agreement that you have not read is dangerous and stupid.

I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the draft of this document in advance and read it at home, in a calm environment. It’s even better to have it studied by a lawyer who understands the intricacies and pitfalls of business lending.

What to look for:

  • final interest rate;
  • payment schedule – is it convenient, does it meet your capabilities;
  • the procedure for calculating fines;
  • conditions for early repayment of the loan;
  • obligations and rights of the parties.

Study at the same time pledge agreement if you take out a loan with a guarantee. You need to know your rights as the owner of the collateral property.

Remember: if some clauses of the agreement do not suit you, you have the right to demand that the bank change the wording or even remove this clause completely.

There are no standard and formal banking agreements - they are all drawn up taking into account the individual conditions and circumstances of the transaction.

Step 5. Receive funds and open a business

All that remains is to receive funds to your current account or in cash and open your own business with them. Or the company will transfer money to the account of the seller from whom you are purchasing equipment or special equipment under the contract factoring or leasing.

4. Where to get a loan to open a small business - review of the TOP 5 banks

The expert department of our magazine monitored the credit market of the Russian Federation and compiled a list five most reliable banks.

Please note that in some of them it is more convenient to take out a consumer loan without specifying the purpose or to issue a credit card with a revolving limit. This option is suitable if you need a relatively small amount within 300-750 thousand rubles .

1) Sberbank

– the most famous bank in the Russian Federation, the leader of the country’s credit market. Uses the services of this organization 70% of Russia's population. Here they issue loans to individuals and legal entities.

Beginning entrepreneurs should pay attention to the loan program “ Confidence”, which is ready to finance the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

Business development loan available to companies with annual revenue up to 60 million rubles . The rate under the program is 16.5% per annum. The maximum amount is 3 million rubles.

There are other programs - “ Loan to replenish working capital», « Express bail», « Loan for the purchase of equipment and transport», « Leasing», « Business Asset», « Business-Invest" and others.

– loan programs for individuals and beginning businessmen. Tinkoff calls itself the most convenient bank for doing business.

If you require a small amount for the current needs of the enterprise, order a Tinkoff Platinum credit card. Its renewable limit is 300,000 rubles, and the base rate is from 15%. The interest-free period lasts 55 days. The card will be issued and delivered to your office or home free of charge.

– loans to individuals, companies and start-up entrepreneurs. Pay attention to a non-targeted loan without collateral in the amount of up to 3 million rubles and a base interest rate of 14.9% per annum.

There are special programs for existing and newly opened MB enterprises - “ Turnover"(replenishment of working capital), " Business perspective», « Overdraft" Take advantage of VTB Bank's offers depending on your goals.

4) Alfa-Bank

– loan programs for business and regular consumer loans in the amount of up to 5 million.

Pay attention to the unique product from Alpha - the Gemini card. This is a debit and credit card in one piece of plastic. Renewable limit – 500,000 rubles. The grace period applies to cash withdrawals. The record period of preferential use is 100 days.

5) Renaissance

– consumer loans for any needs in the amount of up to RUB 700,000. Special conditions for bank clients and borrowers who have provided additional documents.

If you urgently need a small amount for the current needs of the MB, order a Renaissance credit card with a limit 200 thousand and a preferential loan period of 55 days. Free issue and annual maintenance. The rate is 24.9% per year.

5. How to increase your chances of getting a loan to start a small business - 4 useful tips

If you want to increase the chances of a positive response from the bank - use our advice.

Read, memorize and put into practice!

Tip 1. Seek support from financial funds

If you do not have collateral, additional income and other obvious signs of solvency, try taking advantage of preferential loan programs and with the help of Entrepreneurship Centers In your city.

Such structures will provide guarantee to the bank or even take on part of the loan payments.

A number of Russian banks cooperate with the Centers and are ready to provide loans to entrepreneurs at a lower rate and without any collateral. The state reimburses the costs to the banks.

Franchising is an additional guarantee of MB success. Perfect option - buy a franchise from the bank’s partner companies. Financial institutions partner with large brands that have an effective business model.

Tip 3. Provide collateral and issue a guarantee

Collateral and guarantee help you achieve your credit goal as quickly as possible. If there is collateral interest rates are falling, and loan amounts and terms, on the contrary, are growing.

But it’s worth soberly assessing your financial capabilities. If you cannot pay off the loan, the collateral will be sold at a price of 40-50% of its real value. Yes, and you will let down the guarantors - your debts will also affect their credit history.

Tip 4. Use the services of financial brokers

Financial brokers know much more about business loans than first-time entrepreneurs. The services of such companies cost money, but if you find a truly professional and experienced broker, your costs will more than pay off.

6. Conclusion

A loan for starting a small business is a chance for entrepreneurs to launch a promising business project without having personal savings. Many successful businessmen started with borrowed funds and now have billions in profits.

Question for readers

Do you think it’s worth pledging personal property as collateral for a business loan?

We wish you generous lenders and successful commercial projects! Write comments on the article, rate it, and share with friends on social networks. See you again!

To support your own business, you can use third-party funds provided by financial institutions. Credit institutions offer a wide selection of economic means that you can use under certain conditions and start your own business.

Business loan from scratch. Types of loans

It happens that you need a small amount to get started. Then you can get a loan for personal purposes. The bank will not be interested in what purposes it is spent on. A budding entrepreneur can spend it on starting a business. But you need to remember that the size of a consumer loan may be insignificant. When considering an application, a credit institution will be guided by the amount of regular income. Therefore, if your business is small, you can use this type of loan. Loans aimed only at business development are developed by banks independently. Here are some of them.

Targeted investment loan.

Business may involve a new project, expansion of a production line, or implementation of innovative developments in the field of technology. The bank can finance development in the field of scientific discoveries. There are special programs specifically created for this type of financing.

The loan can be in the form of a lump sum payment, or divided into parts over, for example, a year. The factors vary and depend on the specific institution. Some give out funds only when the entrepreneur invests some part of his personal money. Long term loans sometimes require collateral.

Obtaining a loan from a microfinance organization.

Currently, you can get loans from companies that do not have the status of credit institutions. Small organizations issue amounts with fewer requirements for the package of documents. The disadvantage of such a loan will be too high interest rates. This may have a negative impact on the development of a new business.

Leasing for business

This type of loan is essentially similar to renting a car. Only then, after the end of the contract, will the lessee own the car. That is, a company that issues a loan only for the purchase of transport remains the owner of the subject of the loan agreement until the lease is repaid. The ownership of the car is transferred to the borrower only upon repayment of the lease.


The loan is characterized by the receipt of funds by the borrower before the sale of the goods. The factor (bank) transfers a certain part of the funds to the borrower on behalf of a third party. The borrower acts as a seller in relation to a third party. After this, the bank has the right to make claims against the buyer under the transaction. This type of loan is not very common.

Private investment

Such loans are financed by private individuals who subsequently want to own part of the assets of the business for which the loan is issued. The loan is used for the development of high technologies and new developments in production.

One of the leaders in private investment is the service from Alfa Bank - ALFA.POTOK, reviews of which can be found in large numbers on the Internet. The peculiarity of the service is that the loan is approved in the shortest possible time, even if you are not a client of the bank.

For which borrowers will Alpha.Potok be most useful?

First of all, it is worth contacting those entrepreneurs who need to close the cash gap or borrow money for a short period of time (for example, to participate in bidding on government procurement under 44 or 223 Federal Laws), in order to deposit the required amount on the government procurement site or purchase goods, make a delivery and wait transfer from the customer to your bank account.

The margin in such operations usually ranges from 10% to 50%, while for using a loan you will spend from 500 to 5,000 rubles, and earn from 100,000 to 1,000,000 depending on the amount of the contract.

If you are just starting a business, then this solution will not suit you and the project specialists will not approve of you as a borrower. Minimum requirements - an existing stable business.

Funding from the budget

Typically used by government organizations to finance scientific developments or business areas that the government wishes to support. Budgetary institutions act as guarantors and thus support the business. The state, in turn, if problems arise regarding the return, guarantees its partial repayment.

Mortgage lending for non-residential real estate

With this type of loan, the bank can provide financial resources for obtaining real estate used in business activities. The conditions for issuance are generally the same as for residential mortgages.

Factors influencing the issuance of a loan to individual entrepreneurs/LLCs

For a positive result, certain conditions must be met. A businessman must evoke a positive attitude from the employees of the credit institution. The borrower must have certain documents confirming serious intentions in business. Appearance is no less important. Scoring programs for assessing creditworthiness involve obtaining certain points. The higher their number, the more likely a positive decision is.

Credit assessment

The more written evidence of loan solvency, the better. Documents confirming income can be a 2-NDFL certificate, tax returns that reflect the income received for a certain period of time. Any documents that could reliably confirm cash income are suitable. In addition to income, the bank considers the amount of expenses. It is advisable not to have significant expense items. This will give you more chances to get the loan you want.

Business plan and documentation of business ideas

You can confirm your future activities with a written business project. A clear plan for its development. In a personal conversation with the bank manager, you can talk about upcoming prospects, but it will be better if the ideas are written down. A project outlining specific directions for entrepreneurship development will add an extra plus to a positive decision.


You need to be not only neat and polite with the employee accepting the application. A calm, confident look without a shadow of doubt in one’s own abilities will only have a positive effect on the result. The state of alcohol and drug intoxication is excluded.

Express assessment of certain factors regarding the possibility of loan repayment

Some banks have developed their own programs to enable rapid analysis of a client's solvency. A large set of positive ratings during the survey is a priority. What points are interested in credit institutions:

  1. Family status.
  2. Official work experience.
  3. Career growth and position.
  4. What will the loan be used for?
  5. History of received and paid loans.
  6. Presence of minor dependents.
  7. Received education.
The more reliably the ability to repay borrowed funds is confirmed, the greater the chance of success.

How to get a loan to start a small business from scratch. Step-by-step instruction

Sometimes certain difficulties arise with financing the company's activities. There are certain points that differentiate the possibilities of obtaining from the status of a borrower.

3.1 Business loan for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. What is the difference

  1. The conditions for issuing a loan to a company and an individual entrepreneur may differ due to the different legal nature of the borrowers. Basic moments:
  2. A legal organization can pledge property that belongs specifically to the organization.
  3. An entrepreneur can pledge his personal property.
  4. A legal organization is liable for debts only with its property.
In case of non-return, the bailiff will impose a penalty even on property that is not used in business.

3.1.1 What documents are needed to open a business

Before starting a business activity, you need to undergo state registration (). This function is performed by the tax authority. Before submitting documents, you need to decide what status you will have when running your own business.

There are 2 options to choose from - register as a legal entity or become a private entrepreneur. Depending on the status, the package of documents is different.

To register an LLC, the package of documents includes an application for registration, a decision of the founder or a protocol if there are several participants, the charter of the organization and a document on state fees. For an entrepreneur, you only need an application in a certain form, a copy of your passport and a state duty receipt.

Which banks issue loans for small businesses from scratch?

Many financial institutions are actively involved in lending. The main ones:

Loan for starting a business from scratch at Sberbank

Previously, there was a Business Start program, but it was canceled in 2016.

At the moment, the “Trust” type of loan is relevant.

Percentages from 16.5-18.5%. Duration up to 3 years. You can receive an amount of up to 3,000,000 rubles.

It is possible to use the “Business turnover” tool.

Provided to increase the organization's assets - working capital. Term up to 48 months, interest rate 11.8 per annum. The amount that can be approved is from 150,000 rubles.

Loan for starting a business from scratch at Rosselkhozbank

There are a number of programs available, including individual applications. Mainly finances investment projects and targeted loans. This should be a loan for the purchase of agricultural equipment and animals for breeding.

It is necessary to have an open bank account and undergo state registration. Repayment periods range from 5 to 15 years. Rates are selected individually.

Loan for starting a business VTB24

The Bank has developed the Kommersant program.

There are three varieties, the conditions for which are characterized by a minimum rate, quick receipt and provision of a loan with reduced requirements for the package of necessary documents. If you take out a secured loan, the interest rate will be minimal.

Long repayment period and the ability to pledge any property. 4.4 Favorable terms for business lending in other banks. What banks provide preferential loans for businesses

In case of minimal opportunities for obtaining a loan due to the lack of collateral, lack of 2-NDFL certificates, guarantors, you can contact the bank, less stringent conditions are imposed. Such banks have higher interest rates, but the speed of approving applications and issuing funds is very high.

Trust Bank

The main direction of the bank is lending to small and medium-sized businesses. minimum period for consideration of an application.

Alfa Bank

Acceptable rate from 11.9%. quick solution - on the day of application, credit limit up to 3,000,000 rubles, which is enough for most entrepreneurs.

This solution is also ideal for refinancing a loan with another bank.


High interest rate, but you can get an express loan.

Loan from VTB Bank of Moscow

Loan from the bank for Tochka entrepreneurs (apply online)

Loan amount up to 1 million rubles

For up to 5 years

With an interest rate of 12%

Same day decision

Where to refinance a business

If circumstances arise that prevent repayment of the loan, the loan can be refinanced.

That is, turn to another bank to finance an unpaid debt. Not all credit institutions issue loans for loan repayment. The main banks providing this type of service are Otkritie Bank, Sberbank, VTB24, Rosselkhozbank, Alfa Bank.

How to increase your chance of getting loans to start a business

There are several possibilities for obtaining a successful result regarding business lending from a bank.

  1. You can buy the right to sell goods or provide services belonging to a particular brand. A franchise is a real tool that increases your ability to obtain a loan.
  2. It is advisable to find guarantors. These can be persons, regardless of status: organizations, individual entrepreneurs, just individuals. Solvent guarantors who undertake repayment obligations in the event of loan default will significantly increase the chances.
  3. It is necessary to confirm your skills and experience that will be used in future business activities. If the business is aimed at providing services for the production or repair of shoes without the appropriate qualifications, the bank will most likely refuse to issue a loan.
  4. You can turn to credit brokers for help. Obtaining detailed information will open up new opportunities for business financing.
  5. Under no circumstances should you submit counterfeit or inaccurate documents to the bank. Each credit institution has a department dedicated to its own security. Employees of the unit, with the help of various organizations and government bodies, must check the received data.
  6. You can contact specialized centers that support small businesses. Such centers, through government support, can assume part of the obligations. Additionally, the organization can offer a number of credit institutions that are ready to lend to businesses on more favorable terms.

Business loan without guarantors

Some banks work with clients on more favorable terms. Many of them do not require the involvement of third parties to ensure loan repayments, who could vouch for the borrower. List of credit institutions:
Name Return period Interest rate, % per annum Limit amount, rub.
Rusfinancebank 6-36 months 26.54 to 38.42 300 000
Post Bank Up to 60 months From 12.9 1 000 000
Tinkoff Up to 36 months From 14.9 1 000 000
Sberbank Up to 24 months 13,9 100 000
SKB-Bank 3 years 29,5 180 000
Promsvyazbank From 12 to 60 months 12,9 1 500 000

Business loan without collateral or guarantors

Not all entrepreneurs can provide property to secure loan obligations. Many financial institutions provide loans to start-up businesses without collateral. Here are some of them:

Business loan secured by real estate, car (list of banks)

Banks are often reluctant to lend without collateral. Required to confirm with real estate or car. But the interest and conditions are softer than without collateral. This can be seen in the example of banks issuing real estate as collateral:

Loan secured by a vehicle:

How to get a loan to start a business for aspiring entrepreneurs: step-by-step instructions

So, to get a business loan from scratch, you need to perform a number of steps.

  1. It is necessary to determine the most favorable terms for a business to obtain a loan. Are there guarantors willing to provide a financial obligation? For detailed advice, you can contact a credit broker.
  2. You need to choose a bank that could provide the best conditions for financing a start-up business.
  3. It is necessary to develop a detailed business plan.
  4. Contact the bank for advice and a list of documents that need to be provided.
  5. Collect as complete a package of documents as possible, fill out an application and submit it to the bank for consideration.
  6. Who provides assistance in obtaining a loan for business development

It happens that the abundance of information is confusing and does not provide a clear answer to questions regarding the loan. In such cases, you need to contact special financial centers.

The credit broker will advise you in detail on any issues that arise and provide real assistance. At its core, a person involved in lending is a link between someone who needs money and the bank.

The lending institution would like the money to generate income. Therefore, intermediary activity is beneficial for both the bank and the future entrepreneur. With the help of a credit broker, the obstacles that arise will be overcome in a very short time. Intermediary services can solve problems and bring business ideas to life.

Get a loan quickly without collateral or guarantors online

These options are suitable for you if you urgently need money for your business, but do not have time to apply for large loans.

Finding an interesting idea for creating a business is not such a difficult task; it is much more difficult to bring your plan to life. The main problem on the path of a novice entrepreneur is the lack of start-up capital. If it is not possible to receive financial assistance from close friends, colleagues or relatives to develop a young business, then there is only one option left - to apply for a loan from a bank.

However, despite the fact that many institutions talk about their readiness to finance small businesses, in reality it is very difficult to win the loyalty of bankers, expressed in the form of a loan without collateral or guarantors.

Beginning entrepreneurs often face the trivial question of the need to find a source of financing for their projects. Quite rarely, people who want to create a small business have the required amount of money, so before implementing a business plan it is necessary to go through the stage of searching for investments.

In addition to the start-up, financial assistance is needed for the development of an existing company, increasing the volume of working capital, purchasing equipment, machinery, etc. In both cases, you cannot do without outside help, especially for beginners. Entrepreneurs often attract capital by allocating a share in a project or by inviting investors as full partners. But in practice, people most often use credit products from banking institutions.

Due to the sufficient number of offers available on the domestic market, this method has many positive aspects that allow you to start your own business without difficulty. And even though a loan for the development of a small business from scratch is a rather risky procedure for bankers, today it is not difficult to find organizations that have suitable programs.

You can conclude a profitable deal only if you draw up a good business plan in advance and carefully analyze the prospects for implementing the idea. Greater loyalty to the borrower can be shown by those banks where he has already been served as an individual, for example, has taken out small consumer loans or is an existing client who has a credit card or deposit.

The lack of collateral in the form of collateral or guarantors negatively affects the ability to obtain a large loan. However, if the project is prepared professionally, and the business line itself belongs to a profitable sector of the economy, allowing you to receive a good income, then the chances of a positive decision from the bank will increase significantly.

The main reason for refusing to issue a loan to a beginning businessman is insufficient attention on the part of the entrepreneur to the process of registration and collection of the necessary documentation: tax returns, registration certificates, copies of rental agreements, etc. Before providing a loan, the bank must ensure that the project plan meets established standards and guarantees the return of the funds issued, including interest. Consideration of the application may not last one day, but several weeks and even months, during which the credit institution will carefully study the information provided.

Requirements for borrowers and small businesses

Banks always try to cooperate with companies whose activities do not raise doubts or concerns. Of course, they well understand the process of starting a small business, so before making a final decision on the application, the lender will evaluate not only the prepared reports for the tax and other authorities, but also the current state of affairs in the market in the borrower's area.

The main requirements for applicants for business loan programs are as follows - the following are taken into account:

— Territory of doing business. It must be registered in those regions of Russia where there are branches of the creditor bank. In certain cases, but only at the discretion of the lender, a slight distance from the branches of the institution may be considered;

— Legal status. Joint-stock companies and individuals entitled to a share in the business, as well as individual entrepreneurs and legal entities can submit an application;

— Period of activity. As a rule, bankers prefer to cooperate with clients whose business has been operating for more than 1 year, but the minimum period is 6 months;

— Other restrictions. The borrower should not have seized property, frozen bank accounts or other problems with the law;

In addition to the requirements for the business itself, there are also certain criteria that the candidate must meet as an individual. That is, a person with Russian citizenship, age from 21 to 60 years, and a landline telephone number can use bank products. A mandatory requirement is the absence of negative entries in the CI, as well as existing debts in financial institutions. Banks reserve the right to make additional requirements based on the parameters of a specific program and the loan amount.

Current bank offers

Promsvyazbank has several attractive business programs that existing and new clients of the institution can take advantage of. You can get money to start your own business without collateral using the Simplified Loan program. The application is reviewed within 5 days, provided that the applicant has collected all the necessary documents (the list is determined on an individual basis). The maximum amount available for this product is 3 million rubles.

The transfer of funds occurs by transferring money to a created bank account, the opening of which does not require a large set of documentation. The loan term varies from 6 to 36 months, and the interest rate starts from 17% per annum.

Alfa-Bank also has programs related to lending to such a category of borrowers as businessmen and private entrepreneurs, but allowing them to complete a transaction for a larger amount of up to 6 million rubles. The period for consideration of the request is several days, after providing the required papers and filling out the application. According to the bank’s terms and conditions, upon registration, no commissions or other fees are charged for maintaining/opening an account, only if the client does not activate paid services.

In addition, Alfa-Bank issues various gifts in the form of certificates that help promote business in Yandex Direct and for free consultation with lawyers when registering a cash register. You can learn more about the product parameters on the organization’s official website or by calling.


The most profitable and easiest way to get a loan to develop a small business from scratch is to contact. The offers of the most reputable banking institution are distinguished by unique parameters, accessibility and ease of registration. Under the terms of the programs, aspiring entrepreneurs can receive financial assistance in the amount of up to 5 million rubles or 80% of the start-up capital for starting their own business. The debt repayment period is 36–48 months, and if necessary, it can be extended by another couple of years, thereby reducing the burden on the borrower’s budget.

Additional services offered by Sberbank include multimedia courses, loans for replenishing working capital and purchasing equipment, as well as detailed consultations on supporting clients at the initial stage of business development.

When considering applications from applicants, the bank is more loyal to projects based on franchises from players who occupy leading positions in their niche. But if the plan consists of a potentially new or highly competitive idea, the organization may require one of its partners to participate in the development process.

Currently, Sberbank has in its arsenal of business products the following programs: “Express secured loan”, “Credit Trust” and “Business Trust”. The first option involves providing movable and immovable property as collateral, thanks to which the client can borrow up to 5 million rubles at a rate of 16% per annum. The other two products do not require collateral, but the loan size is slightly smaller and the interest rate is a few points higher.

Loan for small business development secured

There are several options for registration with the provision of security, and one of them is secured by real estate. As a rule, the scheme for providing such financial assistance is the conclusion of an additional agreement, which stipulates the conditions for the object being under encumbrance. The borrower can use commercial or residential real estate. The most important thing for the bank is that the collateral is liquid, and if problems arise with repaying the loan, it can quickly sell it.

Thus, you can get up to 80% of the market value of the property at a low interest rate. The assessment must be carried out by an accredited company, for whose services you will have to pay from personal savings. The client retains the right of ownership and use of the property for the entire loan period, but cannot sell, exchange or gift it.

Another option for obtaining a loan for developing a small business from scratch is to provide as collateral: equipment, machinery, vehicles that are on the company’s balance sheet or owned by the founders. The conditions for issuing funds are almost similar to transactions in which real estate is involved, but the loan size cannot exceed 65% of the estimated value of the objects in the aggregate.

Currently, collateral lending is rapidly developing and becoming increasingly popular among ordinary citizens, entrepreneurs, and large companies, since in the conditions of the shaken economy of our country, it is increasingly difficult to obtain a loan without collateral. You can send a request through the official website of the selected institution, but it is best to go to one of the bank branches where you can get competent advice; this will save the borrower from unnecessary running around to the authorities, from which the documentation necessary for registration is required.

Of all the loans, the most difficult to obtain is a loan to start and promote a small business. Individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as individual entrepreneurs) and private individuals running their own business are included in the category of clients whom banks trust least. It is really difficult to get a loan for small business development from scratch. And this situation is explained quite simply. If, when taking out a mortgage for an apartment, you need to convince the bank that you have a stable average income that will definitely not disappear in the next eight years, then with a small business everything is much more complicated. Here, after all, the guarantee of the return of funds to the bank is the potential profitability, profitability, reliability, and survival of this business in the conditions of the shaky Russian economy. The only additional guarantee is the pledge of some valuable property of the borrower.

Even in developed countries (USA, Western Europe), economists give a maximum of 20% to the next small business project. This is the probability that the business will survive and not fail. And in the Russian Federation, this figure is 2-3 times less for a whole range of reasons. So banks are not eager to give money to people who will then very possibly become bankrupt. However, there are certain schemes for interaction with credit institutions for novice businessmen. Let's consider them.

Step-by-step instructions for getting a business loan from scratch

As an example, it is worth studying proposals from the main and largest bank of the Russian Federation in the civilian market. We are talking about Sberbank. He works with all types of business clients - individual entrepreneurs, private entrepreneurs (private entrepreneurs), CJSC, LLC. However, before going to the bank, you should prepare in advance on three main points, without which it is almost impossible to get a loan to start a business from scratch.

  1. Preparation of a business plan. An aspiring entrepreneur must create his own plan, project. This is the start of any business. By the way, regardless of the level (small, medium, large). A businessman or businesswoman determines the main tactical (short-term) and strategic (long-term) directions for the development of the future company. Quantitative (technological, production) and qualitative (increasing complexity of the enterprise structure, improving the skills of workers) analysis is carried out. Production volumes, the ratio of potential costs and profits are calculated, and the conditions of the market sector in which the business will operate are analyzed. The staffing level is also analyzed. A business plan shows investors whether a given business is worth investing in. And the bank too.
  2. Definition of a franchise. If a future individual entrepreneur comes to the bank and says that he wants to open his own independent enterprise, which will be called something like that, he will most likely be denied a loan. A franchise is a brand, it is a type of licensing, it is a certain model of running a business. For example, a franchise is the McDonald's chain. Or Coca-Cola. Or Microsoft. But such franchises are worth billions, since business under their auspices also guarantees corresponding profits. A beginning entrepreneur has to choose from a list of much more accessible options. Moreover, it is desirable that franchise companies are associated partners of the bank where the client is going to take out a loan. At Sberbank, these are Harat’s and a number of other companies that sell relatively inexpensive franchises.
  3. And, of course, you shouldn’t go to the bank, as they say, “naked”, without the possibility of collateral. Of course, it happens that a future individual entrepreneur has nothing to his name except a business plan and the desire to start working as soon as possible. But as already mentioned, financial institutions are extremely careful when issuing money to small businesses. It’s great when the client owns some kind of real estate or other valuable property (a mid-price car, for example). Then you can register this property as collateral. The institution will know that if the business fails, all or most of the money issued will be returned through the sale of the client’s collateral. Those who have nothing will have to at least find funds for a down payment, which is high for business lending (almost always at least 30%).

So, the preparation is complete. Let's go to Sberbank. Here the procedure is as follows:

  1. Filling out a form where, in addition to basic information, you express your desire for a small business from scratch.
  2. Choosing a loan program. You must select a special “Business Start” program.
  3. Registration with the tax service as an individual entrepreneur.
  4. Collection of all necessary documentation. Here you will need not only the standard set of individuals (passport, INN, income certificate 2-NDFL, military ID for men under 27 years of age, pension certificate), but also additional documents related to business lending (business plan, individual entrepreneur certificate or another form of organization, a letter from the franchisor about cooperation, a certificate of ownership of some valuable property that can be used as collateral).
  5. Submitting a direct application for a loan to create and develop a small business.
  6. Providing the bank with funds to repay the down payment (or registering expensive property as collateral).
  7. Getting the money you want and starting your own business.

Of course, some emergency situations and additional requirements may arise. Thus, a franchise company that is a partner of a bank may require an additional detailed analysis of the market sector in which the client plans to operate. If the future business requires additional licenses, they must be obtained before the loan is issued. For example, if a person is going to sell alcohol, hunting and traumatic weapons. Therefore, only general, standard instructions are presented here. The conditions under which Sberbank issues loans for small businesses are average and quite acceptable compared to offers from other banks:

  • annual interest - 18.5% (in other institutions this mark can reach up to 25%);
  • the minimum down payment is 20%, but it is better to agree to 30% (in other institutions it can reach up to 50%);
  • if a client has purchased a franchise from Harat’s, he can be given up to 7 million rubles. In other cases – up to 3 million rubles. The minimum loan is 100 thousand rubles;
  • the loan is issued for a period of up to 5 years (for users of the Harat’s business model) or up to 3.5 years (for all others);
  • The permissible late payment period for monthly payments for Harat’s clients is one year, and for all others – six months.

Requirements for the borrower

Here it is worth considering not the minimum, but the maximum requirements. Those in which the chance of getting a loan increases to 90%. Sberbank's requests are standard. Any other bank will offer similar conditions to novice businessmen:

  • a clearly structured, comprehensive and maximally informative business plan;
  • income certificate in form 2-NDFL;
  • possession of any valuable property suitable for collateral;
  • having an account in another bank, owning shares and other securities (bank statement, from the register of shareholders). This is analogous to a pledge;
  • good credit history (having any other loans repaid on time). At the same time, having an outstanding loan that the client repays is not a plus, because it is an additional financial burden;
  • the presence of co-borrowers (business partners) or guarantors who have proven their financial solvency to the bank;
  • the client not only has a permanent residence permit, but also intends to open a business at the place of residence and location of the creditor bank. For example, in the same city where the Sberbank branch and the borrower’s home address are located;
  • The client's age ranges from 27–45 years. Why exactly 27 years? The answer is military duty, which is not at all pleasing to the banks;
  • For some reason, according to statistics, people with families are more trusted. Although family, logically, can become a distraction from business. Banks probably believe that a family man is a priori more responsible;
  • absence of any debts (for other loans, utility bills);
  • information about the client’s main monthly expenses (utility payments, other loans, alimony, rent, etc.);
  • absence of criminal convictions (especially outstanding, serious and for financial crimes);
  • a certificate confirming that the borrower has not been and is not registered with a psychiatric and/or drug treatment clinic.

It is not necessary to strictly comply with all factors. Yes, such borrowers practically do not exist in nature. It’s just that the “gold standard”, the ideal, is described here. Some factors are not particularly important (marital status), while others are of paramount importance (collateral, business project, absence of crime and mental health/drug problems).

It is worth mentioning that if the borrower already had his own business and now wants to take out a new loan for a new business, then this will be to his disadvantage. Because the bank always evaluates unsuccessful entrepreneurial experience from a negative point of view. And where is the guarantee that this individual entrepreneur’s new endeavors will not fail in the same way?

Factors influencing the bank's decision to issue a loan

In principle, after reading all of the above, you can clearly see those points on which the positive decision of the beneficiary directly depends. To summarize, there will be only three main factors: a promising and well-designed business plan, the availability of a suitable franchise and a certain financial level of the client. If all three points are assessed by the bank as excellent, then this will bring the borrower close to the loan he needs so much. It is useful to know that in the business lending system, banks work according to plan. That is, the client is analyzed according to a proven template. And there are two such templates.

No. 1. Credit specialists monitor the borrower and issue a verdict (on the client’s solvency and the degree of risk for the bank).

No. 2. A statistical, automated “Scoring” system is used, based on the use of mathematical methods. Within this system, all borrowers are sorted into groups, each of which is characterized by a certain degree of risk.

Sometimes the bank resorts to both analysis options.

Other ways to get a loan

It may well turn out that the bank refused to issue a loan. But this situation is not completely hopeless. What workarounds are there?