Interesting business ideas during a crisis. What to do in a crisis? Current business ideas

How to make money in a crisis without waiting for better times? This issue has to be resolved by each new generation - crises “please” with enviable regularity. Offer people something they can’t do without, and they will find ways to pay for your work.

Our generation was lucky - it did not know the hardships of war, famine, or the repression of dictatorial regimes. But life is structured in such a way that, apparently, no one can overcome the difficulties in it. The severe economic crisis since the collapse of the USSR, the economic crises of 1998 and in just a couple of decades, set new tasks for young Russian businesses, the experience of which could not be solved.

Each crisis has its own causes, but the symptoms of all of them are similar. If governments try to cope with the causes of the crisis, then its symptoms (or consequences) become the problems of ordinary citizens who have no choice: they must survive and overcome difficulties with dignity. Every enterprising person understands that in a crisis you can rely, first of all, on your own strength.

Opening your own business during a crisis seems strange, to say the least, since it is at this time that a lot of companies go bankrupt and people are left without work. In conditions of a sharp decline in the purchasing power of the population, opening a new business looks adventurous also because, as a rule, there is no one to support the new entrepreneur. Investors, creditors or potential partners do not trust the aspiring businessman and refuse to support him. In general, mistrust becomes the basis of any economic crisis (see “”).

But no matter how difficult it is, a person cannot remain idle. Many are forced to open a new business because they have lost their savings and people are deprived of their livelihood. Are there types of businesses that you can bet on during a crisis?

Since businessmen are extremely limited in funds, the proposed business should be low-cost, and it is better to do without initial capital.

What to do in a crisis?

We will offer several options for small businesses to open during a crisis. Of course, they cannot be considered as universal remedies that are sure to be effective. Each proposal should be carefully considered in relation to your specific circumstances.

1.​ Food production

Not surprising, since people always need to eat. During a crisis, the food market is radically reshaped: trade in delicacies and expensive imported products is sharply reduced or completely stopped, production is restructured to inexpensive food products.

But there is a main group of products that are needed in any conditions. For example, bread and pastries should always be fresh, and for the holidays the buyer should be able to buy cakes, pastries, etc.

Chocolate is in constant demand (and especially in difficult times). Do you remember the numerous stalls of the early nineties that were filled with suspiciously made chocolate, lollipop candies, nuts in packs, chewing gum, etc.? All this sold well. Psychologists say that in difficult times people especially need sweets; everyone subconsciously tries to “sweeten” reality.

The most important thing for a businessman is to correctly identify an unoccupied niche and set the correct price for a popular product. The price should be such that everyone can buy the product. You need to determine what exactly you are going to cook in your own kitchen, where it will be sold, register and get to work.

2.​ Financial consulting

In times of crisis, many businessmen experience financial difficulties: investments are risky, payments are delayed, obligations are not fulfilled. Proper money management becomes very important.

If you have professional knowledge in this area, you can successfully advise clients. Consultations with private individuals on how to preserve their savings against inflation are in particular demand. Investors are interested in promising areas in a falling market. The business is interesting because the owner does not incur any costs, selling only his own knowledge and experience.

3. Car repair

Cars sell poorly during a crisis, but old ones continue to break down. You always have to spend money on a car - a person gets used to the car and cannot imagine life without it. Car repair is a stable business in a crisis. By doing this, you can additionally keep an eye on possible profitable acquisitions of a car shop or an interesting franchise.

4.​ Housing design, landscape design, home staging

The crisis is hitting the real estate market the hardest. Sales volumes are falling so much that realtors are often on the verge of despair. To find a buyer, they are ready to make reasonable investments to give the apartment or house an attractive appearance. To carry out such pre-sale work, they usually hire specialists in home staging - preparing housing for sale. The work can be very different: interior design, furniture arrangement, landscape design, etc.

Of course, a person cannot master such work without special training. But, if you have knowledge and experience in this area, then such a business may turn out to be very promising during a crisis.

5.​ Eco-business

In recent years, environmentalism has become a very fashionable trend. The release of products that help protect the environment during a crisis can also be promising. You can try yourself, for example, in growing organic vegetables or consulting on waste optimization and disposal. It all depends on what knowledge you have, your desire and the availability of free land.

6.​ Virtual assistance

During a crisis, many companies, reducing their own costs, outsource many tasks. In this way, you can save money by reducing the rental of office space and reducing the staff who were previously involved in this work.

You can perform various types of work as a remote user using email or online. Such workers are needed by large and small companies, as well as private entrepreneurs. Outsourcing is a rare type of business organization that expands during a crisis due to low costs.

7. Caring for the elderly

The elderly care industry is developed throughout the civilized world. The crisis does not stop people from aging, so care for the elderly will remain relevant even in difficult times. Many retirees love traveling. Here's another great business topic - travel for seniors. To choose an activity that suits you, open thematic websites and familiarize yourself with the work of social services to help the elderly. If you are inclined to such work, you will probably find something that interests you.

8. Online video production

Cinema and television, which were familiar only yesterday, have today been replaced by the Internet for many. During a crisis, people go to clubs, cafes and cinemas less. For an entrepreneur who loves and knows how to make interesting videos, you can offer a business selling your own film materials on specialized websites.

9. Selling cosmetics

Cosmetics for women are a cure for depression at all times. Analyze the cosmetics market in your city. You can create an online store and successfully sell perfume, lipstick, eye shadow, mascara, creams, etc. High-quality products and the absence of additional costs will ensure attractive prices and good results, since similar cosmetics in stores will be at least a third more expensive.

10.​ Trading assistant

During a crisis, many people are ready to offer unnecessary things for sale in order to earn at least a little money. eBay and Craigslist, for example, offer auctions for unwanted items. Few ordinary people will thoroughly understand what kind of auctions they are, how they work and how you can trade through them. These portals have options for selling on behalf of a third party, allowing you to earn a certain percentage of the sale. This is what a sales assistant does. Despite the apparent frivolity, this profession is in great demand during a crisis.

11.​ Sale sites

In times of crisis, people especially need goods sold at discounts. Particularly popular are sites that post information about retail businesses selling goods at discounts and all kinds of sales. Such sites make money from advertising.

12.​ Own blog

Running a personal blog or website can be a profitable business. The main requirement is that published materials must be interesting and attract a large number of visitors. Well-visited blogs place advertising on which the blogger makes money (see “” and “”).

The crisis leads some people to poverty, while others do not change their financial situation, and still others become even richer during the economic downturn. Of course, few people would want to be classified in the first category. The majority of people strive to be in the third or at least the second group.

Definition of crisis

From time to time it happens that the harmony of our life begins to collapse under the influence of irresistible external forces. At the same time, the course of events and the usual way of things for everyone changes. Established views on the surrounding reality are also being revised. All this indicates the onset of a crisis.

During such a period, many of us feel that life has come to an end, and the familiar world is certainly about to collapse. This condition can cause shock to a business.

This is facilitated by:

  • currency exchange rate fluctuations;
  • losses from failed transactions;
  • new rules and laws for entrepreneurs, etc.

In such a situation, it seems to many that all the effort, time and money that went into creating their own business were wasted.

Making the right decision

In times of crisis? Maybe I should give up and come to terms with everything? After all, it seems to many that a collapse has come, everything is already lost. However, don't lose heart!

Consider the crisis as the next stage of business, which will certainly be followed by a powerful impetus for development. The economic downturn should not be a time of despair for you, but a motivation for making extraordinary decisions and active actions. If you don’t find the answer to the question of how to make money during a crisis, then you need to learn how to properly conduct business, try to control all indicators and work processes, create a strong team of professionals and build a reliable management system. Only in this case will it be possible to derive maximum benefit from the misfortunes and troubles that have befallen you.

What does the crisis lead to?

A recession in the economy of any state causes the following:

  • reduction in consumer demand;
  • tightening conditions for banks to issue loans;
  • savings on labor costs;
  • reduction in the number of employees and much more.

In this regard, sales during a crisis will certainly decline. Consumers are purchasing fewer items, which is negatively impacting many small businesses. Surviving a crisis will require the use of non-standard methods, which we will discuss below.

Finding a new market niche

In a crisis, when there is a drop in consumer demand and fierce competition? One of the options for making the right decision may be to find a new market niche. Your business should become highly specialized, intended only for a small circle of consumers.

To determine the main areas of activity, you will need to find in time the area of ​​unsatisfied needs of people for the product or service they need.
How to make money during a crisis by taking advantage of this? It's not difficult at all! First of all, you will need to identify a special group of consumers who need products that are not available on the mass market. The most profitable business can be started by the one who makes a unique offer to his clients. This will be an entry into a new niche. It is worth keeping in mind that you can create a unique business using unusual ways of working with consumers.

There are a huge number of options to start developing a new direction. At the same time, it is important to remember that in order to conduct business successfully, you cannot stop there. This is especially true during periods of economic downturn. Working in a crisis requires a constant search for new market niches and ideas.

If you decide to open a new business...

Downturns in the economy always turn out to be a serious test for those who are representatives of medium or small businesses. The consequences of the crisis are varied. During this period, the weakest go bankrupt, while the strong survive. As for far-sighted businessmen, they are creating new, most effective ways to answer the question of how to make money during a crisis. These enterprising people waste no time in developing strategic directions that will help them overcome the difficulties encountered with honor.

Many people hesitate to open their own business during a difficult economic period, fearing failure and ruin. However, you need to start a business when you feel ready for it. At any time this is not an easy matter. Something will always get in the way. However, the good news is that you will become your own boss and master, and you will also stop working for “someone else’s uncle.”

Those who were planning to open their own franchise business should not panic. If you wait until the crisis subsides, the most promising niches will be occupied by other entrepreneurs. You risk being left out of work.

Business ideas during a crisis should be carefully thought out. Of course, no one is immune from failure, but such a risk also exists during periods of stability. When choosing the direction of a new business that will be opened as a franchise, you will need to determine the sector in which a decline in sales is expected or there will be a demand for services that are not in demand during stable times.

One only has to take a close look at the first sector to understand which businesses are not worth investing in. Their list during the crisis includes construction and trade in gadgets, as well as expensive electronics, luxury restaurants and much more. Survival during a crisis in these areas is possible only if there are powerful assets and lack of competition in the local market.

As for the second sector, it should attract special attention from the novice entrepreneur. This is where you can earn a lot of money, despite the downturn in the economy. What are they like in a crisis? Experts include:

  1. Outsourcing. This is a promising type of business, as many companies will strive to reduce their costs. To continue to operate successfully, they will have to outsource some non-core processes. There are quite interesting franchises that operate by offering outsourcing of personnel and outsourcing services.
  2. Consulting. This is work to forecast consumer demand for certain types of services, to increase staff motivation and to increase the efficiency of their work. This type of activity feels great not only in times of stable economics, but also in periods of recession.
  3. Services. This is the most profitable business in a crisis. Increases in the repair of various office and industrial equipment always occur during periods of shortage of funds.

These are the most relevant business ideas during a crisis. The best ways to make money can be found by conducting a thorough analysis of the local market.

How can an already opened enterprise operate during a crisis?

When there is a downturn in the economy, running a franchise business will have to be reconsidered somewhat. It will take maximum concentration of all efforts to keep the business afloat. This is especially true in the sector where the riskiest businesses are located.

Managing an enterprise in a crisis will require taking some unpopular measures for the team. Among them are the following:

  • Staff reduction. To maintain your own business, some specialists will need to be replaced with outsourcers. This will reduce costs by up to fifty percent.
  • Reduced operating costs. The company can save money by reducing the costs of purchasing new equipment, organizing corporate events, and purchasing office supplies.
  • Keeping wages at the same level, despite the growth of the dollar and euro.
  • Investing only in property that will generate income. This could be securities, real estate, equipment, etc.

Sales during periods of decreased purchasing power

How to make money in a crisis when consumer demand is falling? Which business will be the most profitable under these conditions? To answer this question, you need to first ask yourself: “What am I willing to spend my money on today?”

Most likely, inexpensive goods that cannot be lived without, for example, shoes and clothing, will be in high demand among buyers. This especially applies to women's wardrobe items. And this is not surprising. Every woman wants to be beautiful and elegant. That is why representatives of the fair half of humanity may not renew, but certainly periodically replenish their wardrobe. Sellers of fashionable, but at the same time inexpensive shoes and clothing are especially popular during the crisis. This is the product that will answer the question: “How to make money in a crisis?”

Even during this period, children's shoes and clothing are in great demand. Kids are constantly growing, they just need to constantly change their wardrobe. Parents are unlikely to buy expensive models for their child, because they have to save on everything. But cheaper offers will be received with a bang.

If you have already decided how to make money during a crisis and have chosen to trade in shoes and clothing, then you will need to take into account some nuances. Fashion, elegance and grace must go hand in hand with an affordable price. There may be no demand at all for the cheapest and most inconspicuous models.

Increased profitability will be facilitated by the sale of inexpensive accessories along with clothing. This could be jewelry, belts, bags, ties, etc.

Providing services during periods of economic downturn

How to make money during a crisis? Repairs are in particular demand during this period. Everything that in better times we would throw away to make room for something new will continue to work during a crisis. This applies to DVD players and furniture, TVs and washing machines, cars and coffee grinders, electric kettles, etc. During periods of economy, it is quite difficult to replace all this, and people begin to repair old things.

What business can be opened during a crisis? What to do to earn money? An interesting option would be a tire retreading workshop. Many car owners want to save money on their purchase. They repair shoes for their car in workshops that use cold welding technology. Tires retreaded in this way are equal in quality to new ones. Such enterprises are very common in the USA, Europe and China. In Russia, this niche has not been filled, despite the fact that this is a very profitable business in a crisis. What to do during periods of economic downturn? Start your own tire retreading business. The cost of this service is 20-25 percent of its cost. This allows you to get quite high profits.

Good income during periods of crisis comes from the supply of auto cosmetics, auto parts and auto chemicals. This is due to the fact that car owners strive to keep their “iron horses” in good condition, since they cannot afford to purchase new models.

During times of economic hardship, brochures with tips on how to raise money during a crisis will be in demand. Articles on this topic are especially popular in difficult times. You can not only make money from this, but also help others do it.

Network marketing

When a crisis occurs, do not panic. Try to reconsider all your talents and determine areas for their use. Those who love live communication are recommended to try themselves in network marketing. During a crisis, this particular business has especially active development. Network companies, as a rule, offer goods in the highest demand.

These are medicines and cosmetics, household chemicals, etc. People always need such products. The good news is that to organize this business you will not need initial investments or rent of office space. You can conduct such a business directly from home.

Food business

This industry, as a rule, is not affected by the crisis. People need food even during periods of economic downturn. In addition, fresh baked goods, as well as wedding and holiday cakes, continue to be popular. Those with a sweet tooth will not deny themselves the pleasure. They will certainly buy chocolate to somehow brighten up their gray everyday life.
The goal of organizing a product business is to find a free niche and set a price for your product that would appeal to a potential buyer.

Home staging

The real estate market becomes the most vulnerable during a crisis. Finding a buyer for a house offered by realtors is not easy. And during this period, home staging experts are in great demand. This concept means pre-sale preparation of a house. The main task of such experts is to arrange furniture, interior and landscape design, as well as other housework, including removing unpleasant odors from its premises.

It is worth saying that this business is very resistant to the crisis. It can be done by an entrepreneur who carries out repair work and develops landscape and interior design.

Opening of courses

Parents have always considered it their immediate responsibility to give their child a good education. Despite the crisis, children continue to attend school. For those who are lagging behind, fathers and mothers will always find funds for additional lessons with a teacher. The business of organizing courses for adults, where people can acquire a new profession that is most in demand on the labor market, has remarkable potential.

The conclusion from all of the above is clear. If you have a desire to earn money, there will always be something to do. And crisis phenomena are unlikely to become an obstacle for an enterprising and courageous person.

During a crisis, the purchasing power of a significant part of the population is significantly reduced. For this reason, many goods and services become unclaimed. We will try to figure out what is profitable to sell during the 2018 crisis in this article.


When a person lacks financial resources, he buys only what he cannot do without. First of all, these are food products. Of course, in addition to food, people also need clothes and shoes. But during a crisis, you can wear old things, but you can’t live without food. Therefore, if you are wondering what is profitable to sell during the 2018 crisis, try selling products.

A person cannot live a single day without food, so food is in great demand in any economic conditions. Do not forget that expensive gourmet delicacies will not be very popular during a crisis. Therefore, if you decide to sell food, offer customers inexpensive cereals, social varieties of bread or vegetables. The demand for such products begins to grow during a crisis, so you will make a good profit.

Construction Materials

Following a sharp rise in the dollar, sales of building materials increased by 20–25% in 2015. According to experts, in 2018 the demand for them will begin to gradually decline, but despite this, such products will be very popular.

The real crisis in the construction industry will come at the end of 2018, when construction of the projects that have begun will be completed. Since there is a downturn in the real estate market during the crisis, construction is temporarily suspended, so the demand for building materials will begin to decline significantly at the end of 2018. Therefore, owners of building materials stores will have to think about what they can sell during a crisis in order to survive difficult times.

Chinese products

Many people know that in China consumer goods are much cheaper than in our country. This is due to low production costs.

Chinese manufacturers offer any products at low prices:

  • Clothes and shoes;
  • Kids toys;
  • Electronics;
  • Production equipment and more.

Now let’s figure out how to sell goods from China during a crisis. The simplest and most affordable option is dropshipping. To start such a business, you need to open your own online store and resell products from Chinese suppliers through it.


Medicines are a product for which people pay their last money. Don’t know what’s best to sell during the 2018 crisis? Open your own pharmacy. Modern people try not to save on their health, so sales of medicines in difficult economic conditions do not decrease, and in some cases even begin to increase.

In this matter, one very important point should be taken into account. In order for the pharmacy to have many customers, expensive imported medicines should be replaced with cheap domestically produced analogues. During a crisis, people save money, so they give preference to inexpensive, high-quality medicines made in our country.


Anything, even the best quality, will sooner or later wear out, so you have to buy new clothes and shoes. If you can't decide what products to sell during a crisis, open an inexpensive clothing store. Unlike groceries, clothing sales may decline during a crisis as many people repair and rewear old items. But despite this, such products are always in demand.

The best-selling items during a crisis are used or cheap items. Wholesale or retail trade in second-hand goods brings good income. Such a business begins to flourish precisely in difficult economic conditions.

Hygiene items

Personal hygiene items occupy an important place among essential goods. Their sales level may drop slightly during the crisis, but this only applies to expensive imported products. Just like medicines, consumers replace it with inexpensive domestic analogues.

Among personal care products, the best-selling products during the crisis are:

  • Toothpaste and brushes;
  • Soap;
  • Shampoos;
  • Washing powders;
  • Detergents and cleaning products;
  • Inexpensive perfumes and deodorants.

Companies that sell hygiene products during the crisis are refocusing on domestic manufacturers producing inexpensive, high-quality products.

Auto parts

During a crisis, people refuse to buy new cars, so the trade in spare parts rises to the highest level in difficult economic conditions. To expand the range, you can trade various technical fluids, oils and other consumables.

An auto parts store is a great option for those looking for... In the future, it is possible to cover several segments of the automotive market, for example, car repair or self-service car washes. At the same time, the most investment-intensive ideas should be excluded.

It should be noted that trading in auto parts is a profitable and reliable investment. Nowadays, cars have become a part of people's lives, so there is a great demand for spare parts in any economic conditions. The profitability of this business reaches 80-110%, which is quite a high figure for retail trade.

Ritual goods

People are born, die and get married, no matter what the state of the world economy is. This process cannot be slowed down or stopped, so various ritual goods are always in great demand.

Any person can open such a business, even if he has never encountered the provision of funeral services. This is the easiest way. Before you start work, you should decide on the direction of your activity. This could be a small funeral home or a wedding salon. Some ritual goods can be taken for sale in order to save on their purchase. If you offer high quality and excellent service to your customers, your business will prosper.

Childen's goods

The demand for quality children's products is constantly growing, as modern parents want to give their children the best. Some mothers and fathers, who are constantly busy at work, try to compensate for the lack of attention with expensive toys and fashionable clothes. This is a rather sad fact, but it is what raises the level of sales in children's goods stores. If you are thinking about what is best to sell during a crisis, pay attention to children's toys and essential goods - diapers, bottles, diapers, wipes, etc.

If we talk about children's clothing, focusing on it is quite risky. Of course, caring parents will not leave their child without the necessary things. But during a crisis, many are happy to accept used clothes as gifts, so they are in no hurry to go to the store for new things. You shouldn’t completely exclude children’s clothing from the assortment, but its share should be no more than 10-15% of the total volume of products presented in a children’s store. If you can determine what is profitable to sell during a crisis, your business will prosper.


Alcohol products are very popular at any time. During a crisis, the demand for alcohol begins to grow, as many people try to relieve stress and relax a little with the help of alcoholic drinks. Despite the fact that the state introduces various restrictions to protect citizens of our country from excessive alcohol consumption, the demand for these products is constantly increasing.

Trading alcohol products is considered a very profitable and profitable business, but before you engage in such a business, you need to obtain permits and officially register your enterprise. If you manage to organize your business correctly, it will generate decent income even during a crisis.

Video on the topic

Used items

Many entrepreneurs ask the question: how to sell expensive goods during a crisis, if people even start saving on food? Of course, too high prices scare consumers away, so in times of crisis they begin to pay more attention to second-hand items.

We have already mentioned second-hand stores above. You can also sell used video and photographic equipment, used phones and construction tools.

Training courses

During a crisis, many companies hire special crisis managers. There are few such specialists in our country, so managers have to send their employees to training courses. If you have knowledge in this area, you can organize such courses and get good money for it. Experience and knowledge are goods that are always in great demand. True professionals overcome any obstacles with dignity and always find a way out of any, even the most difficult situation.